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Ref No.

: 140838


I am pleased to offer you a place in the Course(s) set out in the Course Details in Section 2 of this letter.
Section 1: Personal details

Surname QUEBRADA ARENAS Given Name Rosa Angelica

Telephone +57 3212662310 E mail
Address 20 9-26, Cra, Meta, English score
505001 ,Colombia
Date of Birth 28/11/1999 Gender Female
Citizenship Colombian Passport No. BA999173
USI Visa type Student Visa
Agent's name Direction Australia Agent's email

Section 2: Course Details

CRICOS Code Course Details Start Date Finish Date Study Period Tuition Fee Weekly
076607G General English 21/08/2023 05/04/2024 30 weeks $5,400.00 20 hours face
to face
Total Tuition Fees 30 weeks AUD $5,400.00
Location Level 7, 451 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Special Conditions and/or GE: 3-week break Christmas Holiday included Evening Class
special entry requirements

*Study period includes holidays.

*Refer to WIN's calendar for details for times, dates, campus and specific room allocations on line before start.
*Student does not pay any course fees until they have received and accepted a course offer.
*WIN College reserves the right to cancel a course, alter fees and delivery mode at any time for any reason.

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076607G Entry Requirements No entry requirements. Be 18 years of age or over.

The letter of offer and your acceptance in the course offered is on condition that:
1. That your completed Written Agreement is accepted by WIN
2. That you pay all required fees before the course commencement date
3. You purchase Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) before commencing with WIN and provide evidence to WIN
that you have the required insurance. WIN can arrange OSHC for you on your behalf upon your written request.
Section 3: Fee summary

Application Fee (Non-tuition fee-to be paid once) AUD $200.00

CoE Fee (Non-tuition fee- to be paid before each course) AUD $0.00
Material Fee (Non-tuition fee- to be paid before each course) AUD $0.00
Pre-paid Tuition Fee AUD $2,700.00
Total education fees first instalment (not inclusive of Health Cover) AUD $2,900.00
Overseas Student Health Cover (If applicable) AUD $0.00
Total Fee Due AUD $2,900.00

NB Student may choose to pay more than 50% of tuition fees before course commencement.
(Check first if any conditions apply)

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Section 4: Payment

Course Code Fee name Amount Due date

GE GE Fee Instalment 1 (Deposit)* AUD $2,900.00 Now
Fee Installment 2 AUD $2,700.00 04/12/2023
Total AUD $5,600.00

*Due before CoE is issued

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Additional Fees and Charges (if applicable)

Description Fees/Charges Description Fees/Charges

Student identification (ID) Card No charge Academic report prints out No charge
Student ID card (Re-issue) $20.00 Workbooks No charge
Academic tracking record No charge Re-assessment fee including late $200
Academic tracking record (Re-issue) or print of $50.00 Late payment fee $20 per day
Academic transcript
COE Fee $100 per Tuition support & Private Tuition ($80 POA
course p/h)
COE amendments (i.e. change dates) $200 Misbehavior Discretionary
Application Fee (Paid once) $200 English Placement Test No charge
Same day Certificate service fee or student $40 / page Re-attempt assessment up to 6 POA
letter months after course ends
Certificate/Statement of Attainment (Re-issue) $20 / page Material Fee $100 - $250
Course completion letter (Re-issue) $20 / page Deferment Admin Fee POA $200-$600
Credit card payments 2% Local postage POA
Application for RPL POA International postage POA
Re-enrolment in course after withdrawal $200

How to make the payment:

Payment can be made by telegraphic transfer, cash, Visa, MasterCard, cheque or direct deposit into WIN's bank
account. (NB: All card payments incur a 2% surcharge).

WIN's banking details are:

Bank: Commonwealth Bank Account Name: George Education Group Pty ltd
BSB: 062 033 Account No: 1052 1258
SWIFT Code: CTBAAU2S Branch Address Elizabeth & Foveaux Streets, Sydney

The fees shown in the offer letter are correct at the time this letter is produced, but WIN reserves the right to vary fees at
any time.

Please complete and sign each page of this Offer Letter and the Education Program Agreement and provide certified
documentation to fulfil the conditions of your offer (if any) and return these with your payment. Unless accepted, this offer
expires on month after the date of this letter.
Once again, congratulations on your acceptance into WIN College. We look forward to having you as a student and wish
you all the best in your studies.

Yours sincerely,

College Administrator
WIN College
Date: 05/05/2023

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It is a mandatory requirement for all students to participate in the scheduled Orientation session prior to the commencement of
your training. The orientation session is to equip you with the essential information about our institution, our internal processes,
our facilities, our support systems and processes to assist you during your studies.

Upon completion of your orientation session, you will be provided with your log-in details to our portal, your student ID card and
your timetable for your classes. You will also meet your educators who will explain to you about your course, training process
and assessment requirements.

The orientation sessions are scheduled as listed below:

Date Day Session Time

If you are an existing student of WIN Education and are either continuing your studies or commencing a new course, you need
to complete the enrolment process and may not be required to participate in the entire orientation process. Please inform our
support officer about your status to be guided accordingly. It is essential that you get all information about your new course and
update the college for any changes to your circumstances.

Terms and Conditions

Applying for your student visa

Once you have completed this form and deposit has been paid, WIN will secure your place in the course and issue an
Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (e-COE). This document is required in your Student Visa application.
Your Student Visa Application should be submitted to your nearest Australian Embassy, Mission or Consulate (see The Australian Department of Home Affairs provides more information regarding the
Student Visa process (see
Preparing for Arrival in Australia
Once you have received your Student Visa, you can prepare for your arrival in Australia. You will need to book your flights
and accommodation. WIN Institute has Prospective Student information on their website, or it can be printed for you on
application. This will provide you with useful information on accommodation options, general information on studying in
Australia and important contact details for WIN. If you are not able to attend the orientation you must notify WIN in advance,
an Orientation Rescheduling Fee will apply. Should you fail to come to orientation or successfully reschedule you will forfeit
the fees paid and you may have to re-enrol. Please note WIN will cancel your COE for non-commencement of studies
should you fail to show for orientation or not contact WIN in writing.
You are expected to arrive in time for your course orientation. Orientation occurs on the day (all day), one week before
your course commencement date as stipulated on your COE. It is important that you attend your orientation as this session
provides you with important information regarding your studies and general life at WIN. If you would like to learn more
about orientation, or any other services available to students at WIN, please contact WIN Institute administration.

Your Obligations
By signing the Terms and Conditions, you agree to:
Provide documents to meet the conditions of your Offer (if applicable);
Pay all your tuition and associated course fees as they become due (see fee and refund policy below);
Advise WIN of any changes to your contact details within 7 days;
The Course Credit listed in your Offer (if applicable);
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Have read and understood the information, refund policy and terms and conditions of enrolment provided; and
Have read and understood the Student Handbook available at or at WIN.
Have read information about course content, pre-requisites, English level requirements, compulsory online learning, face-
to-face lectures /classes and work-related-learning.
WIN recommends that you read the ESOS framework information, which provides legislative protection for International
students, available at
Obligations when you change contact details
International students must notify the College of their residential address within seven days of arriving in
Australia. Similarly, they must notify the College within seven days of any change of address and contact details. Failure
to do so might result in the student being reported to DHA and may lead to cancellation of their visa.

Fee & Refund Policy (This policy relates to all current and prospective students)
1. WIN reserves its right to cancel any student enrolments prior to the date of course commencement and all fees will be
2. The enrolment fee, accommodation placement booking fee and airport pickup fee are not refundable under any
circumstances, including visa refusal.
3. All refunds (approved according to WIN policies and procedures) will be made to the student or the person that the
student authorised only within 14 days from the day of the refund approved.
4. All refund requests will not be accepted, and all fees paid are not refundable after course commencement except for
a student visa refusal with official visa refusal letter submitted. In the case of a student visa refusal occurs after course
commencement, a refund of the unspent portion of the tuition fees will be refunded as per subsection 47E(2) of the
Act. Non-tuition fees will not be refundable.
5. All requests for refund must be made in writing by completing a Refund Request Form, addressed to Accounts and
submitted with relevant supporting evidence (e.g. visa refusal letter).
6. No refund will be given to any student who commences the course, breaches their visa conditions or fails to meet
course requirements, or withdraws a visa application, or receives a visa refusal due to fraudulence, or any format of
fraudulence found.
7. Where a student cancels his or her enrolment giving more than 28 days notice prior to the original course
commencement (not deferred commencement date), 70% of full course fee paid is refundable. All partial course fee
paid will not be refundable.
8. Where a student cancels his or her course giving less than 28 days notice prior to the original course commencement
(not deferred commencement date), no refund will be given.
9. A refund of all tuition fees paid by an international student will be made if the student visa application is rejected before
course commencement. The application for refund must be made no later than 4 weeks after the visa refusal. Please
note: visa refusal document must indicate WIN’s COEs were used for the application alone or in a package. A refund
would be issued as per subsection 47E(2) of the Act, the amount of a refund is the amount of the course fees, minus
the lesser of either: (a) 5% of the amount of course fees received by the provider in respect of the student before the
default day; or (b) $500.
10. In the event that a student fails to commence or discontinue without a formal written course cancellation received by
WIN, no refund will be issued, which includes all monies paid or scheduled to be paid to WIN, including monies paid
for OSHC. The balance of fees owing will be invoiced to the student.
11. If the provider (WIN) defaults for the following reasons a full refund of all monies paid to WIN will be refunded within
14 days. (a) The course does not start on the agreed starting day, (b) the course is not provided in full or (c) WIN
cannot deliver the courses, (d) contra-indications to successful study identified.
12. In the event that a student defaults, no refund will be issued to the student either before or after commencement of
their course. Student default is: (a) student failed to pay an amount he or she was liable to pay to WIN directly or
indirectly, in order to undertake the course, (b) the student breached a condition of his or her student visa or conditions
of enrolment of WIN, (c) or misbehaviour of the student (WIN considers misbehaviour as a breach-of-conduct as can

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be found in the Student Handbook under “Student responsibilities and code of behaviour”) *“Breach of conduct”
includes course abandonment or student changing their mind after a course has commenced.
13. All fees paid are not transferable.
14. Current fees may increase at a maximum of 3% during enrolment period of each course.
15. All refund considerations will be strictly limited to the amount that WIN has received from the student as tuition fees
only (i.e. exclusive of all non- refundable fees and agent commissions, whether this commission was deducted before
or after student payment to WIN.)
16. Alternatively, if in default, WIN will arrange for the student to be offered a place in an alternative course(s) delivered by
a CRICOS registered provider at the WIN’s expense. If the student accepts the offer of placement in an alternative
course(s) in writing, the WIN is relieved of its liability to provide a refund to the student.
17. Alternatively, under the Tuition Protection Service (TPS) framework, if WIN is unable to fulfil its obligations to deliver a
course, the TPS framework will facilitate the placement of students in the first instance, and where this is not possible,
will provide a refund of unexpended tuition fees (i.e. tuition the student has paid for but has not been delivered by WIN).
The TPS covers WIN defaults if the course cannot be delivered fully or partially due to any sanction imposed on WIN.
18. No tuition fee refund is payable if the student has provided fraudulent and misleading information to WIN including any
• making a material misrepresentation, or another person doing so on the applicant’s behalf, in applying for
admission to a course;
• failing to disclose to WIN a fact or circumstance material to WIN’s decision to admin an applicant;
• obtaining admission on the basis of a degree, diploma or certificate obtained wholly or partly by fraud, academic
misconduct or other dishonesty;
• the terms and conditions of the written agreement between the student and WIN are breached;
• the student who breaches their visa conditions or fails to meet course requirements.
19. WIN reserves its right to review and amend this Refund Policy at any time.

Tuition Protection
To protect the interests of students, WIN Institute (and its students), is covered by the Tuition Protection Scheme (TPS)
designed to establish a universal, single-layer tuition protection scheme. The TPS streamlines placement and refund
processes for students, establishes more representative governance and ensure greater accountability back to
Government to support Tuition Protection.

Disclosure of Information
WIN acknowledges and respects the privacy of individuals. We advise that the information you provide is "personal
information" as defined by the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. This information is collected for the
purposes of processing your application or enquiry, keeping you informed of upcoming events and assisting us in improving
our educational service. This information includes but is not limited to your personal contact details, course enrolment
details and changes, and the circumstances of any suspected breach of a student visa condition. WIN may be required to
provide personal information to external organisations including the Australian Government and designated authorities in
order to provide specific services and as required by law.
This may include but is not limited to sharing information with the Department of Home Affairs, Department of Education,
the Tuition Protection Scheme and ESOS Assurance Fund Manager, state and national regulatory bodies including ASQA
and with Institute representatives/agents in order to provider overseas students with services. This information includes
personal contact details, course enrolment details and changes and the circumstances of any suspected breach by the
student of a student visa condition (National Code 2018). WIN may also disclose information if it is reasonably believed to
be necessary to prevent or lessen a serious threat to life or health of any person.

Media Release
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At times during the course, staff/contractors may take photos/videos for use in promotional activity. These images will
remain the property of George Education Group. Some of the media may be used for promotional editorials in public and
professional publications and other types of media. Agreement to this offer implies agreement to the use of the student's
Minimum Entry Age
International students must be at least 18 years old at time of course commencement and signing any enrolment
Employment Policy
Every effort is made to assist students in finding employment after graduation, but WIN can make no guarantee of job
Suspension or Expulsion of Studies
The Academic Manager (or delegated nominee) may suspend a student or recommend expulsion as described in the
Student Handbook. This includes suspension or expulsion as a result of unsatisfactory academic progress; plagiarism;
facilitating other students to cheat on assessments; and student behaviour that intentionally disrupts or interferes with
education, administrative or operational activities. Students may apply to suspend their studies based on compassionate
or compelling circumstances according to WIN policies and procedures, fees apply.

Complaints, Grievances, Disputes and Appeals Policy & Procedures

WIN recognises that differences of opinion or grievances can happen from time to time. Students with a problem,
complaint, dispute, grievance with another student, their trainer, the course content, the facilities or any component of
the course should use the following procedures.
If the student wishes to escalate their grievance to a formal complaint, the following procedures will apply.
• In such instances, WIN invites feedback from the dissatisfied party so that a resolution can be found and as an
opportunity to consolidate the feedback into a review and improvement of WIN’s policies and procedures.
• WIN will address any and all complaints in a fair, constructive and timely manner. The complainant has the right
for their complaint to be heard and for an impartial decision to be made at no cost to themselves. Complainants
have the right to appeal a decision.
• This policy and associated procedure supports WIN in providing a process for complaints and appeals to be heard
and actioned. All complaints and appeals received by WIN will be viewed as an opportunity for improvement.
• WIN complaints and appeals processes are independent, easily and immediately accessible and inexpensive for
the parties involved.
• WIN notifies students and staff in the policies and procedures manual/student handbook of its policies and
procedures regarding complaints and appeals. This complaints and appeals process also forms an integral part of
induction and orientation (student and staff). Please note that the external complaints and appeals entity may be
a different body if you’re local or international.
• Complaints and appeals need to be in writing (email) and will need to be substantiated (some evidence, statements,
specified times dates and names will need to be disclosed)
Communication with Students
WIN will use TRUSS Student Portal to communicate all Institute updates and academic interventions. Students will receive
passwords to log on to their Student Portal after orientation/ induction in order to view their academic progress at any time
throughout their course. It is the student's responsibility to log on to the TRUSS Students Portal regularly.
Course Progress & Attendance
Students are required to attend WIN and complete their course within the expected duration as stated on their COE. WIN
Institute has implemented the Course Progress Policy and Procedures for CRICOS Providers of VET Courses. Students
need to attend classes and lectures as per their timetable and individual course requirements to attain satisfactory
academic progress throughout their course. WIN may implement the Academic Intervention Strategy should a student be
deemed as not meeting satisfactory course progress.
WIN systematically monitors ELICOS student’s attendance on a weekly basis. WIN is proactive in notifying and
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counselling students relating to attendance. WIN will report students under section 19 of the ESOS Act, who have
breached the attendance requirements. Attendance is monitored every week, evaluated every 12 weeks and at the end
of the academic study period in concert with the academic progress of ELICOS students to identify students that are only
attending the minimum requirement of 80% to date. These audits/checks are to identify and counsel students who are
at risk of falling behind the required course attendance. WIN requires students to attend 20 hours face to face per week,
at a minimum 80% of the face-to-face hours. The College will credit students 8 hours for public holidays. The College
will use its discretion when accepting medical certificates for absences. Absences must be evidenced by a medical
certificate where possible. Students must attend at least 80% of their course.

Delivery Methods may include:

The following training methods will be used to deliver courses at WIN:
• Lectures
• Presentations
• Guest lectures
• Field Trips, industry visits, communicative encounters
• Supervised study
• Interactive demonstrations (i.e., Multi-media use; conference calls; team exercises etc)
• DVDs (all DVDs approved by GMA for educational relevance – not for entertainment)
• Group activities, role plays, pair work, meetings, debates
• YouTube, topical videos, TED talks. webinars
• Computer assisted learning
• Use of studios, professional filming, green screens, motion capture lab
• ASIC online trading game (tutorial style trading experience game)
• Communicative games and leadership exercises and games
• Workbooks, print media, online media (blogs, Twitter feeds etc)
• On-line research (not exceeding 5% unit or course load)

Student Welfare and Support Services

The welfare of our students is extremely important to us at WIN. For this reason, we encourage the students to advise
us of any difficulties they may be having whether they are personal or course related and if these issues are affecting
their enjoyment or the course of the outcome of their learning. We will aid all students in need of personal counselling to
seek the assistance they require and will put them in touch with a suitable external welfare or guidance service. Students
that have any special needs, including language, literacy, learning, and mobility, visual or hearing impairment, please
notify staff prior to enrolment to allow us to cater for their needs. Students seeking extra tuition must request so in writing
to the Academic Manager.

Transfer Policy - Standard 7 of the National Code 2018

WIN meets obligations under Standard 7 by not knowingly enrolling students whom have not completed 6 months of
study under their principal course of study, except in certain circumstances further explained in the Student Handbook.
WIN will issue you an offer letter which you should take to your current RTO to request release from your studies. WIN
do not require payment of fees at this stage of the enrolment process. Please do not pay any fees to WIN if you are
unsure if you require release from your studies - seek advice from your current training organisation before intending to
transfer to WIN.
WIN will take reasonable steps to check whether a student is enrolled with another provider before completing the
enrolment. Please visit for more information on transferring between providers or any other visa related
Subject to government guidelines and policy, students may be transferred to another institution. No transfer of tuition fees
will be made to other institutions or between courses at WIN after course commencement.

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Note: This agreement, and the availability of complaints and appeals processes, does not remove the right of the student
to take action under Australia's consumer protection laws.

Emergency Authorisation
If the emergency contact person cannot be contacted in the case of an emergency, then I authorise WIN to arrange for
any medical treatment or ambulance service deemed necessary. I indemnify WIN against all costs arising from such

Statement of Privacy
It is an Australian Government requirement that WIN keep records of each student's current residential address (as
by the student), the student's full name, date of birth, nationality, the start and completion day of the student's course,
attendance and academic performance records, details of payments received, information on international student health
cover, level of English language proficiency and the student’s passport and visa numbers. These records are confidential
and available to you on written request. Your personal information may be made available to Commonwealth and State
This agreement, and the availability of complaints and appeals processes, does not remove the right of the student to
take further action under Australia's Consumer Protection laws.
Our privacy policy takes into account the new requirements arising from General Data Protection Regulations and any
data is protected against any analytical use by other organisations.

Please return this Acceptance of Offer with the Deposit to:

Post: WIN College Email: Fax:(02) 82529988
L7, 451 Pitt St, Haymarket
Student Support:
The WIN application form contains a training needs analysis where you indicate if you require any extra support. Students
are encouraged to seek extra support at any time. Contact any member of staff or you can speak to any of the Student
Support Staff. You can also list any support needs in the space below.

By signing this Acceptance of Offer and Written Agreement,

I hereby
1. Accept the offer of enrolment in the course/s as outlined in the Offer Letter (Written Agreement).
2. Acknowledge the Conditions of the Offer outlined in the Offer Letter (Written Agreement).
3. Acknowledge that the details outlined in the Offer Letter (Written Agreement).are correct, and
4. Acknowledge that I have read and signed the Conditions and Terms of Enrolment attached.
5. Agree to allow WIN College to apply for USI if I cannot provide or unable to complete.
6. Acknowledge that I have read the Fee and Refund Policy.
7. Acknowledge that I am responsible for keeping a copy of the written agreement as supplied by the registered
provider, and receipts of any payments of tuition fees or non-tuition fees.
8. I understand that I can get access to and are entitled to legal services and Fair work rights whilst studying in Australia.

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I confirm that the above information is correct and/or I have indicated the necessary changes.

Student Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________

Agent Signature: (If using an agent; agent has explained the refund policy in full)
Agent Signature: _____________________________________Date: _________________

Staff Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _________________

Staff Position: Administrator


☐ Staff Member checked all pages and content signed Staff Signature: ________________

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