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International Journal of Applied Sociology 2012, 2(6): 60-70

DOI: 10.5923/j.ijas.20120206.02

Health Status of Marginalized Groups in India

Zulufkar Ahmad Khanday* , Mohammad Akram

Department of Sociology and Social Work, Aligarh M uslim University Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, 202002, India

Abstract Marg inalization is a symbol that refers to processes by which individuals or groups are kept at or pushed
beyond the edges of society. The term outsiders may be used to refer to those individuals or groups who are marg inalized.
This research paper is an endeavour to study the health status of marginalised groups and commun ities - wo men, children,
scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, persons with disabilities, mig rants and also the health status of aged in India. The paper
also aims to highlight the discrimination and explo itation of these marginalised groups especially in terms of their health.
Further, study is carried out about how the rights of these marginalised groups are violated within the society. In India there
are mu ltiple socio-economic disadvantages that members of part icular groups experience which limits their access to health
and healthcare. So me of the pro minent factors on the basis of which indiv iduals belonging to marg inalised groups are
discriminated in India, i.e., structural factors, age, disability, mobility and stigma that act as barriers to health and
healthcare. So metimes each group faces multiple barriers due to their mu ltiple identities. For example, in a patriarchal
society, disabled wo men face double discrimination of being a wo men and being disabled. Besides this there are certain
groups in Indian society that are subject to discriminatory treat ment and feel marginalized. They need special attention to
avoid explo itation. The rights of disabled and migrants have been violated and sometimes they are d iscriminated and
med ical personnel are not ready to treat them because they are unable to pay such a huge amount for med icines. No proper
attention has been given towards their health condition. Finally it can be said that the health status of these marginalised
groups in India are very poor as compared to other sections of population. This paper is based on the secondary sources
such as reports, journals, census, books, articles and online sources.

Keywords Women, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Migrants, Persons with Disabilities and Aged

access in the basic needs of life such as health, education,

1. Introduction housing, food, security, emp loy ment, justice and equity.
Chandrima Chatterjee and Gunjan Sheoran[3] mention that
The concept of marg inality was first introduced by the issues of sustainable livelihood, social and polit ical
Robert Park (1928). Marg inalizat ion is a symbol that refers participation of the vulnerable g roups exists as the
to processes by which indiv iduals or groups are kept at or major problem in these developing nations- particularly in
pushed beyond the edges of society. The term outsiders India. Govern ments have failed to guarantee people’s rights
may be used to refer to those individuals or groups who are in the imp lementation level. People who belong to the
marginalized[1]. The Encyclopaedia of Public Health vulnerable groups are unable to acquire and use their rights.
defines marg inalizat ion as, “to be marginalized is to be In this background, the International Covenant on Civil and
placed in the margins and thus excluded fro m the priv ilege Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on
and power found at the centre"[2]. Ghana S. Gurung and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR),[4],[5]
Michael Kollmair mention that the concept of marginality is have guaranteed the rights to sustainable livelihood, social,
generally used to analyse socioeconomic, political, and political and economic development for all especially those
cultural spheres, where disadvantaged people struggle to disadvantaged. Many countries have ratified thesecovenants.
gain access to resources and full participation in social life. In the year 2000, the co mmittee on economic, social and
In other words, marg inalized people might be socially, cultural rights offered exp licit details of all the possible
economically, politically and legally ignored, excluded or instances of violation that individuals and groups within a
neglected and therefore vulnerable to livelihood change[2]. nation are likely to suffer fro m besides listing out
A great majority of people in the developing nations are obligations for the state to protect and fulfil the right of
under the line of poverty. They are deprived of adequate everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard
of physical and mental health through the general comment
* Corresponding author: (Zulufkar Ahmad Khanday)
14. Despite international co mmit ment, individuals and
Published online at groups experience d ifferential access to food, education and
Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights reserved health in India. The health rights of vulnerable groups
61 International Journal of Applied Sociology 2012, 2(6): 60-70

remain detached fro m the state systems i.e. policy, mu ltip le barriers due to their mult iple identities. For
programme and practice[6]. example, in a patriarchal society, disabled wo men face
Hu man rights are universally applicable to all. The double discrimination of being a wo men and being disabled
process of identifying vulnerable groups within the health “Reference[3]”.
and human right generated fro m the pressing reality on the
ground that stemmed fro m the fact that there are certain
groups who are vulnerable and marginalized lacking full 4. Structural Discrimination
enjoyment of a wide range of hu man rights, including rights
In India norms and cultural practices are rooted in a
to political participation, health and education. Vu lnerability
highly patriarchal social order where wo men are expected
within the right to health framework means deprivation of
to adhere to strict gender roles and they are affected by
certain individuals and groups whose rights have been
more health problems as compared to men. The prevalence
violated fro m the exercising agency[7]. Certain groups in
of poverty and economic dependence among wo men, their
the society often encounter discriminatory treat ment and
experience of vio lence, gender bias in the health system and
need special attention to avoid potential explo itation. This
society at large, d iscrimination on the grounds of race or
population constitutes what is referred to as vulnerable or
other factors, the limited power and their lack of influence
what nova-days called marg inalized Groups. Vu lnerable
in decision-making are social realities have an adverse
groups are disadvantaged as compared to others main ly on
imp a ct o n th eir h ealth of w o m en’ s. S o w o m e n f a c e particular
highest attainable standards of health. Vulnerable groups
health issues and particular forms of discrimination, with
are disadvantaged as compared to others main ly on account
some groups, including internally displaced wo men, wo men
of their reduced access to medical services and the
in slu ms and sub-urban settings, indigenous and rural
underlying determinants of health such as safe and potable
wo men, wo men with disabilities or wo men living with
drinking water, nutrit ion, housing, sanitation etc. For
HIV/AIDS, facing mu ltiple forms of discrimination, barriers
example, persons with disabilities often don’t get
and marg inalization in addit ion to gender discrimination[6].
emp loyment or adequate treatment or people liv ing with
HIV/AIDS, face various forms of discrimination that affects
their health and reduces their access to health services[3].
5. Women
Chandrima Chatterjee and Gunjan Sheoran “Reference
2. Objectives [3]”mentions that in Indian societies women face double
The present paper is based on secondary sources such as discrimination being members of specific caste, class or
books, reports, journals, co mmittees, articles, papers and ethnic group apart fro m experiencing gendered
other different sources of internet. The objectives of the vulnerabilities. Women have low status as compared to men
present paper are to study the health status of marginalised in Indian society. They have little control on the resources
groups- wo men’s, children’s, scheduled castes, scheduled and on important decisions related to their lives. The early
tribes, persons with disabilities, migrants and also the health marriage and childbearing, miscarriages, mult iple
status of aged in India; the vio lation of their rights; the pregnancies create serious health hazards for wo men’s[8].
double exp loitation wh ich wo men’s face in their ho me and About 28 per cent of girls in India get married belo w the
at the work place and also to study how the different factors legal age and experience pregnancy “Reference[3]”.These
affecting the health of the marginalised groups. have serious repercussions on the health of women. It has
been noted earlier that wo men in India who are uneducated
and poor are the most vulnerable to disease and ill health
3. Results and Discussion during their lifet ime[9]. They experience different types of
mortality including reproductive problems, aches, pain and
In India there are multip le socio-economic disadvantages injuries; weakness, nutritional problems, fever, respiratory
that members of particular groups experience which limits problems; problems in the gastro intestinal tract; skin, eye
their access to health and healthcare. Chandrima Chatterjee and ear problems and a residual category of ‘other’
and Gunjan Sheoran, “Reference[3]” argues that there are problems[10]. The institutional delivery is lo west among
the some of the prominent factors on the basis of which wo men fro m the lower economic class as against those
individuals belonging to marg inalised groups are fro m the higher class “Reference[3]”.
discriminated in India, i.e., structural factors, age, disability, In recent years, studies on domestic violence in the
mobility, stig ma and discriminat ion that act as barriers to country have systematically debunked the myth of the home
health and healthcare. The vulnerable groups that face as a safe haven. Vio lence against women in India cuts
discrimination include wo men, Scheduled Castes (SC’s), across caste, class and other divides. Nationally it is
Scheduled Tribes (ST,s), children, aged, disabled, poor estimated that 21% of wo men have experienced beatings or
migrants, people liv ing with HIV/AIDS and sexual physical mistreatment ‘by husband, in laws or other persons
minorities “Reference[3]”. So metimes each group faces since the age of fifteen (IIPS and ORC Macro, 2000)[8].
Zulufkar Ahmad Khanday et al.: Health Status of M arginalized Groups in India 62

B. L. Nagda, “Reference[8]” mentions that violence genital mutilation should be prohibited[11].

against women includes violence that occurs within the Sexual and reproductive health is also a key aspect of
family or within the co mmun ity in general. The main factor wo men’s right to health. The most productive years of a
of vio lence is the inequality between men and wo men and wo man’s life are the reproductive years. The absence of
discrimination faced by women in their day-to-day life. matern ity entitlements often means that a woman worker
Now-a-days the violence against women can be has to leave her job to have a child. With the near absence
conceptualised as an issue of power and social control over of any effective p rimary health care system in the country,
wo men. Nagda (2001) conducted a community survey of most wo men are forced to have children at home without
230 wo men in tribal areas of Rajasthan and found that any med ical care. A majority of the wo men and their
among tribal wo men, 62 percent wo men were physically families in India are unable to bear the burden of
beaten by their husbands at least once a month. Majority hospitalization costs. Even when they opt for hospitalization,
(83%) of females reported was verbally abused by their additional med ical expenses and loss of employ ment makes
husbands, in-laws and other family members at least once a wo men economically vulnerab le. Absence of matern ity
week. About 39 percent wo men suffered mental and entitlements also means that a wo man is unable to take care
physical tortures in the family. So met imes in extreme fo rms of her nutritional needs before and after the pregnancy and
of vio lence the victim may be killed. Further, Nagda (2001) get adequate rest, and is compelled to start working soon
reported that more than two-thirds of the tribal wo men were after child birth. Social security fo r the unorganised workers
abused by their husband, having fights regularly in evening must ensure that matern ity entitlements including paid leave
and being insulted, taunted and criticised. Despite of this are available to all wo men, whether employed or not, in
the majority of wives who suffered in do mestic vio lence are terms of hospital and medical expenses and these maternity
also suffering in many health hazards like reproductive tract entitlements include paid matern ity leave of at least 12
infection/STD, depression anaemia, b lood pressure, somatic weeks[12].
disorders and broken family etc. Thus, violence against The absence of child care prov isions means that the
wo men’s has a major impact on women’s physical and burden of work on wo men is increased tremendously,
mental health and effects their sexual and reproductive affecting their health and work part icipation. For wo men
health, unwanted pregnancies, the transmission of STD / workers, their own health and ability to work is usually the
HIV, forced abortion and finally vio lence affected wo men’s only resource they can fall back upon. They are the most
can have fatal consequences, including suicide, ho micide, vulnerable in this regard because their health and nutrit ion
and maternal mortality. Women’s face vio lence that needs are the lowest priority within the family. Women in
significant impact on their physical and mental health. the poorest households are the least likely to receive
During infancy and growing years a girl child faces med ical attention “Reference[12]”. Besides this, the
different forms of v iolence like infanticide, neglect of discrimination against the girl child is systematic and
nutrition needs, education and healthcare. pervasive enough to manifest in many demographic
In Rajasthan and particularly in the tribes of the state, measures for the country. For the country as a whole as well
health status of wo men is very poor and the number of as its rural areas, the in fant mortality rate is higher for
pregnancy related deaths in the tribal areas is higher in the females in co mparison to that for males. This infant
state. The maternal mo rtality rate in the state is higher in mortality rate is slightly in favour of females in the urban
comparison to the country as a whole. Malnutrition is areas of the country (as a whole) but, urban India is marked
widespread among the tribal g irls and wo men. In reality by greater access to abortion services and unwanted girl
tribal wo men’s observe unequal access to basic health children often get eliminated before birth “Reference[10]”.
services. The terrible poverty, lack o f nutritious food, and
safe drinking water, lack of sanitation and hygienic
accommodation, hostile life created problem of health
6. ST’s and SC’s
among the wo men in tribal areas “Reference[8]”. Marginalization of certain groups or classes occurs in
Thus the violence against wo men is a widespread cause most societies including developed countries and perhaps it
of physical and psychological harm or suffering among is more pronounced in underdeveloped countries. In the
wo men, as well as a vio lation of their right to health. The Indian context, caste may be considered broadly as a proxy
committee on the elimination of discrimination against for socio-economic status and poverty. In the identificat ion
wo men requires states to, among other things, enact and of the poor, scheduled caste and scheduled tribes and in
enforce laws and policies that protect women and girls fro m some cases the other backward castes are considered as
violence and abuse and provide for appropriate physical and socially disadvantaged groups and such groups have a
mental health services; in connection with pregnancy, higher probability of living under adverse conditions and
childbirth and the post-natal period, including family poverty. The health status and utilizat ion patterns of such
planning and emergency obstetric care. Health-care workers groups give an indication of their social exclusion as well as
should also be trained to detect and manage the health an idea of the linkages between poverty and health[13].
consequences of vio lence against wo men, while female Caste in Indian society is a particular form of social
63 International Journal of Applied Sociology 2012, 2(6): 60-70

inequality that involves a hierarchy of groups ranked in indicators reveal that the health status of tribal population is
terms of ritual purity where members who belong to a very poor. There are many studies which indicate that
particular group or stratum share some awareness of communicab le diseases, genetic disorders and nutritional
common interest and a common identity. Structurally the disorders are more prevalent among tribal population in
lower castes were economically dependent on the higher India. On one hand the communicable d iseases still show
castes for existence. The Scheduled Caste (lower castes) higher burden while on the other non-communicable
remained econo mically dependent, politically powerless diseases are on the increase despite the poor low nutritional
and culturally subjugated to the upper caste. This kind status and higher physical activ ity in their co mmunit ies,
dominance of higher castes on the lower castes effects their thus increasing the disease burden. The situation of some of
overall lifestyle and access to food, education and health the major health problems is presented here under:
In a caste-dominated country like India; Dalits who
comprises more than one-sixth of the Indian population
7. Communicable Diseases
(160 million appro x.), stand as a community whose human 7.1. Malaria
rights have been severely violated. St ructural discrimination
against these groups takes place in the form of physical, B.V. Babu and Y.S. Kusuma “Reference[16]” mentions
psychological, emotional and cultural abuse which receives that due to environmental situation and forest ecology,
legitimacy fro m the social structure and the social system. malaria is a putative endemic disease in the tribal
Physical segregation of their settlements is common in the communit ies since long back. Though the tribal’s form only
villages forcing them to live in the most unhygienic and 8 percent of the total population in India, it is estimated that
inhabitable conditions. All these factors affect their health they contribute about 25 percent of the total number of
status, access to healthcare, and quality of health service malaria cases and about 50 per cent of P. Falciparu m
received. The scavenger community among the Dalits are (cerebral malaria) cases. Malaria is prevailing among
vulnerable to stress and diseases with reduced access to almost all dwelling tribes and continues to pose an
healthcare[3]. Studies on nature of exclusion and important public health problem not only fro m the point of
discrimination faced by Dalit children in using public health its contribution to the country’s disease burden but also the
services in rural areas are very limited; however there is economic losses associated with it (Sharma, 1998). No
indirect ev idence which is reflected in ind icators related to doubt the government has launched National Anti-Malaria
health. Mortality, for examp le, is an important indicator of Programme (NAMP) for its control and elimination; despite
health status and it is seen in India, infant mortality rate for of that there is good number o f malaria cases found in tribal
Dalit ch ild ren is high (88 per 1000) when co mpared to population.
children fro m the ‘other’ social group (69 per 1000)[15].
7.2. Leprosy
Structural d iscrimination directly impedes equal access to
health services by way of exclusion. The negative attitude Leprosy is co mmunicated through intimate and
of the health professionals towards these groups also acts as prolonged contact with the patient. It is prevalent among
a barrier to receiving quality healthcare fro m the health some tribes of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Assam, Orissa,
system[3]. Uttar Pradesh, Tripura, Gu jarat and others. The habits and
The scheduled tribes like the scheduled castes face practices of the tribals and the poor economic condition are
structural discriminat ion within the Indian society. Un like responsible for it (A li, 1994). Similar reports of incidence
the scheduled castes, the scheduled tribes are a product of of leprosy in tribal co mmunities are published (Naik et al.,
marginalization based on ethnicity. B.V. Babu and Y.S. 1999 and Rao et al., 2000) “Reference[16]”.
Kusuma[16] mention that tribal’s constitute about 8 percent
7.3. Tubercul osis
of India’s population and are spread out mostly in Madhya
Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, the north-east This disease is reported among various tribal groups. The
states, West Bengal, Maharashtra and Rajasthan. In India causative factors are nutritional deficiencies, personal
tribal’s are facing various health problems like malnutrit ion hygiene environmental hygiene, environ mental hygiene,
related diseases, parasitic diseases including malaria, overcrowding and the lack of knowledge of prevention
diarrhoea, respiratory disorders etc, and genetic disorders among the tribes. Ali (1994) reported tuberculosis among
including sickle cell disease, thalassemia, STD and HIV/ the Kondh of Burlabaru of Phulbani district of Orissa and
AIDS etc. In India tribals constitute a large proportion of also among Kondh of Kurli of Ko raput district. He reported
agricultural labourers, casual labourers, plantation labourers, that the poor diet and unhygienic conditions are responsible
industrial labourers etc. This has resulted in poverty among for their prevalence; and disease communicat ion is due to
them, low levels of education, poor health and reduced the lack of ventilation and close association with the
access to healthcare services. They belong to the poorest infected members “Reference[16]”
strata of the society and have severe health problems.
The data on morbid ity, mo rtality and other health 7.4. HIV/ AIDS
Zulufkar Ahmad Khanday et al.: Health Status of M arginalized Groups in India 64

The sexually transmitted diseases are reported among disease frequencies are very high in certain tribes (25% to
tribal co mmunities of India. So me are in the opinion that 37% among the So ligas of Karnataka and Pardhans of
their contacts with the non-tribals are responsible to some Andhra Pradesh respectively). It is estimated that around
extent for the spread of these diseases. Vyas (1980) three children in every thousand births among tribes of
reported the presence of syphilis and gonorrhoea among the Orissa and Andhra Pradesh are suffering fro m sickle cell
Bhils of Rajasthan. The high level of poverty, inadequate anaemia (Babu et al., 2002). It is estimated that about 13
health resources, ignorance and high-risk beliefs and lakhs of tribal people in India are suffering fro m G6PD
practices among the tribal co mmunit ies has contributed to deficiency (DST, 1990). Thalassemia contributessignificant
the vulnerability of this population. As such it has created a ly for the anaemia cases in tribal population “Reference
highly susceptible population for the rapid spread of 16]”.
HIV/AIDS and other STDs as well. Because tribal members
are fo rced to migrate outside of their co mmun ities in search 8.2. Malnutrition
of their wo rk and increased wages, this may contribute to B.V. Babu and Y.S. Kusuma “Reference[16]” mentions
the spread of HIV/AIDS as many engage in extra-marital that the provision of optimal food and nutrition is an
affairs, seek co mmercial sex partners or are under the threat important responsibility of the state towards its citizens. It
of sexual harassment (females). While there has been is known fro m the literature that the nutritional status of not
limited scientific research exp loring the cultural context of a single tribe of India can be said to be satisfactory.
extra-marital sexual behaviours, it is generally noted that in National institute of Nutrition (1971) and planning
these communit ies, extra-marital affairs are condoned and commission of India (1980) reported high protein-calorie
widely practised especially during periods when wo men are malnutrit ion along the rice eating belt . Studies on tribes of
pregnant or nursing or during period of t ravel for work Maharashtra and Bihar indicate the deficiency of celeries as
(Battarcharjee et al., 2000). This kind of behaviour creates a well as proteins and essential amino acids through major
fertile ground for HIV transmission and spread. The data of signs of nutritional deficiencies (Chitre et al., 1976).
Naik et al. (2005) indicate that tribal wo men are particularly Among the tribes of Assam high indices of goitre, angular
vulnerable for HIV/AIDS in some tribal co mmunit ies, since stomatitis and vitamin-A deficiencies are reported (Gopalan,
many of them co mmence sexual act ivity at an early age and 1971). Similar reports on tribal malnutrit ion are reported
get married early as well. Also, they are in a culture that fro m Orissa (Mahapatra and Das, 1990; Haque, 1990; Kar
condones extra-marital sex and this exposes the women to a et al., 2002) etc. It is known fro m various micro studies that
particular precarious situation, increasing their risk for majority of these tribal co mmunit ies are suffering fro m
acquiring HIV. It is evident fro m this study that the Indian various micro-nutrient deficiency disorders (Nayak and
tribal co mmunity is experiencing a latent phase that is Babu, 2003).
potentially a p recursor for an HIV/AIDS ep idemic. There is The nutritional p roblems of t ribal co mmun ities are full of
a high prevalence of behavioural risk factors, coupled with obscurities and very few co mprehensive studies are
ignorance and inadequate health infrastructure thus creating available on dietary pattern and nutritional status of the
a potential risk for rapid spread of HIV/AIDS, as well as communit ies. Rao (1996) concluded that nutritional status
other related diseases (Naik et al., 2005). Besides these of tribes seems to be influenced by their habitat and socio-
there are many other types of commun icable d iseases economic condit ion. Due to massive deforestation, the
among tribes “Reference[16]”. economy of forest resource based communities and
eventually their nutritional status is affected badly
8. Non-communicable Diseases B.V. Babu and Y.S Kusuma “Reference[16]” argue that
it is the poverty among tribal’s that makes private
Progressive aging of the populations, freedom fro m some investments never go to tribal areas and the tribal
communicab le d iseases and changing socio-economic population, who is in need of healthcare. Therefo re they are
situations paved the way for increase in prevalence of some unable to avail it due to poverty poor access and high cost
non-communicable diseases that are associated with of services. In co mpulsory situations, these tribal’s are
increased life expectancy and altered lifestyle. Ho wever, approaching private healthcare institutions with huge
there is paucity of information on non-co mmunicable spending from their pockets. This out-of-pocket leads them
diseases among tribals. Non-co mmunicable d iseases among to poverty and indebtedness which intern leads to illness.
tribals include genetic diseases, malnutrition, cardio- Data fro m the NHFS-III[17][see table1] clearly
vascular diseases etc. highlights the caste differentials in relation to health status.
The survey documents the low levels of contraceptive use
8.1. Genetic Diseases among the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes compared
Genetic diseases particularly single cell disease, glucose- to forward castes/general population. Reduced access to
6-phasphatedehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency and thalasse maternal and child health care is evident with reduced
mia are observed to occur in significantly in h igh levels of antenatal care, institutional deliveries and
frequencies amongst the tribes. It is reported that sickle cell complete vaccination coverage among the lower castes.
65 International Journal of Applied Sociology 2012, 2(6): 60-70

Stunting, wasting, underweight and anaemia in children and those in the highest quintile of standard of liv ing. Crucially,
anaemia in adults are higher among lower castes. Similarly, as standard of living goes down, mortality goes up in a
neonatal, postnatal, infant and child and under-five statistics systematic manner, suggesting the presence of a mortality
clearly show a higher mortality among SC’s and ST’s gradient. An independent relationship was observed
etc[18]. between social caste and mortality, with scheduled tribes
The Infant Mortality Rate (IM R) among scheduled castes having considerably higher chances of mortality as
is 66.4 per 1000 live b irths and 62.1 per 1000 per live births compared to the other caste. Scheduled castes also tend to
among the scheduled tribes. Which is more than the IMR of have higher chances of mortality compared to the better-off
country (57/1000). Similarly the Under-five Mortality Rate caste[28]. Thus the health situation of ST’s and SC’s in
(U-5M) also varies significantly among different socio- India, which are co mparatively scheduled, remotely situated,
economic groups in India i.e. Under-five mo rtality for Sc’s less educated, traditionally organised, materially impoverish
is 88.1 per 1000 live births, 95.7 per 1000 live births and ed and dispossessed, economically exp loited and
72.8 fo r OBC’s while as under-five mo rtality of the country underdeveloped, disadvantaged and marginalised groups;
is only 74.3. Differences in health Indicators among the needs a special attention. The people belonging to these
various socio-economic groups are not only found IMR and casts suffer fro m double jeopardy. For examp le, 1stly they
U-5M But there are also profound differences in children’s are marginalised and 2ndly the incidence of child labour
under-weight percentage (under the age of 5 years) among among ST g roups is twice as high as fo r upper caste
these groups i.e. the percentage of children’s who are children[27].
under-weight (under the age o f 5 years) among ST’s
(54.5%), followed by SC’s (47.9%) is quit greater than that 8.2.1. Ch ildren
of other general groups(33.7) and India (42.5)[19].Thus the Children and the elderly population face different kind of
data on these health indicators reveal that the health status vulnerability. Chandrima Chatterjee and Gunjan Sheoran,
of tribal population is very poor as co mpared to other socio- “Reference[3]” mentions that mortality and morbid ity
economic groups of the country. among children are caused and compounded by poverty,
Table 1. Differentials in Health Status among Socio-Economic Groups their sex and caste position in society. All these have
consequences on their nutrition intake, access to healthcare,
Infant Under-5 environment and education. These factors directly impacts
Pe r cent Children
Social Mortality/1, Mortality/1, food security, education of parents and their access to
Underweight (Unde r
Group 000 live 000 live correct health informat ion and access to health care
Age 5 Years)
births births facilit ies. Malnutrit ion and chronic hunger are the important
causes of death among children fro m poor families.
Schedule d Diarrhoea, acute respiratory diseases, malaria and measles
66.4 88.1 47.9
are some of the main causes of death among children, most
of which are either preventable or treatable with low-cost
Schedule d interventions. Tetanus in newborns remains a problem in at
62.1 95.7 54.5
Tribe s least five states: Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan,
West Bengal and Assam[20]. A mong children the health
Other indicators vary between the different social groups. High
Backward 56.6 72.8 43.2
mortality and morbidity is reported among child ren fro m
scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other backward
classes as compared to the general population “Reference
Others 48.9 59.2 33.7
Infant and child mo rtality rates are considerably higher in
INDIA 57.0 74.3 42.5 rural areas than in urban areas because due to easily
accessibility and better health care services in urban areas
and the deprivation of rural population in terms of
Among the scheduled castes and the scheduled tribes the healthcare services. In 2001-05, the infant mortality rate
most vulnerable are wo men, ch ildren and aged, those liv ing was 50 percent higher in rural areas (62) than in urban areas
with HIV/AIDS, mental illness and disability. These groups (42). The rural-u rban difference in mortality is especially
face severe forms of discrimination that denies them access large for children in the age interval 1-4 years, fo r who m
to treatment and prevents them fro m achieving a better the rate in ru ral areas is twice as h igh as the rate in urban
health status “Reference[17]”. areas. In both the neonatal and post neonatal periods,
Besides this it has been noted earlier that there is a strong mortality in rural areas is about 50 percent higher than
graded connection between standard of living and all-cause mortality in urban areas (see table 2).
mortality i.e., those in the lowest quintile of standard of Infant and child mortality rates have declined slightly
liv ing were 86 percent more likely to die as co mpared to faster in rural areas than in urban areas. Between 1991-95
Zulufkar Ahmad Khanday et al.: Health Status of M arginalized Groups in India 66

and 2001-05, infant mo rtality declined by 27 percent in instance, India has the largest number of child labourers
rural areas, co mpared with 21 percent in urban areas. under the age of 14 in the world. Those children working in
During the same period, the ch ild mortality rate declined by the brick kilns, stone quarries, mines, carpet and zari
45 percent in ru ral areas, co mpared with 40 percent in urban industry suffer fro m occupation related diseases[23]. There
areas. Even in the neonatal period, the decline in mo rtality is a large proportion of children in India who are liv ing with
was slightly faster in rural areas (26 percent) than in urban HIV/AIDS. The most common sources of infection among
areas (18 percent) “Reference[17]”. children is the Mother-to-Ch ild Transmission (MCTC),
Besides the health indicators the vaccination coverage is sexual abuse, blood transfusion, unsterilized syringes,
very poor among children who live in rural India. including in jectable drug use “Reference[3]”.
Vaccination coverage among ch ildren between 12-23
months who have received the recommended vaccines is 8.2.2. Persons with Disabilit ies
only 39 per cent in rural India as co mpared to 58 per cent in
Disability poses greater challenges in obtaining the
urban India[21]. According to a review conducted in 2004,
needed range of services. Persons with disabilities face
by the Health Ministry in collaboration with AIIM S, CDC,
Atlanta, WHO, UNICEF, USAID, ICM R and other several forms of discrimination and have reduced access to
institutions, about 95% of un-im2munized children are ed u catio n, go od h e alth e mpl oy m e nt a nd oth er socioeconomic
concentrated in 15 States. The Southern States are much opportunities. In India, there is an increase of proportion of
better off than the Northern States. Forty percent of the disabled popul ation. Disability includes loco motor
unimmun ized live in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Uttar Pradesh disability, visual, mental, speech and hearing, learn ing
has the highest number (4.6 million) of un-immun ized disabilit ies etc[22]. It has been noted that there are more
children in the State. In spite of the fact that immunizat ion than 650 million people wo rld wide suffering fro m one or
can check disability substantially; the practice and cover another form of disability (t wo thirds of who m live in
has not yet been made universal. There is lack of both developing countries), most have long been neglected and
political will and sensitization towards it[22]. marginalized by the state and society. They are victims of
physical, sexual, psychological and emotional abuse,
Table 2. Early childhood mortality rates
neglect, and financial exp loitation, while wo men with
Neonatal, post neonatal, infant, child, and under-five mortality rates for disabilit ies are particularly exposed to forced sterilizat ion
five-year periods preceding the survey by residence, India, 2005-06. and sexual vio lence “Reference[6]”.
Years Persons with disabilit ies face various challenges to the
Post Under-
preceding Neonatal Infant Child
neonatal five enjoyment of their right to health. For examp le, persons
the mortality mortality Mortality
mortality mortality with physical disabilities often have d ifficu lties accessing
URBAN health care, especially in rural areas, slums and sub-urban
0-4 28.5 13.0 41.5 10.6 51.7 settings; persons with psychosocial disabilities may not
5-9 35.9 18.8 54.7 14.8 68.7 have access to affordable treatment through the public
10-14 34.6 18.1 52.7 17.7 69.5
RURAL health system; wo men with disabilities may not receive
0-4 42.5 19.7 62.2 21.0 82.0 gender-sensitive health services. Medical practitioners
5-9 53.9 24.2 78.1 28.7 104.5 sometimes treat persons with disabilit ies as objects of
10-14 57.5 28.1 85.5 38.4 120.6 treatment rather than rights-holders and do not always seek
TOTAL their free and informed consent when it co mes to treat ments.
0-4 39.0 18.0 57.0 18.4 74.3
5-9 49.3 22.8 72.2 25.0 95.4 Such a situation is not only degrading, it is a violat ion of
10-14 51.3 25.3 76.6 32.3 106.5 human rights under the convention on the rights of persons
Computed as the difference between the health indicators. with disabilities (i.e., v iolat ion of Article 25 which deals
Source: “Reference[17]” with the “right to the enjoy ment of the h ighest attainable
standard of health without discrimination” for persons with
In India, children’s vulnerabilities and exposure to disabilit ies and elaborates upon measures states should take
violations of their protection rights remain spread and to ensure this right.) and unethical conduct on the part of
mu ltip le in nature. The manifestations of these violations the med ical professional these disabilities are often neither
are various, ranging fro m ch ild labour, ch ild trafficking, to
diagnosed nor treated or accommodated for, and their
commercial sexual explo itation and many other forms of
significance is generally overlooked “Reference[6]”.
violence and abuse. With an estimated 12.6 million children
engaged in hazardous occupations (2001 census), for
67 International Journal of Applied Sociology 2012, 2(6): 60-70

Table 3. Rural-Urban male and female disabilities differentials

Rural Urban Rural + Urban

Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both

1981 13.67

1991 7.44 5.21 12.65 2.07 1.42 3.5 9.51 6.63 16.36

2002 8.31 5.77 14.08 2.58 1.82 4.4 10.89 7.59 18.49

Source: “Reference[22]”.

The NSSO surveys state that over the years there has all saving and are a common reason for indebtedness.
been a major increase in the disabled population of the Migrants are often considered vectors of communicable
country. In the year 1981(NSSO-37th round), there were diseases and are not engaged by the public health system as
13.67 million disabled persons and in 1991(NSSO-47th they drive down indicators of health.
round), this number increased to 16.36 million. According It has mentioned in the report “International Migration,
to the NSSO 58th round, the magnitude of people with one Health and Human Rights”,[24] that major health related
or more than one of the five-disabilit ies was 18.49 million problems faced by migrants— particularly undocumented
in 2002. According to the NSSO 58th round in 2002, there migrants—with respect to their right to health:
were 18.49 million disabled persons out of which 10.89 • Migrants are generally inadequately covered by state
million were males and 7.59 million were females, health systems and are often unable to afford health
co nstituting 5 9 % an d 41 % of m ales a nd f e m ales respectively.
insurance. Migrant sex workers and undocumented
In the 47th round, in 1991 there were 16.36 million disabled migrants in particular have little access to health and social
persons out of which 9.51 million disabled persons were services;
males and 6.63 million. The proportion of males and • M igrants have difficulties accessing information on
females constituted 59 and 41 percent of the disabled health matters and available services. Often the informat ion
persons respectively (see table 3). is not provided adequately by the State;
• Undocumented migrants dare not access health care for
8.2.3. M igrants fear that health providers may denounce them to
Migration has become a major social, economic and immigrat ion authorities;
political phenomenon, with significant human rights • Female do mestic workers are part icularly vulnerable to
consequences. The international organization fo r migrat ion sexual abuse and violence;
estimates that, today, there are nearly 200 million • M igrant workers often work in unsafe and unhealthy
international mig rants worldwide. According to the conditions;
international labour organizat ion, 90 million of them are • Migrant workers may be more prone to risky sexual
migrant workers. Their enjoy ment of the right to health is behaviour owing to their vulnerab le situation, far away
often limited merely because they are migrants, as well as fro m their families and their exclusion fro m major
owing to other factors such as discrimination, language and prevention and care programmes on sexually transmitted
cultural barriers or their legal status, social security etc[6]. diseases and HIV/AIDS. Their situation is therefore
India is one of the world’s largest mig rant sending countries; conducive to the rapid spread of these diseases;
20 million mig rants according to World Migration Report • Conditions in the centres where undocumented
2005 “Reference[12]”. migrants are detained may also be conducive to the spread
K. S. Jacob,[18] mentions that the poor, a majority fro m of diseases;
the lower castes, migrate to different parts of the country in • Trafficked persons are subject to physical violence and
search of work. Their mig rant status means they lose many abuse, and face formidable hurdles related to their right to
benefits generally offered to the poorer sections as their reproductive health (sexually t ransmitted diseases,
below poverty line and ration cards are not valid across the including infection with HIV/AIDS, unwanted pregnancies,
state borders. The migrant find it difficult to register with unsafe abortions) “Reference[24]”.
the National tuberculosis Programme (NTP) at their place
8.2.4. Aged
of work, resulting in out-of-pocket expenditure for
treatment, d iscontinuation of med iation when sympto ms In India, the population of the elderly is growing rap idly
improve, relapse of the disease, mediation resistance and and is emerging as a serious area of concern for the
premature death. Illness and its treatment usually wipe-out government and the policy p lanner’s. Lack o f economic
Zulufkar Ahmad Khanday et al.: Health Status of M arginalized Groups in India 68

dependence has an impact on their access to food, clothing marginalized co mmunit ies.
and healthcare. Among the basic needs of the elderly,
med icine features as the highest unmet need. Healthcare of
the elderly is a major concern for the society as ageing is
9. Conclusions
often accompanied by mu ltiple illnesses and physical Thus it can be concluded that vulnerable groups are
ailments. Pain in the joints, followed by cough and blood defined as those who are subject to unfair treat ment or are,
pressure, piles, heart diseases, urinary problems, diabetics relative to other age groups or sections of society, more
and cancer are the common ailments reported among dependent on others and therefore find it difficult to
elderly[25].One out of two elderly in India suffers fro m at maintain their subsistence on their own and protect their
least one chronic disease which requires life-long rights. Besides this, certain groups in society are also
med ications. Providing healthcare to elderly is a burden for subject to discriminatory treat ment and feel marginalized.
especially poor households. Visual impairment, hearing They need special attention to avoid explo itation. In India
problem, loco motor problem (difficulty in walking) and the wo men, children, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes,
problems in speech are common forms of disability among persons with disabilities, mig rants and aged are regarded as
elderly. Senility and neurosis is common mental illness marginalised or vulnerable groups. These people are
reported among elderly[26]. Chandrima Chatterjee and socially, economically, politically and legally ignored and
Gun jan Sheoran[3], mentions that diseases like Diabetes, excluded in Indian society. It has been seen from the data
hypertension, tuberculosis, gastroenteritis etc are seen that in Indian patriarchal society the wo men’s especially the
among migrant workers due to poverty. Internal migrat ion rural and tribal face do mestic violence, physical and sexual
of poor labourers has also been on the rise in India. The abuse, nutritional and psychological problems which has a
poor mig rants usually end up as casual labourers within the profound effect upon their health status. The health status
informal sector. This population is at high risk for d iseases and utilisation patterns of ST’s and SC’s give an indication
and faces reduced access to health services. Women and of their social exclusion as well as an idea of their linkages
child mig rants are the most vulnerable. In the case of between poverty and health. The economically dependence,
internal migration in India, wo men and children mostly politically powerless and culturally subjugated of ST’s and
migrate as associated mig rants with the main decision to SC’s to upper castes affects their overall lifestyle and access
migrate being taken by the male of the household. Many of to food and health etc. Besides this tribal beco me mostly the
the low/semi-skilled female migrant’s work in the victims of malnutrit ion, parasitic diseases including malaria,
unorganized sector, in hazardous conditions, live in shanty diarrhoea, respiratory disorders etc and genetic disorders
arrangements and are denied access to health and healthcare. including sickle cell anaemia thalassemia , STD, HIV AIDS
Children of poor migrant parents suffer fro m malnutrit ion and so on.
and low immun izations due to their parents’ perpetual low- Fro m a human right perspective, all citizens should
income uncertain jobs that necessitate frequent shifts based receive adequate health, education, food and nutrition,
on concentration and are more susceptible to HIV/AIDS housing, participation, equal treat ment, and freedo m fro m
infection. discrimination and violence. However these marginalised
Chandrima Chatterjee and Gunjan Sheoran[3] further groups (STs, SCs, ch ildren, disabled and elderly) are often
mentions that the violation of the right to health of marginalized over looked in the public delivery system and
vulnerable groups may result fro m direct government action, also subject to multidimensional problems whose
fro m failure of the government to fulfil its min imu m core underlying factors are intertwined. So metimes these people
obligations and from the patterns of systematic have to suffer fro m double jeopardy.
discrimination. The specific examp les Despite of this the rights of disabled and migrants have
1. Imposing discriminatory practices affecting the been violated and sometimes they are discriminated and
group’s health status and needs. med ical personnel are not ready to treat them because they
2. Failure to cover the elig ible population with child are unable to pay such a huge amount for med icines. No
immun izat ion packages. proper attention has been given towards their health
3. Failure to provide adequate obstetric and family condition. Finally it can be said that the health status of
planning services. these marginalised groups are very poor as compared to
4. Failure to provide adequate primary healthcare, basic other sections of population. No doubt the Indian
healthcare service to disadvantaged group. government has framed and established the laws and rights
5. Govern ment policies and practices creating imbalances for these marg inalised groups at different t imes but due to
in provid ing health services, i.e., poor infrastructure in rural lack o f proper attention towards their rights and improper
areas or predominantly tribal areas. implementation of their laws they have to face number of
6. Systemat ic discrimination in access to medicines and problems in Indian society. Thus there is the need of some
essential drugs for particular groups, i.e., HIV/AIDS drugs, new policy measures to make their health status good and to
reproductive health services for particular g roups like prevent them fro m d iscrimination and explo itation in our
wo men living in poverty, in rural areas, belonging to society.
69 International Journal of Applied Sociology 2012, 2(6): 60-70

10. Future Needs available to protect the health of the poor, vulnerable or
otherwise disadvantaged groups, including their quality,
It is indeed unfortunate that a welfare state, founded on accessibility, affo rdability and acceptability.
the principles of equality, social justice and democracy 13. Identify disadvantaged/marginalized groups; their
should display such inequities in health and access to health health status and needs in different situations.
care. It is the ‘usual suspects’- rural India, the wo men’s, 14. Ch ildren are the future of any nation, and large
children’s, the lower castes (especially the scheduled number of ch ildren in the workforce at present implies
castes), the scheduled tribes, the less developed states and fewer educated or skilled workers in the future. A h igh
regions of India, that show poor health status and restricted percentage of child labour also imp lies the loss of welfare
access to healthcare. Women’s health needs are numerous- in society, as more young children have to enter the labour
nutrition, general mo rbidity, reproductive health, disability, market. This should be removed.
mental health, occupational health,—and are interrelated. 15. Identify the unmet need, particularly those resulting
Further needs are: fro m adverse discrimination. Examine the curricula of
1. Adoption of comprehensive and gender sensitive med ical and other health professional training schools and
primary healthcare to address women’s diverse health needs advocate for the inclusion of health and human rights of
and to overcome the many limitations that they experience vulnerable groups in med ical education.
in accessing healthcare. 16. States should enable wo men to have control over and
2. Strengthen public healthcare. For the poor and the decide freely and responsibly on matters related to their
marginalised, the public sector is the only sector that can sexuality, including their sexual and reproductive health,
potentially provide qualified and affordable care. In the free fro m coercion, lack o f information, d iscrimination and
rural interiors of the country, it is usually the only sector violence.
having qualified personnel. 17. There should be proper implementation of laws
3. Provisions for financial support during childbirth so as regarding the health of these marginalised groups .
to promote the health of mother social security for
unorganised workers must include childcare provisions
fro m the point of view of wo men workers.
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