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BUSM 1100 Library Workshop Student No.

: _______________________

Name: _______________________

Searching Article Databases

1. What is your topic? _______________________________________________________________

2. Think of possible search words and synonyms for your topic, and write them down:

3. Choose one of the following article databases to start your search.

 Canadian Major Dailies  Business Source Complete  Canadian Business & Current Affairs

4. Do a search in the database using the search words you wrote down earlier, and skim through the results
on the first couple of pages. How do you like the results?

 Perfect  Mostly good  Too many results  Too few results  Nothing found

Note: If you didn’t find useful articles with the first search, look at your keywords, think of other words to
search for, and do more searches.
Tip: You may find good suggestions for related words or synonyms (words or phrases with the same or very
similar meaning) in the Subject Terms section on the description page of an article and/or in the content of
the article.

5. Have you found in the results any other words that you could use to search for your topic? Write those
words down:

6. Do more searches using the new keywords or subject term(s) discovered in the results until you find a good
number of relevant articles. Write down ALL the search strings that return good results.
Note: A search string is the combination of your keywords and Boolean operators (i.e., AND and OR) that
make up the search being conducted, e.g., General Motors AND plant closure.

7. Choose one article that looks relevant to your topic. Read it before moving on to the next question.

8. To demonstrate that you know how to properly cite information, write a brief paragraph that summarizes
some key points in the article that you just read. In your paragraph, provide one example of a direct
quotation and one example of paraphrasing. Use the MS Word function to insert a footnote for each of
these examples. The examples you provide must be different from the ones your teammates provide. Be
sure to use The Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition for the footnote format (a bibliography is not
required for this exercise but it is required for your research report).
Based on your answers, you may be asked to make corrections and resubmit and/or referred to the writing
center to receive more assistance.

Example – Paraphrase + Direct Quotation:

The rise of third-party delivery has certainly changed the foodservice industry. 1 Market research shows that
28% of consumers are using delivery service more than they were a year ago.2 Restaurant operators get
caught between focusing on ambiance and dine-in experience and offering delivery to meet the changing
customer preference for speed and convenience.3 Despite of the struggle of restaurant operators, third-
party delivery orders are projected to triple by the end of 2020 and as a spokesperson from SkipTheDishes
states, “[f]ood delivery isn’t just for special occasions anymore, but part of having a modern lifestyle.” 4

Your Paraphrase + Direct Quotation:

Jordan Maxwell, “Mobile Moves,” Foodservice and Hospitality, May 2019, 38,
Sara Rush Wirth, “Off-Premise Evolution: How to Win Outside of the Restaurant,” Restaurant Business, December 2018, 12,
Business Source Complete.
Maxwell, “Mobile Moves,” 38.
Maxwell, 39.

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