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The course started in Tuesday for me with the speaking task.

in Wednesday, I started unit 2, and the day after it we did a speaking
assessment, ending our first week in this course. At the start of the
second week we did some paraphrasing tasks, and in the next day
we did our first writing assessment and, in the day after we get the
evaluation of our writing, and did the final writing. Then in
Wednesday we checked the answers for the homework that we got
and Tuesday in blackboard. In the last day of the second week we
watched a video about critical thinking and showed our portfolio.
In reflection, I learned that we should always be ready for speaking
tasks because I stutter a lot and that makes me lose my train of
thoughts, and that I also have to always take notes.
According to the teacher feedback on the writing assessment I need
to keep writing so I don’t lose my skill in writing. From now on, I
would practice before the speaking task a few days, so that I could
perform better. I would also start waking up early so that I could
catch up to the various tasks that I have, and would also start using
the alarm more frequently.

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