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Boston is undoubtedly a goldilocks zone for various assortment of crops, from grains, to
fresh produce, to the mainstream coffee beans, and many more. Yet, there are still 225
strong abaca farmers situated in this area, it is a clear indication that the demand of this
raw material is stable and might even increase overtime. The huge number of farmers
(225) along with the unwinding support of the Municipality of Boston. it is positive that
the supply of Abaca produced in this area is very unlikely to go down.

Tote bag has become an icon in the current trend in fashion, and the reason behind its
popularity isn’t just because it is “uso”, but because tote bags are actually really
practical in a sense. The spacious body of the tote bag, with our model measuring 33cm
in depth, 18cm in width, and 41.5cm in length in its standard size is more than enough
to store essential items like books, writing materials, gadgets like phones or even
laptops. It will all fit in our tote bag, at the same time. With its big opening, the struggle
of locating smaller things inside the tote bag will not be a problem anymore. Even
though it is made of an organic material, rest assured that stains and dirt can be easily
remove by washing it. With its popularity among the younger generation, and with all the
practicality, that most of the working class is looking for. Entering the market of tote
bags is a safe bet. Furthermore, the proposed product is exceptionally promising. With
the trend of altering to sustainable products for the cause of conserving the
environment. It is a perfect opportunity to introduce an already popular item but with an
edge of being eco-friendly. The lack of carbon emission in the production of the abaca
tote bag and this, being biodegradable is a huge selling point. With these distinctive
qualities over its competitors, it is not hard to perceive that the abaca tote bag will make
its way from the factory, to someone else’s shoulder. And if the movement to conserve
the nature will continue, it is highly possible that the demand for items like this will
increase, generating more job openings overtime.

The Abaca plant, although prone to insects like brown aphid and diseases like the
brunchy top and mosaic disease, it is still considered as a highly resilient plant. The
maintenance is minimal and the chemicals that is used in making sure the survival of
the plant is a conventional pesticide. The support of the government in the production of
abaca is emitting a promising future for the industry. The Philippine Fiber Development
Authority or PhilFIDA is starting to assist the abaca farmers in all means possible, like
acquiring sustainability certification, since major international buyers of abaca will only
accept fibers from certified farms in the near future. Taking this into account, it is safe to
say that the production of abaca in the Philippines is more than enough that some
producers are even considering in exporting their goods.

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