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ING 112A Testing Office


Source 1: United States Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. Implementation of the Federal
Technology Transfer Act, 1989, page 452

Eagles and penguins have many microscopic filters in their eyes that remove blue and violet light. Nature’s
immaculate design is an endless source of inspiration. Scientists have been working on creating sunglasses that act
like the filters in the penguins’ eyes. The original Avian sunglasses are a brilliant orange in colour and provide
remarkable visual improvement. Consequently, Suntiger lenses have already gained high acclaim from pilots
involved in the high-tech sport of Soaring competition. Conventional polarized and non-polarized sunglasses do not
substantially block high energy radiation and were eclipsed four years ago by the safety and comfort found in the
Suntiger Avian lens. But in highly reflective environments like urban areas, ski-slopes and waterside regions, the new
brownish coloured PST lens offers even more thorough protection. This is due to its unique ability to prevent virtually
all the blue, violet and UV radiation, as well as damaging high-intensity glints, from reaching the delicate lens, cornea
and retinal eye tissues. Like the pioneering Avian lens, the state-of-the art PST visual acuity, reduces the visual effects
of haze, and protects night vision. But more important than all these improvements, they contribute to the prevention
of the two leading causes of blindness in society: Age- related cataract and age-related macular degeneration. Medical
evidence now implicates high energy sunlight as a significant factor in these diseases. Cataracts affect over 3.3 million
Americans annually. More than one in ten adults over age 64 will suffer some visual loss from macular degeneration.
Over a period of years, research evidence suggests these glasses, with their substantial safety, could have a
preventative effect on the incidence of age-related blindness in the U.S.

Source 2: B. Coxworth. Lazer SuperSkin helmet might just save your skin, 2020, page 25

There is no doubt that wearing a motorcycle helmet is better than not wearing one, but various studies have shown
that there is one potentially-lethal injury that they do not protect against which is called rotational injury, also known
as intracerebral shearing. When a rider’s helmet hits the road, its rigid shell catches against the pavement and causes
the helmet to rapidly twist around. The rider’s head twists with the helmet, but does it so quickly that the brain does
not quite keep up, moving a few milliseconds after the skull it is contained in. The result is the shearing of nerves and
blood vessels, resulting in disabilities or even death. Inspired by the human skin, developed by a British medic and
engineered by product development experts, Industrial Design Consultancy Ltd. (IDC), the new helmet, aptly named
SuperSkin, tackles this directly using a special new strategy. SuperSkin is an elastic membrane that covers the outside
of the helmet. It has a gel lubricant underneath, to help it slide against the helmet’s hard shell. The idea is that when
a SuperSkin helmet hits the road, its membrane is what will catch the pavement, twist around, and tear away. The
helmet will obviously still move, but only once those initial milliseconds of energy have been absorbed by the
membrane. Stringent tests show that the SuperSkin product design reduces rotational impact by 50% and the
possibility of brain damage by 67.5%. On impact, the outer membrane is able to stretch and slide over the main
helmet shell to prevent these dangerous rotational forces being transmitted to the head and brain. It is clear that life
creates conditions conducive to life.

S. Arıman ‘22
ING 112A Testing Office

Source: T. A. Lenau, A. L. Metze, T. Hesselberg. Paradigms for biologically inspired design, 2018

The number of granted patents for biomimetic inspired products

Source: K. Rick. Lazer helmets SuperSkin, 2018

Tangential force and impact duration

S. Arıman ‘22
ING 112A Testing Office

Source: Z. Oltaye, E. Geja, A. Tadele. Prevalence of motorcycle accidents and its associated factors,

Prevalence of victims’ body parts damaged by motorcycle accidents


S. Arıman ‘22

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