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04 Acknowledging Sources

Academic and Employability Skills

Semester 1
Academic Learning Outcomes
By the end of the session, you will:
1. have better awareness of APA referencing style
2. be better able to write citations in APA style
3. be better able to write references in APA style
Acknowledging Sources – the process

According to
Khan (2019)
there are a
number of …

Khan, A. (2019) Robotics. Sage

Task 1: Important Terms
Match the terms on the left with the description on the right.
d 2 - __
1 - __ b 3 - __ 4 - __ 5 - __ 6 - __ 7 - __ 8 - __

1 Source d Place to find ideas (e.g. book/web /journal)
2 Extract b Short part of a source (e.g. a paragraph)
Reasons to acknowledge sources?
Three main reasons

• To avoid plagiarism

• To strengthen your arguments through evidence

• To allow reader to find your sources

Which sources do we acknowledge?
Any source from which we have used ideas/information. Including
but not limited to:

• Books
• Journals
• Websites and documents
• Reports
• Videos
• Social media posts
• Images
• AI tools
Task 2: Reading
1 Skim the text to get the ‘gist’ of the text. Try reading the first line
of each paragraph or the introduction and conclusion. Then think
of a title for the text.
Title: _______________________________________________

Second task
Paragraph 1: Scan to find two in-text citations
Identify the difference between them. For example, what
information is placed in brackets (…)?
In which one is the author’s name part of the sentence.

Author’s name is part of the sentence:

However, Yakubo (2023) reports that alongside its promising potential, the
unethical use of AI has been on the rise particularly among students. … integrity and
Author’s name is not part of the sentence: NON
fairness but also carries severe implications for individuals and society at large
(Gupta, 2022).
Integral citations
1) According to Simpson (1999), restricting price limits causes stock
market volatility.
2) Simpson (1999) demonstrated that restricting price limits causes
stock market volatility.
3)Simpson’s theory (1999) claims that restricting price limits
causes stock market volatility.
possessive noun
4) Restrictions on price limits causing stock market
volatility was demonstrated by Simpson (1999).
passive agent
Integral / non integral?

Mostly non-integral Mostly Integral

• Information prominent • Author prominent
• Easier to build an argument • High profile authors add
• Tidier, especially for group credibility
citations • Content less prominent
Placement of citations
• Placement of citations should make it clear to the reader where
the information has come from.​
• If there is no citation the reader will assume you are claiming
the information as yours.​
• Integral citations will always appear in the same sentence as
the cited information, although this may continue in further
• Non-integral sentences can be placed in the middle, at the end
of the sentence containing the information, or at the end of a
run of several sentences if they all contain information from the
same source.
Placement of citations
Several empirical research projects have investigated the benefits of self-
awareness against leadership success. For example, research which
tested managerial self-awareness against high performing and average
performing managers found that high performers had higher levels of
self-awareness (Priest, 2015). Additionally, a study by Buckman et al.
(2018) suggested that when higher levels of self-awareness exists
in teams, they produce better levels of performance. Moreover, when
followers observe a leader with higher levels of self-awareness, it has a
reciprocal effect which motivates followers to develop self-awareness
which in turn motivates self-leadership development. Other empirical
findings (Black, 2021) have also demonstrated a positive relationship
between a leader’s self-awareness and a followers’ leadership
How clear is this
source of information?
Placement of citations
Several empirical research projects have investigated the benefits of self-
awareness against leadership success. For example, research which
tested managerial self-awareness against high performing and average
performing managers found that high performers had higher levels of
self-awareness (Priest, 2015). Additionally, a study by Buckman et al.
(2018) suggested that when higher levels of self-awareness exists
in teams, they produce better levels of performance. They also found
that when followers observe a leader with higher levels of self-
awareness, it has a reciprocal effect which motivates followers to
develop self-awareness which in turn motivates self-
leadership development. Other empirical findings (Black, 2021) have also
demonstrated a positive relationship between a leader’s self-awareness
and a followers’ leadership emergence.
Placement of citations

A study by Furnham (2008) reveals that psychometric testing grew

substantially in popularity in the 1980s, largely due to three reasons.
Firstly, there were unprecedented large numbers of applicants for jobs.
Secondly, Sir Michael Edwards, then the new head of British Leyland,
was alleged to have claimed that, through the use of appropriate tests
(although applied in order to fire rather than hire people), he was able to
turn the whole company around. Thirdly, the test publishers were
established and they marketed their goods aggressively.
Paragraph 2: Scan to find four citations
Are they integral or non-integral?
How many authors are there for each source?

(Wang & Chen, 2022)

Miles and Davies (2021)

(Hargreaves et al., 2021)

(Northumbria University, 2023)

Paragraph 3. Scan to answer these questions

How many citations are there?

How many sources are there?
Find a citation with no date. What do you write when there is no
How do you separate different sources when there is more than
one in a citation?
How do you show that one author has published more than one
article in the same year?
Paragraph 4. Scan to find 2 citations.
How do you cite when using a quotation?

How do you use secondary referencing?

Please note the citations used in the text are not genuine – they
were made up to raise awareness of APA style
When to include a citation
Wine plays an important role in French culture, and French wine is
consumed all over the world. In 2015, France exported over €11bn
worth of wine (Business France, 2016).

When is a citation required?

Original facts, statistics, ideas and analysis taken from a source.
Each time you paraphrase, summarise or quote from a source.
(2nd sentence)

When is a citation not required?

General knowledge/fact that cannot be attributed to one
source. 1st sentence
Paragraph 5
How many citations are used? Are there any statements for which
a citation should have been included?
To curb the increase in unethical AI use, it is essential to implement
preventative measures and promote ethical AI practises. A recent survey
showed that educational institutions are adopting proactive strategies
to deal with the issue. A College has launched an awareness campaign.
Another report indicates that universities are making technological
interventions to detect and deter AI powered ghosting by “creating a
culture that emphasises the value of originality critical thinking and
ethical behaviour” , students can be encouraged to make ethical choices
and resist the temptation of unethical AI use
Paragraph 5
How many citations are used? Are there any statements for which
a citation should have been included?
To curb the increase in unethical AI use, it is essential to implement
preventative measures and promote ethical AI practises. A recent survey
showed that educational institutions are adopting proactive strategies
to deal with the issue (Yakubo, 2023). Middlesex College (2023)
has launched an awareness campaign. Another report indicates that
universities are making technological interventions to detect and deter
AI powered ghosting (James, as cited in Yakubo, 2023). By “creating a
culture that emphasises the value of originality critical thinking and
ethical behaviour” (Davies, 2020. P101), students can be encouraged to
make ethical choices and resist the temptation of unethical AI use
References are built up from pieces of information
called “fields”​. ​Different kinds of sources have
different fields​.

Fields give four basic pieces of information

1.Who wrote it / who owns it?​
2.When did they write it?​
3.What is it called?​
4.Where can it be found?
Task 3: References
Find an example of: (write the letter next to the reference)​
a. A print book​ Blau
b. An e-book​ Earley & Gibson
c. A chapter in an edited book​ Tajfel &
d. A print journal​
e. An online journal​
Ayub & Jehn
f. A web document
g. An author with two articles published in the same year​

Lazear a / b
Identify the reference for these citations​
h (Wolfe et al, 2005)​
i (Bandura, 1997 as cited in Earley & Mosakowski, 2017)
Good news!

• You are not required to remember all these details

– there are many resources to help you.​

Northumbria University APA Referencing Guide​

Ace APA referencing video guide

Week 10 will be a workshop on digital reference management

Acknowledging Sources for Employability

• Reflects principle of intellectual

• Encourages evaluation of ideas
• Prevents plagiarism
• Builds credibility
• Fosters productive dialogue,
thoughtful analysis and synthesis of
Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching,

Integral component of responsible and effective communication.

Limitations of Generative AI

1. Lack of contextual understanding.

2. Can provide incomplete or inaccurate information.
3. Can lead to inadvertent plagiarism​.
4. Cannot evaluate quality of source​.
5. May generate citations that do not align with author intent.
6. ​Can inadvertently provide fake citation/reference.
7. Deprives you of alearning opportunity.
8. Lack of critical thinking​and ethical considerations.
OpenAI. (2023) Chat GPT (3 September version) [Large Language Model. (adapted)
Summative Assessment Deadlines

Week 3. Portfolio Task A. Library Search DONE

Week 4. Portfolio Task B. Evaluating sources DONE
Week 5. Wednesday 23.59.
Portfolio Task C. Annotated Reading List
Week 6. Portfolio Task D. Report outline
Week 7. Portfolio Task E. SWOT analysis
Week 8. Portfolio Task F. Smart Action Plan
Week 9. DRAFT Assessment
Week 12. FINAL Assessment
Summary and reflection
Indicate how confident you feel about putting each learning
outcome into practice by rating it 1 – 4:
1. Very confident
2. Quite confident
3. Not very confident
4. Not confident at all

Learning outcome Ratin

1. better awareness of APA referencing style
2. better able to write citations in APA style
3. better able to write references in APA style

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