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Abderazek CHEIKH

Clotilde ROBERT

Guidelines for writing a Master's report

The report should be written in French or English, respecting the grammar and spelling of the
language. The report must be neat.

1. Cover page

The cover page must include:

• Last name(s), First name(s)
• Promo, TP Group
• Name of the EU
• Title of the TP

2. Contents, Table of contents

The summary should be placed at the beginning of the report and the main titles of the parts
should be included in the summary.

3. List of tables and figures

To be included if necessary or if the number of figures/tables is large.

4. Introduction

The introduction must be included in the report. It summarizes the content of the TP, without
mentioning the results obtained or the difficulties encountered. You should not repeat the
introduction of the statement. The introduction must be personal.

5. Methodology

Presentation of the scientific approach taken. The steps to carry out the program or the
manipulations are described. It is recommended to illustrate the process. For example, you
can use :
• Photos and diagrams for experimental manipulations;
• A flowchart for a program.

Abderazek CHEIKH
Clotilde ROBERT

6. Results and Discussion

The results must be presented and commented on. Results without explanations are of no
value when marking the report. Each source must be cited, it can appear at the bottom of the
page or at the end of the report in the Bibliography section.

Example :
[1] Gurz M, Baltacioglu E, Hames Y, Kaya K. The meeting of hydrogen and automotive: a
review. Int J Hydrogen Energy, 2017

Format :
[1] Name(s) of author(s). Title of source, year.

If the source is a website, put the link at the bottom of the page
Tables and figures should have a title.

7. Conclusion

It should include a summary of the essential information from the test. In addition, an analysis
of the results should be provided. If possible, work perspectives can be given. The conclusion
is compulsory and allows the supervisor to see that the subject has been mastered.

8. Bibliography

The bibliography is not compulsory but is recommended if the report contains a large number
of citations. It should follow the typology specified in part 5.

9. Annexes

The appendices are the files: programs, Excel, .txt, etc.

These files are personal. Any plagiarism of these files will result in a mark of 0 for the concerned

The work submitted must be original to the author. Any plagiarism above 25% will result in a
reduction of the grade proportional to the percentage of plagiarism.


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