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Research Design

The research utilized a quantitative research design and employed a as the

primary Instrument for collectmg data According to Saul Mcleod- PhD

(2023): quantitative research collects numerical data and analyzes it usmg

statistical methods. The aim is to produce objective, empuical data that can be

measured and expressed m numerical terms. Quantitative research is often

used to test hypothesis: identify patterns- and make predictions.

It is employed m This study because Its purpose IS to cluster the

respondents according to their respond thus usmg frequency and mean

percentage; to Illustrate the data collected on the level of implementation and

effectiveness of disaster activities the in the Municipality of Kasibu.

Research Method Used

In particular, this study utilized descriptive method, more specifically

the non-experimental method with the main purpose of determining the status

on the level of implementation and effectiveness of disaster risk reduction and

management activities.

According to Sirisilla (2023) the descriptive research design involves

observing and collecting data on a given topic without attempting to infer

causeand-effect relationships. The goal of descriptive research is to provide a

comprehensive and accurate picture of the population or phenomenon being

studied and to describe the relationships, patterns and trends that exist within

the data. Descriptive research methods can include surveys, observational

studies and case studies. And the data collected can be qualitative or

quantitative. The findings from descriptive research provide valuable insights

and inform future research. But do not establish cause-and-effect relationships.

The findings from descriptive research provide valuable insights and inform

future research, but do not establish cause-and-effect relationships.

McComber (2019), stated that Descriptive research aims to accurately

and systematically describe a population, situation It can answer what.

Where. When, and how questions. But not -A Descriptive research design

can use a wide unriety of research methods to investigate one or more

variables. Unlike in experimental research, the researcher does not control or

manipulate any of the variables but only observe and measures them.

Respondents of the Study

In this research study, all of the staffs of Disaster Risk Reduction

Management Office, and the constituents of 5 barangays in the Municipality

of Kasibu were chosen by the researchers as the respondents of the study.

Purposive sampling under non-probability sampling was utilized in

choosing the respondents. Purposive sampling method was used in this study

for it may be prove to be effective when only limited numbers of people can

serve as primary data source to the nature of research design and


To generate the sample population, the Slovin’s formula was used.

n= N


n = the sample population N = the population

1 = constant 0.05 = margin of error

Table 1

Frequency distribution of respondents per household

Barangays Household Frequency

Antutot 440 84

Alloy 324 62

Catarawan 198 38

Muta 462 88

Papaya 274 52

Total 1,698 324

Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted at Kasibu, Nueva Vizcaya to the 5

barangays namely: Alloy, Antutot, Catarawan, Lupa, and Muta. It was

selected by the researchers as the locale of the study since it was the areas

prone to natural disasters, and also, the office of the Disaster Risk Reduction

Management of the said municipality.

Research Instruments

Survey-questionnaire will be utilized as a technique to collect the data.

The researcher made the questionnaire and was validated by the researcher

panelists. Questionnaire composed of a series of questions will serve as a

guide in gathering necessary data. It consists of the problems encountered by

the Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office in the implementation of

disaster preparedness activities. Those problems will be rank from one to five,

one as the highest and five as the lowest.

Data Gathering Procedure

To gather the data needed, the researchers obtained a letter of approval

for the off campus activities to carry out the study at the Municipality of

Kasibu from the Nueva Vizcaya State University President and sought

permission from the Office of Chairman of each of the selected barangays in

Kasibu, Nueva Vizcaya to conduct the study.

After the approval and the permission was granted, the following

procedures was undertaken:

Identification of Respondents. The list of households per barangay was

secured from the Mayor’s Office. This list was used to compute for the exact

number of respondents and for the random selection of households.

Development and Adoption of Research Instrument. The researchers adopted

their research instrument from the study of Acuevas, 2016.

Administration and Retrieval of Research Instruments. The researchers

administered the questionnaires to the respondents personally. To ensure the

quality result of data, the researchers guide and instructed the respondents

about the purpose and relevance of the study on their barangay. The honest
responses to each of the items in the questionnaire were solicited from the


Scoring, Analysts, and Interpretation of Data. After floating the

questionnaires, the data collected was tabulated in a worksheet. Analysis and

interpretation of results followed, after which conclusions were drawn and

recommendations were offered based on the finding of the study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

As soon as the researchers gathered the data, they will be compiled,

sorted, organized and tabulated. They were subject to statistical treatment in

order to answer the questions proposed in the study. The statistical tools

employed were the Frequency and Mean, and Likert Scale.

Frequency and Mean. To illustrate the data collected on the level of

implementation and effectiveness of disaster activities and organizational

commitment among Disaster Risk Reduction Management.

Likert Scale. Rating scale used to measure opinions of the respondents on the

level of implementation and effectiveness of disaster activities.

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