Shauna Canning - Career Plan

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Shauna Canning - Career Plan

Career Plan - Key Strategies and Actions

In your ePortfolio you must complete a career action plan. Use this worksheet and complete the following
sections. The prompts are here to assist you with thinking through your key strategies and what actions
you can undertake to help you towards achieving what is needed for your future career. The aim is to help
you to think and consider strategies for what might help you to prepare for future employment.

1. Be self-aware

What actions can you take to really understand your interests, values, skills, personality and strengths?

To really understand my Values, interests, skills, personality, and strengths I can do the following:
I would continue to identify my interests as well as what I enjoy, I would also expand on what I'm currently
interested in to add onto my skillsets which will give me more to value and learn from.
Seeking feedback from those around me provides insight on what I can work towards and what areas I
can improve on.
Regularly taking personality tests will progressively help me understand my personality type and will allow
me to learn what tools and resources I need to achieve certain goals.
Keeping myself accountable in keeping routine also allows me to stay on track to being self- aware in my
personal and professional life.
All of these actions will allow me grow in the areas I need and want for myself.

Word count: 142

Shauna Canning - Griffith University Plan: Shauna Canning - Career Plan

Created: 09-DEC-23 Last Modified: 10-DEC-23 Page 1 of 5 pages
2. Explore your options

What do you need to research to be clear about your options? What could you do to learn more about
career options in your areas of interest?

Research that I would need to implement to be clear about my career options would include the following:

Do extensive research around the industry i am looking to excel in.

I would look at what skillset they require to ensure I am capable of completing the type of tasks they
would allocate to me. I would also be looking at if the type of industry i am researching aligns with my
Reading about the industry will give me an insight in the history behind it and give me a clearer
understanding of the origins of where it was first created.
Attending workshops or seminars with professionals that work in the field, to hear their experiences
and their encounters will give clear understanding of what to expect in the industry.
Working in the industry would give an opportunity to learn and gain first-hand experiences with
working with professionals and other businesses that align their values around the industry.

Word count: 158

Shauna Canning - Griffith University Plan: Shauna Canning - Career Plan

Created: 09-DEC-23 Last Modified: 10-DEC-23 Page 2 of 5 pages
3. Gain experience and insight

What actions could you take to help you learn more about your industry or find opportunities to develop
your skills or find work experience opportunities?

I truly believe that networking with professionals is invaluable. It not only will allow me to have an insight
of their experiences but also may trigger opportunities around me.
Engaging in the learning process will allow me to develop the values within the line of work that I am
looking to do. It allows my interests to align with the tasks that I gravitate towards and the ones that i
avoid which opens the doors to improve in that area.
I think finding work experience is also just as important to learning and gaining more experiences. It
shows future employers who are currently looking for employees that you have applied your knowledge
and skill set to a task and have maintained focus throughout.
Again, keeping myself accountable and being aware, keeping track of my progress and growth in the
industry will help my identify if my values and interest still meet with the career option that i am working
Word count: 160

Shauna Canning - Griffith University Plan: Shauna Canning - Career Plan

Created: 09-DEC-23 Last Modified: 10-DEC-23 Page 3 of 5 pages
4. Evidence your skills (knowledge, skills and attributes)

What action can you take to find out more about what skills you might need to develop in your future
career? How might you document/record these?

Direct exposure to various roles within the field of work will give me the opportunity to obtain, learn, and
expand on the needed skills. Utilising my abilities and knowledge will action my skills into practice and
gradually increase my productivity as i will have the capacity and better understanding to do so.

Constantly keeping myself updated with new information and expectations by professionals, conferences
and having constructive criticism will enhance my skillset development to increase my growth throughout
my career.

Regularly updating my resume and my online presence such as my LinkedIn would be a way that I would
keep track and document my progress along the way, it will show the consistency in updating and allow
me to reflect on what skills I've developed, what skill I still may need to obtain and what skills I need to
improve on.
Word count: 141

Shauna Canning - Griffith University Plan: Shauna Canning - Career Plan

Created: 09-DEC-23 Last Modified: 10-DEC-23 Page 4 of 5 pages
5. Develop networks

List three things you could do to start building your professional networks.

Connecting on LinkedIn will allow me to personalise my intentions to professionals who work in the field
and by able to stay connected with them.
LinkedIn also gives me the access to engage and interactive with posts that the people i connect with post
that are relevant to the line of work and allows me to post similar content that i think is important.
I have the accessibility to join groups and partake in group discussions on specific topics and share my
thoughts and opinions to those who see it.

I believe committing my time to professional groups or organisations can play a role in forming and
creating professional relationships, they allow for discussions and opportunities to be taken that will open
through to collaborations that may create long-term partnering in the future.
They take time and effort but are an important aspect to building a career and opening up potential

Volunteering for leadership roles within the industry gives the chance to work closely with other
members. It shows the commitment and dedication to the job, which will be seen by upper management.
The consistency in working with others within the field will hopefully build those relationships naturally.
Word count: 199

Source: Griffith University Careers and Employment Service (2020)

Shauna Canning - Griffith University Plan: Shauna Canning - Career Plan

Created: 09-DEC-23 Last Modified: 10-DEC-23 Page 5 of 5 pages

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