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Conversation (I) 对话(I)

A: Good morning! Nice to meet you, my name is ________.

B: Nice to meet you too. I am_________.
A: I work in Dulwich as a __________. How about you?
B: I am a __________. My job is to__________. And you?
A: My job is to __________.
B: Where do you live?
A: I live in ________. I am from __________. Where are you
B: I am from _________. It is time to go, goodbye!
A: Bye!

Conversation (II) 对话(II)

A: Hello! May I ask where is Dulwich International High School?
B: Dulwich is in the northwest of Hengqin.
A: I want to eat lunch, where is the school canteen?
B: The canteen is on the left of the school lobby.
A: Can you also tell me where is the dormitory?
B: The dormitory is next to the sports field, please walk straight
ahead and you will reach it.
A: Thank you very much.
B: My pleasure.
Conversation (III) 对话(III)
A: Good afternoon! How are you?
B: I am fine, thank you.
A: It is raining a lot today.
B: Yes, it is very windy too.
A: The weather forecast says there will be typhoon this week.
B: Typhoon! What should we do?
A: We have to use umbrellas, wear a raincoat and stay inside.
B: We should also prepare some clean water.
A: I hope the weather will be sunny again.
B: Me too, then I can wear a pair of sunglasses and turn on the
A: I agree, let’s prepare for the typhoon now. Bye!
B: Goodbye!
Conversation (IV) 对话(IV)
A: Hello! You don’t look well today.
B: Yes, I have a headache and a slight fever.
A: You are coughing a bit too.
B: I think I have a cold.
A: You should go see a doctor.
B: Yes, I will. Bye!
(After a while)
A: Did you go see a doctor?
B: Yes, due to Covid-19, I had to have a green Health Code and
Travel Code to see the doctor.
A: I see, you have to also take a nucleic acid test too.
B: Yes, I did.
A: What did the doctor say?
B: It is only a simple cold, he prescribed (gave) me some
A: You should also drink more water and take a rest.
B: I will, thank you!
A: Get well soon.

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