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Multi-Objective Optimization

of Wire-Electric Discharge
Machined Ultrathin Silicon

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Divyanshu Bhartiya
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Wafers Using Response
Indian Institute of Bombay,
Mumbai 400076, India Surface Methodology for
Pinal Rana
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Solar Cell Applications
Indian Institute of Bombay,
Mumbai 400076, India Recent investigations on the fabrication of ultrathin silicon (Si) wafers using wire-
electric discharge machining (wire-EDM) were observed to possess some inherent limita-
Meinam Annebushan Singh tions. These include thermal damage (TD), kerf-loss (KL), and low slicing rate (SR),
Department of Mechanical Engineering, which constraints its industrial use. The extent of TD, KL, and SR largely depends on the
Indian Institute of Bombay, process parameters such as open voltage (OV), servovoltage (SV), and pulse on-time
Mumbai 400076, India (Ton). Therefore, optimizing the parameters that pertain to minimum TD and KL while
maintaining a higher SR is the key to improvement in the fabrication of Si wafers using
Deepak Marla1 wire-EDM. Thus, this study is an effort to analyze and identify the optimal parameters
Department of Mechanical Engineering, that relate to the most effective Si slicing in wire-EDM. A central composite design
Indian Institute of Bombay, (CCD)-based response surface methodology (RSM) was used for optimizing the process
Mumbai 400076, India parameters. The capability to slice Si wafers in wire-EDM was observed to be influenced
e-mail: by the discharge energy, which significantly impacted the overall responses. The severi-
ties of TDs were observed to be mainly dominated by the variation in OV and Ton due to
the diffusion of thermal energy into the workpiece, leading to melting and subsequent
resolidification. For high productivity, the optimized parameters resulted in a SR of
0.72 mm/min, TD of 17.44 lm, and a kerf-loss of about 280 lm.
[DOI: 10.1115/1.4049362]

Keywords: wire-EDM, silicon, ultra-thin wafers, central composite method, RSM

1 Introduction superior machining characteristics with the application of reverse

polarity in wire-EDM during the slicing of Si ingots. Takino et al.
The increasing demand of solar energy as an alternative power
[9] demonstrated the slicing of polished Si wafers using water and
generation source has led to an increasing focus toward ultrathin
oil as the dielectric medium to improve surface quality. They
silicon (Si)-based photovoltaic solar cells. Therefore, a need arises
observed that higher surface qualities were achieved with water as
to cut Si wafers effectively and efficiently. Currently, conven-
the dielectric fluid in comparison with that of oil.
tional techniques such as inner diameter (ID) sawing [1], free
Joshi et al. [10] carried out an experimental study to character-
abrasive wire saw [2], and fixed abrasive wire saw [3] methods
ize the surface qualities and machining capabilities of the wire-
were used to slice Si wafers. The thickness achieved using these
EDM Si wafers. Better machining characteristics were observed
processes were in the range of 180620 lm, with a kerf-loss (KL)
with higher open voltage (OV) and lower servovoltage (SV),
of 150–300 lm and a slicing rate (SR) of 0.42–1.1 mm/min [4].
which led to higher material removal along the wire feed direc-
These methods remove the material purely by mechanical abra-
tion. Besides, the extent of the recast layer and thermal damages
sion, which led to higher surface damage with microcracks. Gao
(TD) were observed to be in the range of a few microns to tens of
et al. [5] investigated subsurface damage during the diamond wire
microns [11]. The high severity of thermal damages further
sawing and reported it to be about 45 lm. Similar inferences were
demands extensive surface polishing/etching [12]. This could ulti-
also reported by Bismayer et al. [6] during ID saw of Si wafers.
mately lead to an increase in the manufacturing cost. Further, it
The high severity of subsurface damage associated with these
has been identified that the severity of the thermal damage, kerf-
methods requires prolonged polishing/etching, which led to higher
loss, and slicing rate were observed to be directly influenced by
material loss and processing time. This consequently increased
the discharge potential maintained during wire-EDM slicing.
the overall production cost.
Thus, proper optimization of the machining parameters is essen-
Wire-electric discharge machining (EDM) is another potential
tial to realize effective slicing of Si wafers using wire-EDM with
technique for the fabrication of ultrathin Si wafers [7]. However,
minimal thermal damage and kerf-loss while maintaining an
the low electrical conductivity of the material is a major concern.
appreciable slicing rate.
Despite this challenge, several researchers have successfully dem-
Response surface methodology (RSM) is an effective design
onstrated the viability of the process. Uno et al. [8] reported
and optimization tool to identify the individual and interactive
effects of the process parameters on the response variables [13].
Corresponding author. Numerous studies were conducted to date with regard to the opti-
Contributed by the Manufacturing Engineering Division of ASME for publication
in the JOURNAL OF MICRO- AND NANO-MANUFACTURING. Manuscript received July 1,
mization of wire-EDM parameters using RSM. Hewidy et al. [14]
2020; final manuscript received October 22, 2020; published online January 18, and Nandakumar and Mohan [15] used RSM to develop the math-
2021. Assoc. Editor: Ping Guo. ematical models and optimize the overall influence of the process

Journal of Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing Copyright V

C 2020 by ASME DECEMBER 2020, Vol. 8 / 041006-1
parameters in wire-EDM. Similarly, Joshi et al. [10] adopted the 2.2 Experimental Setup. A wire-EDM setup (Accutex AU-
RSM technique to perform single-objective optimization of the 300i) was used to perform the experiments, which is shown in
process parameters during the Si wafer slicing and calculated the Fig. 2. A polycrystalline Si ingot of thickness 30 mm, with 0.5 W
value of slicing rate, kerf-loss, and thermal damage. Although var- cm resistivities, was used as the workpiece submerged in a dielec-
ious researchers have reported the capability of slicing Si wafers tric medium (de-ionized water). A brass wire of diameter 250 lm
using wire-EDM, multi-objective optimization of the process was used as a tool electrode. The present analysis followed a nor-
parameters has not been reported. This work utilizes RSM-based mal polarity with the tool as the cathode, and the workpiece as the
multi-objective optimization to investigate the impact of process

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anode, respectively. The dielectric was maintained at around
parameters on the overall machining characteristics. The incorpo- 25  C temperature using a water chilling plant. The kerf-loss was
ration of the multi-objective optimization will help identify the measured using an optical Rapid Eye microscope. Further, the
process parameters for the slicing of Si wafers corresponding to severity of thermal damages was measured using a field emission
the most optimal machining scenario (high slicing rate, low kerf- scanning electron microscope (SEM) (Ultra 55, Carl Zeiss).
loss, and thermal damage), which can enhance productivity. Preliminary experiments were conducted to identify the operat-
ing range of the process parameters, viz., OV, SV, and Ton. The
2 Experiments working range of the process parameters was chosen with wire
breakage as the limiting factor. The final working range was cho-
Experiments were carried out to slice Si wafers at a different sen as 65–95 V for OV, 34–50 V for SV, and 0.3–1.2 ls for Ton,
set of process parameters using wire-EDM. In this section, the with corresponding levels shown in Table 1. The reason behind
details of the experimental setup and design of experiments are choosing this range is that at 65 V of OV and 0.3 ls of Ton, spark
presented. produces minimal energy, below which there was no material
removal. At 95 V of OV and 1.2 ls of Ton spark produces maxi-
2.1 Design of Experiments. This work employs RSM to mum energy, above which there was frequent wire breakage. A
design and analyze the experiments with slicing rate, thermal constant pulse off-time of 15 ls, wire tension 6.86 N, wire feed of
damage, and kerf-loss as the response parameters. A central com- 92 mm/s, and water pressure of 10 bar/kg were considered in this
posite design (CCD)-based RSM was chosen because of its supe- study.
rior prediction quality over other designs. The axial points in the
CCD demarcate the values chosen for the considered factors. A 3 Optimization Methodology
basic factorial design is created within these axial points, consist-
ing of a central point representing the mean value of all the fac- The objective of this study is to optimize the overall process
tors. The axial points help estimate the curvature used for parameters during Si-wafer slicing with regard to a high slicing
circumscribing the cube formed by the factorial points with a cen- rate, low thermal damage, and kerf-loss. The design and optimiza-
tral point at the center. The RSM estimates the value of responses tion were performed using open source R programing software.
at each point within the volume circumscribed by the CCD curva- The optimization methodology, along with the objective func-
ture (see Fig. 1). The design consists of three controlled variables tions, is summarized as:
(OV, SV, and Ton) and three responses, viz., SR, KL, and TD. For (i) Find process parameters: X ¼ [OV, SV, Ton]
the application of CCD, the chosen range of values of the con- (ii) F ¼ f [maximize (SL), minimize (KL, TD)]
trolled variables was demarcated into five levels. With k factors in (iii) Given objective functions:
an experiment, CCD proposes 2k factorial points, 2k axial points, slicing rate (SR) ¼ f1 (OV, SV, Ton);
and a central point (Cp), culminating into 2k þ 2k þ Cp number of kerf-loss (KL) ¼ f2 (OV, SV, Ton);
experiments. Hence with k ¼ 3, the number of experimental points thermal damage (TD) ¼ f3 (OV, V, Ton)
is 23 þ 2  3 þ 1  4 ¼ 18; here central point was repeated four (iv) Subject to constraints:
times. Therefore, 18 different sets of parametric combinations 65 V  OV  95 V;
with two repetitions were chosen to carry out the experiments. 34 V  SV  50 V;
Following the experiments, the RSM was used to develop a 0.3 ls  Ton  1.2 ls;
second-order equation based on the retrieved data and assist in (v) Find individual desirability (d)
evaluating response surfaces and contour plots to understand the
effects of controlled variables on the responses. The accuracy of SRn  minðSRÞ
the model was accessed by the repeated experimentation of the dðSRn Þ ¼
maxðSRÞ  minðSRÞ
central points, which measure the process variability to gain a bet-
ter error estimate. These central points also help identify the cur-
maxðKLÞ  KLn
vature of the model and estimate the significance of each factor. dðKLn Þ ¼
After modeling of the experimental data, the desirability function maxðKLÞ  minðKLÞ
was used for multi-objective optimization.

Fig. 1 Central composite design Fig. 2 Experimental setup

041006-2 / Vol. 8, DECEMBER 2020 Transactions of the ASME

Table 1 Machining parameters with their levels


Process parameters 2 1 0 1 2

Open voltage (V) 65 71 80 89 95

Servovoltage (V) 34 37 42 47 50

Downloaded from by Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Deepak Marla on 07 October 2023
Pulse on-time (ls) 0.3 0.5 0.75 1 1.2

maxðTDÞ  TDn
dðTDn Þ ¼
maxðTDÞ  minðTDÞ

(vi) Find overall desirability (D) using Fig. 4 Variation of slicing rate with Ton and OV (SV 5 42 V)

increases from 65 V to 95 V, the slicing rate was observed to

Di ¼ ½dðSRn Þ  dðKLn Þ  dðTDn Þ1=3 increase by roughly 2.5 times its initial value. Furthermore, for a
Here, X defines the set of process parameters, F is the primary given value of OV ( 80 V), the slicing rate decreases with an
objective function related to the process parameters through the increase in SV (see Fig. 3). When SV increases, the interelectrode
function f, whereas f1, f2, and f3 are the single objective functions gap also increases. This leads to a higher probability of spark con-
for maximizing the slicing rate and minimizing kerf-loss and ther- centration in the transverse direction, thereby lowering the slicing
mal damage, respectively. The value of D varies from 0 to 1, with rate. However, at higher values of OV ( 90 V), there is an
values closer to 1 as the most desirable. The desirability function increase in the slicing rate with an increase in the SV. The
aids in finding out the optimal value from the given set of 18 increased discharge energy mainly influences this phenomenon
experimental points, which is one of its drawbacks as it does not with higher OV that relates to higher material removal along the
provide the optimum global value. Therefore, to counter this machining direction, even though associated with a bigger intere-
drawback, RSM modeling is again performed with the overall lectrode gap.
desirability as a function of OV, SV, and Ton. Thus, the new The variation in the slicing rate with SV was observed to be
objective function is quite minimal for the considered range of OV. Similar inferences
were also observed with the variation in Ton (see Fig. 4). The
D ¼ f4 ðOV; SV; Ton Þ limitation of the present experimental setup to incorporate a larger
Ton could have resulted in a small variation of the slicing rate
Hence, the multi-objective optimization problem was converted with varying Ton. Moreover, a small change (around 6%) in the
into a single objective optimization problem, and the optimal val- slicing rate can be observed from Figs. 3 and 4 while varying Ton
ues of the process parameters were obtained. and SV when the OV was maintained between 80 V to 90 V.
Figure 5 depicts the variation of the slicing rate as a function of
Ton and SV. At the lower value of Ton, the slicing rate decreases
4 Results and Discussion with an increase in SV, throughout the considered range. The
In this section, a detailed analysis of process parameters’ influ- spark gap being a direct function of the SV, an increase in SV
ence on the machined surface, slicing rate, kerf-loss, and thermal decreases the concentration of the spark discharges from the
damage will be presented for wire-EDM slicing of polycrystalline machining direction, which results in a comparatively lower slic-
Si. The interaction of the parameters and their overall effects on ing rate. However, upon increasing the Ton, a varying trend of
the responses will be identified and thoroughly analyzed. Further, increasing slicing rate was observed with SV. This is mainly due
the results of multi-objective optimization to determine the opti- to the reduced probability of clogging of the eroded debris in the
mal machining conditions will be discussed. machining zone with an increase in the spark gap. Moreover, the
contradicting variation in slicing rate with Ton for low (34 V) and
high (50 V) SV was observed in this study. Such behavior was
4.1 Slicing Rate. Figures 3 and 4 show the variation in slic- mainly a consequence of the variation in the debris formation,
ing rate with the process parameters. The slicing rate was plasma flushing, and clogging phenomena with SV in the machin-
observed to increase with an increase in OV, for a particular SV ing zone. A low Ton with high SV induces a higher flushing effi-
and Ton. This condition was mainly attributed to the increase in ciency of the debris particle, which increases the slicing rate.
the discharge energy with an increase in OV, which resulted in While at higher Ton, the overall time to remove the eroded debris
higher material removal along the machining direction. When OV

Fig. 3 Variation of slicing rate with SV and OV (Ton 5 0.75 ls) Fig. 5 Variation in slicing rate with Ton and SV (OV 5 80 V)

Journal of Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing DECEMBER 2020, Vol. 8 / 041006-3

reduces, leading to clogging over a small interelectrode gap and
hence lowers the slicing rate.

4.2 Kerf-Loss. The kerf-loss variation at two different set of

parameters is shown in Figs. 6(a) and 6(b). In order to increase
the accuracy of the results, the measurements were taken at four

Downloaded from by Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Deepak Marla on 07 October 2023
different locations. The average value of kerf-loss for OV ¼ 95 V,
Ton ¼ 1.2 ls, SV ¼ 34 V (first set of parameters) is 0.2710 mm as
shown in Fig. 6(a) and for OV ¼ 65 V, Ton ¼ 0.3 ls, SV ¼ 50 V
(second set of parameters) is 0.2903 mm as shown in Fig. 6(b). As
the wire diameter is 250 lm, the calculated interelectrode gap
from Fig. 6 is approximately 10 lm and 20 lm, respectively, for
the first and second sets of parameters. Fig. 7 Variation of kerf-loss with SV and OV (Ton 5 0.75 ls)
Figure 7 shows the variation of KL with varying OV and SV. A
gradual increase in KL was observed with an increase in OV for
lower SVs. This variation is mainly due to the increase in dis-
charge energy with OV, which leads to higher removal of material
from both the machining as well as transverse direction. However,
at higher SVs, the variation in KL was observed to be almost con-
stant throughout. At a lower value of OV, KL increases with an
increase in SV. This is mainly attributed to the higher probabilistic
discharge concentration in the transverse direction, leading to a
larger KL. However, for the case with higher OV, the KL initially
decreases and then increases with an increase in SV. Initially,
when the SV was maintained at a lower value and OV at a higher
value, profound interaction of the wire electrode and the work-
piece material occurs. This directly corresponds to larger material
removal and hence, larger KL as well.
For the machining scenario with larger OV (90–95 V), when Fig. 8 Variation of kerf-loss with Ton and OV (SV 5 42 V)
the SV increases, the intensity of discharges decreases due to the
increasing interelectrode gap, which correlates with the reduction
in KL, as observed in Fig. 7. Further increase in the SV increases ultimately leading to a comparatively larger KL, as reported in
the interelectrode gap to a sufficiently large value that the dis- Fig. 8.
charge concentration gets highly focused toward the transverse
direction. As a result, the KL concomitantly increases. In this
work, the SV in the range of 40–45 V was observed as the thresh- 4.3 Thermal Damage. The minimization of the severity of
old boundary over which the KL varies. thermal damage is an essential criterion for solar cell applications,
Figure 8 shows the variation in kerf-loss with OV and Ton. For with regard to the power conversion efficiency. Higher thermal
a given value of OV, an increase in Ton decreases the KL initially damage leads to higher recombination, which reduces the effi-
and then gradually increases beyond a certain threshold Ton value ciency of solar cells [12]. Figure 9 shows the variation in the ther-
(Fig. 8). This is because when Ton increases, the discharge energy mal damage obtained during the slicing of Si wafers using wire-
increases, which cause significant melting, vaporization, and ther- EDM. By measuring the difference in surface texture from the
mal spalling. As a result, the wire electrode has a higher probabil- base material, thermal damages were measured. The severity of
ity of moving in the machining direction. This leads to a reduced the net thermal damages was observed as a consequence of both
spark initiation and propagation in the transverse direction. There- the recast layer and the heat-affected zone, which extends beneath
fore, KL decreases. However, with a further increase in Ton, the the resolidified layer.
increased discharge energy generates high debris, which increases The variation in the thermal damage with OV is shown in
the chances of clogging in the machining gap. This leads to a Figs. 10 and 11. The severity of thermal damages was observed to
higher probability of spark generation in the transverse direction, increase with an increase in OV. When OV increases, the

Fig. 6 Optical images for measuring the kerf-loss (a) OV 5 95 V, Ton 5 1.2 ls, SV 5 34 V and (b) OV 5 65 V,
Ton 5 0.3 ls, SV 5 50 V

041006-4 / Vol. 8, DECEMBER 2020 Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 9 SEM images depicting the severity of the thermal damage for (a) OV 5 95 V, Ton 5 1.2 ls, SV 5 34 V
and (b) OV 5 65 V, Ton 5 0.3 ls, SV 5 50 V

associated discharge energy increases as well. Consequently, dif- the eroded material. A combined effect of high material erosion
fusion of heat into the workpiece material increases, resulting in and poor flushing leads to a high amount of material getting rede-
higher melting, resolidification, and thermal affected zones. This posited on the machined surface, thereby leading to poor surface
ultimately increases the thermal damages, as observed in Figs. 10 characteristics, as seen in Fig. 12(a). In comparison, the crater
and 11. When OV increases from 65 to 95 V, there is a 21% density is lower in Fig. 12(b) with a low amount of redeposited
increase in thermal damage. For a given OV, the thermal damage material. Besides, the size of the craters is higher in Fig. 12(b)
increases with an increase in SV (see Fig. 10) as well. The SV because of wider interelectrode gap, which could be due to the
being an interelectrode gap function, an increase in SV increases generation of a thicker (discharge) plasma.
the interelectrode gap maintained between the tool and the work-
piece. This leads to higher severity of spark concentration in the 4.5 Optimization. In order to find the optimal process param-
transverse direction, which subsequently leads to higher thermal eters, the RSM package in the R language was used. The model-
damage. In the present analysis, an increase in SV from 35 to ing approach described in Sec. 3 was used to find the response
50 V caused a 13% increase in the thermal damage. variables (KL, SR, and TD) as a function of OV, SV, and Ton. Fur-
A similar influence was observed with varying Ton (Fig. 11), ther, desirability (d) values for each of the response variables
where an increase in Ton leads to higher discharge duration, were calculated. Table 2 depicts the value of individual desirabil-
which increases the overall heat diffusion, ultimately leading to ity corresponding to each of the response variables at different
enhanced thermal damages. The thermal damages were observed experiment conditions. From these individual desirability values
to increase by about 133% when the Ton increases from 0.3 to (d(KL), d(SR), d(TD)), overall desirability (D) for each experi-
1.2 ls. ment is calculated. The parametric optimization resulted in
OV ¼ 84.32 V, SV ¼ 42.98 V, and Ton ¼ 0.62 ls. The values of
thermal damage, kerf-loss, and slicing rate corresponding to the
4.4 Machined surface. Figures 12(a) and 12(b) show the above set of parameters are 20.69 lm, 279.27 lm, and 0.6134 mm/
SEM images of the machined surfaces at two different parameters min, respectively. However, the obtained optimized parameter
pertaining to the extreme conditions. The surface consists of cra- cannot be directly used due to the associated limitations of the
ters, pores, and redeposited debris. A qualitative comparison of present experimental setup in selecting the parameter values.
the two surfaces suggests that the density of craters and the rede- Thus, the nearest settings were considered to perform the final val-
posited material is higher in Fig. 12(a) than Fig. 12(b). This is idation (OV ¼ 83 V, SV ¼ 43 V, and Ton ¼ 0.6 ls). A moderately
because the spark energy increases with an increase in OV, and higher slicing rate of 0.6560.04 mm/min, kerf-loss of 28063 lm,
the number of sparks increases with an increase in Ton. Therefore, and thermal damage of 1862 lm was observed during experimen-
at higher values of OV and Ton, the material erosion is more tal characterization. This is the global optimum value for the pres-
severe, as is evident in Fig. 12(a) with a higher density of craters. ent experimental study and is observed to be well within the limit
Also, the discharge gap is smaller at lower values of SV. Due to of value obtained from optimization, thus validating the accuracy
the narrow discharge gap at SV ¼ 34 V (Fig. 12(a)), the flushing of the optimization model.
capability is poor, which subsequently leads to the redeposition of

Fig. 10 Variation of thermal damage with SV and OV Fig. 11 Variation of thermal damage with Ton and OV
(Ton 5 0.75 ls) (SV 5 42 V)

Journal of Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing DECEMBER 2020, Vol. 8 / 041006-5

Downloaded from by Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Deepak Marla on 07 October 2023
Fig. 12 SEM images depicting the variation of machined surfaces in (a) OV 5 95 V, Ton 5 1.2 ls,
and SV 5 34 V and (b) OV 5 65 V, Ton 5 0.3 ls, and SV 5 50 V

Table 2 Desirability function of machining parameters with their levels and responses

OV (V) SV (V) Ton (ls) SR (mm/min) KL (mm) TD (lm) d(SR) d(KL) d(TD) D

71 37 0.5 0.487567 0.280165 15.376 0.4871387 0.3257900 0.8833069 0.5194782

89 37 0.5 0.709723 0.285455 14.64985 0.8775203 0.1100917 0.9306437 0.4479867
71 47 0.5 0.352299 0.288055 16.95243 0.2494403 0.0040774 0.7805415 0.0925943
89 47 0.5 0.760456 0.284265 15.8946 0.9666704 0.1586136 0.8495001 0.5069060
71 37 1 0.363306 0.280475 28.17383 0.2687822 0.3131498 0.0490329 0.1604034
89 37 1 0.758438 0.281475 22.71857 0.9631243 0.2723751 0.4046543 0.4734905
71 47 1 0.353294 0.288155 27.33565 0.2511887 0 0.1036728 0
89 47 1 0.779423 0.27974 20.8238 1 0.3431192 0.5281719 0.5659005
65 42 0.75 0.210349 0.26363 13.58592 0 1 1 0
95 42 0.75 0.748223 0.28509 28.926 0.9451740 0.1249745 0 0
80 34 0.75 0.437158 0.278325 19.862 0.3985580 0.4008154 0.5908704 0.4553123
80 50 0.75 0.447628 0.283335 23.65303 0.4169563 0.1965341 0.3437381 0.3042650
80 42 0.3 0.436205 0.2862 19.40879 0.3968833 0.0797145 0.6204146 0.2697496
80 42 1.2 0.434688 0.28593 22.10382 0.3942176 0.0907237 0.4447291 0.2514881
80 42 0.75 0.470267 0.26422 21.0883 0.4567384 0.9759429 0.5109295 0.6106856
80 42 0.75 0.501505 0.28602 20.7143 0.5116311 0.0870540 0.5353101 0.2878174
80 42 0.75 0.474608 0.285835 17.87622 0.4643666 0.0945973 0.7203208 0.3162923
80 42 0.75 0.497265 0.278690 19.89293 0.5041805 0.3859054 0.5888531 0.4856886

However, the observed global optimal value of thermal dam- discharge time higher is the heat penetration into the work-
age, kerf-loss, and slicing rate is not suitable for high productivity piece. Thermal damage increased by 133% when Ton was
owing to the low slicing rate (0.65 mm/min) and high thermal varied from 0.3 ls to 1.2 ls.
damage (18 lm). Furthermore, the overall variation in kerf-loss (4) The optimal parameters from the model were obtained as
for all the experiments is around 20 lm, which is insignificant. OV ¼ 83 V, SV ¼ 43 V, and Ton ¼ 0.6 ls with the corre-
Therefore, another case was taken into account that considered sponding value of slicing rate, kerf-loss, and thermal dam-
slicing rate and thermal damages as the major desirability func- ages are 0.6134 mm/min, 279.27 lm, and 20.69 lm,
tions. Following the optimization steps mentioned in Sec. 3, the respectively.
optimized parameters for high productivity are OV ¼ 87.84 V, (5) The thermal damage and slicing rate are the two essential
SV ¼ 35 V, and Ton ¼ 0.4 ls. The corresponding theoretical value factors for improving productivity. The optimized parame-
of thermal damage and slicing rate is 17.44 lm and 0.72 mm/min, ters for high productivity (high slicing rate and low thermal
respectively. Therefore, performing the wire-EDM process at damage) were OV ¼ 87.84 V, SV ¼ 35 V, and Ton ¼ 0.4 ls,
these parameters can significantly enhance productivity. with corresponding thermal damage and slicing rate of
17.44 lm and 0.72 mm/min, respectively.

5 Conclusions
This work is an effort to optimize ultrathin Si wafer slicing Acknowledgment
using wire-EDM with slicing rate, kerf-loss, and thermal damage
as the output characteristics. The following are the main conclu- The authors are greatly thankful to National Centre for Photo-
sions of the work. voltaic Research and Education (NCPRE), IIT Bombay, for allow-
ing the use of their facilities to carry out the experimental work.
(1) The slicing rate was mainly dominated by OV. This is
mainly due to the increased discharge energy with higher
OV, leading to higher melting and vaporization.
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Journal of Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing DECEMBER 2020, Vol. 8 / 041006-7

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