DMC 4.ahk

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#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with

future AutoHotkey releases.

;#Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior
speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#HotkeyInterval 100 ; Set Hot Key Interval very low, to not get any
warnings due to high Hot Key presses
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 99999 ; Set Max Hot Keys Per Interval very high, to not get
any warnings due to high Hot Key presses

; Devil May Cry 4 - (Special Edition) - Keyboard + Mouse Mapping

LButton::i ; [LMB] Melee Attack

RButton::j ; [RMB] Gun Attack
MButton::l ; [MMB] Special Attack
Space::k ; [Space] Jump
Shift::space ; [Shift] Lock On
q::Left ; [Q] Rotate Camera to the Left
e::Right ; [E] Rotate Camera to the Right
f::q ; [F] Exceed
Tab::o ; [Tab] Change Target
x::n ; [X] Devil Trigger
t::m ; [T] Taunt
c::p ; [C] Reset Camera

; [Shift] + [WASD] + [Space] Slide

p::LButton ; [P] Left Mouse Button; In case you need your

Pause::Pause ; [Pause] Pause the script. Pressing it again will

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