Detailed Steps For Hackathon Problem 1

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Detailed steps for hackathon problem 1

**Step 1: Set Up Your Development Environment**

1. **Install Required Software:**

- Install a code editor or Integrated Development Environment
(IDE) like Visual Studio Code (VSCode).
- Install Node.js for JavaScript runtime.
- Set up Git for version control (optional but recommended).
- Ensure you have the Klaytn Wallet installed for managing your
Klaytn tokens.

**Step 2: Smart Contract Development**

2. **Design Smart Contract:**

- Use Solidity to design your smart contract. Define the contract's
structure, variables, and functions. Start with the Level 1

3. **Implement Smart Contract:**

- Write Solidity code to implement the Create, Read, Update, and
Delete functionalities for Level 1. Ensure you implement gas
optimization techniques for efficient contract operations.

4. **Implement Level 2 Functionalities:**

- Extend the smart contract to include Level 2 functionalities such
as managing multiple articles and users efficiently.

**Step 3: Testing and Debugging**

5. **Write Tests:**
- Create tests for your smart contract using tools like Truffle or
Hardhat. Test all the functions to ensure they work as expected.

6. **Debugging:**
- Debug and fix any issues found during testing. Make sure your
smart contract is secure and dependable.

**Step 4: Deploy the Smart Contract**

7. **Get KLAY Tokens:**

- Visit the Klaytn faucet at Klaytn Baobab Wallet Faucet to obtain
KLAY tokens for deployment. You may need a Klaytn account for this.

8. **Deployment:**
- Deploy your smart contract on the Klaytn Baobab testnet. You can
use tools like Truffle, Hardhat, or Klaytn-specific deployment tools.

**Step 5: User Interface (UI) Development**

9. **UI Design:**
- Design the user interface for interacting with your smart contract.
You can use web development technologies such as HTML, CSS, and
JavaScript for this.

10. **UI Development:**

- Develop the UI, ensuring it's intuitive and responsive. Implement
the necessary components for posting and managing articles/users.

**Step 6: Integrating UI with Smart Contract**

11. **Implement Integration:**

- Use JavaScript to connect the UI to your smart contract. You'll
need to use libraries like Web3.js or Klaytn-specific libraries to
interact with the blockchain.

12. **Customization:**
- Make the UI adaptable to various programming languages or
frameworks for broad user accessibility and comfort.

**Step 7: Testing the Complete System**

13. **Integration Testing:**

- Test the complete system, including the smart contract and the
user interface, to ensure they work together seamlessly.
**Step 8: Documentation**

14. **Write Comprehensive Documentation:**

- Document the functionalities of the contract, methods, and
guidelines for interacting with the UI.

**Step 9: Evaluation and Submission**

15. **Gas Efficiency:**

- Ensure that your smart contract is gas-efficient for all contract

16. **Security and Dependability:**

- Verify the security and dependability of the contract.

17. **UI Feedback:**

- Collect feedback on the UI's intuitiveness and responsiveness.

18. **UI Adaptability:**

- Ensure that the UI is adaptable to diverse user preferences.

**Step 10: Deployment and Submission**

19. **Deployment on Vercel:**

- Deploy the frontend of your application on Vercel, ensuring it
communicates seamlessly with the smart contract on the Klaytn
Baobab testnet.

20. **Google Form Submission:**

- After successful deployment, fill out the provided Google Form
with the required details, such as the contract's deployed address,
your Klaytn address, and other relevant data to validate your

Throughout the process, maintain good version control practices

using Git, and work collaboratively if you have a team. Regularly test
and iterate on your code and UI to ensure a polished and functional

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