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Conditional sentences have two parts: the conditional clause and the main (resu lt) c lause .
Conditional Clause Main (result) Clause
ZERO CONDITIONAL- true in the present

If + present tense I Present Simple I facts, truths, habitual results If I work in the garden, I get backache.
modal modal in the present She can get sick if she eats tomatoes.

Fl RST C0 ND I Tl 0 NA L -possible in the present I future

If + Present Simple future real situations with possible If she keeps calm, she'll pass the test.
outcomes in present and future Paul won't win if he doesn't train.

If + Present Simple modal ability, possibility, advice If we arrive early, we can have lunch.
(depending on the meaning If you need to lose weight, you must
of the modal) eat less bread.

If + present tense imperative emphasising different things If you need any help , just phone me.
depending on choice of tense (instructions)
If you have read the book, give it back
to me. (emphasising completion)
If + present tense future If you're coming tonight, will John be
coming too? (checking intention I plan)
If you are looking for June, you'll find
her in her office. (talking about the present)

SEC 0 ND C0 NDIT I 0 N A L - unlikely I improbable in the present I future

If + Past Simple I would I could I might • hypothetical, unreal situations If 1had her number, I'd phone her.
Past Continuous If I were invited for dinner I might bring
Be often takes the Alan along.
form were for all • hopes I regrets If I were taller, I could become a model.
persons; was is If we didn't have to finish this today,
more informal. we could go out.
• advice If I were you , I would marry him.

If + were to + bare would I could I might emphasising that the situation If he were to apologise, would you
infinitive is unlikely (formal English) forgive him? (= if he apologised)

If + Past Simple I Past Simple true or habitual actions in the If he ate chocolate, he got stomach
Past Continuous past ache.

THIRD CONDITIONAL- impossible in the past

If + Past Perfect would have I • unfulfilled condition in If I hadn't been waiting for that fl ight,
Simple I could have I the past I'd never have met Tom. (but I was
Past Continuous might have waiting and we did meet)
• satisfaction I regret over If we hadn't arrived so late, we might
past action have got tickets.

If + Modal Perfect Modal Perfect hypothetical situation in If you could have stayed another day,
the past I would have taken you to the sea. (but
you couldn 't stay)


If + Past Simple I would have hypothetical present connected If Jane were slightly t aller, the model
Past Continuous (third conditional} with hypothetical past result agency would have accepted her.
(second conditional)

If + Past Perfect would I could I might hypothetical past with If the patient hadn't been vaccinated
(third conditional) (second conditional) hypothetical present result as a child, his life would be in danger

TEMPORAL CLAUSES- time word+ present+ future

Clauses that begin with certain t ime expressions arc c =. -~_. =. '_ :_-e -neaning use similar structures to the first conditional.
Time words include: when, until, till, as soon /long as. :-::: ~ :; -:::~: rthat), after, before, once, by the time.
As soon as we arrive, we'll call you. T ~ey will sit in the garden until it gets dark.


.'!hen the if clause precedes the main clause, it is fo llo\': ec I' ) Ou ea. e ec.r 1 , j ou will catch that train.
: y a comma. When the main clause begins the sentence. Yo:... :a:c~ ~rat tratn if you leave early.
:: comma is not required.

Unless can often replace if ... not. Unless is followed by a You"!! miss the train unless you leave at once. (=if you
:::ositive verb. don't leave)
She wouldn 't come unless you gave her a lift.

If ... , then is sometimes used to suggest that one action If Tom can't visit us, then we'll have to visit him.
s dependent on another.

If+ will I won't is used in polite I formal requests If you will come this way, please, I'll show you to your room.
·efers to willingness or refusal}. If you won't be quiet, I'll have to ask you to leave.
If _,. would is also possible (even more formal) If you would like to wait here, I'll call the manager.

Should can be used with I and we instead of would in the If I lived abroad, I should miss my home terribly.
second conditional (considered formal).

ArnE Would is commonly used in both clauses in informal It would be better if they would give everyone an exact
.:,_merican English. appointment.

If + adjective sometimes replaces if+ subject + be in the If possible, let me know by Friday. (= if it is possible)
' ;st conditional. If necessary, repeat the treatment two or three times.
(= if it is necessary)

If in doubt is used in formal language and written If in doubt, consult a doctor. (= if you are in doubt)

If so I If not are shortened forms of conditional clauses Are you coming to the party? If so, I'll give you a lift. (=if you
::nd refer to previous statements. are coming) If not, I'll see you next week.

If + any I anything I ever, etc. is used in questions or There's little chance, if any, that he will recover. (=if there
~ egative sentences and expresses doubt about the truth of is any chance at all ... which I doubt)
something. We're not doing anything special to celebrate. If anything,
we may go out for dinner. (= if we do anything at all)

Happen to I should happen to shows chance I possibility. If you happen to see John, give him my regards.

Were not for I had not been for are used to show that If it were not for you, he wouldn't have his diploma.
:me action depends on another. If it hadn't been for Sue, the company would have failed.
But for + noun I pronoun is a shorter way of saying But for Sue, the company would have failed.
:;ere it not for I had it not been for in formal English.

·. e can make conditionals more formal by omitting if and starting the conditional clause with should, were or had.
First conditional Should you hear anything, let me know.
Second conditional Were you to sign the contract now, you could start working again.
Third conditional Had you made him an offer, he might have accepted.

• Suppose I Supposing (that) means what if and is followed by a question in the main clause.
First cond itional Suppose he arrives early, what will we do?
Second conditional Supposing he suddenly turned up, what would you do?
Third conditional Supposing that he had come by train, would he have arrived any earlier?
• Otherwise means if not and comes instead of a conditional clause.
We really must hurry. Otherwise, we'll miss our flight. (= if we don 't hurry)
• As long as I so long as I on condition (that) I providing (that) I provided (that) express an idea of strong limitation.
You can take the car as long as you're back by midnight. He would come on condition that we gave him a lift.
• In case refers to conditions that may or may not happen. The in case c lause can give the reason for the main clause.
It can also refer to things we do in order to be ready for a futu re situation.
The policeman took a gun in case thing s got dangerous. Take a warm sweater in case it turns cold.
• In case of + noun is more formal and often used in instructions. It means if there is.
In case of fire, make for the nearest exit.

J. Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase below.

i_y.{o M if not ·~· were to if correct otherwise provided that

in case .,, were not for happen to but for
1. Are you looking for a hotel off the beaten track? .. ... If so . :::: "'e Forest Lodge
is the place for you.
2. .. ... .......... ............... our tour guide, we would have got dreadfully lost in the big city.
3. Will you be using the car tonight? ............................... would you mind if I borrow it?
4. We'd better set off early ........ ..... ...... ......... .. we encounter traffic on the motorway.
5. If it ....... ....................... breeding programmes in zoos, some species would already
be extinct.
6. He agreed to star in the movie .............................. he received a percentage of the profits.
7. What would happen to low-lying cities like London if the sea level .. ............... .......... ... rise dramatically?
8. Please let me know if you .... ............... .. ...... ... see my address book lying around somewhere.
9. Send your competition entry to the address below. .............................. , you could win a brand new car.
10. It's important that students complete their coursework independently. .. .. ............ .. ... ......... , fair assessment
becomes impossible.

- · Rewrite the following sentences without the word if, beginning as shown.
1. If the wound becomes infected, you'll need to take antibiotics.
Should ............ ..... ..... .... ............ ............................. .. ... ....... ............ .... ........ ................................................................... .
2. If I were to be chosen as team captain, I'd do my best to get everyone training together.
Were .................. .. ... .. ........... ...... ..................... ..... .. ... .. .. ..... ........... ......... ........................ ..... .................... ......... ....... ... ....
3. I might have got the scholarship if I'd applied for it.
Had .. ......... ........... .... ................................. .............. ............................... ... .............. ............................... ........... ......... .. .
4. Unemployment would be reduced if the government were to reduce taxes on small businesses.
Were .... .. .. .. ... ............ ... .. .. ... ...... ..... ...... .. .. ................ ... .. ................... .. .... ... .. ............. .. ..... .... ................ .. .. ......... .... ......... .
5. Please give Jenny my regards if you happen to see her.
Should .. .......... ........ .. .. ....................................................... .............. .. ... ............................................. ... ........................ .
6. We shouldn't have tried to fix the machinery ourselves because the repairs cost more in the end.
Had ........... .. .... .. ...... ........ ................. .. .. .. ... .... ... ..... .. .. .. .... ...... ..... .. ....... .. ... ..... .. ... .. .. .. ..... .. .. ... .. ...... .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... ...... .... .. ..

F. Rewrite the following sentences in two different ways, beginning as shown.

1. We will only be willing to take part in the conference if our expenses are paid.
As .... ..... .. ....... ....... .. .............. .... .. ...... .............. ...... ................... .. ...................... .. ... .... ......... ........... .. .. ... .... ........ .......... ....
We won 't be ......... ... ..... ... .... ........... ...... ..... .. ................ ................... .. .... ...... ............ .. ..... ....... .......... .. ... ... ... .. ........ ......... .
2. I could have finished sooner with a little help from you.
I would have been ....... ....... ..... ..... ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. .. ..... .. .......... ....... ... ......... .. ................. .. ........................................... .... .
Had ................... ...... ....................... ............. ......... .. ..... .... .. .... ..... .... .... ....................... .. ........................... ... ............... .....
3. If Tracy insists on eating junk food, she can't expect to have clear skin.
Unless .. ...... ......... .... .... .. ............................................................................. .................. .. ..... ................. .. ....... ............. .. .
If Tracy ..... ............................................ ............. ............... .. ........ ... ..... .... ....... ............................... ............... .. .. ............. .
4. If you ever get the chance to come to Greece, you can stay with us.
Should .. ... ............ ... .... .. .. .... .... .. .. ...... ......... ..... .. .... ....... .... ...... .. ........ .. .... ... .. ... .................. .. ... .. ... .. ..... ..... .. ........ ...... .... .. ..
If you happen .... ............ .. .. ........ ....................... ............ ..... .. ............. ....... ... ... .............. .. ..... .. .... .... ........ ........ .. ..... .. ...... ..
5. Would you take freelance work if it was offered to you?
Supposing ............. ..... ....... ......... .... .... .. ..... .... ... ......... .. .... ...... ... .... ...... ... .. ..... ... .. .... ........ ............ ... .... .... ..... ....... ..... ...... ..
Were you ....... .. .. ........... ..... ..... .. ... .. ..... ..... ....... .. ....... .... .... ...... ... ........ ......... ........ ..... .. .. .... ......... .... .......... .. .. .. ......... .... .... .
6. The driver's quick reaction prevented a tragedy.
If it ...................... ......... .......... ..... ..... ............................ ... ............................... ....... ................ .. .... .............. ............... ..... .
But ............ ............. ...... .... .... ..... ....... ... ...... ..... .. .... ........ ... .... .... .. ... ...... .... .... .... ... ............ .. ....... ......... ..... .. ........ ...... ..... ... .

A. OPEN CLOZE Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only
one word in each gap.


Do happy people live longer? New evidence supports the idea that if you thi'lk pes: '. e '.'. ;.·ou are
(1) .................... .......... likely to live to a good age than a pessimist coming from a sirr ilar social
background. (2) .................... ......... . is still not clear (3) .................. ............ happiness actually causes
longevity. One possible explanation is that people probably (4) .............. ................ better care of
themselves if they see life as a positive experience, and, of course, (5) ........................... people feel
healthy, they are more likely to be happy. Scientists tracked a group of people who had
(6) .. ............................ interviewed in 1975 about their attitudes to ageing. They found that if people
viewed getting older as a positive experience, they lived, (7) .................... .......... average , seven and
a half years (8) .................... .......... than those who were more pessimistic. Ways of reducing risk
factors are well known: if you smoke or don't exercise, you cut your life expectancy (9) ............................. .
one to three years, and doctors can advise (10) ..................... ......... patients to change their lifestyles
accordingly. But what, if (11) ........ ... .............. ..... , can unhappy people do about improving their attitude?
Personality may not (12) ................... ........... something that we can change (13) ............... ............... if we
want to, and scientists have (14) .. ............................ to answer the question of how we can make
(15) ..... .......... ....... ........ happy.

B. KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words,
including the word given.
1. As long as the number of enrolments doesn't go down, the college will stay open. DECLINE
The college would only have to close ........................... ................... ............. .... ...... .. .. in the number of enrolments.
2. If the weather is bad, the match will take place indoors. CASE
The match will take place indoors ........... ................. .......... ............ ................ ...... ............... .. ...... ........... ..... . weather.
3. You can only go out if you promise to be home by midnight. WORD
Unless you ......................................................................... .... ............................. you will be home by midnight, you
can't go out.
4. I could not have achieved so much if you hadn't supported me. BEEN
Had .............. .............. ...... ........ ... ..................................................................... ,I cou ld not have achieved so much.
5. They stopped manufacturing the product because nobody was buying it any more. DEMAND
If there .. ............................ .............................. .... .. .. ................. ........... ... the product, they would still manufacture it.
6. If you complained about your room, you might be moved to a better one. COMPLAINT
Were you ............. ............ ......... .. .............................. ...... .... .... ....... your room, you might be moved to a better one.
7. They won't offer her the position if she doesn't agree to take a language course. CONDITION
She will be offered the position ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. ... .. .. .... .. .. .. .... ........ ....... .. .... .. .. to take a language course.
8. We forgot to fill up the tank so we didn't have enough petrol. RUN
We ..... ... ................ .............................. .... ............................... ......... petrol if we had remembered to fill up the tank.


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