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What should you put on your emergency

KNOW bag?

1. Ready to eat foods such as canned goods, noodles that
have long shelf life and water.

2. Important documents such as birth certificate, passport,

and etc.

NO DISASTER 3. Clothes for you to change and blanket

4. Battery powered radio and flashlight, walkie talkie, and a


5. Extra Batteries, powerbank, and charger

6.Pocket knife, and scissors

7. First aid kit, and toiletries Do's During a Disaster

8. Whistle to use when you need help.

9. Money in case you need to buy something after the

1. Stay calm, don't panic.
2. Stay alert of what's happening by
10. Duplicate key of your house and other properties.
listening to a battery powered radio.

3.Switch off all electrical and gas

applicances and turn gas and electricity
services off at the mains (make sure you
know where these are and how to turn
them off).

4.Move important items to safety

(upstairs/as high as possible).
5. Listen to the advice of the emergency
services and local authorities.
DISASTER? A disaster is defined as a "sudden or great
1. Play outside. misfortune" or simply "any unfortunate
event." More precisely, a disaster is "an
2. Use your phone to talk to event whose timing is unexpected and
When a disaster strikes, it's normal to
friends. expect a certain level of chaos and whose consequences are seriously
canfusion initially. You might also expect destructive." These definitions identify an
3. Stock up on supplies the disruptions to normal services, like event that includes three elements:
electricity, water, and transportation. It's Suddenness. Unexpectedness.
day of the disaster.
important to have backup plans in place for
this situations.
4. Staying outside.

5. Drive.( There may be too

On more personal level, it's normal to feel
many hazards on the road.) range of emotions, during disaster - fear,
anxiety, even grief. It's important to look
6. Think it's over too soon. after your mental health during these
times, and reach out to loved ones or
7. Going near a damaged professionals for support.
Also, in the aftermath of a disaster, we
often see communities coming together to
support each other, which can be a
powerful thing.

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