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Lecturer : PHI MINH TUAN

Major: Finance & Banking
Class: Basic IETS 2 - 22142ENTH0812

Group: 4
1. Tran Khanh Linh
2. Nguyen Thao Nguyen
3. Nguyen Ngoc Khanh Linh
4. Trinh Ha My
5. Nguyen Quynh Nga

Hanoi, 12/2022


Group : 4
Class : 22412ENTH0812
Lecturer : Phi Minh Tuan
Group preparation assessment:

List of students for teacher:

No Name Note Comments (for teacher) Mark

1 Tran Khanh Linh MC
(Leader) Part I and III

2 Nguyen Thao Nguyen Physical and

mental health

3 Nguyen Ngoc Khanh Linh Financial


4 Trinh Ha My Understanding
and sharing

5 Nguyen Quynh Nga Respect


TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................3
PART I: INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................4
1. Definition of happiness...................................................................................4
2. Definition of family.........................................................................................4
3. The importance of happiness in family life...................................................4
1. Physical and mental health............................................................................6
1.1. Definition...................................................................................................6
1.2. Roles...........................................................................................................6
1.3. Ways...........................................................................................................7
2. Financial stability............................................................................................9
2.1. Definition...................................................................................................9
2.2. Roles.........................................................................................................10
2.3. Ways.........................................................................................................11
3. Understanding and sharing..........................................................................12
3.1. Definition.................................................................................................12
3.2. Roles.........................................................................................................13
3.3. Ways.........................................................................................................14
4. Respect...........................................................................................................14
4.1. Definition.................................................................................................14
4.2. Roles.........................................................................................................15
4.3. Ways.........................................................................................................16
PART III: CONCLUSION.......................................................................................17
REFERENCE MATERIALS...................................................................................18


1. Definition of happiness

Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction,
contentment, and fulfillment. While happiness has many different definitions, it
is often described as involving positive emotions and life satisfaction.
There are many different ways of thinking about happiness. For example, the
ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle made a distinction between two different
kinds of happiness: hedonia and eudaimonia.
Hedonia: Hedonic happiness is derived from pleasure. It is most often
associated with doing what feels good, self-care, fulfilling desires, experiencing
enjoyment, and feeling a sense of satisfaction.
Eudaimonia: This type of happiness is derived from seeking virtue and
meaning. Important components of eudaimonic well-being including feeling
that your life has meaning, value, and purpose. It is associated more with
fulfilling responsibilities, investing in long-term goals, concern for the welfare
of other people, and living up to personal ideals.
2. Definition of family
A family is a group of two or more persons related by birth, marriage, or
adoption who live together; all such related persons are considered as
members of one family. For instance, if an older married couple, their daughter
and her husband and two children, and the older couple's nephew all lived in the
same house or apartment; they would all be considered members of a single
3. The importance of happiness in family life
Happy families create a sense of well-being within the family and in each
family member. Well-being includes a person's physical, mental, emotional,
and social health. Strong, happy families encourage and support each other to
be optimistic, and hopeful and to strive together to achieve individually and as a
family. In strong, happy families everyone has the right to feel safe,
comfortable, happy and loved. Moreover, happy people are more successful,
live longer lives, are more creative, and are healthier.
People all want to be happy. Most of us get married and have a family so that
we can have more happiness and feel more love in our lives. But the reality is
that it is just as hard to choose happiness in love in family life as it is anywhere
else in our lives.
So, in this essay, we want to give you a few different secrets to think about
happy family life that we hope will help you no matter what your family looks


1. Physical and mental health

1.1. Definition

Health is a state of total physical, mental, and social well-being, not just the
absence of illness or injury.
Physical health is defined as the condition of your body, taking into
consideration everything from the absence of disease to fitness level.
Physical health is critical for overall well-being, and can be affected by:
- Lifestyle: diet, level of physical activity, and behaviour (for instance,
- Human biology: a person’s genetics and physiology may make it easier
or harder to achieve good physical health;
- Environment: our surroundings and exposure to factors such as sunlight
or toxic substances;
- Healthcare service: good healthcare can help prevent illness, as well as
detect and treat illness.
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.
It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle
stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at
every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.
1.2. Roles
A wise man once observed, "Health is the primary requirement for
It is possible that our desire to be healthy is ingrained in us from birth. A
healthy body allows us to fully enjoy life. Everyone has to be in good health
in order to have a happy and fulfilling life and to achieve their goals,
desires, and aspirations.
Due to the fact that when we are unwell, we frequently do not have enough
health, are unable to worry, and are unable to consider different careers. Not
to mention that disease makes individuals spend their wealth and money,
affects his family, and results in the death of a healthy person for the
The most crucial key to unlocking pleasure for each individual is thus good
1.2.1. Physical mental :
There is no denying that a physical healthy family is crucial for happiness. It
helps ensure the financial security of the family. According to a survey, 70%
of unwell persons put a strain on their loved ones. They must spend a lot of

money on medical costs, tests, and treatments. Additionally, sharing
household chores with family members, making extra money, and having fun
with kids are all possible while living on a boat. The couple's physical well-
being also improves their bonding and deepens their connection.
1.2.2. Mental health :
The happiness of the family is significantly influenced by mental health.
Making decisions, taking advantage of opportunities, and performing well in
family responsibilities are all impacted by unstable mental health. If you are
in good mental health, you will utilize your smile to greet each new day, eat
healthily, get a good night's sleep, and form solid relationships, all of which
will benefit your physical health. qualities and always believe in yourself.
The maintenance of pleasant and loving relationships with parents, spouses,
and kids is facilitated by good mental health. Smart solutions to family issues
can be found with good mental health. When feelings are positive, a husband
and wife and their children will always be content.
1.3. Ways
Everyone understands and acknowledges the value of their health, but not
everyone is able to achieve it.
1.3.1. A scientifically sound diet
Hippocrates, the founder of medicine, famously remarked, "Let food be
your medication." There is no medicine more useful and effective as
selecting the foods that you and your family consume with care and
intelligence. every day consumption
Fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts, are extremely nutritious foods
that should be consumed on a daily basis. They will supply nutrients,
vitamins, minerals, and so on to maintain the body healthy and energized.
Root vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, lentils, and gluten-free
grains such as oats will provide adequate energy for the body, making them
ideal for us to consume on a daily basis. Green vegetables include critical
vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that help the body stay healthy and
prevent and treat a variety of ailments. Vietnamese, kale, spinach (spinach,
spinach), apples, bananas, beets, beets, carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes,
avocados, broccoli, and other vegetables and fruits will help you have
smooth, rosy skin as well as prevent and fight infections.
In addition to increasing green foods, we must reduce our consumption of
processed foods, baked goods, canned foods, fast meals, fatty foods, baked
goods, and food and beverages containing chemicals, additives, and
industrial sugar, such as hamburgers, hotdogs, soft drinks, alcohol, etc.
These meals contain extra acids and compounds that are harmful to the
body. Nobody is healthy, living a long life, and simply consuming canned
food. We should also minimize our use of red meat such as hog, bull, lamb,
goat, etc or processed meat such as bacon, bacon, bacon, etc.
1.3.2. The atmosphere is usually upbeat and upbeat.
We should not be blind to the extraordinary benefits of mental delight on
health. When we are optimistic, cheerful, or thinking positively, our bodies
release good hormones; in fact, hormones secreted when we are joyful can
actively aid in the cure of ailments. On the other, if you are frequently
anxious, stressed, or stressed, your body will manufacture extra acids and
free radicals that are damaging to the body, lowering your health and
creating illnesses. Life expectancy cannot be prolonged due to problems
such as the stomach and digestive system. As a result, there is a saying that
one grin equals 10 tonic scales. So, every day, be cheerful, comfortable, and
1.3.3. A six-monthly health check-up
Regular health check-ups will inform you of your body's status, allowing
you to receive the appropriate therapy. Many people are diagnosed too late
in their lives. So, even if you do not have an illness, you need go to the
doctor on a regular basis to ensure your body is constantly healthy.
1.3.4. Avoid overusing stimulants.
Should only consume beer and alcohol in moderation, never in excess.
Additionally, smoking ought to be avoided if possible or limited if you've
never used it. Because more illnesses in people will be brought on by these
1.3.5. Regular exercise and timely sleep
Regular exercise is necessary; it should last at least 30 minutes in the
morning or right before night. Your body will improve if you work hard to
exercise and play sports on a regular basis, but your brain and hormones will
also be stimulated to perform well and support wellness. There are
numerous different types of exercise, including cycling, swimming, and
To enable the body recover and rid itself of impurities, one should sleep for
eight hours each night. Both staying up late and staying up late are not

1.3.6. Constantly consume hydrogen-rich alkaline ionized water.
Alkaline ionized water that is high in hydrogen has a number of beneficial
health effects: Rich in natural alkalinity, which balances the acid-alkaline
environment, rich in dissolved hydrogen, a powerful antioxidant, and rich in
microminerals, which supply microorganisms and nutrients. Minerals for the
body, tiny water molecules for optimal bodily cleaning and detoxification.
This is the kind of water we should be drinking every day to maintain good
health and to help with illness prevention and treatment. In industrialized
nations like Japan, Korea, and others, the government always promotes the
usage of this product. Vietnamese citizens immediately adopt this practice in
order to safeguard their health.
2. Financial stability
2.1. Definition
Financial stability is a term that is used to describe the financial health of an
individual or family. It includes factors such as income, debts, savings, and
investment. Financial stability is important because it provides security and
peace of mind. It gives families the ability to plan for their future and meet
their financial goals. While there is no one-size-fits-all definition of
financial stability, there are a few key components that are essential for most
families. These include having enough income to cover basic expenses,
paying off debts, and having savings for emergencies. Financial stability is
also important because it can help families weather difficult times, such as
job loss or medical emergencies. Having a solid financial foundation can
make all the difference in how well a family is able to cope with life’s
challenges. For these reasons, financial stability is an important goal for
many families
It is not always about having a lot of money. It is possible to create financial
stability in a low-income household. Money fluctuates within any income
level and causes stress on family dynamics, creating a less happy home. You
do not have to be “poor” to have money problems, and being wealthy does
not make the problems disappear.
2.2. Roles
2.2.1. Partner Relationship
There is no denying that money plays an important role in a partnership or
marriage. Lack of financial stability can bring tension in even the best
relationships. Money problems are often named one of the most common
reasons for divorce. In one survey, one-third of couples reported finances as
the most stressful facet of their relationship, followed by intimacy at a very
distant point. Overall, money was the source of marital tensions for 84% of
respondents, and 13% reported fighting about money several times a month.
They are the leading cause of stress within a relationship. When you, as an
individual, are stressed, you bring this home with you and into the
relationship, causing tension between you and your partner.
On top of that, everybody has different spending habits. You might see
yourself as a saver, whereas your partner might be a spender. Or maybe
your partner makes more money than you. These factors can cause tension
in a relationship and eventually turn into an argument between you and
your partner. This and more is a reason to ensure financial stabilit.
2.2.2. Child-parent relationship
Firstly, most adults report that they overheard their parents arguing about
money when they were children. Not only does this create tension in the
home, but it inadvertently affects children as well. For families living with
chronic financial stress, that anxiety about making ends meet often spills
over onto children. A team of researchers from East Carolina University,
USA made the above conclusion after conducting a survey of 413 students
from universities, based on the number of credit cards they own, and their
relationship with their parents in the field of family finance as a child. The
results show that students who live in situations where their parents argue
about family finances are more likely to use credit cards and are several
times more likely to have debt than students whose parents do not argue
with each other about money.
Secondly, financial instability will affect the quality of education. Children
are also disproportionately more likely to attend schools in districts with
fewer resources, less funding from local tax dollars, and less parental
involvement due to longer, lower-wage working hours, and facilities that
are inadequate. Furthermore, families living in poverty may not have access
to adequate resources to meet even the most basic needs of their children,
let alone their wants. As a parent, no one does not want their child's
learning journey to be complete and bright with the best learning
environment. But really, their children's learning path has never been easy
for parents financially because the way is very long and the tuition fee is
not small. Currently, tuition fees are also increasing, with the meager salary
of parents trying hard to provide enough money for their children to study
at lower levels. Not to mention the pressure of extra tuition, books,
boarding, and extracurriculars and must follow the learning environment.
And when children go to higher education such as university/graduate/study
abroad, the tuition fee is too big for parents. Even families with good
economic conditions are worried when their children go to private schools
with tuition fees increased by half, double, or even triple. Being financially
stable reduces these and other risks associated with poverty and financial
Thirdly, kids who grow up in a household that is financially stable will look
for ways to be financially stable themselves. Most of us appreciate the
importance of discussing money matters. Nearly all of the 2014 Stress in
America survey respondents (95 percent) said parents should talk to their
kids about money. But only 64 percent said they themselves were taught
how to manage money, and just 37 percent said they often talk with their
family members about the subject. Not only is it important to teach children
about money, but parents themselves can serve as role models. Showing
children the importance of financial stability and benefits will help lay a
foundation for their future financial health and success in adulthood.
2.3. Ways
While financial stability brings a host of great benefits, it requires hard
work, motivation, and intentionality (and sometimes backtracking) to get
there. No matter where you are in your financial journey, here are some tips
to increase your finances:
2.3.1. Create a budget
You can search online for templates, or create one that suits your
preferences and lifestyle. When making a budget, it is important to
remember to set realistic goals, separate your needs from your wants,
identify and allocate your income and expenses, and modify for seasonal
expenses (such as birthdays, other holidays, back-to-school shopping, oil
changes, annual vehicle registration, or prolonged days off from work).
Overall, a budget should be used to make a plan and stick to it. When
creating your budget, show your kids how to do it themselves. This is a
great lesson to teach your children how to be financially independent adults
later on in life.
2.3.2. Do not overspend
It is pretty obvious, really, but spend less than you earn. It is effortless to
track and calculate your finances, especially nowadays, with all the banking
apps that give you an accessible overview of your expenses. Yet, it is the
biggest struggle for families on any income level. Here is when the
importance of having a budget comes in. Make sure this budget is clear to
you and your partner because you will not follow up on it if not.

Have the patience to create a budget as part of a financial plan that works
for both of you. There are many different ways to budget (do some research
before you start) and make sure you find the one that is right for you and
your family. When the first one does not work, try another one.
2.3.3. Use cash when possible
Using a payment method on your phones such as PayPal or Apple Pay,
credit cards, or even debit cards all point to what some financial consultants
call “auto-pilot spending.” If you’re running on auto-pilot, you’re much
more likely to overspend. Using cash allows you to “feel” the money
physically leaving your hands, which decreases compulsive spending.
Similarly, do not go grocery shopping when you’re hungry, and avoid
online browsing when you’re tired or not concentrating well. These
behaviors too often result in impulsive and sometimes costly spending.
2.3.4. Emergency fund
Having an emergency fund is very important in any family at any income
level. You can always find yourself in an unexpected situation with
unexpected costs like losing a job, medical expenses, broken home
appliances, etc.
There is nothing wrong with starting small, saving $10-$20 per week, and
building up from there. We usually tend to save up what we have left at the
end of the month, only to realize nothing is left to save. The best way to
start saving is to put money in your savings first instead of waiting to see
what you have left. So start each week or month by setting the amount you
want to save apart.
3. Understanding and sharing
3.1. Definition
Life is much easier when you have a supportive family that sticks with you
through thick and thin. Family relationship is important for a person at every
stage of life. Families differ in various ways but each one has its own
definition of a happy home and family. There are many factors that make up
a happy family, one of which must be mentioned is the importance of
understanding and sharing among family members.
The definition of understand and share is "to see apart but with someone."
Understanding and sharing also refers to giving to those in need "our
variety" and our resources for everyone’s well-being. A world without
sharing is unimaginable; families, tribes, villages, and cities would no longer
3.2. Roles
3.2.1. Help us get over difficulties in life
Healthy family bonds and relationships give people a sense of belonging and
help keep everyone balanced in life. A family is important because our mental
growth, well-being, and stability all depend on our family. When life gets
hard and starts to grip away from your control, the kind words of your
mother, spouse, or siblings calm your soul and give you the strength and
courage to take on life head-on.

Having the support of your family members through life’s ups and downs
gives you the strength to face all kinds of situations and emerge stronger.
Share and understanding a feeling of togetherness, the members of the family
share common beliefs and, therefore, feel connected to each other. This sense
of similarity yields psychological affirmation and one has the satisfaction of
being together with like-minded people.

3.2.2. Family members are more attached to each other

Better family connection leads to a feeling of greater degree of support and

relationship psychologically. Maintaining relationships requires effort. They
usually require work, love, understanding and sometimes forgiveness.
Relationships test our abilities but they are rewarding.
We all have to face problems in our life journey. Some people do not share
their problems with others because they think others can not solve their
problems. They do not want family members to become stressed. Sharing
with family is very important for happiness because that helps to free up your
mind. Your partner, children, and parents are the most trustable persons and
can give you full support to solve your problems. If you do not share your
problems with others, that will affect your mental health.

3.3. Ways
3.3.1. Teamwork and family relationships
Everyone in your family feels supported and able to contribute when you
operate as a team. Having clear expectations, restrictions, and boundaries
makes it simpler to operate as a team when everyone knows where they

- Shared household tasks. Even very young children can appreciate the sense
of community that comes from giving back.
- Work together to solve problems. This entails being able to listen and
reason calmly, weigh choices, respect others' viewpoints, come up with
useful ideas, and strive for compromises.
- Create family rules together that state clearly how your family wants to
look after and treat its members. For instance, "In our family, we speak to
one other with respect." These kinds of guidelines improve interpersonal
relations and promote harmony in families.
3.3.2. Appreciation for each other and family relationships
Valuing each other is at the heart of good family relationships.
- Take an interest in each other’s lives. For example, make time to go to each
other’s sporting events, drama performances, art shows and so on.
- Use everyday time together to talk and share a laugh, share family stories
and memories. For example, family meals and car travel can be great times to
catch up on the day.
- Acknowledge each other’s differences, talents and abilities, and use each
other’s strengths.
4. Respect
4.1. Definition
Respect for others is to properly appreciate, to value the honor, dignity and
interests of others, to demonstrate a cultured way of life. When someone,
whether an adult or a child, feels appreciated, he or she will be happier, value
is enhanced, and life feels easier. One of the major causes of resentment in
many marital relationship-indeed, in most family relationships is a feeling of
being looked down upon. Sadly, many of us are so familiar with the family
members around us that we forget to show each other how much we respect
each other. We are used to looking down on everyone else. Parents look
down on their children and vice versa. Many family member have the bad
habit of not showing respect for each other. It is one of the causes of
unhappiness in family.
4.2. Roles
Knowing how to respects others, we will have the opportunity to understand
more, sympathize more with the people in the family. In addition, we will
receive the joy in life. When we know how to sympathize with other

people's situations and their personalities and abilities we can sincerely
share and closer to them more. If children respect their parentsand
grandparents/elders, they will know to behave politely and obedient.By
learning respect, children move from a stance of “I am the center of the
world” to “I am one person amongst many”. When children transition from
this “me only” attitude, they learn to respect the rights and values of others.
On the contrary, if parents really respect their children, they will know how
to create conditions for their thoughts, feeling, view on things with
themselve; know how to listen to their children's opinions so that they are
ready to adjust their words, deeds and view on their child's education
accordingly. Thanks to mutual respect, to gap between generations will be
closer and closer.When a relationship lacks respect, the result will sooner or
later be broken. Disrespect will lead to appropriate words and behaviours,
we may appear arrogant, look down on or alienate others. Any relationship
can be established that only lead to estrangement, discord, contradiction,
even strife,so that everyone can get hurt. Respect creates a positive
environment in which relationship can flourish. Without it relationship
flounder. In addition, mutual respect leads to quick and effective conflict
resolution. If a respectful parent says, "I'm disappointed with your actions,
but I'd like to know what's bothering you," a child might soften, knowing
that the parent truly cares. If a respectful child says, "I don't understand why
I can't go to the party, but I trust your judgment," a parent might use the
opportunity to share her concerns about the child's peers or questionable
activities. Mutual respect means both parents and children get to express
their feelings, and both are willing to listen to the other's point of
view.Mutual respect encourages equality in the home. Even though parents
know more because they have more life experiences to draw from, and they
have legal authority in the home, they shouldn't use their elevated positions
to dominate their children. Children have intrinsic value and deserve to be
treated with kindness and respect, without feeling as though their parents
control every move they make. According to Lane Community College,
mutual respect is the key to improving relationships between parents and
4.3. Ways
4.3.1. Non-discrimination
Non-discrimination against children on the basis of gender means that
parents do not discriminate between sons and daughters in the family. It is
understood that in the family, between boys and girls, equality in care and
protection of the right to life, equality in the right to education, equality in

the performance of household tasks, equality in the family. Equality in the
right to rest, have fun and participate in fun and recreational activities
appropriate to their age, ect. Parents must not be based on antiquated and
wrong ideas and thoughts on gender issues that have unfair treatment.
4.3.2. Respect the preferences of each individual
Respect the preferences of each individual in the family:In every family,
more or less everyone has their own preferences. One like to drink tea, read
books, watch movies, play sports, others like to grow flowers, raise
ornamental fish, pets, etc. Because each person has different habits and
hobbies, conflicts can happen easily. If members cannot resolve, the
problem will affect the family atmosphere. In order to avoid possible
conflicts, family members should tolerate each other.
4.3.3. Private space
Each person is a separate individual. Therefore, everyone needs their own
space. Sometimes they just want to calm down to think and have some quiet
time for themselves.It is completely natural


In summary, establishing a happiness in family life may be a dream of many

people, although the definition of a happy family for everyone is not
necessarily the same. Basically, the image of a happy family is actually more
than just a picture we often see in a movie or television series. The creation
of a happy family can require hard work, wisdom, and sometimes sacrifice.
Financial stability, mental health, respect, and more can each impact the
quality of life for families and how they are treated and viewed by the world.
However, the first step to having a happy family may be knowing what
contributes to a happy family. That is why, our essay has mentioned 4 factors
that we consider the most important to create a family happiness for those of
you who are starting to build a family or want to build a happy family in the
Thank you for reading our essay. Your comments will help us to complete
the essay better.


[1] “Family roles and happiness in adulthood”, Science Director,

Available: (Accessed 5
December 2022)

[2] “Happiness and health: Lessons - And Question - For Public Policy”,
HealthAffairs, Available:

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[3] “What is happiness?”, PhD Rachel Goldman, Available: (Accessed 5 December

[4] “Definition of family”, Health Resources & Services Administration, Available: (Accessed 5
December 2022)

[5] “Family Relationship: Why Is So Important And How To Build It?”, Dr. Sadhvi
1k (Accessed: 5 December 2022)

[6] “Building strong family relationships”, University of Deiaware, Available:
building-strong-family-relationships/(Accessed: 6 December 2022)

[7] “How to be respect in family”, Tami Claytor, wikiHow, Available: (Accessed: 6
December 2022)

[8] “Teaching Your Children Respect in Family Life”, Janet Quinlan, Available:
(Accessed: 6 December 2022)

[9] “Importance of Financial Stability in a Happy Home”, Nordqvist, Christian,

248339/ (Accessed: 7 December 2022)


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