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Lecturer : Dam Thi Hong Nhung

Major: Finance & Banking
Class: Developing IELTS 1 – 231_ENTI0813_06
Group: 4

1. Tran Khanh Linh – 22D185040

2. Nguyen Minh Ngan – 22D185050
3. Trinh Hieu Ngan – 22D185052
4. Trinh Ha My – 22D185045
5. Nguyen Quynh Nga – 22D185048
6. Nguyen Thao Nguyen – 22D185054

Hanoi, 11/2023


Group : 4
Class : 231_ENTI0813_06
Lecturer : Dam Thi Hong Nhung
Group preparation assessment:

List of students for teacher:

Comments (for
No Name Note Mark

Introduction +
Trinh Ha My
1 Definition

Trinh Hieu Ngan

2 Current status

Nguyen Thao Nguyen

3 Positive impact

Nguyen Minh Ngan

4 Negative impact

Solutions to maximize
5 Nguyen Quynh Nga
positive impact

Solutions to minimize
Tran Khanh Linh negative impact +
(Leader) Concusion and
reference materials


PART I: INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................5
1. Reason for choosing the topic..................................................................................5
2. Objective of the research.........................................................................................5
YOUNG GENERATION..............................................................................................6
1.1. Definition of social networks............................................................................6
1.2. Definition of Facebook......................................................................................6
1.3. Definition of young generation..........................................................................6
2. Current status of using Facebook among the Vietnamese young generation..........6
2.1. Time and place...................................................................................................6
2.2. Purpose..............................................................................................................7
3. Impacts:....................................................................................................................7
3.1.Positive impact:..................................................................................................7
3.2. Negative impact...............................................................................................10
4. Solutions................................................................................................................11
4.1. Solutions to maximize positive impact............................................................11
4.2. Solutions to minimize negative impact...........................................................12
PART II: CONCLUSION..........................................................................................14
REFERENCE MATERIALS.....................................................................................15

1. Reason for choosing the topic
In the context of the social network Facebook playing an increasingly important role in
modern life, researching its influence on young people is an urgent task. Young people
are surrounded by digital technology. Young people's lives, studies and daily activities
are all influenced by the use of social networks, smartphones, tablets and the Internet.
Many children begin interacting with digital technology as soon as they are toddlers, in
some cases even earlier, and their adult lives are bound to be closely and intimately
connected. with digital technology. For that reason, we conducted this research to
clarify some of the major impacts of Facebook on Vietnamese students today, and at
the same time make some policy recommendations to improve management
effectiveness regarding related issues.
For that reason, the authors decided to choose the topic "The impact of Facebook on
today's Vietnamese youth generation". We conducted this research to clarify some of
the major impacts of Facebook on Vietnamese students today, and at the same time
make some policy recommendations to improve management effectiveness regarding
related issues
2. Objective of the research
The objective of this topic is to provide insights and understanding of how Facebook
influences the youth generation in Vietnam, and how the positive aspects of it can be
enhanced and the negative aspects can be reduced. The research aims to provide an in-
depth investigation into the impact of Facebook on the Vietnamese youth generation to
explore its consequences on their personal, social, and professional life and
recommend ways to work towards a positive and constructive online environment for

1. Definition
1.1. Definition of social networks
A social network is an online platform that links individuals with comparable interests
and enables them to interact, communicate, and share information through various
features like profiles, groups, messaging, and news feeds. Social networks have
become an essential element of modern communication, shaping individuals' social
connections and behaviors.
1.2. Definition of Facebook
Facebook is a social networking website that allows users to create a personal profile,
share photos and videos, send messages, and connect with friends, family, and
colleagues. Originally designed for college students, Facebook was created in 2004 by
Mark Zuckerberg while he was enrolled at Harvard University. By 2006, anyone over
the age of 13 with a valid email address could join Facebook. Today, Facebook is the
world's largest social network, with more than 1 billion users worldwide
1.3. Definition of young generation
Youth is generally considered the age between childhood and adulthood. It can also be
defined in other ways as a significant part of a citizen of the country who has a firm
commitment to newness by breaking the motionless rules of the society. Youths aren't
just those who fit the age criteria, rather, those who play a constructive role in forming
an ideal state can also be considered as a youth.
2. Current status of using Facebook among the Vietnamese young generation
2.1. Time and place
Team (Saigon Economic Magazine) did a survey on October 16.
The survey results of clearly demonstrate the diversity, flexibility,
and initiative of Vietnam’s youngsters in using social networks. They can use social
media anywhere they have an internet connection, especially as Wi-Fi technology is
becoming more and more global. The high rate of social media use belongs to spaces
where young people have a lot of free time such as: at home (95.8%), workplace, and
school (17.3%). The two places with the lowest social media penetration rate are net
cafes (9.5%) when the purpose of the majority of young people come here to play

online games and libraries (2.8%) because this seems to be a suitable environment for
young people who need to focus on reading and research instead of entertainment.
The time of using social networks has a certain difference in young people because it
depends on many dominant factors such as time fund, space, time, economic
conditions, the nature of work, and the purpose of surfing Facebook... of each
individual. The survey results of on daily social media use of young
people and adolescents showed that the top 3 accounted for the highest proportion:
from 1-3 hours (35.7%); from 3-5 hours (25.7%); over 5 hours (22.6%); while using
less than 1 hour accounted for the lowest rate (16.0%). The figures show that it seems
that teenagers are spending a lot of time on social media. This fact has been warned by
many experts, that the improper use of time for social networks is one of the causes of
social network "addiction" that is increasingly popular among a part of young people.
2.2. Purpose
According to’s survey, although the purpose of each person when
using social networks is very rich and diverse, one thing in common is that it is
considered an important and indispensable part of the daily life of many young people.’s survey results show that among many different purposes when
using social networks of young people and adolescents, the top 5 purposes account for
the highest proportion: searching and updating social information (66.3%); making
new friends, keeping in touch with old friends (60%); contact with family and friends
In addition, a part also use social networks for many other purposes such as online
shopping (30.7%) shows that a new form of shopping appears in the lives of young
people and is being used increasingly in popularity because of the convenience of
space (can be bought and sold on a global scale) and time (24/24 service); Finding a
job (21.7%), or selling online (13.7%) has the potential to bring many benefits: saving
time, money, etc.
It can be said that with many different utility applications, social networking sites have
almost fully met the purposes and needs of young people – the most dynamic part of
3. Impacts
Social networks, particularly Facebook, have greatly impacted every facet of students'
lives as a result of the quick expansion of online platforms. The analysis of Facebook's
beneficial and detrimental effects on pupils is the primary goal of this study. The essay
also makes some policy ideas to help address the problems caused by Facebook's
influence on Vietnamese pupils.

3.1. Positive impact
With the continuous development and progress of society, people's demand for
entertainment has also grown along with basic needs such as food, clothing, housing,
and transportation. Meet the growing demand for entertainment, the social network
Facebook is one of the factors that fulfills this demand. The social network Facebook
brings many advantages to users, thus attracting the participation and use of a large
number of students from our school and other students. These students join social
networks for many different purposes and needs. This suggests that social networks
can be viewed as a useful tool that helps users interact with the world through multiple
sources of information, as well as providing useful data to the users themselves.
3.1.1. Search for and update information, study resources.
Students can access and choose the appropriate educational resources on Facebook.
With Facebook's ease, students have easier access than ever before to free resources
for information and authorities in the disciplines they are interested in. The exchange
of educational materials via Facebook is made simpler and more comfortable in
addition to searching and sharing educational resources. Students can communicate
with one another in groups more easily when they use Facebook. To exchange their
coursework, scholarly work, or ongoing projects, students might form groups. Students
and teachers both take part in the Facebook initiative for learning information
exchange. In a university setting, this will foster a connection between professors and
Exchange learning materials, Facebook includes convenient capabilities for
exchanging online learning information. With these characteristics, distributing
learning information or following instructor lectures is no longer a major challenge.
The COVID-19 epidemic is the clearest example of learning information being
exchanged over social networking sites, and Facebook is no exception. When the
COVID-19 pandemic broke out in 2020, traditional learning was put on hold due to
the disease's spread. Live streaming by teachers is one of the most popular kinds of
online learning on the social network Facebook. During the learning process, students
have the ability to interact, provide comments, and exchange ideas with lecturers and
other students. Online learning also makes it easier to accurately analyze students'
learning results and learning attitudes. Additionally, online learning helps students to
submit essays or presentations via video.
3.1.2. Connect and interact with friends
Users can make friends with friends in real life by using the quick and simple friend-
making tool when using social networks.Finding old pals and getting in touch with
them is quite simple.
With the social networking site Facebook, you may easily get to know many people
and create new acquaintances from all over the world. This is a program that allows
you to communicate and chat in the most convenient way possible, thanks to the free
and limitless chat feature. You can also connect with your friends on Facebook and
receive information and updates about their lives. This is also a tool for staying in
touch with friends when you don't have time to meet up with them.
3.1.3. Communicate messages and promote community values
Using social networks is becoming easier and more convenient as science and
technology advance, and the proportion of people who have access to electronic
devices and the Internet is growing. With seemingly basic activities like liking,
commenting, and sharing performed by hundreds or thousands of individuals on
Facebook, these beliefs will spread quickly. In recent years, with more and more new
emotional expression features being updated such as "love", "love", "haha" or
"surprise" - Facebook's development team has created many choices for users that not
only diversify the way users interact with the posts and images they access, but the
accompanying positive emotions indirectly resonate with good values. That posts and
images bring.The feeling of greater freedom of users in deciding and making their own
choices, combined with strong encouragement and an extremely fast-spreading speed
in the community, has demonstrated the utility and is an effective tool for spreading
the community values of Facebook in particular, and all forms of social networks in
3.1.4. Facilities for entertainment
Facebook is not just a place to connect with friends and share information; it is also a
great way to unwind after a long day at work. Facebook, in particular, contains
hundreds of humorous videos from around the world, thousands of funny and creative
images of young people, and thousands of clips chopped from classic movie works has
a high entertainment effect. This program is also a vast store of thrilling games that are
continuously updated, so you can freely choose and play without becoming bored.
3.1.5. Develop your knowledge and abilities.
Facebook aids in the development of social, professional, and all-around life skills in
pupils. It has made it possible for students to acquire the skills they need to be able to
find employment immediately after graduation by establishing a network of
relationships with numerous people in several different professions. Students can
access and learn new technologies and trends more quickly by utilizing Facebook
frequently. Additionally, encouraging comments from friends on the viewpoints
expressed through personal status updates, images, and videos can assist kids in
identifying and developing abilities that can direct future employment. It promotes
civic responsibility and awareness through talks, debates, and exchanges regarding
patriotism, ideals, island sovereignty, etc. It also encourages young Vietnamese people
to voice their Correct attitude toward socio political issues.In the 4.0 era, learning
infrastructure will be more technical than ever. Facebook's rapid growth is

significantly influencing student learning in a favorable way. Facebook will improve
existing university training if it is applied properly in education.
Facebook is a great environment for teenagers, especially students, to learn soft skills.
These skills, which are enhanced by Facebook's capabilities, include communication
and time management abilities. time. Facebook is an ideal environment for students to
hone their soft skills because it offers access to numerous vast information sources and
a sizable user base. Consider the case of group work on Facebook, where students
must physically meet to address concerns that are common to all groups. However, the
growth of Facebook has made group work extremely simple thanks to tools like
Facebook group creation and group video conferencing. Students now have the chance
to collaborate in groups in an easy-to-understand manner and surpass the limitations of
the conventional approach.
3.2. Negative impact
3.2.1. Distraction and Reduced Productivity
Social media can be a distraction and interfere with students' ability to focus and
complete their academic tasks, leading to reduced productivity. This is because social
media platforms are designed to be engaging and to keep users coming back for more.
As a result, students may find themselves checking their social media accounts
frequently, which can take away from their focus and attention. In addition, social
media can lead to procrastination, as students may find themselves scrolling through
their feeds or engaging in other activities instead of completing their work. This can be
especially true when students are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, as social media can
provide a temporary escape from these negative emotions.
3.2.2. Cyberbullying and Online Dangers
Social media can expose students to cyberbullying, harassment, and other online
dangers. Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, or harm others,
and it can take many forms, such as mean or threatening messages, impersonation, or
sharing embarrassing or sensitive information online. Cyberbullying can have serious
consequences for students, including increased stress, anxiety, and depression. In
addition to cyberbullying, students can also face other online dangers, such as
harassment, stalking, or identity theft. It's important for students to be aware of these
risks and to take steps to protect themselves and their online reputation.
3.2.3. The risk of depression is higher in people addicted to social networks
Recent studies show that the more people use social networks, the more negative they
feel, which can even lead to depression because of the flow of negative information
coming from social networks without censorship.

This is especially dangerous for those who have been diagnosed with depression
before. So, if you find yourself constantly feeling demotivated, it might be time to
limit the time you spend on social media!
3.2.4. Blue artificial light makes it harder to sleep
The light emitted from the screens of electronic devices will fool your brain, disrupting
your circadian rhythm. This leads to insomnia, seriously affecting health and spirit.
3.2.5. Reduces intimacy with family and friends
The most obvious disadvantage of Facebook is that it can reduce intimacy with friends
and family. One study found that using social media was associated with lower levels
of trust and satisfaction with family life, which may make people feel isolated and
more depressed. This is because people tend to use social media as a substitute for
direct contact during moments that are important in their offline lives.
4. Solutions
4.1. Solutions to maximize positive impact
4.1.1. We can use Facebook as an online classroom.
Students can post questions and get answers about homework, coursework, school
subjects, or any topics from other classmates and friends who may have experience
with those topics.
Students can post questions and get answers from teachers or lecturers.
With Facebook groups, lecturers can create public discussion spaces.
Lecturers can use groups as private spaces for student discussions, not broadcasting all
of these conversations on their main feed.
Lecturers can join in with conversations by creating live video streams that allow them
to answer student's questions in 4-6 sentences.
4.1.2. Using the "add friend" of Facebook.
Sometimes, you may add a Facebook friend by deliberately searching for a specific
person, and then adding him. Other times, you may happen to see someone you know
-- in a friend's friend list, for example, or posting on a friend's wall. You can then add
this person. If you think two of your Facebook friends know each other or would enjoy
getting to know each other, you can help connect them. When this happens, suggest
that these two friends become friends with each other
4.1.3 Search for information from posts.
You can like or follow organizations or celebrities's Facebook account then you will
be updated with hot social news.

4.1.4. Playing games and watching reels.
You can browse hundreds of funny videos from all over the world and join groups to
make gaming friends with them..
4.1.5. Blogging or online marketing to build a personal brand.
Using Facebook you can develop your blogging skills. Then improve your writing
skills. With a blog, you are free to explore who you are, write about what interests you,
and how you can add value through your words. By constantly thinking, making
arguments, analyzing, and writing down what you like on your blog, your writing
skills will improve and improve with each article.
4.2. Solutions to minimize negative impact
4.2.1. Connect with Those That Lift You Up, not Put You Down Hit the ‘delete friend’ or ‘unfollow’ button.
If you feel judged or criticized by someone with vulgar words, delete these toxic
friends immediately. Block accounts that spread negative information that affects you.
Controlling who sees information about your life is important. It's okay to limit who
sees your posts, and it's okay to keep your circle small. It is important to know how to
protect yourself from becoming a victim of cyberbullying Follow inspirational accounts
Now that you’ve booted out some of your toxic friends and accounts that make you
feel bad about yourself, replace them with accounts that radiate positivity. This is an
operation that helps filter the information that appears on your Facebook. You will
learn positive ways of thinking and find inspiration in life. Some accounts that I think
bring positive energy to others are Khanh Vy (@khanhvyccf), Meichan
(@meichannnnn), Thien Khiem (@khiemslay), and so on.
4.2.2. Set limits on social media use
To minimize the negative effects of social networks on your health and quality of life,
you can apply the following simple methods: Set the time on your phone
There is a lot of information, and videos, and attractive images on social networking
sites, especially Facebook. This makes it easy for users to lose control of their time
and spend a lot of time staring at the screen. The solution to this phenomenon is to set
the time to use the Facebook application on your phone. After the timer is completed,
you can continue to access the application. Specifically, if you are currently spending
about 4 hours a day accessing Facebook, set the time spent on your phone to 3.5 hours.
After 2 weeks when you get used to this, set it down to 3 hours. Similarly, gradually
reduce the time you use Facebook. This not only helps you avoid being addicted to
social networks but also helps you avoid eye-related diseases
PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 15 Don't use your phone one hour before going to bed
Scientists have warned that blue light from phones seriously affects the brain and sleep
quality. According to a study by Vietnam National University, the rate of students
using social networks is 99.1%, the highlight is that 100% of these students use it
before going to bed. So make sure to remove electronic devices from your bed. You
will have better sleep and reduce your risk of depression. Turn off the bell
Remember to turn off your phone at critical times such as studying, meetings, driving,
etc. Avoiding notifications from appearing will help you increase your ability to focus
more on the work at hand and avoid errors occurring.

4.2.3. Interact with people more

Instead of sitting around and surfing Facebook, spend more time participating in
community activities, clubs and expanding your circle of contacts. You can refer to
some student organizations such as AIESEC, Operation Smile, and Volunteer for
Education organizations, or some clubs at TMU such as FBA, VE, CGC, and so on.
At the same time, spend more time talking with your family and friends. Don't let
yourself become dependent on the virtual world and be separated from reality. Take
time to study and experience more life.

In short, social networking platforms are almost taking over the world. It offers both
benefits and potential dangers. Therefore, we have suggested to you some solutions
that we consider effective in this article. The authors hope that this article will help
readers. Let's build a positive social media platform together.
This essay may have many errors. So, we look forward to receiving your comments to
improve our essay. Thank you for reading our essay. Your comments will help us to
complete the essay better.


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[4] “Facebook Advantages And Disadvantages - 9 Top Most Advantages and

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