Tugas - Bahasa - Inggris - Selshabila D 2110057

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PROGRAM STUDI : Diploma Tiga Keperawatan

MATA KULIAH : Bahasa Inggris Nama : Selshabila. D
HARI/ TANGGAL : Jumat/ 15 September 2023 NIM : 2110057
SASARAN : Mahasiswa Tk. III Semester V Kelas : 3A D3 Kep.
JUMLAH SOAL : - (essay)
WAKTU : 15 – 16 September
DOSEN : Ludovikus, M.Pd

Petunjuk Pengerjaan:
1. Tulislah terlebih dahulu nama dan identitas anda pada lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan.
2. Jawablah seluruh pertanyaan soal essai dengan benar.
3. Selamat mengerjakan

Instructions: Answer the following questions briefly and clearly. Give answers that are correct and
appropriate to the material you have studied.

1. What is meant by intradermal injection?

Intradermal injections are a type of injection that does not go below the dermis and are usually
used for vaccinations. This type of injection also helps to find out if you have allergies.

2. Name and explain the medical equipment needed for intradermal injection.
1. Medical Gloves : Protect medical personnel from contact with blood and other fluids on the
patient's body.

2. Alcohol Swap : Pre injection antiseptic

3. Medical Needle : Length size 1/4 - 1/2 with needle size 26

3. Why is selecting the correct needle size important in intradermal injection? What length of needle
is usually used?
Injection angle 10-15 degrees. In the intradermal route, the needle is injected into the dermis layer
of skin just below the epidermis. The selected skin area is not an area that is easily injured or
infected, so a short syringe of up to 1.5 cm is needed.

4. What are the benefits of using an alcohol swab before performing an intradermal injection?
aims to disinfect or clean the skin before injection. Applying alcohol cotton wool is useful for
preventing infections that can be caused by bacteria on the skin.

5. Why is effective communication between healthcare professionals and patients so important

during intradermal injection procedures? Give an example of instructions that should be given to a
patient before an injection is performed.
During the intradermal injection procedure, health workers must use effective communication so
that patients feel calmer, not afraid of the actions that will be given, do not panic, and will be more
relaxed. Before taking action the nurse must introduce herself and explain the purpose of what she
will do. Examples of instructions to be given: sir, before I inject into his hand, listen to my
instructions, yes sir, you have to take a deep breath so that you are more relaxed, for the injection it
doesn't hurt sir, maybe it will feel a little painful like being bitten by ants, don't panic sir, just relax.

6. What do healthcare professionals need to consider when conveying instructions to patients about
post-intradermal injection care?
Tell the patient that after the intradermal injection they should not be scratched, they should not
come into contact with water

7. How can you improve your communication skills as a healthcare professional in the context of
intradermal injections?
1. Demonstration: Whenever possible, demonstrate post-injection care procedures, such as how
to clean the site or apply a bandage. Visual aids or pamphlets can also enhance understanding.
2. Clarity and Comprehensibility: Use clear and simple language that the patient can easily
understand. Avoid medical jargon and explain each step of post-injection care in a
straightforward manner.
3. Timing: Specify the timing and frequency of any care tasks, such as when to change a
bandage or when to take any prescribed medications.
4. Hygiene: Emphasize the importance of hand hygiene before and after touching the injection
site or changing a bandage.
5. Potential Side Effects: Inform patients about potential side effects or reactions that may occur
after the injection. Explain what is normal and when they should seek medical attention.

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