Leak 1

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Leak 1


The pharmacy business is very competitive in Malaysia. During the Covid 19 pandemic, many
pharmacy companies have setup new stores in Malaysia.

As of today, pharmacy companies in Malaysia face the following challenges:

 After Covid 19 pandemic, (demands for medical products like masks drop substantially
 Fierce competition in the market

XXX is a mojor phatmacy company in Malaysia. As the IT manager of XXX,you need to propose an IT
solution that can make XXX company more profitable. You IT solution must use THREE (3) types of
business analytics, (namely descriptive analytics, predictive analytics, and prescriptive analytics. You
must write your answer using the following structure:

a) Identify ONE and ONLY ONE business problem for XXX Company. You must explain the details of
the problem.

b) For the business problem you identified in (a), describe enablers to address (Total 16 marks) the
business problem. Use one enabler for descriptive analytics, one enabler for predictive analytics, and
one enabler for prescriptive analytics. You must provide justification for the enablers that you
choose.(6 marks for the enabler used in each analytics. Total is 18 marks)

c) Explain the business value delivered by your IT solution. You must specify the BUSINESS VALUES
provided by descriptive analytics, predictive analytics, and prescriptive analytics RESPECTIVELY. (6
mark for business value provided by each analytics. Total is 18 marks)

The business problem faced by XXX Company is low selling rate, which cause low profit. This may
involve issues like decrease of demand for certain products and also fierce competition in the
market. Consequently, this can lead to negative impacts like loss of profits and even forced to close
down some branches. Based on descriptive analytics, a dashboard can be created to view the past
data collected to find out the solution. Since the information is consolidated and arranged on single
screen, the information can be digested in a single glance and easily drilled in and further explored.
For example, a line chart can be formed to view the selling rate of certain products over a specified
period. If the line shows a decreasing sign, the company may prepare the products in a lesser
amount compared to the amount before. This not only can reduce budget but also can prevent
waste. Else, prepare more to make sure enough stock. Meanwhile, a bar chart showing customers’
rating can be used to identify the reason why they prefer other companies compared to XXX
Company. It could be because of item prices, environment, customer services and so on. The
company can make arrangement based on the bar chart to improve their services in order to attract
more customers. Next, using predictive analytics, forecasting is a good enabler to be used. To further
illustrate on this point, the company may forecast the trend of items demand based on real time
situation. For instance, since the public had experienced the covid pandemic, they must be more
careful with themselves, meaning if any disease starting to spread, the company may start to buy
more products like masks and hand wash. Other than that, the company can also increase the
amount of products that are advertised by certain famous celebrities as it will lead to more people
buying it. For prescriptive analytics, simulations can be done to increase the selling rate. For
instance, a simulation of customer services can be carried out several times in order to provide
customers the best shopping experience. This can be conducted in terms of the way the staff serve
customers and also the knowledge of staff towards the products. Hence, customers will be able to
understand the products well and satisfied with the customer services. This can increase the chances
of customer coming back to shop again. As a result, the problem stated will be solved effectively.


Poultry farms in Malaysia are facing many challenges. On one hand they need to provide fresh
chicken meat to meet market demands. On the other hand, they are suffering a steep increase in
cost to operate the farms, especially chicken feed (the food eaten by chicken). It is very challenging
for a chicken farm to stay profitable.

QQQ is a poultry farm in Malaysia.It is having about 200,000 chicken in its farm.QQQ is facing the
following challenges:

 Increasing cost in chicken feed and other supply

 Very competitive market to sell chicken meat
 Hard to predict market demand accurately

The QQQ company wants to use a dashboard to monitor and improve the operating efficiency of the
poultry farm. Dashboards can aggregate and display critical metrics and key performance indicators
(KPIs) in a single screen, enabling business users to monitor and examine business performance at a

As the IT manager of QQQ, you are in charge of designing a dashboard to monitor the poultry farm
operation. The dashboard must display all the required information on a single screen clearly. You
must write your answer using the following structure.

 Use ONLY FOUR (4) DIFFERENT TYPES of charts in your dashboard. You must draw your
charts clearly with details for X-axis, Y-axis, Label, and any information necessary.
(5 marks for the drawing of each chart. Total is 20 marks)

 Explain the FOUR (4) charts that you use in the dashboard clearly. Provide justifications for
each chart that you use in the dashboard
(7 marks for the justification of each chart. Total is 28 marks)
Firstly, a pie chart can be used to show the proportion of budget division. In this situation,
since the chicken feed is getting expensive, they may take some actions such as reducing budget
for other aspects to sustain the amount of chicken feed. Else, they can consider changing the
chicken feed to a cheaper one.
Next, bar chart is useful in comparing data with different categories. They may compare the
aspects of their chicken with customers’ rating. For example, if they found the rating for certain
aspect is quite low, they may find a way to solve the problem in order to increase the
satisfaction of customers. This is important for them to outstand other farms.
Other than that, a line chart shows the trend of a data over time period. In this case, it can be
used to identify the trend of the demand for chicken. For instance, for the low selling rate
month, they may prepare less chicken to be sold so that waste and loss of profit would not
Lastly, a histogram chart helps to figure out the distribution of certain data. The price of
chicken set by an amount of farm can be analysis using this chart. This can help them to figure
out the market price, in order to prevent over cheap or expensive price. Meanwhile, they can
also use a strategy where they lower the price then market price so that this can attracts
customers to buy their chicken.

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