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Nama : Dini Tamara

NIM : 151210012
Kelas : HI - A
Mata Kuliah : Simulasi Negosiasi Multilateral

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) held an assembly to discuss

Limiting Nuclear Utilization in Iran. The council consists of eight countries : People’s
Republic of China, French Republic, Federal Republic of Germany, Islamic Republic of Iran,
Japan, Russian Federation, United Kingdom of Great Britain, and United States of America.
During the assembly, all countries were present and voting.
On general speakers lists, the United States of America stated that they are aware of
the power of nuclear power and how dangerous they are. The United States of America also
stated that nuclear weapons can injure another million human beings and the United States of
America believe we should stand with peace. Other than that, the United States of America
also opened and invited an active discussion so no more nuclear war and wrong use of
nuclear energy.
In the first motion, these councils discussed humanitarian consequences of nuclear
weapons. The United States of America stated they recognize that nuclear war and weapons
has resulted 200.000 fatalities with an estimated 20.000 - 24.000 human beings, therefore the
United States of America welcomed Iran as one of the countries that produce nuclear
weapons and another country on this council to gather as one to be cautious on using nuclear
In the second motion, these councils discussed agreement and policies of nuclear
treaty. The United States of America stated that they believe in the principles of disarmament,
non-proliferation and the peaceful use of nuclear energy enshrined in the IAEA’s policy on
nuclear utilization. The United States of America also expressed their support in efforts to
nuclear non-proliferation for world security. Also, they affirm how IAEA functions as an
institution in charge of nuclear verification and aiding function.
In the third motion, these councils discussed sanctions and reliefs mechanisms. The
United States of America has a desire to engage in discussions about the Iran nuclear deal,
subject to Iran’s commitment to fulfill the accords and international safeguards requirements.
They also hope about the possibility of imposing an embargo on Iran as a punitive measure
and taking notes further about the importance of advanced inspection methods by IAEA in
preventing nuclear proliferation.
At the end, these councils agreed to the limiting nuclear utilization in Iran by signing
an MoU.

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