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彩虹兔第一辑 06:sleeping bunnies / wake up bunnies

Role play headband

◼ 学习 TPR 指令:wake up / hop / stomp / shake

◼ 理解上下文:merry tune / snuggle and snore / all around / ill
◼ 扩展和睡觉有关的日常英文表达
◼ 家长学习如进行做 role play 角色扮演游戏

歌谣唱跳游戏:“wake up bunnies” 叫醒小兔子

Put on this bunny headband (给孩子戴上兔子头饰)
Now, you are a bunny(可以让孩子照镜子,看到自己的样子)
This game named wake up bunny 这个游戏叫“叫醒小兔子“
(如果孩子中文强势,前面也可以用中文解释,最后加上游戏的英文名 wake up bunny, 关联叫醒的中英文)
表演要点:家长可以和孩子挤在一起 snuggle(紧贴)假装打呼噜 snore(打呼噜)
See the bunnies sleeping
Till(直到) it’s nearly noon
Shall we wake them with a merry tune(轻快的语调)
They’re so still(一动不动)
Are they ill
一开始可以由家长喊 wake up bunnies
熟悉后可以由孩子喊出 wake up bunnies
跟随歌谣,表演 hop(蹦跳,跳行,跳跃) ,stomp(跺脚),shake(摇晃)
如:clap(拍手) ,blink(眨眼),waggle(来会摆动)
Merry tune:sing or hum happily, la la la(快乐的哼唱,啦啦啦)
Nearly noon: sleep still rinse and shine 睡到正午,太阳晒屁股了还不起床
So still: keep sleeping 继续睡(结合上下文)
Bunnies are sleeping 兔子们在睡觉(点读封面兔子)
They snuggle and snore 它们挤在一起打着呼噜(用身子紧挨孩子,身体表达紧挨/依偎)
Time to get up!该起床啦(提高音量)
Let’s wake them up, can you say ”wake up“ 我们来叫醒兔子,你可以说“起来了”吗
(鼓励孩子说出 wake up)
They are heavy sleeper 它们睡得很沉
speak loudly and try again 大点声,再来一次(点读 wake up)
the bunnies are awake
they hop all around(用点读笔划出跳跃的动线)
the bunnies are sleeping again
They snuggle and snore
Wake up again! Can you say ”wake up”
the bunnies are awake
they stomp all around(表演什么是 stomp,跺脚)
they scared the animals living underground(点读动物)
mouse, earthworm, snake, susliks(地鼠)
the bunnies are sleeping again
They snuggle and snore
Time to wake up
Let’s say ”wake up”
the bunnies are awake
they shake all around(表演什么是 shake,摇晃摆动身子)
they dance all day long
put on your bunny headband again
let’s dance(跟着 story book 唱跳)

01 bunny headband

每天起床时使用固定句式 wake up
经常使用 stomp, hop, shake 等动作指令巩固记忆

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