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Министерство науки и высшего образования Республики Казахстана

Костанайский региональный университет имени А. Байтурсынұлы

Кафедра иностранных языков


на тему: “Enriching vocabulary of secondary school students as a tool for

teaching extensive listening”

Дисциплина «Методика Иноязычного образования»

Образовательная программа 6В01705 Иностранный язык: два

иностранных языка

Выполнил ТөкенқызыА.
студентка 3 курса очной формы бучения

Руководитель Кудрицкая М.И., к.п.н., ассоциированный


Защита курсовой работы

состоялась ___ _______2023г.


1. Theory of General characteristics of teaching English

1.1 Importance of vocabulary enrichment
1.2 Connection between vocabulary and extensive listening skills
1.3 Types of listening and methods
2.1 Methods of improving the vocabulary of 8th grade students
2.2 The teacher's work on the formation of passive and potential vocabulary
2.3 New approaches to learning English and developing vocabulary of
secondary school
2.4 Approbation plan
The subject-matter of my progression elbow grease is "Enriching vocabulary of
secondary school students as a tool for teaching extensive listening. "
In the field of language education, the importance of a broad vocabulary can hardly
be overestimated. For secondary school students, mastering a wide range of
vocabulary can not only improve the level of language proficiency, but also
become a powerful tool for mastering a wide range of listening skills. This plan
aims to explore effective strategies for enriching the vocabulary of secondary
school students and recognizing their key role in promoting a deeper understanding
and appreciation of spoken English. In the dynamic world of language learning, the
development of a broad vocabulary is the foundation of comprehensive language
skills. The plan considers the strategic integration of vocabulary enhancement as
an effective tool for the development of comprehensive listening skills in
secondary school students. We recognize the symbiotic relationship between
vocabulary acquisition and effective listening, and we travel to expand students '
vocabulary and study targeted ways to navigate and understand the subtleties of the
English they speak. We strive to combine vocabulary expansion with extensive
listening courses to create a learning environment that not only improves language
skills, but also promotes a clear understanding of the richness of English.
Relevance of the Topic of enriching vocabulary:

Enriching vocabulary is relevant across academic and practical contexts. A strong

vocabulary enhances reading comprehension, writing skills, and academic
performance. It's also crucial in effective verbal communication, whether in
discussions, presentations, or future professional settings. Moreover, a rich
vocabulary fosters a deeper understanding of diverse topics and helps students
articulate their ideas with precision and clarity, making it a valuable and relevant
skill for lifelong learning and success.

Problem: The challenge of enriching vocabulary often stems from a lack of

engagement and relevance. To address this, make vocabulary learning interactive,
incorporating games, discussions, and real-life examples. Another issue may be
limited exposure to diverse content; broaden this by introducing a variety of texts
and topics. Additionally, consider assessing individual learning styles to tailor
strategies. Consistency and encouragement are crucial in overcoming the problem
and fostering a positive attitude toward vocabulary development.

Topic: “Enriching vocabulary of secondary school students as a tool for teaching

extensive listening.”

The objective of the research could be to identify effective strategies for

enriching the vocabulary of secondary school students. This might involve
assessing current teaching methods, exploring the impact of incorporating
technology, and understanding the role of contextual learning in vocabulary
acquisition. The goal is to provide insights and recommendations that educators
can implement to overcome challenges and enhance the vocabulary development
of secondary school students.
The subject of the research could be "Enhancing Vocabulary in Secondary
School Students." This would involve investigating various factors such as
teaching methods, curriculum design, technology integration, and the impact of
extracurricular activities on vocabulary enrichment. The focus is on understanding
how these elements contribute to or hinder the development of a robust vocabulary
in secondary school students.

A potential hypothesis for the research could be: "Implementing a multifaceted

approach, including interactive and context-based teaching methods, technology
integration, and diverse reading materials, will positively impact the vocabulary
development of secondary school students, leading to increased language
proficiency and improved academic performance." This hypothesis suggests that a
combination of these factors may contribute to a more effective vocabulary
enrichment strategy.

Goal: The main goal is to provide high school students with rich vocabulary and
position it as a strategic tool for mastering detailed audit. This is done in order to
create a language environment in which learners not only expand their vocabulary,
but also develop the ability to understand spoken English and interact with it in
different contexts.


1. Expand your students ' vocabulary by introducing many new words through
contextual learning, word games, and passage reading.

2. Enhance students' ability to understand and use new vocabulary within relevant
contexts, emphasizing the practical application of words in real-life scenarios.

3. Improve extensive listening skills by selecting engaging audio materials that

incorporate the target vocabulary, fostering better comprehension and retention.
Research Methods:

1. Evaluate the effectiveness of current vocabulary teaching methods in secondary


2. Investigate the impact of interactive and context-based teaching approaches on

vocabulary development.

3. Assess the role of technology, including vocabulary apps and online resources,
in enhancing secondary school students' vocabulary.

4. Examine the influence of diverse reading materials and extracurricular activities

on vocabulary enrichment.

5. Analyze the correlation between improved vocabulary development and overall

academic performance in secondary school students.

1. Theory of General characteristics of teaching English

1.1 Importance of vocabulary enrichment

The theory of general characteristics in teaching English encompasses principles

such as learner-centered instruction, communicative language teaching, and the
integration of skills like listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It emphasizes
creating an interactive and engaging learning environment tailored to students'
needs and promoting practical language use. The theory behind the general
characteristics of teaching English is grounded in educational philosophies and
language acquisition theories. It encompasses principles from various educational
approaches, including:

1. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT): This theory emphasizes the

importance of communication as the primary goal of language learning. The focus
on listening, speaking, reading, and writing aligns with CLT principles, where
language is seen as a tool for real-life communication.

2. Constructivism: The adaptability of teaching methods and the

emphasis on interactive learning reflect constructivist principles. This theory posits
that learners actively construct knowledge through experiences and interactions.

3. Sociocultural Theory: The integration of cultural awareness is

influenced by sociocultural theory, which recognizes the role of social and cultural
contexts in language development. Language and culture are seen as
interconnected. In summary, the theory underlying the general characteristics of
teaching English is a synthesis of pedagogical theories that prioritize
communication, cultural understanding, adaptability, interaction, technology, and
learner-centered approaches to facilitate effective language learning.

Enriching vocabulary is very important for different topics and subjects. In

academic circles, extended vocabulary can help you better understand complex
concepts and express ideas more clearly in disciplines such as natural sciences,
literature, and Social Sciences. In a professional context, rich vocabulary promotes
effective collaboration, presentation and communication, and in everyday life,
different vocabulary helps you express your thoughts more clearly and understand
different topics, contributing to a deeper, more comprehensive and informed
approach. The vocabulary of criticism helps to develop the ability to think.Develop
the ability to think and rich vocabulary criticism helps to improve communities,
are the building blocks of the word idea, and maybe think less argumentatively,
and can increase the vocabulary of useful people.
Various theories inform the teaching of English, including communicative
language teaching, behaviorism, and constructivism. Effective methods often blend
these theories, emphasizing practical language use, reinforcement, and learner

The Whole Language Theory and Phonics Approach are two prominent theories in
teaching English. The Whole Language Theory emphasizes learning language as a
whole, integrating reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The Phonics
Approach, on the other hand, emphasizes the systematic teaching of the
relationship between sounds and their written representation. Both theories have
their proponents, and many educators use a balanced approach that incorporates
elements of both for comprehensive language learning.

There are various theories and approaches to teaching English, including:

1. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT): Emphasizes communication as both

the means and goal of learning.

2. Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT): Focuses on using meaningful tasks to

develop language skills.

3. Whole Language Approach: Integrates reading, writing, speaking, and listening

as interconnected skills.

4. Phonics Approach: Teaches the relationship between sounds and written

symbols to enhance reading and spelling.

5. Sociocultural Theory: Emphasizes the role of social interaction and cultural

context in language development.

6. Behaviorism: Focuses on observable behaviors and reinforcement for language

7. Constructivism: Centers on learners actively constructing knowledge through
hands-on experiences.Educators often integrate elements from multiple theories for
a balanced and effective teaching approach.

1.2 Connection between vocabulary and extensive listening skills

Building a rich vocabulary enhances extensive listening skills by facilitating better
comprehension of spoken language, aiding in the recognition of words and context
during conversations or audio content. A rich vocabulary enhances extensive
listening skills by aiding comprehension and recognizing nuances in spoken
language. A diverse word bank enables better understanding of context, tone, and
subtle meanings during conversations or presentations, fostering improved
communication overall. A robust vocabulary is crucial for extensive listening skills
as it allows you to grasp and interpret a wide range of words and expressions
during conversations or presentations. A well-developed vocabulary facilitates
better comprehension and nuanced understanding of spoken language, contributing
to overall effective communication. A well-developed vocabulary is integral to
extensive listening skills. A diverse word repertoire enables you to understand,
interpret, and respond to a broad range of spoken language, enhancing your overall
ability to comprehend and engage effectively in various conversations and
contexts. A strong vocabulary is closely tied to extensive listening skills. A diverse
range of words allows for better comprehension of spoken language, aiding in the
understanding of context, nuances, and subtleties during various conversations or
presentations. Essentially, an enriched vocabulary enhances the overall
effectiveness of one's listening abilities. A rich vocabulary is vital for extensive
listening skills as it enables individuals to comprehend diverse words, nuances, and
contextual meanings during spoken communication, fostering a more thorough
understanding of the spoken language. In summary, a robust vocabulary is
instrumental in fostering extensive listening skills. It empowers individuals to
recognize, interpret, and understand a wide array of words and contextual nuances
during spoken communication, contributing to overall language proficiency and
effective comprehension.
Extensive listening involves understanding spoken language in authentic, longer
contexts, such as lectures, interviews, or narratives. It helps improve overall
language proficiency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. Regular practice of
extensive listening enhances one's ability to understand different accents, tones,
and nuances in real-life communication situations.
Extensive listening skills refer to the ability to comprehend spoken language in
longer, natural contexts. This practice, often involving podcasts, lectures, or
conversations, helps improve overall language proficiency by enhancing
vocabulary, listening comprehension, and familiarity with different accents and
speech patterns. Regular engagement in extensive listening contributes to a more
intuitive understanding of the language.

Extensive listening skills can be developed through various types of activities:

1. Podcasts: Listening to podcasts on diverse topics provides exposure to different

accents, vocabulary, and conversational styles.
2. Audiobooks: Engaging with stories or educational content in audio form
enhances listening comprehension over extended periods.
3. Lectures and Talks: Listening to academic or informative lectures helps develop
the ability to understand complex spoken language.
4. Conversations: Participating in or listening to extended conversations, whether
in person or through recorded discussions, improves overall comprehension.
5. Radio Shows: Tuning in to radio programs exposes learners to authentic
language use in various contexts.
6. Documentaries: Watching documentaries with a focus on audio content
challenges listeners with rich vocabulary and diverse speech patterns.

Engaging in these diverse types of extensive listening activities contributes to a

well-rounded improvement in language skills.

1.3 Types of listening and methods

Types of listening include:

1.Active Listening: Focused attention on the speaker, providing feedback and

confirming understanding.
2. Passive Listening: Receiving information without actively responding or
engaging with the speaker.
3. Critical Listening: Evaluating and analyzing information to form judgments or
4. Empathetic Listening: Understanding and sharing the feelings or perspectives of
the speaker.
Each type of listening requires specific skills and strategies tailored to its unique
Methods to improve listening skills:
1. Practice Reflective Listening:Repeat or paraphrase what you hear to confirm
2. Minimize Distractions: Create a quiet environment to enhance focus during
3. Note-Taking: Jot down key points to reinforce retention and understanding.
4. Ask Clarifying Questions: Seek additional information for better
5. Mindful Listening: Stay present and avoid interrupting to enhance overall
listening effectiveness.
Adapting these methods based on the context and type of information being
conveyed can significantly improve listening skills.


2.1 Methods of improving the vocabulary of 8th grade students

Methods for expanding the vocabulary of 8th-grade students include

incorporating word-of-the-day activities, encouraging regular reading of varied
texts, utilizing vocabulary-building games and puzzles, promoting discussions
using new words, and assigning engaging writing tasks that incorporate a range
of vocabulary. To expand one's vocabulary, consider activities such as daily
word exploration, reading diverse literature, using vocabulary apps, engaging in
word games, participating in discussions, and incorporating newly learned
words into written and spoken communication.

Expanding your vocabulary can be achieved through various methods. Reading

regularly exposes you to new words, while context helps understand their
meanings. Actively engage with diverse materials, such as books, articles, or
even word games, to encounter unfamiliar terms. Maintain a vocabulary journal
to jot down and review new words. Use the words you learn in conversations or
writing to reinforce your understanding. Lastly, explore word-a-day services or
language-learning apps for a consistent influx of vocabulary.

Here are methods tailored for 8th-grade students to expand their vocabulary:

1. Reading a Variety of Texts: Explore age-appropriate books,

articles, and magazines. Fiction and non-fiction alike offer different
vocabularies to enhance your language skills.

2. Word of the Day Exercises: Introduce a “word of the day” routine.

Learn a new word each day and try to use it in sentences to reinforce

3. Themed Vocabulary Lists: Create lists based on themes or subjects

you encounter in your studies. This helps expand both general and subject-
specific vocabulary.

Employing a variety of methods is key to effectively improving the vocabulary

of 8th-grade students. The combination of daily word activities, thematic units,
and interactive games provides a holistic approach to vocabulary expansion.
Reading widely across different genres and integrating technology enhances
exposure to diverse words in various contexts.

Engaging students in discussions, both structured and spontaneous, fosters a

dynamic environment for vocabulary growth. Writing assignments that
challenge them to apply new words in context bridge the gap between
recognition and active use. Vocabulary games not only make learning enjoyable
but also reinforce retention.

Furthermore, personalized approaches such as vocabulary journals and

individual word lists empower students to take ownership of their learning. Root
word exploration, mnemonic devices, and other memory aids add depth to their
understanding of language structure.

By consistently applying these methods, educators can create an enriching

vocabulary curriculum that not only prepares 8th-grade students for academic
success but also instills in them a lifelong appreciation for the power and beauty
of language.

2.2 The teacher's work on the formation of passive and potential vocabulary

The teacher's work on the formation of passive and potential vocabulary

A teacher's work on the formation of passive and potential vocabulary involves

several key strategies:

1. Exposure through Reading: Introduce students to a variety of texts, including

literature, articles, and informational content, to expose them to a broad range of
vocabulary passively.

2. Contextual Learning: Emphasize understanding words in context, helping

students deduce meanings from sentences and paragraphs, contributing to the
growth of passive vocabulary.

3. Active Reading Strategies: Teach students how to actively engage with texts,
asking questions about unfamiliar words and seeking their meanings, thereby
transitioning certain words from passive to potential vocabulary.

4. Word Banks: Maintain a classroom word bank where students can contribute
words they encounter and find interesting. Regularly review and discuss these

5. Discussion and Expression: Encourage class discussions, debates, or

presentations where students can express themselves using both passive and
potential vocabulary in meaningful contexts.
2.3 New approaches to learning English and developing vocabulary of
secondary school

To enhance English learning, try immersive methods like reading English

books, watching subtitled movies, and engaging in conversations. Use
vocabulary-building apps, practice writing essays, and participate in language
exchange programs for practical application. Consider incorporating interactive
language apps, joining online discussion forums, and utilizing podcasts or
audiobooks to improve listening skills. Additionally, creating flashcards for
personalized vocabulary study can be effective, and regular writing exercises
help reinforce language acquisition. Explore language exchange programs to
practice with native speakers, leverage language-learning apps with interactive
features, engage in immersive activities like watching English videos or
podcasts, and participate in online communities for consistent practice and

Dive into English-language podcasts, employ language learning apps with AI

features, join virtual language exchange platforms, practice with online tutors,
and utilize storytelling or role-playing for interactive learning experiences. For
secondary school students, try incorporating English novels at an appropriate
reading level, using vocabulary workbooks, practicing word games, and
engaging in group discussions.

Explore educational apps focused on vocabulary building and consider writing

short stories or essays to apply new words in context. Secondary school students
can enhance English learning by incorporating interactive apps, reading diverse
genres of literature, participating in vocabulary-building challenges, practicing
with language exchange partners, and using mnemonic techniques for
memorization. Additionally, engaging in debates or discussions on various
topics can reinforce language skills and expand vocabulary Secondary school
students can employ innovative methods like gamified language apps,
incorporating English subtitles while watching movies or TV shows, creating
personalized vocabulary flashcards, joining virtual language exchange
programs, and actively participating in classroom discussions. Integrating
technology, real-life scenarios, and interactive activities can make the learning
experience more engaging and effective.

Consider incorporating educational apps like Quizlet or Anki for vocabulary

building, reading a variety of English texts, joining language exchange
programs, and using interactive platforms for grammar and language exercises.
Engage in writing prompts, participate in school clubs or events related to
language and literature, and explore online resources that cater to secondary
school learning levels.

1. Word Games:

Integrate word-based games like Scrabble, Hangman, or online platforms that

focus on vocabulary challenges.

2. Interactive Apps:

Utilize vocabulary-building apps such as Quizlet, Memrise, or WordUp for

engaging and personalized learning.

3. Literature Exploration:

Encourage reading diverse genres and discussing vocabulary-rich books to

enhance contextual understanding.
4. Language Exchange Programs:

Participate in language exchange programs or virtual pen-pal initiatives to

practice conversational skills.

5. Storytelling and Role-Playing:

Engage in storytelling or role-playing activities to apply new vocabulary in

practical scenarios.

6. Online Quizzes and Challenges:

Join online quizzes or challenges focused on English vocabulary to add an

element of competition and motivation.

7. Flashcards and Mnemonics:

Create flashcards for word memorization and employ mnemonic devices to

make the learning process more memorable.

8. Educational Apps with AI:

Explore language-learning apps with AI features that adapt to individual

learning styles, providing a personalized experience.

9. Word of the Day Ritual:

Introduce a "Word of the Day" ritual, encouraging students to learn and use a
new word each day.

10. Themed Vocabulary Days:

Organize themed vocabulary days where students explore words related to

specific topics, promoting a deeper understanding.Combining these types of
approaches ensures a well-rounded and engaging vocabulary development
strategy for secondary school students.
For effective vocabulary development in secondary school:

1. Diverse Reading:

Encourage students to read widely across genres to encounter a variety of

words in different contexts.

2. Word Journals:

Have students maintain word journals, noting down unfamiliar words and
their meanings from their readings.

3. Themed Vocabulary Weeks:

Dedicate specific weeks to themed vocabulary, tying words to subjects studied

or current events.

4. Class Discussions:

Foster an environment where students discuss readings, share new words, and
explore their meanings together.

5. Vocabulary Games:

Incorporate word games, puzzles, or apps that make learning vocabulary

enjoyable and interactive.

6. Literary Analysis:

Analyze literature in class, emphasizing the exploration of sophisticated

vocabulary within the context of the text.

7. Word of the Day Ritual: Introduce a "Word of the Day" routine, challenging
students to incorporate that word into their conversations.
8. Creative Writing Assignments:

Assign creative writing tasks that encourage students to use a variety of words
to express themselves.

9. Peer Review:

Incorporate peer review sessions where students provide feedback on each

other's writing, highlighting effective vocabulary use.

10. Guest Speakers:

Invite guest speakers or professionals from different fields to expose students

to specialized vocabulary.

Remember, consistency is key, and creating an engaging, interactive, and

supportive learning environment can significantly enhance vocabulary
development in secondary school.

To enhance vocabulary development in secondary schools, consider

incorporating diverse reading materials, encouraging discussions, and using
context-based learning activities. Engaging students in word games and
vocabulary-building exercises can also be effective. Additionally, creating a
language-rich environment both in and outside the classroom can contribute to
ongoing vocabulary growth.

2.4Approbation plan

Unit:Animals School:
Date: Teacher name: Tokenkyzy Aruzhan
Grade:8 Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the Animals

Learning distinguish between phonemically distinct words;
objectives give short, basic description about animals link with support words or phrases using basic coordinating
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
- Present some specific information and details from the listening text
in at least 4 sentences
Most learners will be able to:
- Give a basic description about animals at least 5 sentences working
in pairs
Some learners will be able to:
- Summarize the group descriptions in at least 4 sentences
Criteria Learners have met the learning objective if they can:

 Make 4 sentences about the listening text;

 Give a short, basic description about animals (at least 5
 Summarize the group descriptions
Previous learning
Planned Planned activities Learners’ activities Evaluation Resources
Beginning Greetings. Pupils greet the Verbal
5 min - Hello! Good afternoon, teacher. evaluation
children! Pupils give a smile
Positive setting at the lesson. to each other to start
- I am very glad to see you in the lesson positively. Verbal
class. Let's give each other a smile evaluation
in order to start the lesson ICT/ Power
positively. Point
Students listen to
Warm-up questions. Frontal the song and answer presentation
work. the teacher’s Verbal
Setting the theme and aims of questions evaluation
the lesson. .
-Teacher offers the students to ICT/ Power
listen to a song about animals to Verbal Point
set the topic and the objectives of evaluation presentation
the less
Middle of
the lesson Vocabulary presentation
Pupils repeat the
2 min Look at the board and repeat the new words after the Verbal ICT/ Power
new words after the recording in recording in chorus evaluation Point
chorus: presentation

A Fox
A Cat
A Dog
An Elephant
Pupils match the
A Rabbit
pictures to the
Let’s match the pictures to the
Pupils translate the Handout 1
3 min words into their Verbal
Now translate the words into language. evaluation
Kazakh/Russian. ICT/ Power
Verbal Point
Pupils find new
Vocabulary consolidation evaluation presentation
words and underline
them; then show
1. Read the text and find the new each other their texts
words in it. Underline them. Handout 2
and compare.
Compare your text with your Peer

2 min partner. assessment

Pupils unjumble the
words in their

2. Now put the letters in the handouts

correct order to make the words: Handout 3

Atac Verbal
3 min
Naheleant evaluation

Pupils write the new

3. Fill the gaps in the sentences
words in the gaps
with the new words.

Pupils predict the Handout 4

Pre-listening text content by the Whole
We are going to listen to a text title. class check
5 min
called “African Buffalo”. What do
you think it is about?

Pupils listen to the

While-listening text and check their
1. Now listen to the text and see if predictions.
your ideas were right ICT/ Power
Pupils listen again
1 min Verbal Point
and answer the 4
evaluation presentation
2. Listen again and answer these 4
Pupils listen and say
if the sentences are
Recording 1
true or false. Correct
2 min 3. Listen one more time and say if Whole
the false statements
the sentences are true or false. class check
in pars.
Correct the false statements.
Work in pairs Recording 1

5 min Pupils describe the Verbal

Post-listening pictures in pairs. evaluation
Recording 1
Look at these pictures. Describe Peer
them in pairs. Make at least 5 Pupils write down assessment
sentences each pupil. their home
10 min
At home do ex.3 and 4 at page 17
ICT/ Power
in Pupil’s book Verbal Point
evaluation presentation


2 min
End of the Reflection
lesson ICT/ Power
5 min  What did you learn today? presentation

 Name three new words you

learned in this lesson.
 What would you like to
learn more about?
 Did you enjoy the lesson?
Why?/Why not?


Enriching vocabulary in secondary schools is a vital endeavor that significantly

contributes to students' overall academic success and communication skills.
Through a multifaceted approach, educators can cultivate a robust vocabulary
foundation. The integration of daily vocabulary exercises, thematic units, and
interactive activities not only exposes students to a diverse range of words but also
fosters a deep understanding of their meanings and applications.

Furthermore, encouraging wide-ranging reading habits, both within and beyond the
curriculum, allows students to encounter new words in various contexts. This
exposure plays a pivotal role in expanding their passive vocabulary, enabling them
to comprehend and appreciate complex texts.

The incorporation of technology, such as vocabulary apps and online platforms,

provides a dynamic and engaging dimension to vocabulary enhancement.
Interactive games, discussions, and collaborative learning activities create an
environment where students actively participate in their language development.

As students progress, opportunities for them to express themselves through

writing, speeches, and discussions should be maximized. These platforms serve as
arenas for applying and internalizing the enriched vocabulary, bridging the gap
between passive recognition and active usage.

In conclusion, a comprehensive strategy for enriching vocabulary in secondary

schools not only equips students with a diverse linguistic toolkit but also enhances
their critical thinking abilities and articulation skills. This investment in vocabulary
development lays a solid foundation for academic achievement, effective
communication, and a lifelong love for language.


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