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Committee: United Nations Security Council

Delegation: Federative Republic of Brazil

Topic: Addressing threats of non-state actors

Non-state actors (NSAs) are sometimes seen as not aligning with or rebelling against the government
of the country they are active in, due this, certain hostilities can arise between NSAs and the local
government, often resulting in securitization. While most NSAs don’t inherently endanger the
government or inhabitants of the state, or states they operate in, there has been a growing amount of
concern surrounding militant NSAs, terrorist organizations and those, which cause other difficulties,
such as social or economic threats. This issue takes place internationally and involves all nations, if
not directly, then at least their surrounding countries or ones they have important relations with, which
is why it is a crucial topic to be discussed. The Federative Republic of Brazil looks upon such threats
with worry for public safety and determination to reduce and eliminate them, before they can cause
further harm to the regions, they’re active in. It is also vital to a countries democracy, that such NSAs
are not involved in policy making processes, which are only to be carried out by the nation’s

To ensure NSAs do not gain power in such political processes in the country, the Federative Republic
of Brazil has put in place several formal and informal coordinating mechanisms led by the Ministry of
Foreign Relations and the Presidency. Regarding VNSAs such as criminal groups, the Federative
Republic of Brazil recognizes the threat they pose, which is why there has been considerable efforts
made to take down such groups, like having launched an operation which has been successful in
incarcerating multiple people affiliated with the PCC. 1 The Federative Republic of Brazil, while
wishing to put forward actions to restrict VNSAs and those with potential to become violent, it also
understands that it is important to be able to distinguish between those NSAs which truly pose a threat
and those that do not, as to not put them at a disadvantage, as stated by Joao Genesio De Almeida
Filho, while reaffirming resolution 1540 in 2004.2

In the past, the Federative Republic of Brazil has taken serious measures to combat threats caused by
VNSAs and NSAs, while also maintaining friendly relations to NSAs which don’t pose threats, but
remain neutral or aid the country by, for example, putting forward UN agenda in favor of the country. 3
Arirang News. (2020b, July 28). Brazilian government targeting its largest criminal gang [Video].

Resolution 1540 (2004) vital component in Non-Proliferation architecture, but full implementation remains
‘Long-Term task’, committee chair tells Security Council | UN Press. (2023, March

Non-State Actors and Sustainable Development in Brazil: the diffusion of the 2030 agenda. (n.d.). Routledge &
CRC Press.
During the conference the Federative Republic of Brazil will continue to abide by and promote this
mindset, it will advocate taking a serious approach to threats caused by VNSAs and put forward
operative clauses helping countries combat such NSAs and minimalize any potential damage caused
by them.

Topic: Situation on the Korean Peninsula

For over 75 years there has been fluctuating tensions between the Democratic People’s republic of
Korea (DPRK) and the Republic of Korea. The past military conflicts and current disputes, have only
caused the divided halves of the Korean Peninsula to ever maintain their mutual hostility. The small
ray of hope provided by the Reconciliation and Cooperation Policy Towards the North (Sunshine
Policy), has long lost its spark, which is why the Federative Republic of Brazil, wants nothing more
than lasting peace in the Korean Peninsula.4 The nation also believes, that a key component to achieve
this peace by relieving domestic, as well as international tensions, largely produced by the continued
development and testing of nuclear weapons. That is why the federative Republic of Brazil also calls
for a full de-nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.5

In past UNSC meetings on situations regarding the Korean Peninsula, the Federative Republic of
Brazil has strongly advocated for nuclear disarmament, the decrease of nuclear weapons and the non-
violent use of atomic energy. In the past the federative republic of Brazil has joined countless UN
sanctions against the DPRK on grounds of issues concerning their nuclear weaponry, but as of now,
these have never led to any significant breakthroughs in the matter. Though not enough to change the
country’s perspective on their weapons of mass destruction, it did have noticeable effects on the
nation’s economy, which only leads to the suffering of its citizens. Due to these conducted sanctions
the human rights in the region have been severely impacted, which is a great concern of the Federative
Republic of Brazil.6 Other than that the Federative Republic of Brazil also continues to support
motions which encourage the DPRK to re-enter the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and enter
negotiations with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on cooperation in the nuclear field. 7

On past occasions, the Federative Republic of Brazil has strongly condemned the DPRKs actions in
defiance of former Security Council resolutions, as stated by the Federative Republic of Brazil in a
past Security Council Consultation on the DPRK in June of 2022, “We are uncompromising defenders
Statement by Brazil in the Security Council consultations on DPRK. (n.d.-b). Ministério Das Relações
StackPath. (n.d.-b).
Statement by the Delegation of Brazil at the Security council meeting on DPRK - 26 May 2022. (2022, August
22). Ministério Das Relações Exteriores.
Statement by Brazil in the Security Council consultations on DPRK. (n.d.-d). Ministério Das Relações
of International Law, of the UN Charter and obligations arising from it. We therefore advocate strict
observance of Security Council resolutions”.8 Therefore, in the conference, we will put froward
operative clauses ensuring compliance with UNSC resolutions. The Federative Republic of Brazil will
also submit and support operative clauses in favor of the de-nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, as
well as strongly recommend the DPRK to engage in negotiations on the peaceful use of nuclear

Statement by Brazil in the Security Council consultations on DPRK. (n.d.-e). Ministério Das Relações

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