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14 November 2023

Choose the correct option.

1. My best friend could / should have become a great athlete, but he didn’t
practice enough.
2. I got lost and had / must have to ask a policeman the way.
3. Jim hasn't arrived yet. He must / can’t have caught the wrong train.
4. You mustn’t / shouldn’t have drink this; it's poison.
5. You mustn’t have / needn’t ring the bell; I have a key.
6. These two boys look identical. They must be / must have been twins.
7. My car stopped on the high way. It may have run / might run out of gas.
8. The car broke down and we must have gotten / had to get a taxi.
9. He couldn't have / must have gone to Russia. He didn't have a passport.
10. Robert arrived without his notebook. He could have / could lost it.
11. Oh no! My phone's not in my bag. I must have / must left it at home.
12. That can't have / shouldn’t have been Nick that you saw.
13. You had to be / must have been surprised when you heard the news.
14. You weren’t able to / needn’t have made dessert for the party - we had
already ordered three cakes.
15. She could stay / must have stayed home yesterday because her little son
was sick.
16. Marcela didn't come to class yesterday. She must have / may have had an
17. The children should have said / must say "Thank you" to you when you
gave them their gifts.
18. His letter is full of mistakes. He should have / can have checked the
mistakes carefully before sending it.
19. Jeanette did very badly on the exam. She must studied / should have
studied harder.
20. “Where do you think Rooney is today?". "I have no idea. He may have
slept / would sleep late."
21. You've been working non-stop for ten hours. You must be / should have
been really tired.
22. He was very lucky when he fell off the ladder. He should have / could have
hurt himself.
23. My colleague looks exhausted. She must have / should have worked hard
all day.
24. You don’t need to do / needn’t have done that assignment today. Our
professor already gave us the answer keys for it.
25. Ben can’t have / couldn’t have been at John’s home last night. I was there
all the time but I didn’t see Ben.
26. I put my keys on the table, but now it's gone. Someone might / should have
taken it.
27. Sharon was supposed to be here at nine o’clock. She must have forgotten /
must forget about our meeting.
28. You’re all wet! You should have taken / should take an umbrella.
29. We might have given / might give you more help, but we were too busy.
30. He helped her, but it was not necessary. He didn’t need to help / needn’t
have helped her.

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