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Sri Kumaran Children’s Home-CBSE



Class: VI Sec:___ Subject: Social Science Date:19.09.2018
Name: _______________________ Roll No___ Marks: 80

I Fill in the blanks: 5x1=5

1) The Indus people mixed copper and tin to make _______________.

2) Painted grey ware had _________patterns.
3) Dalits are referred to as __________ by our Government.
4) The father of the Indian Constitution is __________
5) The number of times the sun is directly overhead on the equator is
______________ in a year.

II. Correct the underlined portion of the following statements and rewrite:

1) We come to know about the practice of agriculture during Harappan age by

the discovery of iron ploughshares.
2) The rulers of Mahajanapadas depended on the gifts brought in by the people
for resources.
3) When we fix people into one image we create diversities.
4) Suffrage means representation of people.
5) An internationally agreed language regarding the symbols drawn on the map
is called legends.

III. Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: 5

Around 2500 years ago, a form of Government was formed by the people of
Athens, which was termed as democracy. It lasted for about 200 years. Under
this form of government all free men over the age of 30 were recognized as full
citizens. There was an assembly that met at least 40 times a year to decide on
important matters. These meetings could be attended by all citizens.
Appointment for many positions was made through lottery. Citizens were
expected to serve in the army and navy. However, women were not considered
as citizens. The foreigners, who lived and worked in Athens as merchants and
crafts persons also did not have rights as citizens.

1. Who in Athens were full citizens? (1)

2. List out those who were not allowed to attend the assembly. (1)
3. Give one similarity between the government in a ‘Gana’ and ‘Athens’. (1)
4. Write down 2 differences between democracy practiced in Athens and the
democracy practiced today in our nation. (2)

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IV. Give reason. 1x5= 5

1. Ancient capital cities were fortified.

2. Palaeolithic man was nomadic.
3. Elections are held at regular intervals
4. India has three levels of government.
5. The days are longest on 21st June.

V. Differentiate with two points: 6x2=12

1. Citadel and lower town of a Harappan city.

2. Palaeolithic age and Neolithic age.
3. Monarch and Democracy.
4. State government and Central government.
5. Sketch and map.
6. Axis and equator.

VI. Match column A, B and C, to make a complete meaningful sentence.


23½o perpendicular
1. Seasons 24 hours to orbital plane
Sun always visible
2. Leap year Equinox

Summer, Autumn,
3. Rotation 29 February winter and spring
Poles of Earth
neither tilted
4. Tilted axis Norway towards or away
from sun

5. 22nd December Summer solstice Every 4 years

6. Land of midnight
Revolution Winter solstice
66½o from orbital
7. 21st June Day and Night
Sun rays directly
Northern over Tropic of
8. 21st March
hemisphere cancer

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VII. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences: 3x6=18

1. Explain the ritual performed to recognize someone as a raja during Vedic

2. Harappans maintained an efficient drainage system. Justify this statement.
3. What is Apartheid? List out any four ways in which this system was
4. How has our Constitution ensured equality among people?
5. Ravi needs to make a map of his village showing the roads. Which type of
map should he make? Give 2 suitable reasons for your choice.
6. What would happen if the Earth did not rotate but just revolved around the

VIII. Answer the following questions in 4-5 sentences: 4x5=20

1. What were the duties of the four Varnas? On what grounds was the Varna
system opposed? (2+2)

2. Imagine that you are a historian. From the sources of history available to
you write about the life in a Harappan city.

3. Who coined the phrase ‘Unity in diversity’ to describe our country? Give any
three examples that show unity in diversity (1+3)
4. Why should conflicts be resolved by the government?
5. What do you understand by ‘Heat zones’ of the Earth? Describe each ‘Heat
Zone of the Earth in details. (1+3)

IX. a) Study the symbols given below, name and give their application. 3

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b) Map work 3

1. State the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of Karnataka. (1)

2. Using the map scale, calculate the ground distance between the capital
city of Karnataka and Mangalore. (2)

***********ALL THE BEST***********

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