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Tnhevitance 1s a very useful and rful concept of oops in java: J4 deg a greate advantoge caued é ve -USa lity. ¥ el. : : | | The jnhevitane is +he process of Cving Ane properties of one class te meee) class e@ ase five types of Pie inwervr tance eoukiple multi-level «1 wyeearchical pnhe vi taice: Wye Hy bail u yeople imheritance '- Beye of yohentane gne child class BANIES fron one Porer class a clas trnevie fe uses extends keywords 2 > 5 | ed cid clase an i j ees coe a Fas y 3) roultilevel enheritances. Ta Anis ype of tnhervtawce, the doty Chill class clevives from a clarke eoheh alse, devinted from another claws cc- A a) Werar chicat Toheatate ae a4U90 Cor) rnore Chik ome = porent clase 5) ty brick are cori natto of Inneri tance: oxo Si*91e w {-\eVe w MOeteG tovtve fron ia, OTS ny coro" tancec itonce fee eS [ get oasalinre) { thyYSs a=Q, law child class extends parent c £ Jotd chowhatal) §. system out printia (Tnsicle che id clay) syctem our priatle (“value 6f a is +a )- 7 i child class Too extends favent clasS Word olsplayc ) System out PY Otle (‘anes mn out » " ec ee (otue of ats +a): , 4 mc, jaw 4+lvevarchical Bnteritonce de chitel class tod), uBlic stakt< oid vron [strat] age) g cmile clas chilol- obj = new childclanc ). child _ oh sate Coo) ; 4 Irild - ob Show Pata() » - belo claw Too child Too - oloj = ‘neweht Id class ee ; a obj se ar O ; i * xs the access 4 : wo +, the scope ox & Clay: COMETUC tar, akc memh of clact amd anheritance “Whe public members can he acces ce oniexyuoherve . Bae prune yoevmeers Gam PE aceetten \ only inside he carne class. —> We protected perms ate 9 00Cry , 40 extevry crildclacs ccore Pockage «: other packoge ) =h The defor members Are accessible re came packoqe but not ocrsice ‘ tie package. Jano Corewuctor io inheritance Iss Tre cefoulk conctructoy of A paren’ coed ausormatically by the construc 4 . it's} cRitd class. thot mMearS when ie create aco object of the cknld class, oven’ class consttuctey exerted, $0)!" [ey the Child clos = Comsttuctoy execu! penis, forent cos a 5 gull yap “a 1 a + 4 Parent Cl" ete! | Do. re class extends parent clon £ 7 clase) § “, systermod-printin( Tnsicle child clay 7 constvuctort”) | ic class constructor inheritance . public Stare Void main(sting [J args )¢ child class obf = new Child lass c). #4 i fe eo super Keyword: per teeyooord used to refers to ea nt class object he supey Keyuord Meme exsere XO | core pre aT Be Me 3 wabesi ence cohen baRy ond child class : yeder poren’ crass «dota smernbers vefey pore™ Class poerthor's cad parent clasS congtructor . super yeyuard iS used insrde the ss onl. fey _bore™ class_¢ cat class ord Grd cid class be ep! 1 Sry, went C ars gato ment” mernrers |. fave class payest oss t we um ey Void Shoes Bata ¢) sycie OW primia(tancide +he pave’ chow pata Method } sycrer™ DUL Printi e farent Clase Num ‘ num) Coss, crnld class extends Parent ciars | HL HUrN2 = 20; Ato chousdada ‘og gygesr OL princi (anes de fhe chi! i 4 Dota Mejhod | nam =" + pumé) nt v : oject af child 15 neat, atically cols the paren clay Co StTUC DY before ts ‘pur Bul, yarneterized constructor of me Dmeutt be plied opty UNng he supes Keyrord = inde ane. € 6 etl AY ~ constructs the pazarreter! Zeck Keyword To cat the parent cig8s ty aa Bar be the fevst 51° ternent wnside the aroust pay — Lass constructor gota @ parametey Values. avo fine Keyuoord | pel with vauenrs’ ren 2 vauiable defined pith Ihe pe Keqword, Te becornes 0 one” rie oes. not ato 8 go rrodlif y value ie i ne" (ae foo" MEN" te ord 7 able txarople f in(sringl J aTHd of bl ad : 7 2 defied with frnat keyed, it tence Wy any other clay, » parent clos ( ™ wt ou =10,, Aoi show Date (9 § sysherroud piel "Taside pavoot Cs Oy 1 @thoc chow cate systerM OU Prinrln( 35 ceil class extends 0 “ou: or clart ( | Ive CAKE Keycond Beamer £ | puLsic start void saain(string (J ngs) ¢ | | | | | process of afferent jeepleroen”™ : ; Hee methods with diff sbehavioue a = s . ee - vun-tome pris Poly enor phis mt class f mum =t0; xoid groorata (> f priatin (“P-nside P method!) a sysier™ ous Class shovoratal seererss O14 priorn( nuns "+0um), 7 » 4 4 Mins child class extends paren! oesG Motd chow! 2 OF Gyttera-ouk priorla(’Deside child clas ‘hows date 6) method") pesysie out prroiin( eee , Saaclaes Pure poly sre phsmog vie slate orden ( srringt Tors) § a Fe new parent class¢ y Onretriding, Hoe He), bending Ihappens at runtinne . Mery, binding nich Rappers KNOW? Gs a4 cum ime yare finding. Pr 'S KOU! dynamre rnethod disgatchloo pure polynorphise : 3 tart, finad,; PH vate comstructor, + can't be over rvdden, Alostta. ctor, =_— ‘ : ‘an anstrack class ‘Ys aclass that ung, aiostract ke ywword. To ptheri: prefixed ua oa. Key wo" : -yefere ; “(reate an o bace ve fore Ne can or f : fmside -the zyava. (ong package | e methods of okyect class ame. class a) hashcode as, cloned), norfy( y fo S*TING C) etc: classes, inter faces the packages package is container of Bee - package .To Java divided inte two AY pes. inal 7 The classes, interfaces , gave # uile- 19 Packages were incl okey O efived Vasey — -* > The package statement rust be 1! SO Se rey Wee Package mame rnust be Sinv. The package nawnd TOMB Use c,, case ~noiaton. SaNte he code in afile : DBe-+ini-+ Packoge. Java and comple 1 Uy, Ahe Coromond . : javac-d—~ Befrning Package. ja, athe (coromand Creates a ditectoty 10! e package NAT wnypacKage grol + IDefiming Package. class ts sated \~ je Run he poogran USING Ke -fo)!o Coramand . se Befatireg Paes a cs ie abe nav iol a e name. class ane age ny package» 0B java: th scare") piBlic Class importing example f public Class Vord rrain(strng( Jorgs) £ scanner read > New carn re ( System i0): exact CY); 1 af yar is vead: t . Y E eyste ouk printta f You have entered a. no! o + ra _ synxo%™ port Package Nome: ” le) face mypackag e is java UHL class verges feamere € gion \! main (String cao9)§ KEANE TB ad ict) 4 new scan ef int s ; » . ie > : or \ er Teme r-faces:. a = r oa Shae A an forerface is gimilar to a class p but a contains abstract “methods and stat. -finat variavtes only. The “imerfaces PY Toy antthe mechanism +5 deAeve Abs trac tis, > An Intex face (S$ a Gntainer Of abstrocti, MEOds and saittc fina} Vosuable- YP emeg Bupa clOet ocefend AN the, imeface, we can't Defining 7. imerfa ce Toter-face Manne (f IMP lemme ote another jter-on {Menmtarte, aan IMter-faca. | Tanple ne ~aq an ‘ face > Toterface 1 Plernen bet by P class uses @ keyeexl —inpte ype ment i 2 ’ an interface: A implemen’ more vai bs bie: | syntax) ont Class classNarne irnplements orgsire -_ = ‘ ke boy of the Class | Troplementing aq : lil = class class nlaroe implents inter fe Maines Name 2; «fi af 7 4K} anultiple Dniterfoes ; paterfa pe: bobly of -the class y nlested_TPorerjace wn Java'- another ierfac ane msrde arverface ad “5 public by ted gnterferce declarer wit m be with any access id inside another be aecessed as Torerface outer Ser. y Void aute* coethod fn By j interface tne! imnerfare 7 } a Class only owler taigerent vin publyc void oulr method (TfL Sysrem au. porm to (Shs hc outer; : avethod”); 5 } \y fnoa ample arnenis outer Toe clas of 4 1 aa. ses faced purdce Word jne method (SF paint (his Is inner interface rnethod") } Sysier -oul \ . d torerface inside o classs- - i I imrerface thot defined aclas lathe nested moust be accessed as class Name Trnner pater face: Usvoociables ro avagpntefaces:- fa a imierface she wouabe Statte and final by dejar: alo access wood \fer 1S allowed poccept{he public for interface yauables. Every pouable of a0 ce rust be initialized — the 4 @ publi 1S P' ey porer{2 ante face reself- foctending a pntexface (0 JaVae pote xe can enttenA another PaierfKe. pnierface CAP extend only one jn test te can't excterd wnullple interf ACCS te can jarmpiement nether an pnler{ae nov class: tramp: aanerfoce parent inter fre Sf Void faxent method C) } child Torerfare extends paver i gorerface{ . ool ¢ sy penprements child forces. . ehod PS | interface methey") "jos | paredk “neshes 0"? 7) Tae public pavers ee cycresnsoustpain lng Parent Anrerface ™ 4 pac class rtend'ng rnierface { a | moain( seringl Ja | public stattc xoid Teniplerrentng class Obj = new inne lemen class ¢ ob): chitdl methool ¢ d; fo} * paxen method C)

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