Research 1 Lecture Notes

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RESEARCH-It is a systematic, objective and comprehensive investigation of certain phenomenon

which involves accurate gathering, recording, and critical analyzing and interpreting of all facts
about the phenomenon.

Basic research is concerned with the development of a theory and its refinement directed towards
evolving new additional or additional knowledge.

Descriptive research deals with collecting data to gather information about present existing conditions.
It also explores the factors that cause a phenomenon.

Experimental research a method of research which attempts to control the whole research situation
except for some input variables which are thought of as the cause of an effect.

Developmental research a systematic work drawing on existing knowledge that is directed to

producing new materials, products, and devices; to installing new processes, systems and services and to
improving substantially those already produced or installed.

Applied research refers to research that is directed towards application of knowledge and aims at
finding an explanation for an observed problem. It can also be used to test theory.

Applied Practical Research- the intention is not just to obtain knowledge but to use that knowledge to
solve certain difficulties or discomfort, or to improve the prevailing condition which, in its present state
may be satisfactory but which has still room or possibility for improvements.

Action Research is conducted to solve any immediate problem at hand. It is concerned with the solution
of a specific problem in a local situation. Its result cannot be used for generalization.

Ex-post facto research does not have control over Variables, It is concerned with research conducted
where both the effect and the hypothetical cause/s have already occurred.

Case study refers to an intensive and extensive study about an individual or group of individuals.

Correlational research a study conducted to find out if any relationship exists between variables.

Schedule is a technique of collecting data through an enumerator

Rating Schedule is used to measure the attitude or opinion

Quota sample is the selection of sample that is a replica of the population

Non- Probability sampling includes;

- Convenience Sampling
- Judgemental Sampling
- Quota Sampling

Hypothesis is an educated or intelligent guess or prediction about the existence, attribute or

relationship between variables covered by a study.

Characteristics of Good hypotheses

- reasonable;
- testable;
- conform with the findings of previous studies;

Non- directional hypothesis that tested for its rejection is- Null (Ho)

Alternative hypothesis is proved to be TRUE

Population refers to the entire group or set of individuals or items which is the focus of an investigation.
Respondent population refers to a group or set of individuals who furnish the needed information on
which the generalization is based.

Census is a list of all members of the population without duplication

Questionnaire is widely used tool in Survey research

A survey design that collects consensus opinions of panel of experts and the judgement is called Delphi

Research Objectives- these are statements of purpose for which the investigation is to be conducted and
describes the goals which are expected to be attained at the end of the research process.

Informed consent is a statement of any risks or discomfort association with participation in research

Clearly conceptualizing constructs, using a precise level of measurement, using multiple indicators, and
using pilot studies, are ways in researches to improve the reliability of measures

Mixed-method research refers to use of both- Quantitative and qualitative methods

Operational definitions are encouraged in research in order to make educational research more easily
understood by laypersons

Variables are characteristics of persons or things that can assume different values.

Intervening variable is the immediate independent variable of the dependent variable.

Research Design- refers to a scheme or plan of action for meeting the objectives of the study.

Sampling design refers to a scheme of arriving at the sample which involves specification of the target,
the respondent population and the method of selecting them.

Simple Random Sampling- every member of the accessible population has an equal chance of being
selected to participate in the study.

Convenience sampling is an example of a nonrandom sampling method.

Stratified random sampling is to make certain that the sample proportionately represents individuals
from different categories of the population.

Subjects performing well merely because they are being observed (and not necessarily because of any
effect of treatment) are considered to be under the influence of the Hawthorne effect

Secondary Data are which have been previously gathered, compiled and are made available to the
researcher for examination and analysis.

Interview schedule is a research instrument made up by a set of carefully prepared and logically
ordered questions which the researcher asks of the respondents, with adequate space in which the
interviewer notes down the responses to the questions.

Confidentiality requires that access to collected data be limited to research staff.

Threats to Validity


Conclusion includes general statements, inferences, generalization/s and implications based on the
findings or results of the study.

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