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Petroleum industry & Eco-Friendly fuels

A) Petroleum industry By- Shripad gawade


Petroleum is naturally occurring mixture of hydrocarbon. It is dirty,black coloured viscus

liquid. Petroleum is occurs underground on earth it is called as crude oil. Oil is a life blood of
globel economy. Petroleum is non-renewable resource like water.

1) Occurrence-
Petroleum is formed from organic remains as like plants,algae bacteria deep under the over
millions of year under unaerobic condition & high pressure.

The composition of petroleum –

The chemical composition of crude oil is =(83-87) percent carbon,(11-16) percent Hydrogen

(0.4) percent (Oxygen + nitrogen ,(1-4) percent sulphur

Also Smaller quantity of metal (Ni,Vd,Fe,Cu) also present.

Hydrocarbon are principle component of crude oil they are represented by alkanes,
aromatic .cyclic forms.

A) Alkanes- [ex-Parafins(30-70) they are straight (n-alkanes) & branched(CnH2n+2 )chain

B) Cycloalkanes-[ex-Naphthalene(16-64) they are alkyl derivatives cycloalkanes(CnH2n)].
C) Aromatic Hydrocarbon (8-15) They are derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbon like
D) Non Hydrocarbon (5-10) they are by variety of compound having S,O,N element. Fr
example-sulphides(R-S-R) Alcohol,Phenol etc.
E) Natural gas- it include dissolved gases like methane,ethane,propane,butane,
nitrogen, Hydrogen sulphate,oxygen,nitrogen etc.


Petroleum resources of worlds are concentrated in 15 countries listed below.

Venezuela (17.9 per) Saudi Arabia( 15.7per) Canada (10per) Iran (9.3per)
Iraq(8.8per) Russia (6.3per) Kuwait (6per) United Arab (5.8Per)

United state(2.9) Libia (2.9per) China (1.5per) Brazil (0.8per)

3)Processing of Petroleum
 We known crude oil contains lots of impurities so it unsuitable for direct use.
 Firstly crude oil is freed from water, sulphur,dissolved natural gases. Next cruide is
washed with acid& alkalito remove respective alkali and acids like impurities.
 Then this pre- treated crude oil is passed to cruide oil distillation unit (CODU)
 The fractionating coloumn made from still material.
 It is a cylindrical ,tallcoloumn divided into many compartment they are
interconnected here liquid collected in each compartment is drawn out through
 Diagram

 The cleaned crude is heated about 623-673 K in furnace &vapours enter the still.
 As a crude oil vapours ascend the coloumn different components in itgetcolled&
condensed to liquid.
 Here less volatile (high boiling point) components condensed faster in the lower
parts in chamber.
 The more volatile (low boiling point) components condensed slowely at upper parts
in chamber.
 The light gas vapour that remain uncondensed they remove at the Top of column.
 So In distillation the component having different B.P & mol.weight are condensed at
different height of still hence it is called as fractional distillation.

4) Calorific value of oil-

 The amount of heat energy released when uni quantity of fuel is burn in presence of
air under standard temp & pressure is called as calorific value.
 The measurement of burning of fuel is takes plae in bomb coclorimetr
Heat produced (in KJ)
 Calorific value =
Mass of fuel (In Kg)

 The SI unit is Joule per kilogram

 The Califoric value of fuel is given below:
 The process of transforming Heavy oil( Hydrocarbon) into lighter oil ( Hydrocarbon)
by using Heat, pressure & catalyst is called as Cracking.
 In crude distillation Heavy oil (it contain high boiling point,high molecular mass) are
cracked into low boiling point or short alkanes.
 C10H22 Cracking C5H12 + C5H10
Decane n-Pentane Pentane

 C12H26 Catalyst C7H16 + C5H10

Dodecane Heptane pentane
 In some times during the cracking C-C &C-H bond are break in different position.

There are two types of process used for cracking

a)Thermal cracking
b)Catalytic Cracking

a) Thermal cracking-

 The straight chain alkanes under pressure (303.9-405.2 kPa) passed through a
heated coil(673-973) is called as thermal cracking.
 It is cracking by heat in absence of air.
 Thermal cracking is carried out under lower pressure

b) Catalytical cracking-

 The cracking of straight chain alkanes in presence of catalyst is called as catalytical

 Example of catalyst- mixture of silica and alumina(3:1)

(C11-C16 ) SiO2-Al2O3 (C5-C11)

Kerosine Gasoline
 Advantages of catalytical cracking is these is carried out under low temp and

6) Octane Rating (Number)-

 The Octane number is defined as percentage of isoctane present in the mixture of
isoctane & n-heptane which has same knocking properties in engine.
 The number Having ranging from 0 to 100 used to identify the knocking quantity of
fuel in internal combustion engine .

 CH3 (CH2)5CH3 CH3 C(CH3)2.CH2 CH (CH3)2

n-Heptane (Octane no -0) Isoctane (Octane no-100)

n- heptane is straight chain hydrocarbon used as fuel so it gaves high knocking so it show
Octane number is 0.

Isoctane is branched chain hydrocarbon used as fuel it gaves lowest Knocking so it show
Octane number is 100.

The knocking properties of fuel is graded by comparing mixture of n-Heptane & Isoctane.

Fr example octane number of fuel is 70. It mean the fuel is tested it contain 70 percent
isooctane & 30 percent n-Heptane.

The quality of Fuel is graded on the basis of their octane number so it is called octane

Higher Octane number better is Fuel quality.

Gasoline show octane number is 80 so it widely used in automobile .

7) Cetane number-

The iginition quality of disel fuel is depands on hydrocarbon

The order of ignition of fuel is given below;

n-alkanes > Naphthalene > alkenes > branched > alkenes > aromatic

above order show that straight chain alkane Ignite Fastly as compare to aromatic fuels on
spraying of Hot air.

Again biodiesel fuel rated from 0 to 100 scale

Examole- CH 3


n-Hexadecane ( Centane number =100 )

in above example pure Cetane ( n-Hexadecane) ignite rapidly while Alpha Naphtalene ignite
During the experimental to check ignite quality of all diesel is compaired with mixtre of tow
stdard hydrocarbon

8) Flashpoint –

it is point at which something was Bursts suddenly into action or being .

definition- flash point is the minimum temperature at which liquids gives off vapours to
ignite in air

i)Fuels whose flashpoint is a less than 37.80 C temperature are called as familible fuels.

for example- gasoline

ii)Fuels having flashpoint above them 37.80 Celsius are called as combustible fuel.

for example- diesel.

There there are two parameter are commonly used …

first auto ignition temperature and second fire point

this both parameter slidely higher than flashpoint. Because in flash point more vapour

may not be produced fast to combustion.

9)Petroleum refineries-

Oils or petroleum refinery is in needed or cluster of many processing Unit

listed below

 Crude oil distillation unit -CODU distillation treated crude oil into various fractions
for further processing
 Vacuum distillation unit -At reduced atmospheric pressure distance the residue oil
drawout from bottom of CODU
 Naphta hydrotreater unit- using hydrogen disulfurizes naphtha fraction from CODU
 Catalytic reforming unit- converts the decenturized naptha into higher octane
molecule to produce reformate or gasoline.
 Alkylation unit- converts isobutane and butylenes into alkylate ( higher octane
components of gasoline.
 Isomerisation unit- converts linear molecule into higher octane branched molecules
forblending in gasoline.
 Distallation hydrotreater unit- Used hydrogen and disulrize for distilled fraction such
as disel from CODU.
 Hydrocracker unit-Use hydrogen to upgrade heavier fraction from crude oil

A part from these many other refinery also installed installed.

Oil refineries in india are private, public & public private sector.

Some sector are given below;

RIL- ( Reliance industries limted) Jamangar refinery in gujarat .

Narayana enegy limited - (Gujarat ,vadinar)

Public sector

BPLC- Kerala(Kochi),Maharastra (Mumbai)

IOCL – kerala( Kochi),Odisa (paradip) ,Harayana

(panipat),Aasam( gauhati),Gujrat(Vadodara).

HPCL- maharastra(Mumbai),Panjab(bathda),Andra Pradesh (vishakhapattanam)

ONGC- Kanataka (mangalure), Andra Pradesh (tatipaka).

CPCL- Tamilnadu (Chennai)

Bhart Oman Refinary- Madhya Pradesh (binu)

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