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Tomas Cabiles St., San Juan, Tabaco City, Albay

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 is a commercial building for storage of goods. Warehouse are used by Manufactures,
importers, exporters, wholesalers, transport, business, customs, and etc.
Warehouse is typically viewed as a place to store inventory

Private warehouses
 The warehouses which are owned and managed by the manufacturers and traders to
stores, exclusively their own stocks of goods are known as Private warehouse
Public warehouses
 Which are run to store goods of the general public.
 Anyone can store his goods in these warehouses on payment of rent.
 An individual, partnership firm. Or a company may own these warehouses
 To start such warehouses, a license from the government is required
Government warehouses
 Warehouses are owned, managed and controlled by central or state governments or
public corporations or local authorities.
 Both government and private enterprises may use these warehouses to store their goods.
Bonded warehouses
 These warehouses are owned, managed, controlled by government as well as private
 Private bonded warehouses have to obtain license from the government .
 Bonded warehouses are used to store imported goods for which import duty is yet to be
 These warehouses are generally owned by dock authorities and found near the ports.
Co-operative warehouses
 These warehouses are owned, managed, and controlled by co-operative societies.
 They provide warehousing facilities at the most economical rates to the members of their


1. Storage- Warehouses provide safe and secure storage for goods and materials until they
are needed.
2. Inventory Management- Warehouses help manage inventory levels by keeping track of
stock, organizing food, and ensuring easy retrieval.
3. Consolidation- Warehouses can combine goods from multiple suppliers or manufacturers
to create a larger shipment, which can help to reduce transportation cost.
4. Distribution- Can acts as a distribution centers, where goods can be sorted, packaged, and
shipped to various locations.
5. Value- added services- Warehouses may provide additional services such as labeling,
assembly, and quality control to add value to goods and improve the efficiency of the
supply chain.
6. Risk Management- Warehouses can help to reduce the risk of damage, loss, or theft by
providing secure storage and implementing effective security measures.

1. Receiving- Goods are received from suppliers or manufacturers, and their accuracy,
quantity, and quality are checked.
2. Storage- The goods are stored in a designated areas within the warehouse based on their
characteristics, such as size, weight, and storage requirements.
3. Inventory Management- The warehouse management system is used to track inventory
levels, movement, and location of goods within the warehouse.
4. Order Picking- When an order is received, the goods are picked from their designated
locations within the warehouse and prepared for shipment.
5. Packing- The goods are packed securely to prevent damage during transit.
6. Shipping- The goods are shipped to the final destination.

Label a storage Location are:

Rack Location Labelling

Zone: Zx
Alphanumeric, where Z denotes zones and X represent a number example: Z1, Z2
Aisle: XX
Character sequence, starting with AA
Rack: XX
Numeric, where xx starting from 01, 02
Level: XX
Numeric, where xx
Numeric starts from 01

For Floor Locations Labelling

Zone: Zx
Z1, Z2
Aisle: XX
Floor Locations: FXX
Starts from 01 prefixed by F

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