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LESSON 7: THE RESPIRATORY Respiratory Diseases and Pathology

Adult respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS) is respiratory failure in an adult as a
result of disease or injury.
Bronchogenic carcinoma is a cancerous
tumor arising from the bronchus. This tumor
can metastasize (spread) to brain, liver, and
other organs.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD) refers to any persistent lung disease
that obstructs the bronchial airflow
Pulmonary edema means fluid
accumulation in the alveoli and bronchioles.
Pulmonary embolism is a blood clot, fat
clot, or air carried in blood circulation to
pulmonary artery where it blocks the artery.

Respiratory and Diagnostic Tests

Chest x-ray (CXR): Radiograph of chest to
evaluate heart and lungs.
Endotracheal intubation is when a tube is
placed through the mouth, into the trachea,
Common Terms Related to Respiratory to establish an airway.
Lung biopsy: Lung tissue is obtained by
✓ Aphonia: Absence of voice forceps or brush (bronchial brushing). Can
✓ Apnea: Absence of breathing also be accomplished through a catheter
inserted under x-ray guidance.
✓ Dysphonia: Difficulty in speaking
Lung scan: Radioactive material is injected
✓ Dyspnea: Difficulty breathing or inhaled and images are recorded of its
distribution into lung tissue.
✓ Eupnea: Normal breathing
Pulmonary angiography: X-ray image of
✓ Hemoptysis: Coughing up blood from the blood vessels of the lungs after injection
the lung of contrast material.
✓ Hyperventilation: Ventilation of lungs Pulmonary function tests evaluate
beyond normal body needs ventilation capacity of the lung. A
✓ Hypoxemia: Deficient oxygen content spirometer measures the air taken in and out
in blood of the lungs.

✓ Mucous: Pertaining to mucus Thoracentesis: Chest wall is punctured with

a needle to obtain fluid from the pleural
✓ Mucus: Secretion (slime) from the cavity for diagnostic studies or to relieve
mucous membranes pressure in the lung.
✓ Nasopharyngeal: Referring to the nose
and throat
✓ Rhinorrhea: Discharge from the nose SYSTEM
✓ Adenoids: A collection of lymph tissue The gastrointestinal system, also called the
in the nasopharynx alimentary or digestive tract, provides a
tubelike passage through a maze of
✓ Alveolus: An air sac in the lung
organs and body cavities, beginning at the
mouth, the food entrance into the body, ✓ Gastric ulcer: Lesion on wall of
and ending at the anus, where solid waste stomach; also known as peptic ulcer
material exits the body.
✓ Gastritis: Inflammation of the stomach
This system and its organs perform three
primary functions: ✓ Hematemesis: Vomiting of blood

✓ Carrying food for digestion ✓ Hiatal hernia: Protrusion of part of the

stomach through the esophageal opening
✓ Preparing it for absorption into diaphragm
✓ Transporting waste products for ✓ Hyperemesis: Excessive vomiting
✓ Nausea: Urge to vomit

✓ Regurgitation: Return of solids and

fluids to mouth from stomach

✓ Ulcer: Sore or lesion of mucous

membrane or skin

✓ Gallstones: Hard collections of bile

that form in gallbladder and bile ducts

✓ Hepatomegaly: Enlargement of liver

✓ Hepatoma: Tumor of liver

✓ Aphagia: Inability to swallow

Common Gastrointestinal Terms
✓ Dysphagia: Difficulty swallowing
✓ Aphthous stomatitis: Canker sores in
mouth ✓ Esophagitis: Inflammation of the
✓ Bruxism: Grinding teeth involuntarily,
often while sleeping ✓ Heartburn: Burning sensation caused
by reflux or flowing back of acid from the
✓ Dysphasia: Difficulty speaking stomach into esophagus
✓ Edentulous: Without teeth ✓ Dyspepsia: Difficult digestion
✓ Gingivitis: Inflammation of gums ✓ Emesis (vomiting): Stomach contents
expelled through the mouth
✓ Halitosis: Bad breath
✓ Gastric ulcer: Lesion on wall of
✓ Herpes simplex: Cold sore or fever
stomach; also known as peptic ulcer
blister on lip or nose due to herpes virus
✓ Gastritis: Inflammation of the stomach
✓ Sublingual: Under the tongue

✓ Aphagia: Inability to swallow

✓ Dysphagia: Difficulty swallowing MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION
✓ Esophagitis: Inflammation of the Medical Transcription is a process of
esophagus converting physician dictated audio into text
format. Physician dictation would include
✓ Heartburn: Burning sensation caused
any type of medical treatment, procedure,
by reflux or flowing back of acid from the
diagnosis etc. These documents should be
stomach into esophagus
recorded into patient’s permanent medical
✓ Dyspepsia: Difficult digestion record.

✓ Emesis (vomiting): Stomach contents Medical Transcriptionist

expelled through the mouth
What They Do: Medical transcriptionists provide proper care for the patient; however,
listen to voice recordings that physicians and the admitting/attend- ing physician is in
other healthcare workers make and convert charge and maintains continuity of care at all
them into written reports. times.
Work Environment: Most medical Discharge Summary
transcriptionists work for hospitals,
A discharge summary (also called a clinical
physicians' offices, and third-party
résumé or final progress note) is required for
transcription service companies that provide
each patient who is discharged from the
transcription services to healthcare
hospital. It contains some of the same
establishments. Others are self-employed.
information that is included in the patient’s
How to Become One: Medical admission history and physical examination.
transcriptionists typically need I
postsecondary education. Prospective
Death Summary
medical transcriptionists must have an
understanding of medical terminology, A death summary is a standard medical
anatomy and physiology, grammar, and report exactly like a discharge summary but
word-processing software. with some important, obvious differences.
Medical Transcription and Autopsy Reports
History and Physical Examination (H&P)
When a patient is admitted to the hospital
for evaluation and treatment, the
admitting/attending physician prepares a
medical history detailing the specific
complaint/illness that prompted admission to
the hospital. Information about the patient’s
past medical history, surgery, allergies, and
family and social histories, as well as
psychiatric information, may be included in
this report.
Diagnostic Imaging or Radiology Report
The radiology report is a description of the
findings and the interpretation of
radiographs and other studies done by a
Operative Report (OP)
Immediately after completion of a surgical
procedure, a record of the procedure must be
dictated by the physician, transcribed, and
placed in the patient’s file. This information
is necessary for other physicians and allied
health professionals who may be attending
the patient. Preoperative and postoperative
diagnoses are included.
Pathology Report (Path)
Pathology is that branch of medicine dealing
with the study of disease. It is divided into
anatomic pathology and clinical pathology.
Consultation (Consult)
Consults from physicians specializing in
different fields of medicine are necessary to

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