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Lesson 8 Ensuring Teacher Quality Through Competency Framework &

1. Distinguish between teacher quality and quality teachers
2. Relate competency framework for teachers in Southeast Asia (CFT SEA)
To teacher quality
3. Discuss the PPST career stage 1 -beginning teachers competencies & how it can
assure teacher quality in the Philippines
Are qualified teachers really quality teachers?
Teachers quality matters, most educator & policy makers that agree that one of
the most important school related factors influencing students achievement and
outcomes is teacers quality (Rice 2003).It has been found out to be the best
predictions of students outcomes.
One of the biggest challenges of ensuring teacher quality is the attractiveness
of teaching profession
The teahing profession is not attractive like the other professions that is why is
does not always get the best material.This is a cause of concern in many countries
around the world as exemplified in the global teachers status in 2013.
QUALITY teachers and teacher quality defined
Quality teachers are characterized by the different skills needed in the 21 st
century education.
1. Global awareness
2. Financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial literacy
3. Civic literay
4. Health literacy
Quality teachers are competent teachers. Teachers with global competence are able
to demonstrate knowledge , skills, values and dispositions.
Teacher quality- possession of a credential or certification to what studenst know and
are able to do with what they were taught by their teachers.This is related to the
outcomes based education. On other hand some other countries use standards for
teacher quality.
Quality teachers are defined by their attributes and characteristics while teacher
quality is defined by standards set for the profession and are validated by the
students learning outcomes.

2. Competency framework for Teachers in SEA (CFT-SEA)

IN Collaboration with the Thailand’s Teacher Education Council (SEAMEO) and the
Regional Center for educational Innovation and tehnology (INNOTECH) initiated the
Competency framework for teachers in the SEA which was developed in 2017.
Four essential competencies and 12 general competencies. There are 31 enabling
competencies and 136 success descriptors.
Four essential competencies
1. Knowing and understanding what to teach
- It is the ability teachers to deepen and broaden their knowledge on what to
teach, understand education trends, policies and curricula & be updated on
local, national, regional and global developments
2. Helping students to learn- it is the ability to know students, use the most
effective teaching and learning strategies, assess and give feedback on how
students learn.
3. Engaging the community- it is the ability to partner wit parents and caregivers,
involve the community to help students learn and encourage respect &
4. Becoming a better teacher everyday- this id the ability to know oneself and
others, practice human goodness and then master the teaching practice.

3. Philippine Qualification Framework (PQF)

As part of the ASEAN convergence and in the light of globalization each country in the
ASEAN, the Philippines adopts national standards and levels for outcomes in the
education. This is called the Philippine Qualification Framework (PQF) which is
provided by law (RA. 10968 s. 2018). The PQF-6
The PQF describes the career path for the Baccalaureate degree programs including
teacher education degrees. All graduates from the baccalaureate degrees are
expected to exhibits outcomes as described. The Pqf aligns the international
qualification for full recognition of the value of Philippine qualifications. PQF will be
used as a basis for accrediting certificates and licenses recognized by the
7 Domains of the PPST on the
Career stages 1.Beginning Teachers Competencies
Newly qualified to teach as professional teachers are the beginning teachers. They
have acquired an appropriate degree in education or allied fields and have pass the
LET. They are assumed to have competencies in terms of content, knowledge and
pedagogy. As well as the 21st century skills and values to support teaching and
learning.they can manage learning And have startegies that enable learners to
enhance learning through their guidance. However , since they are new to the
teaching profession. Beginning teachers are expected to seek advice and assistance
from their peers and experienced colleagues to continuously improve their teaching.
7 Domains of the PPST

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