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Skills and hobbies I learnt in Lockdown


The lockdown for different periods of time was imposed by many nations to curb
the spread of Covid-19. India was under a strict Lockdown for a period of 70 days
and that is more than 2 months and it was followed by Unlock in a phased
manner. The period of lockdown had passed for everyone with some bitter and
sweet experiences.

The onset of the global pandemic not only altered our daily lives but also provided an
unexpected opportunity for introspection and self-improvement. The lockdown, while
challenging, served as a unique period for exploring new skills and hobbies.
navigating the uncertainties of a disrupted academic year, I found solace, purpose,
and personal growth through the acquisition of various skills and the pursuit of
newfound hobbies.

What is Lockdown?

Lockdown is the Protocol imposed by the government in the nation. It states that
a person will have to stay where he/she is at the time of lockdown. It is advised to
stay indoors safely. It prohibits the person to leave that area and move
somewhere else. During the pandemic, restrictions were imposed by the
government on different services as well as the movement of people. The people
were allowed only for the essential services and all other non-essential services
were closed for the period of lockdown in the nation.

Life Lessons during Lockdown

During the lockdown, everything changed in moments. We had to pass from

situations that never happened before. Initially, everything was upsetting i.e. no
outing only indoors. Moreover, the news of the virus spreading to a greater extent
left us with total depression. Slowly and gradually everything started appearing
good and enjoying. Some of the important lessons we got from the entire
lockdown are expressed below.

Importance of Time – After the lockdown was over and things started changing
to normal I realized that much time has passed out. Many of us have planned for
many new things but due to this situation, they could not complete the same and
have been delayed. The people suffering from different critical diseases could not
get proper cure and treatment during that period and have died. It simply shows
that time was important but everything was disturbed. They could have been
saved if they were provided with proper treatment at that time. Secondly for the
Covid Patients too time was an important issue. Many of us have not reported the
symptoms on time and that made the infection become more severe.

Courage – The news channels were continuously telecasting the updated news
of the Covid cases reported daily. Every day the death or Covid positive news of
the friends, neighbors, or known people shook us from inside. The days were
passing somehow with fear and depression of the future. We have developed
courage and followed preventive measures and therefore are courageously
fighting against the dreadful virus. The adverse situation gives us the courage to
fight and win.

Healthy Living – I started utilizing my one hour of morning and evening in doing
exercise. In this way, I made my body fit and also understood the importance of
exercise and fitness. During the pandemic, we were advised to take an immunity-
rich diet and supplements. This improved our immune system. Moreover, the
market food at that time was not available therefore we ate healthy homemade

Financial Management – The lockdown was the immediate decision of the

government. We were left with limited financial amounts. Many of us have not
received salaries during this period and many became jobless. We have learned
to manage our expenditure and learned wise usage of money in critical

Protect our Nature – During the lockdown the activity of people had reduced to
a larger extent. The number of vehicles on roads reduced to 25%. Thus the
emissions also reduced which was very helpful in reducing the air pollution level.
Nature healed itself during that time as the activities of human beings were
suppressed. It gives us a lesson that we should not exploit natural resources and
understand our nature for granted. It is the habitat of the other living organisms. If
the same has been done before then the situation would not become like this.

Understanding the Importance of Family - Most of us have spent the duration

of the lockdown in our houses with our family. We got enough quality time to
spend with our family members. I could the hard work is done by my mother the
whole day. The time made us understand that family comes first than other things
in life.

The New Way of Learning and Education – The schools, colleges, and all the
educational institutions were shut down in India after the lockdown was imposed.
It was very difficult to open schools and continue the normal routine studies.
Therefore the online teaching and learning program evolved and was much
beneficial than sitting idle and waiting for the reopening of classes. This never
happened before at this level but due to the pandemic crisis, a new method of
education has started. It shows that if one door is closed several other doors are
open and we should never give up., and improving time management skills became
crucial aspects of my academic adaptability. This newfound proficiency in digital
learning not only helped me maintain academic excellence but also prepared me for
the evolving landscape of higher education and remote work

Better Planning and Management – The lockdown taught us to plan and

manage our things during that time. We were not having the availability of all the
things during lockdown but have learned to manage our resources in such a way
that they last longer.

Best Utilization of Time – Never before the Lockdown, we have been granted
spare time for about 2 months. I love gardening and therefore in taking good care
of my garden planed few new plants. I also read some novels as reading helps
me in improving my vocabulary. I helped my mother with her household works
and that gave her a bit of relaxation.

Mindfulness and Meditation -Beyond the establishment of a daily mindfulness

practice, this subsection delves into the nuanced exploration of different meditation
techniques. Personal anecdotes unravel the intricate integration of mindfulness into
various aspects of life, from professional decision-making to fostering meaningful
connections. The essay explores the synergy between mindfulness and emotional
intelligence, detailing how this synergy became a powerful force for resilience.

Fitness and Nutrition - The pursuit of physical well-being transcended

conventional notions of exercise and diet. Personal reflections unravel the creation of
tailored workout routines, experimenting with diverse physical activities, and
integrating mindfulness into the fitness journey. The exploration of nutrition extends
beyond the basics, delving into the principles of intuitive eating, sustainable dietary
choices, and the role of nutrition as a holistic contributor to overall well-being.

Music and Instrumental - The pursuit of musical proficiency became an odyssey

of self-discovery and emotional expression. This subsection delves into the
exploration of different musical genres, the challenges and triumphs of learning to
play an instrument, and the composition of original pieces. Personal reflections
unravel how music became not just a hobby but a language of the soul, a means of
catharsis, and a source of profound joy.

Was the Lockdown Period Useful?

The initial days of the lockdown appeared as worst and boring. After a few days, I
started waking up early in the morning and exercising. Every day I tried out some
new things to do. Slowly I was in love with the lockdown holidays. I could do more
works and help my parents too. Secondly, this time taught us to live in
adversities. The condition was very pathetic during that time and it was felt that it
is very difficult to survive in such a situation. Hope, courage, and willpower made
us conquer the situation. It gave us the lesson that every time cannot be the
same and therefore we should always be ready for any uncertainty.


The pandemic crisis due to Covid-19 has changed the whole world. The
lockdown period has given us many important lessons in life. Darwin’s theory
states- “Survival of Fittest”. We must learn to cope up with different situations in
our life and then only survival is possible. The pandemic and lockdown helped us
to develop our capability to learn from adversities.

learned that we should spend time with our friends and family.

We should not take physical health for granted.

Mental health should be taken care of.

I learned how we can use technology in upskilling ourselves.

The lockdown, despite its challenges, became a transformative phase of self-

discovery. From academic adaptability to digital literacy, creative expression,
physical well-being, and language learning, the skills and hobbies cultivated during
this period have not only enriched my life but have equipped me with valuable tools
for the future. As a 12th grader, this journey of personal growth has not only
complemented my academic pursuits but has also instilled in me a sense of
resilience and adaptability, essential attributes for the uncertainties that lie ahead.
The lockdown, in retrospect, became an unexpected catalyst for self-improvement
and a testament to the power of embracing change as an opportunity for growth.

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