Clinical-Neurophysiology 2016 Medicine

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Clinical neurophysiology Key points

Robin P Kennett C Scalp electroencephalography (EEG) is non-invasive, available
Sidra Aurangzeb and can be specific in epilepsy, but has limited sensitivity. A
normal standard EEG does not exclude the diagnosis of
C Long-term EEG and video-telemetry (simultaneous video and
Clinical neurophysiology uses measurement of electrical activity in
EEG recordings) can be diagnostic in patients with unexplained
the nervous system to diagnose and monitor disease. Electro-
recurrent symptoms, including non-epileptic attack disorder
encephalography (EEG) and nerve conduction studies (NCS) with elec-
tromyography (EMG) are the tests most used in general medical pa-
C EEG is important in the management of status epilepticus,
tients. Specialized investigations for neurological diseases and
especially non-convulsive status, and in the assessment of
operative or long-term monitoring are available, but are beyond the
patients with hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy
scope of this article.
The EEG is a simple, non-invasive test of brain function used
C Nerve conduction studies and electromyography provide
mostly to diagnose and classify epilepsy. Bilateral three per second
objective evidence of peripheral nerve disease and aid man-
spike and slow-wave complexes are seen in primary generalized ep-
agement of the common entrapment neuropathies
ilepsy, and localized spike discharges in focal seizures. Prolonged
recordings of seizures, allowing a clinical and electrographic correla-
C Nerve conduction studies differentiate demyelinating from
tion, are sometimes needed for precise diagnosis. Characteristic
axonal generalized peripheral neuropathy. In acute neuropa-
EEG waveforms (slow waves, triphasic or repetitive complexes) can
thies such as acute inflammatory demyelinating poly-
help in the management and prognosis of other disorders such as
neuropathy (GuillaneBarre syndrome), tests can be normal in
encephalitis and encephalopathy. Nerve conduction and needle
the first few weeks
EMG studies investigate peripheral neuromuscular disorders, espe-
cially to confirm and assess the severity of peripheral nerve disease.
C Peripheral neurophysiological studies are helpful in the diag-
Clinical neurophysiologists are often asked to investigate patients
nosis of patients presenting with weakness and normal
with undiagnosed neurological symptoms, and these tests can pro-
sensation, such as in motor neuron disease and myasthenia
vide objective information as an extension of the clinical examination.
Measurement of sensory nerve action potentials helps to locate le-
sions in sensory pathways. A combination of motor nerve conduction
and needle EMG studies is particularly useful when investigating pa-
tients with weakness.
cerebral cortex. The normal EEG changes with levels of alertness
Keywords Electroencephalogram; electromyography; epilepsy; and with development from birth to adulthood. A wide range of
motor neuron disease; nerve conduction; peripheral neuropathy patterns is seen in healthy individuals. Diagnosis can be difficult,
but the abnormalities shown in Figure 1 (slow waves, spike and
slow waves, repetitive complexes) are strongly associated with
disorders of cortical function.

Electroencephalography (EEG) EEG in epilepsy

Electrodes attached to the scalp with conductive paste record A single 20e60-minute EEG reveals interictal epileptic discharges
electrical potentials originating in the cerebral cortex. The signals (IEDs) in about 50% of patients with epilepsy. Sensitivity in-
vary in frequency and amplitude in different regions; the most creases to more than 90% with repeated recordings and activa-
consistently observed activity is at 8e12 cycles/second over the tion procedures (photic stimulation and over-breathing enhance
occipital region with the eyes closed (a-rhythm). The mechanism electrical abnormalities in primary generalized epilepsy, and
of EEG rhythms is not fully understood but probably involves sleep or sleep deprivation can trigger IEDs in most types of epi-
diffusely projecting neuronal circuits between the thalamus and lepsy). In many patients with epilepsy, standard EEGs can be
used for diagnosis and syndromic classification, but, because of
the low sensitivity, a normal standard EEG cannot exclude a
diagnosis of epilepsy. False-positive EEGs showing spike and
Robin P Kennett BSc MD FRCP(Lon) FRCP(Ed) is Consultant in Clinical
slow-wave complexes occur in less than 0.5% of adults without
Neurophysiology at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK. His
interests include diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders and epilepsy.1
indications for surgical treatment of epilepsy. Competing interests: Standard EEGs are usually recorded with a simultaneous pa-
none declared. tient video to help identify artefacts and allow correlation be-
tween electrical abnormalities and symptoms. When doubt
Sidra Aurangzeb MB BS (Pakistan) MRCP (UK) FCPS Neurology (Pakistan) is
Specialist Registrar in Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology at the remains, prolonged recording can be helpful, using either
John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK. Competing interests: none ambulatory outpatient recording or inpatient video-telemetry, in
declared. which time-locked EEG and video recordings allowing precise

MEDICINE 44:8 499 Ó 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


Two-second epochs of electroencephalography recordings

1 second
5 1
6 2 3

7 3 5
8 4

a Normal b Generalized slow-wave activity in

a patient with HIV encephalopathy

c Left hemisphere slow-waves in d Bilateral spike and slow-wave e Focal spike and slow-waves in left
a patient with cerebral vasculitis complexes in primary generalized mesial temporal epilepsy
epilepsy (e.g. absence seizures)

f Repetitive generalized slow-wave g Repetitive generalized slow-wave h Lateralized slow wave complexes
complexes in sporadic Creutzfeldt– complexes in severe hypoxic- in herpes simplex encephalitis
Jakob disease ischaemic encephalopathy

Figure 1

correlation. This technique is most useful in preoperative complexes in primary generalized epilepsy have a frequency of
assessment of potential candidates for epilepsy surgery and in three per second and are bilaterally synchronous and maximal
non-epileptic attack disorders.2 frontally. In photosensitive patients, these discharges can be
provoked by light flickering at about 18 flashes/second. Local-
Spike and slow-wave complexes: these are the hallmark of ized spike and slow-wave discharges are seen in focal epilepsy,
epilepsy, seen during seizures (ictal discharges) or, more often, usually over the relevant cortical region (mostly the temporal or
subclinically between IEDs. Generalized spike and slow-wave frontal lobes).

MEDICINE 44:8 500 Ó 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


EEG in encephalopathy: generalized excess slow-wave discharges second. Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges, similar to
(<8 Hz) indicate a diffuse disorder, such as metabolic, endocrine or IEDs, occur in disorders causing acute cortical necrosis, such as
ischaemic encephalopathy, or neurodegenerative dementia. When infarction or herpes simplex encephalitis. Symmetric triphasic
localized, they indicate focal or multifocal structural cortical dis- waveform complexes are seen in sporadic CreutzfeldteJakob
ease. These findings are non-specific and further tests such as disease and hepatic encephalopathy.
neuroimaging and lumbar puncture may be required.
EEG in intensive treatment unit (ITU) monitoring and
Complex discharges: these have diverse waveforms, typically status epilepticus
with a rhythmic periodic discharge at about one or two per Computer technology using a full set of scalp electrodes facili-
tates management of patients with impaired consciousness from
status epilepticus or encephalopathy, following head injury or
Normal sensory and motor nerve conduction
during administration of anaesthetic drugs. EEG is particularly
important for non-convulsive status epilepticus, which cannot be
detected clinically but, if untreated, leads to a poorer outcome.
µV Combined neurophysiological, clinical and imaging findings are
5 used to predict prognosis following cardiac arrest.3
Conduction time Nerve conduction studies and needle electromyography
Record Stimulate Peripheral nerve conduction studies are most easily performed
Conduction by cutaneous electrical stimulation sufficient to excite all axons
distance and applied to a nerve trunk. Propagated activity is recorded at a
distance, either along the nerve or from a target muscle. The
response recorded from the skin is the sum of individual nerve or
muscle fibre action potentials. Only small (5e50 microvolt)
Record Conduction
Stimulate distance Stimulate
1 2 Electromyography recordings
5 200 µV
1 F F

200 µV
2 mV

(a) Concentric needle electrode recordings from a denervated

Maximal conduction velocity Conduction distance (mm)
(m/second) Conduction time (milliseconds) sharp waves (PSW). (b) Examples of single motor unit action
potentials (MUAPs), recorded from a normal muscle (upper
Sensory nerve action potential (upper tracing), and compound
muscle action potentials recorded from a distal muscle following trace) and a chronic neurogenic disorder (bottom trace). Note
nerve stimulation at two points (lower tracings). Note the the change of sensitivity for the neurogenic potential, which is
difference in amplitude between the different types of recording much larger. Both the neurogenic and myopathic MUAPs have
and method for calculating the maximal conduction velocity. a more complex shape than the normal unit.

Figure 2 Figure 3

MEDICINE 44:8 501 Ó 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


recordings are obtained from sensory nerves; necessitating With degeneration of motor neurons (e.g. axonal peripheral
electronic averaging to separate the nerve potential from back- neuropathy, motor neuron disease), muscle fibres losing their
ground noise. Compound muscle action potentials are larger (10 nerve supply depolarize spontaneously. These small potentials
e25 mV in the hand). Measurement of conduction distance al- recorded from muscles at rest are termed ‘fibrillations’ and ‘posi-
lows calculation of maximal motor or sensory conduction ve- tive sharp waves’ (Figure 3a). The number of motor units and the
locities (Figure 2), usually 50e60 metres/second in the arm and density of the interference pattern on maximal contraction
40e50 metres/second in the leg. The most reliably tested nerves decrease, proportionally to the extent of denervation. During re-
are the median, ulnar and radial in the arm, and peroneal, tibial covery by reinnervation, the shape of the MUAPs changes because
and sural in the leg. Examination of proximal nerves is techni- the number of muscle fibres in the motor unit increases above
cally more difficult, and it is often impossible to calculate con- normal, producing complex, large-amplitude MUAPs (Figure 3b).
duction velocity. Fasciculations are spontaneous discharges of motor units that
EMG is usually performed using a specially designed needle produce a visible twitch and an EMG signal looking like a MUAP.
electrode that records the electrical potential generated by mus-
cle fibres near its tip. In normal muscle, there is no electrical Uses of nerve conduction and electromyography
activity at rest. With voluntary contraction, progressively more Table 1 shows the conditions that can be assessed using a
motor neurons discharge, and summated electrical responses combination of nerve conduction studies and EMG, along with
from muscle fibres (motor unit action potentials (MUAPs)) can the expected findings.
be recorded. In strong contractions, this recruitment pattern of
overlapping MUAPs forms an ‘interference pattern’ that fills the Peripheral neuropathy: nerve conduction studies distinguish
recording screen. between treatable demyelinating peripheral neuropathy (e.g.

Indications for nerve conduction studies and electromyography (EMG)

Clinical presentation Differential diagnosis Neurophysiological findings

Localized weakness Peripheral nerve lesion Nerve conduction and EMG changes limited to
and sensory the distribution of one nerve
symptoms Radiculopathy Sensory nerve action potential retained in the
area of numbness; EMG changes, if any,
confined to one myotome
Generalized Peripheral neuropathy Slow motor and sensory conduction velocities
weakness and in demyelinating neuropathy
sensory symptoms Reduced response amplitudes and EMG signs
of denervation in axonal neuropathy
Combination of the above often found
Polyradiculopathy and spinal cord lesions Normal motor and sensory nerve conduction
Weakness without Motor neuron disease Retained sensory nerve conduction,
sensory symptoms widespread fasciculation potentials and EMG
signs of denervation/reinnervation
Motor neuropathies Slowing of motor conduction velocity; may
exhibit conduction block, retained sensory
Neuromuscular transmission disorders Myasthenia gravis e may exhibit muscle
action potential decrement on repetitive nerve
stimulation, abnormal ‘jitter’ on single-fibre
LamberteEaton myasthenic syndrome e low
resting compound muscle action potential
amplitude, increasing after maximal voluntary
activation or tetanic nerve stimulation
Primary myopathy Usually normal nerve conduction; EMG may
show fibrillation potentials caused by muscle
fibre necrosis, myotonia, low-amplitude
polyphasic motor unit action potentials, full
interference pattern of electrical activity
despite weak contraction

Table 1

MEDICINE 44:8 502 Ó 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP), Multifocal motor neuropathy with conduction block can produce
chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, multifocal a similar clinical picture, but nerve conduction studies show the
motor neuropathy with conduction block) and untreatable conduction block, and fibrillations are more restricted than in
axonal neuropathy (most metabolic, nutritional and toxic motor neuron disease.
Peripheral nerve demyelination impairs saltatory conduction Myasthenia gravis: the most commonly used test for myasthenia
and reduces maximal conduction velocity, and there may be a is reduction of compound muscle action potential amplitude with
failure of electrical impulse transmission, producing ‘conduction repetitive nerve stimulation at three per second (decrement).
block’. In hereditary demyelinating neuropathy, conduction EMG is used to exclude other diseases of the motor unit that can
block and dispersion are less than in acquired disease, despite mimic myasthenia. Specialized computer-aided single-fibre EMG
the very low conduction velocity. When demyelination is showing jitter (increased variability) is the most sensitive elec-
confined to proximal nerve segments, as in AIDP, the only trodiagnostic test of abnormal neuromuscular transmission.
abnormal finding may be delay of the F-response e a late
response recorded from muscles because a proportion of nerve Primary myopathy: muscle diseases often cause shrinkage of
impulses travel to the motor neuron cell body and back again. muscle fibres. When the process is uniform, MUAPs have normal
Criteria based on conduction velocity, conduction block and outlines but are smaller than normal; when non-uniform, MUAPs
prolongation of distal motor and F-response latencies have been become small but more complex (Figure 3b). The number of
established for the diagnosis of demyelinating neuropathies.4 motor neurons is usually normal, so maximal contraction, albeit
In contrast, axonal peripheral neuropathy causes a reduction weak, produces a full interference pattern. Muscular dystrophy
in the number of excitable nerve fibres, resulting in small com- and other diseases with muscle fibre necrosis such as myositis
pound muscle and sensory action potentials but with normal show fibrillation potentials, and collateral reinnervation with
conduction velocities in the surviving axons. compensatory muscle fibre hypertrophy produces long-duration,
Diabetic distal symmetrical neuropathy is length-dependent, polyphasic MUAPs. A
affecting the legs more than the arms, and the nerve conduc-
tion abnormality is similar to axonal neuropathy with the
exception that conduction velocity can be reduced.
1 Smith SJM. EEG in the diagnosis, classification, and management
of patients with epilepsy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2005;
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ropathy at the elbow and peroneal palsy at the knee typically
2 Kennett RP. Modern electroencephalography. J Neurol 2012; 259:
cause selective demyelination with focal slowing of conduction
velocity or block, which localizes the lesion. The degree of the
3 Fugate JE, Wijdicks EFM, Mandrekar J, et al. Predictors of neuro-
conduction abnormality can indicate the severity and longevity
logic outcome in hypothermia after cardiac arrest. Ann Neurol
of the nerve lesion and can predict prognosis following
2010; 68: 907e14.
4 Van den Bergh PYK, Hadden RDM, Bouche P, et al. European
Federation of Neurological Societies/Peripheral Nerve Society
Motor neuron disease: sensory nerve conduction studies stay in
guideline on management of chronic inflammatory demyelinating
the normal range. Muscle responses evoked by electrical stimu-
polyradiculoneuropathy. Euro J Neurol 2010; 17: 356e63.
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5 Bland JD. A neurophysiological grading scale for carpal tunnel
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including the paraspinal muscles, often with fasciculations.

MEDICINE 44:8 503 Ó 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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