Sap Hana Docs

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SAP HANA is an in-memory data platform that is deployable as an on-premise appliance, or in

the cloud. It is a revolutionary platform, which is best suited for performing real-time analytics,
and developing and deploying real-time applications. At the core of this real-time data
platform is the SAP HANA database, which is fundamentally different from any other database
engine in the market today.

SAP HANA Cloud is a fully managed, cloud-based offering of the SAP HANA database platform.
It provides a high-performance, in-memory database that can be used for various purposes,
such as data processing, analytics, and application development.

Key features of SAP HANA Cloud include:

• In-Memory Computing: SAP HANA Cloud leverages in-memory computing technology

to store and process data in-memory, enabling faster data access and real-time
• Scalability and Elasticity: It offers flexible scalability, allowing you to easily adjust
resources based on your workload requirements. You can scale up or down the
computing and storage resources as needed.
• Integration Capabilities: SAP HANA Cloud integrates with other SAP solutions and
services, providing seamless connectivity and data exchange between different
systems and applications.
• Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Deployment: It supports deployment in multiple cloud
environments, such as SAP Cloud Platform, AWS, and Azure. Additionally, it offers
hybrid deployment options, allowing you to connect with on-premises systems and
extend your existing landscape.
• Advanced Analytics: SAP HANA Cloud includes built-in advanced analytics capabilities,
such as predictive analytics, machine learning, and spatial processing, enabling you to
gain valuable insights from your data.
• Development and Deployment Tools: It provides a set of development and
deployment tools, including SAP HANA Cloud Platform Cockpit and SAP Web IDE,
which facilitate application development, monitoring, and management tasks.

Advantages of Hana Cloud

• Scalability and Flexibility: SAP HANA Cloud allows you to scale computing and storage
resources according to your needs. You can easily adjust resources up or down,
ensuring optimal performance and cost efficiency.
• Cost Savings: With SAP HANA Cloud, you can avoid upfront infrastructure investments
and reduce operational costs. It is a pay-as-you-go model, where you only pay for the
resources you consume.
• High Performance: SAP HANA Cloud leverages in-memory computing technology,
which enables fast data processing and real-time analytics. It provides faster response
times, allowing you to make timely decisions based on the latest data.
• Simplified Management: As a fully managed service, SAP HANA Cloud takes care of
infrastructure management, software updates, and security patches. This frees up
your IT resources, allowing them to focus on higher-value tasks.
• Integration Capabilities: SAP HANA Cloud seamlessly integrates with other SAP
solutions and services, enabling data integration, connectivity, and interoperability
across different systems and applications.

Disadvantages of Hana Cloud

• Dependency on Internet Connectivity: SAP HANA Cloud relies on a stable and reliable
internet connection. Any disruptions or outages in the internet connectivity may
impact the availability and accessibility of the cloud service.
• Data Security Concerns: Storing data in a cloud environment raises security concerns
for some organizations. Although SAP HANA Cloud implements robust security
measures, organizations need to evaluate and address potential risks, data privacy, and
compliance requirements.
• Learning Curve: Adopting SAP HANA Cloud may require a learning curve for developers
and administrators who are not familiar with cloud-based technologies. Training and
upskilling may be necessary to leverage the full capabilities of the platform.
• Migration Effort: Moving existing on-premises SAP HANA deployments to SAP HANA
Cloud may involve migration efforts, including data transfer, configuration changes,
and compatibility validations. This process requires careful planning and execution.
• Vendor Lock-In: Depending on the level of integration with other SAP solutions, there
may be a degree of vendor lock-in. Shifting to alternative cloud providers or platforms
may involve significant effort and potential compatibility challenges.

How to Send Hana Database

Steps to follow:-

1. Open SAP HANA studio.

2. Open the SAP HANA Development perspective.

3. In the Systems view, click [+] Add System... and choose Add System....
4. Type the details of the SAP HANA system in the following fields:
▪ Host Name:

The name of the server hosting the SAP HANA database instance, for

▪ Instance Number

SAP HANA instance number on that server, for example, 00

▪ Description

A display name for the system you are adding. When you start working with a
lot of systems, you will need to label and recognize the systems in the SAP
HANA studio. Enter Development System.
5. Select Next.

6. Enter a user name and password for the connection, and select Finish.
After adding the system, you will see the system in the Systems view.

Creating Schema
1. Start the SAP HANA studio.

2. Open the SAP HANA Development perspective.

3. Open the Project Explorer view.

4. Create the schema definition file.

Browse to the folder in your project workspace where you want to create the new
schema-definition file and perform the following tasks:

a. Right-click the folder where you want to save the schema-definition file and
choose New>Schema in the context-sensitive popup menu.

b. Enter or select the parent folder.

c. Enter the name of the schema in the File Name field.

d. Select a template to use. Templates contain sample source code to help


e. Choose Finish to save the new schema in the repository.

5. Define the schema name.

To edit the schema file, in the Project Explorer view double-click the schema file you
created in the previous step, for example, MYSCHEMA.hdbschema, and add the
schema-definition code to the file:


6. Save the schema file.

7. Activate the schema.

a. Locate and right-click the new schema file in the Project Explorer view.

b. In the context-sensitive pop-up menu, choose Team Activate .

8. Grant SELECT privileges to the owner of the new schema.

After activation in the repository, the schema object is only visible in the catalog to
the _SYS_REPO user. To enable other users, for example the schema owner, to view
the newly created schema in the SAP HANA studio's Modeler perspective, you must
grant the user the required SELECT privilege.
a. In the SAP HANA studio Systems view, right-click the SAP HANA system
hosting the repository where the schema was activated and choose SQL
Console in the context-sensitive popup menu.
b. In the SQL console, execute the statement illustrated in the following example,
where <SCHEMANAME> is the name of the newly activated schema,
and <username> is the database user ID of the schema owner:

Types of Data Modelling

• Attribute View: An attribute view defines a reusable semantic layer that provides a
business perspective on data. It combines attributes (master data) from multiple
tables and can include calculated columns. Attribute views serve as a foundation for
analytical and calculation views.
• Analytical View: An analytical view is used for multidimensional analysis and
reporting. It integrates data from multiple tables and combines them with aggregated
measures. Analytical views allow for complex calculations, hierarchies, and
aggregations, making them suitable for reporting purposes.
• Calculation View: A calculation view is a versatile view that can perform complex
calculations, aggregations, joins, and unions. It can combine data from multiple
sources, such as tables, attribute views, and analytical views. Calculation views are
widely used for creating complex data models and supporting advanced analytics.
• SQL View: An SQL view allows you to define a virtual table based on SQL queries. It
can combine data from one or more tables and provides a simplified view for querying
and reporting purposes.
• Cube: A cube is a special type of analytical view that enables multidimensional analysis
using measures and dimensions. Cubes in SAP HANA follow the OLAP (Online
Analytical Processing) paradigm and provide optimized performance for complex
analysis scenarios.
• Calculation Script: Calculation scripts are used in SAP HANA's Calculation Engine
(CalcEngine). They allow for custom calculations and transformations on data,
providing a flexible way to perform advanced calculations within a data model.

Types of Schema
• System Schema: The system schema is the default schema in SAP HANA and contains
system-defined database objects. It includes system tables and views that store
metadata, system configurations, and other system-related information.
• Public Schema: The public schema is a special schema that is accessible to all users. It
is typically used for storing shared database objects that need to be accessed by
multiple users or roles.
• User Schema: Each user in SAP HANA can have their own user schema, which provides
a private namespace for their database objects. User schemas are used to organize
and separate objects specific to individual users, such as tables, views, procedures,
and functions.
• Package Schema: Package schemas are used to organize and group related database
objects. They provide a way to logically organize objects and enforce access control
based on packages. Objects within a package schema can be granted or restricted
access to specific users or roles.
• Temporary Schema: Temporary schemas are used to store temporary data during the
execution of queries or intermediate results of complex calculations. They are
automatically created and managed by the system and are automatically dropped
after their purpose is served.
• Schema Privileges: Apart from the above schema types, it is important to note that
SAP HANA also supports schema-level privileges. These privileges control access and
permissions at the schema level, allowing users or roles to perform specific actions
within a schema, such as creating or modifying objects.

How to access hana database

To access the SAP HANA database in Eclipse, you can use the SAP HANA
Development Tools (HDT) plugin. Here's how you can set it up:

• Install Eclipse: Download and install the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers from the
Eclipse website ( Choose the appropriate
version based on your operating system.
• Install SAP HANA Development Tools (HDT) Plugin: Launch Eclipse and go to "Help" ->
"Eclipse Marketplace". In the Marketplace window, search for "SAP HANA" and install
the "SAP HANA Tools for Eclipse". Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the
• Configure SAP HANA Database Connection: Once the HDT plugin is installed, go to
"Window" -> "Show View" -> "Other" -> "SAP HANA" -> "SAP HANA Development" to
open the SAP HANA Development perspective.
• Configure HANA Database Connection: In the "SAP HANA Development" perspective,
click on the "SAP HANA Systems" view to open it. Right-click on the view and select
"Add System". Enter the connection details for your SAP HANA database, such as the
host, instance number, username, and password.
• Connect to HANA Database: Once the system is added, you can expand it in the "SAP
HANA Systems" view and navigate to different database objects such as schemas,
tables, views, procedures, etc. You can also execute SQL queries, create or modify
database objects, and perform various development tasks.

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