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Вчитель: Good morning, pupils ! Glad to see you .

I continue to be your teacher, I

hope you don't mind. How are you today? I hope you are well. Let’s start our
Етап 2. Перевірення домашнього завдання.- 5 хв
Вчитель: First of all, let's check your homework. Who can tell me what your
homework was? Let's open your workbook and check the exercises you did. Let's
read your texts that you wrote at home. Who wants to be first? You had to write
your last names here.
Вчитель: Let's start with the second exercise. Now we will listen to the text. This
text talks about who does what at home. Listen and write in your workbooks. We
have three columns and you need to divide the words into columns and write down
what only mom and dad do, what only children do and what they do together. It's
clear? Now let's check what you wrote down. What are mom and dad doing?
(washes dishes, cleans, wipes dust). What do children do? (play computer games,
toys). What do they both do? what do they do together? (make the beds, watch
Вчитель: Now we will do the fourth exercise. Here we need to supplement the
sentences. Let's see an example. In the example we have different words
(example). From these words we must understand how often we do something.
Let's start. Who wants to be first? How can we translate this sentence?
(малювати і розфарбовувати)
Вчитель: In the sixth exercise we need. Choose the correct words and write them
on the lines. Let's look at the picture and translate these words. How is the first
word translated? Right. How is the second word translated? How is the third word
translated? How is the fourth word translated? Everything is correct.
Let's look at an example. How can we translate this sentence? This is art. What
word can we choose here?
(список справ)
Вчитель: In the first exercise we need to look at the pictures. In these pictures,
children are doing their household chores. We need to write down in the table who
does what. What is Ted doing?
Вчитель: In the second exercise we need to write down three chores that you
hardly ever do. Maria, what are you doing hardly ever? What else ? Let's
Вчитель: Your homework is the fourth and fifth exercise. In the fourth exercise
you need to look at the table. The days of the week and chores are written in the
table. And the check mark indicates how often the Blip robot goes about its chores.
For example, Blip reads comics three times a week, but watches movies only twice
a week. Below the table there is a small test and you need to choose the correct
answers using the table.
In the second exercise, you will have to tell what you learned in this topic and tell
what you liked about this unit.

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