Now AFFF Is Defunct, What's The Way Forward - International Fire Fighter

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‘elle dtemmg mtmgtstsiny comm!) Wow AFTie detunct wha ne way forward? ‘(bios hmudacebgokenrg|tmgaanine ‘tat alatoeliimagmingutchingcomicnasael Now Wanton Ima mspthing com sowe-e eis ct Sonam ym ota con SNS 7O7ESS5) uaeyPu ips iioaammnseinaromiatarcokey) Os FidlireR Lnttoss//ttmag.mamoublishing. com, Now AFFF is defunct, what's the way forward? rd SOLBERG* VERSAGARD™ AS-100 “The Now Standard in Multipurpose lS perimetersoisoss 4s fluorosurtactants termed per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) used in ‘onwouanartne=etticoootédioNocistoaabeScA789e? thefghting foams since tne 186 are being ctcovered in cinking water, above sto W oovs.e ve sves multiple countries, it's clear that the use ofall PFAS (C8 and C8) firefighting SO sancing regulations, = ‘The detection of PFAS in beer, cider, milk, eggs, game and livestock provides examplos of ‘eidiapldpnsasniseasinteaitbaenitp tel ene comniszénewnt '2* The olovated levels reported in enue uolnsgandeaa k indicate the potential for some PFAS to bioaccumulate and 7 * iii es eoradeelgtidbonpers scl usod in freighting foams ve food and water continues whilst an understanding of their toxicology eve ‘tilt oneniiicRindiminlsbuthlaman blood, some studies reveal that + unknown PFAS ate taking their place g satitteesd demon mamgublepieacamlaetaining luorosurlactants will face re Globaly, it seems thet now is the time to transition to alternative fooms de ke samsive pecan chemin such os soins Tee oe ran fet wo earn easreuetites ar mind for end users of foams regarding implementing foam transition, as there.are a few ipol Qatar 2022 | saan © conde when raneionngto turner righting (3) fookeea oe oUF Sexereanense ‘The PFAS backdrop mall Address, one ARPES AS SPESAED nated organics such as luorosurfactants wore identi boing highly stable, not amenable to biodegradation and thus persistent in th went since 1962 50 it was eastotpredict teeth unerititightings would lead fo permanent sivironrmniat such as aqueous film forming foams (AFFF) and fluoroprotein fodtfé*terF and FP) ~ - Aye. iis use oF fefighing fours — um FABin Si as TRUSSO Tee ee. — EDSC ses of PFASS in firefighting are perceived to cause an increased potential for REGISTE! (mntentidnioacitleitpnia/z07i/o5/6r70~ THOAve ‘The legacy of using PFAS-containing foams to extinguish fires (and train or toot EERE ARSE Hrd attr te res are oxtingushed and can load to signticantong- term environmental liabilities? which can far exceed the value of the asset being lead to the need to remove PFAS from water pumped for drinking water for hundreds of tae saad sees 7oassdeSSc57087 years to come. ‘wis utes hates was whate= Fluorinetree firefighting (F3) foams, such as training foams have been available since 1985, with commercially available F3 foams developed to completely replace AFFF sold (wee wm ame wees since 2002° These F3 foams had equivalent or superior performance to C8 AFFF in ICAO tests published in 2002, so many sectors such as civil aviation (Heathrow Airport etc), ol {and gos companies (Equinor ete) and the military (Royal Danish Airforce) adopted F3 foams several years ago and have very positive reflections regarding their Soret ‘extinguishment performance > PD SKED IN, at Royal Danish Airforce Demonstrating the Etficacy of F3 foams. StocExpo An evolving regulatory landscape sys ey Register now > A series of regulctory pincer movements are currently focused on preventing future use 2 of PFAS and protecting human health as ¢ result of PFAS contamination to aquifers and Mib=T4s20gp1d-IsAtD~st82205channsl9-O5C1 surface waters, which often feed drinking-water supplies. Significantly lower drinking water standards are being promulgated globally, mainly focused on legacy C8 PFAS,® but many countries are also now regulating C6 PFA.” these shorter-chain C8 PFAS hove a greater potential to impact drinking water because of their increased environmental mobility vs C8, and can be much more expensive to remove from water via conventional treatment technologies. i ede MreezhantD-stezmecnernalD“0603 US regulations addressing the use of firefighting foams containing PFAS hove so far : staTs been proposed or enacted in multiple states 8 Recent proposals have assigned $108 to ‘monitor and remediate PFAS in drinking water” whilst levels of some PFAS safe in drinking water diminish to 2ng/t in the State of linois, with similar proposed in several other States In Europe, stockpile regulations stipulate that if more than 50 of fear is h the nature and volume of foam needs to be reported to regulators if the 0 periluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) content exceeds 25mg/t (parts per billion), related compounds, termed PFOA-precursors, exceed 1000mg/L. Then at regulations addressing PFAS stipulates that the foams classed as stockpik sed when 100% contained from 2022. Then by 2023 stockpiles require incineration i 100% containment is not possible. in 2024 these foams cannot be used and bySMbseribe to our monthly E-News mailing list there is @ deadiine to incinerate any remaining stockpiles, The Curopean Cher Biel sarees ‘Agency (ECHA) has recently proposed an EU-wide restriction that will prevent => reduce the emissions of C8 PFAS within the EU whilst proposing a specific ac’ focused on FFAS! In Australia the Queenstand Depart met SEMIS MIERLER SETRALEIBES)...- pale provicies guidance on the of-site disposal of waste foam concentrate and contaminated water.®” specifically. the policy states that ‘Notwithstanding that, it PPO ROL RAPIST SRE IRS oy torwora? fo ¥ & © wm Eestaminated by thuorinated organic compounds must not be roloased to the environment the levels of fluorinated organics exceed 0.3 g/l PFOS, 0.3 pg/t PFOR and, sn een 10 pglt for sum of TOP Assay C4-Cl4 plus C4-C8 sulfonates. In January 2018, the South Australian government amended the Environment Protection (Water Quaity) Policy 2016 under the Environmental Protection Act 1993 to ban the use of potentially hazardous fluorinated firefighting foams, Under ths legislation, all FAS containing firefighting foams ore banned and there is no maximum allowable concentration for PFAS in operational foams used in South Australia.” fornia stanton sonlont/ustnadsls usnaosacrozese Fire ing area at major US oirport. Foam tests ‘The industry group LASTEIRE, which is funded on @ non-profit basis by fuel-storage companies, develops best-practice guidance for storage-tank protection, tree from the often commercial bias of foam manutacturers.® LASTFIRE has carried out an extensive series of tests using ‘new generation’ foams of both C8 ond F3 types. These tests were cimed specifically at storage-tank related scenarios but have relevance to all foam applications. Fire tests have involved a range of incident scenarios including tank fires, dike area fires and general spl fires as well as standard test protocols such as ENI568 and LASTARE The LASTFIRE standord test protocol was developed, initially by Mobil Research and Development Corporation but finalised by LASTFIRE, specifically to evaluate foam performance for the critical application of tank fres - an example of a test simulating @ specific application, as all performance-based tests should be for critical situations. the Work of LASTFIRE is ongoing, but the mast recent large-scale tests involved 40m x 7m spill fires with Jet A fuel and were carried out in cooperation with DFW Alport Research and Training Facility. LASTFIRE are keen to emphasise that the research is ongoing and further planned. Conclusions regarding foam performance should not be generic, ‘examples of varying levels of effectiveness and performance for each foal the market. The results show that F3 Foams can successfully extinguish bo tank fires using standard application rates ~ and indeed at more critical a tates too, given the correct application techniques and foam quality. ‘Subscribe to our monthly E-News mailing list mali Address ‘Ourstte uses cookies. Learn more about our use, Se pote fornia stanton sonlont/ustnadsls usnaosacrozese Large hanger fire suppression system. Non-Persistent foams It wil be cruciol when choosing © F3 foam that i is also @ non-persstent far, meaning that all of the ingredionts in the foam ar fully biodegradable. I there are components Cf the foor that persist such os slloxanes, this can lead to future environmental liabilities. nvitonment Canada assessments wore reported to conclude th=> cyclotetrasioxane and eyleopentasiloxane, also known as D4 and D5, are. persistent and have the potential to bioaccumulate in aquatic organisms. important to highlight that biological oxygen demand (800) and chemice domand (Coo) tests dene on foam is not an appropriate measure to dete \whethor the foam is biodegradable, as these tests need to be done on eat component ofthe foam. Snowing « 300/COD ratio for a whole foam coule fact that ¢ small percentage ofits components ore extremely persistent. ‘The safest option to avoid future environmental labilties when considering which foams to transition to is to use the GreenScreen Certified standard for firefighting foomWesoribe to our monthly E-News mailing list Approaches to decontamination mali Address Decontamination of firefighting and fire-suppression equipment is essential t. carryover of PFAS to the new F3 foams, Fluorosurfactants form multiple bilayers in = crystalline matrix on surfaces, which can feem.a. eating sureset EAS that requires ramoval from fira-sunprassion aystams via affective decontamination. Triple rinses with water are not sufficient to ren#ls¥Bi2FAS layers a foams after water rinsing between foam changeouts¢ Tetra Tech recommends using a specially formulated biodegradable cleaning agents termed PFAScrub to effectively remove the reservoir of PFAS crystalline bilayers which form on the interior of fre-supprossion systems, to limit both future liabilities and cost ‘associated with PFAS contaminating F3 foams because of inadequate decontamination. On site regeneration of the PFAScrub reagent to extract PFAS fror {a8 a concentrate also leads to significantly reduced waste disposal costs. Firefighting foam concentrate disposal is under significant serutiny inthe US with litigation progressing” There are unresolved questions on the fate of PFAS presentin liquid waste streams subject to incineration. When incinerating liquids, temperatures requited for thermal destruction of PFAS wll result in steam discharge from the stack, \Whion has been observed during long-term flue-gas sampling to include PFOS and PFOA. Post-combustion data indicates residuals of PFOS were observed in laboratory incineration wale and in municipal solid waste ash ‘former incinerator ash lagoon in Michigan is under investigation as o potenti! source of PFAS#® and there are reports 9FAS being detected in soil and water close incinerator2* which may indicate that residual liabilities associated with incineration of AFFF concentrates are not extinguished by application of this treatment process However, despite concems of incomplete combustion of PFAS in liquid matrices during incineration, incineration remains the primary destruction technology for PFAS in many jurisdictions?” fornia stanton sonlont/ustnadsls usnaosacrozese te our monthly E-News mailing list Now AFF idtunet wna’ tne way forward? fo ¥ @ © & system modifications sn een The transition 1 F3 foam will usualy require minor foam supply system modifications, which typically only involve mecitications to the foam proportioner, so are generally inexpensive. Multiple Newtonian £3 foams are now available which can potentially be Used with existing proportioners? Accreditation {As accreditation of the modified suppression systems can be a hurdle to overcome when dealing with insurers, via its teaming partners Tetra Tech can perform ‘extinguishment tests using the new foam and equipment at the facility, to demonstrate wows ways wave woe we effectiveness, These tests are then presented to insurers to allay any concerns it specific items of equipment are not yet accredited for the F3 foams. Ssonatorentontrtenst sonlont/ustnadsls usnaosacrozese ‘A demonstration of « turbinator pump in action. Looking forwards: PFAS on the global agenda ‘The growing concerns regarding drinking-water impacts from PFAS is driving @ dramatically Increased regulatory, media and politcal focus. At the same time, the performance of F3 foams at extinguishing fires has markedly improved such that its performance is comparable to AFF. So now the balance between the perceived risk of transitioning to F3 foams, versus the potential harm caused and liabilities associated With continued use of PFAS-based foams, makes evaluation of how to move away from 8 and C8 PFAS based foams a wise commercial decision. F information, go to, ts tetratechs Roterences @® Death, 6, et al, Per- and polyfluoroalky! substances (PFAS) in livestoc species: A rview. Sei Total Environ, 2021, 774:p. 144786, @ cockeoner, 8, etal, Transfer of Per and Polyfuoroalkyl Substances (PF into the Eggs of Laying Hens. Port: Anaiytical Results Including « Modified tor Oricizable Precursor Assay, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020.48 (48): 12527-12538. Wibslae @) Clarke, A, Luksemburg, WJ. Paterson, A, Roberts 2. and Schneider, €, Arsiiainatiress Per and PolyivorinatedAky Substances in an intornational Seloction of Boor in Emerging Contaminants Summit. 2016 Vista Analytical Laboratory, Dorack Usa: Denver @ Perkin, study finds alarming lovslael damwaabersiccieis.raatners °°" apotey te our monthly E-News mailing list forever-chemicals-breast-milk-us-study. ry AT OAAIRNAH Shorar foe oe em Unidentified organofluorine? Environmental Chemistry, 2016. 12(). @ oldman», énzymology of Carbor-Halogen Bonds, in Degradation of Synthetic Organic Molecules inthe Bioephere; Natura, Pesticidal and Various Other Man-Made Compounds. 1972, Nat. Acad. of Siz Washington, DC. p. 147-185 @ fos | Toase b. Richards ., Persistent Liabilties ~ Navigating PFAS Risks. JOE Gotalyst 2021.02 202% p18 @ L-KDMR, Forever Chemicals Environmental Economic, and Social Equty Concerns with PFAS inthe Environment 2021 @ oss, and®, Storch, Foam Transition: ist os simple as “foam out /foom in? et wc at ste ats Gatalyst 2020; 18], Avoitabe from: http wp content/uploads/2020/08/JO1FF-Catalyst-Q2-Foam-Supplement-I2May20 pdt. Ross, Expert Opinions the UX sleepweiking into @ FAS contomination nightmare? woe ms wae sme ume 202; Available trom: httos/ rwanda the" uk-sleepwalking-into-a- pfas-contamination-nightmare. @ Ross, Hurst, J, Managing sks and Liabilities associated with Per- and Polylluoroaikyl Substances (PFASs). CLAIRE Technical Bulletin TBI9 2018; Available trom: eat foo https:/ download=668itb-18-managing-rsks-and-lablities-associoted-with-per-and- polytluoroalky!-substances-pfass-2018, @) Olson, £0. Bidon Proposes Big investments in Water: i's About Time. 2021; Available from: httos:// water-its-about-time. @ S.LI.PFAS Update: Current state-by-state Groundwater Regulations, 202 Available trom: https www.bclplaw.corn|en-Gl/insights/ plas-update-current-state- by-state-groundwater-reguletions.htr G@) (ECHA), ECA, ANNEX XV RESTRICTION REPORT PROPOSAL FOR A RESTRICTION SUBSTANCE NAMES: Undecatluorohexanoic acid (PrHxa), its salts and related substances. 2018 (®) Commission, f.Poly- ane pertluoroakkyl substances (PFAS) Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability Towards a Toxic-Free Environment. 2020; Available from: https/ec.europa.euenvironment/pat/chericals/2020/10/SWO_PFAS pdt. ®) Queenstand, $0, Operational Policy ~ Environmental Management of Firefighting Foam, 2016 @ Queenstond, 5.0. Environmental Management of Firefighting Foam Polley Explanatory Notes Revision 2.2016; Available from: https: frefighting-foam- (@ Uastriae. targe Atmospheric Storage Tank Fires. Available from: http: ww @) systems, A. DFW Fire Testing, Avaliable from: http://www V=UXyGIVEW_2Mét=33s, ‘Suzuki, D, The Ditty Dozen: siloxones, 2010; Avallable from: hitps://davidsuzukiorg/queen-of-green/dlrty-doren-siloxanes/. Action, CP. Greenscreen® Method for Sater Chemicals, 2018; Available hitps'/ @) Franjovie, s, Schroder, E, Plan, D, Krause, R. Groonscreon Cortiod™ St Firefighting Foam. 2020; Available from usnaosacrozese hitps://www.greensereenchemicals org/resources/entry/webinar-gsc-t @) KAUMUSS-KATZ, J. COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELE Avollable trom: https = plas._incineration_sultpd. @®) Horst, Medonough, J, Ross |, Hout €, Understanding and Managing th Hert be our monthly E-News mailing list By-Products of PFAS Destruction. Ground Water, 2020, 48(5):P. 627-32. awa addres G) Kent County, Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids Water Resource Recovery Facil™ Incinerator Ash Lagoon. 2020; Available from. https: /www.michigan gov/plasresponse/0,9038,7-265-865I|_95645-526272—00 html G) Lomer S. TOXIC PFAS FALLOUT FOUN NgABLNGINKRATOR INVPSUARGISRLY se ‘oilable fn https [thointarcaptcam/2000/04)2A|toxie-pios-oifupstoie-new= yor. oe * ry (https iff mag Jan Ross (https/ Sattingin sence ulti to orovde hal isthe on service-quleky-to-provde-elple-tne-miasion ‘mling-t-happen-lethe-challenge) FIRE FIGHTER International isthe leading global publication for municipal and inaustal re fighters and the fre and rescue Industry, he ecttrilfectures are writen by incustry experts and comprise a unique blend focussing ‘on the latest technology raining methods and equipment as wall as highlighting sactor- specific issues fram around the world. Regular product and company profiles, events Updates and news make international Fre Fight the fest cholce toad for fie ond rescue professionals AEN a Biggest earns Available from: https;, ARNG ER APRS gRRO fo 4 @ © & “Trends in recrutment ond retention actors tht impact Volunteer Fire Service staffing eno: hots ats wl whats csplitentenatogeatec ve nes tue te me ——— a eeeeE scnitite cous) rev. can International Fire Fighter Magazine irra ‘Surviac suppor female fesghtarson spn Antari rk (ftps/ ifmag mempublshingcom/ntematon finogrempubiting come eth lesa 72- december po. . 20a) Subscribe to our monthly E-News maling list Emall Address ur ste uses cookie. tsa mor abut our ute potey

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