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Embrace the Future: Unfolding a New Chapter with a Fresh Vision

Vol. X, No. 228, 4 th Waning of Tazaungmone 1385 ME Friday, 1 December 2023

Vice-Senior General Soe Win says budget is systematically verified

for boosting State economy and socioeconomic life of the people

ice-Senior General Soe Win said that the budget Vice-Chairman of the Financial Commission meeting on submitting the additional budget of the Union
is systematically spent on respective sectors on Vice-Chairman of the State Administration Council Dep- for the 2023-24 financial year, held at the office of the SAC
priority in order to promote State economy and uty Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win unveiled Chairman in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday afternoon.
improve socioeconomic life of the people. systematic spending of the budget at the coordination SEE PAGE-3

49 container vessels scheduled to call in NATIONAL PAGE-2

Yangon Port in Dec

Myanmar to explore business
opportunities at India Intl MEGA
Trade Fair


MoSWRR issues nearly 40,000

PWD registration cards within
three years


An overseas container vessel docks at Yangon Port for loading and unloading.

ccording to the Myanma Port the draft extension, the international problems preventing sailing on the Yan-
Authority, Yangon Port is bound ocean liners can access the inner port gon River. The draft was extended up to
to handle 49 container vessels for now, according to the Myanma Port 10 metres, and more giant ocean liners
in December. Authority’s statement on 22 June. could enter Thilawa Port.
In December, six container vessels, After the new navigation channel The coast of Myanmar is 2,228 kilo-
each run by Samudera Shipping Line (Kings Bank Channel) accessing the in- metres (1,260 nautical miles), including
and COSCO Shipping Line, five each by ner Yangon River was found, the draft the Rakhine coastline 713 kilometres, del- Korea GES firm explores
Sealand Maersk Asia and MSC Line, extension work was accelerated. After- ta region 437 kilometres and Taninthayi electricity production from
four by SITC Line, three each by PIL wards, the port can now handle larger coastline 1,078 kilometres, stretching Hteinbin, Daweichaung landfills
Line, ONE Line, RCL Line, Evergreen ships. The container vessel (185.99-me- from northern Bangladesh’s border to
Line and CMA CGM Line, two by IAL tre LOA, 35.25-metre Beam, 29,232 GRT southern Thailand’s border area.
Shipping Line, BLPL Shipping Line and and 2,698 TEU) Hong Kong-based SITC There are ten seaports along the BUSINESS PAGE-7
Land & Sea, and one each by BAY Line Shipping Line docked at Asia World Port coastline, including Yangon Port, Thilawa
and Ti2 Container Line are slated to dock Terminal for the first time on 22 June. Deep-Sea Port, Kyaukphyu Deep-Sea
at Yangon Port. That vessel is the largest ship that AWPT Port, Sittway Port, Thandwe Port, Pathein
This year, 52 container vessels ar- Port has ever handled. Port, Mawlamyine Port, Dawei Deep-Sea
rived at Yangon Port in January, 51 in From May 2021, the arrival of the Port, Myeik Port and Kawthoung Port.
February, 55 in March, 50 in April, 56 in ships at terminals in Yangon has in- Seaborne trade accounts for 75 per
May, 57 in June, 53 in July, 54 in August, creased again. To fulfil the seaborne trade cent of foreign trade. However, Yangon
53 in September, 49 in October and 50 in requirements, three new container ves- Port, including Thilawa terminals, is the Kampaiti border experiences
November. sels by Maersk Line Myanmar (Sea Land only international port, and the remaining surge in exports: Tissue-culture
Yangon Port handled a total of 620 Maersk) started to run in 2021. ports in eight cities are designated for bananas, black sesame, and
container vessels last year. Thanks to Earlier, the larger ships had draft domestic use only. — NN/EM rubber in abundance

Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Announcement of Central Committee on Prevention, Control
and Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

3rd Waning of Tazaungmone 1385 ME

30 November 2023

IT is necessary to control Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection continuously.

So, it is now announced that public requests, orders, notifications and directives (except
for easing restrictions) released by Union-Level Organizations and Union Ministries up
to 30 November 2023 have been extended to 31 December 2023 for prevention, control and India International Mega Trade Fair.
treatment on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).
Myanmar to explore
business opportunities at
Myanmar showcases traditional India Intl MEGA Trade Fair
handicrafts at ACDACU's MYANMAR plans to showcase its With G S Marketing Associ-

International Bazaar in Cuba commodities at the India Interna-

tional MEGA Trade Fair, a central
ates arranging a free stand for
Myanmar, UMFCCI member
hub to connect global consumers associations can participate on
tural booth, which displayed from various industries, which a fixed date, and those unable
traditional gold embroideries, will be convened over a long peri- to attend the fair can send their
woodcarving items, lacquer- od, according to the Union of My- product samples and brochures
ware, gemstone-decorated anmar Chambers of Commerce through the commercial attachè
paintings, precious gems and and Industry (UMFCCI). in Kolkata to be displayed at the
stones, and traditional Myan- The 2023 edition of the India event.
mar costumes. These exhibits International Mega Trade Fair "We are considering partici-
garnered keen interest from will commence at Science City, pating in this trade fair because
visitors. Kolkata, from 15 December 2023 India is one of Myanmar's eco-
The opening speech at to 1 January 2024 under the aus- nomic partners and our export
the event was delivered by pices of the Bengal Chamber and destination and import source.
the President of ACDACU, the GS Marketing Associates. So, we can showcase our prod-
spouse of the Ambassador of The Bengal Chamber and ucts abroad, and there will be
Qatar to Cuba. Mrs Anayan- GS Marketing Associates have business opportunities, too," said
si Rodriguez Camejo, Deputy strived to create an environment a Myanmar manufacturer.
Minister for Cuba's Ministry of where business ideas thrive. Inno- The UMFCCI has advised
A Myanmar booth seen at the event in Cuba on 26 November 2023.
Foreign Affairs, departmental vations shine, and with each pass- interested participants from its
personnel from Cuba's Minis- ing year, the India International affiliated associations and entre-
MYANMAR'S traditional crafts Complex in Havana City on 26 try of Foreign Affairs and Cul- Mega Trade Fair has evolved into preneurs to send their names,
and cultural items were show- November, as reported by the tural Ministry, and diplomats a hub of opportunities, connecting titles, names of companies/en-
cased at the International Ba- Ministry of Foreign Affairs. and their spouses in Cuba were entrepreneurs, manufacturers, terprises/associations, e-mail
zaar organized by the Associ- The event, aimed at pro- present at the event. Over 60 traders, and consumers from addresses and telephone num-
ation of Spouses of Diplomats moting global unity and equal- embassies to Cuba participat- various sectors under one roof, bers to the Exhibition Unit, Mem-
Accredited in Cuba (ACDACU) ity among nations, featured ed in the exhibition by setting stated the Bengal Chambers of ber Affairs Section. — Htet Oo
at the Cultural Exhibition the Myanmar embassy's cul- up booths. — ASH/TMT Commerce and Industry. Maung/ZN

Assoc eyes tourist arrival surge in early 2024

ACCORDING to U Naung Naung "The number of foreign vis- land have increased. But the

Well Marked Low Pressure Han, Chairman of the Myanmar

Tourism Entrepreneurs Associ-
itors hasn't fallen much more
than expected, but the figure
figure is still low if compared to
previous ones," he said.
Area Conditions ation, inbound tourist arrivals
in Myanmar are expected to
is not very encouraging. Since
it is not a big drop, we can still
On the other hand, the num-
ber of home-grown travellers
increase early next year. hope for January, February and is expected to increase in the
Issued at (19:00) hours MST on 30-11-2023 Every year, October to April March next year. The outlook coming season and travel agen-
is the peak period for visitor ar- can be said to be good or not cies are making the necessary
According to the observations at (17:30) hrs MST today, rivals in Myanmar, and the pros- bad," U Naung Naung Han ex- preparations.
the Well Marked Low Pressure Area over Southeast Bay of pect of more tourist arrivals in plained. "We expect more local trav-
Bengal still persists. It is likely to move West-Northwestwards early next year is growing as the Thai tourists topped the list ellers to come in December.
and intensify into a Depression during next (18) hrs. It would Ministry of Hotels and Tourism of foreign visitors to Myanmar Therefore, we are preparing
intensify gradually into a Cyclonic Storm over Southwest strives to attract more foreign during this year's travel season. now for expected guests," said
Bay of Bengal on (3.12.2023). visitors and develop more at- "From October to Novem- a local travel agency official. –
tractive destinations. ber, tourist arrivals from Thai- Thit Taw/ZN

also systematically verified by the Union
and Region State Budget Advance Scruti-
ny Committee formed under the guidance
of the Head of State.
According to the report of the Ministry
of Planning and Finance, he continued to
say that demanding the budget prioritized
revenue to the State, cash amount to the
State, additional allowance for service per-
sonnel, expenses for security, and con-
struction projects to be completed in the
financial year and these budget demands
were scrutinized for relevant expenses
with the least requirements.
The Vice-Senior General explained
that in observing the original estimated
budget of the Union for 2023-24 finan-
cial year, the whole country’s GDP was
K138,195.703 billion, and the comparison of
GDP with budget deficit hit 5.65 per cent.
He noted that after relevant scru-
tiny bodies have checked the GDP, the
final finding showed GDP value does not
change but the ratio of budget deficit to
State Administration Council Vice-Chair Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win chairs the coordination meeting on Union’s
additional budget summission for the 2023-2024 financial year yesterday. GDP could be reduced from 5.65 per cent,

Vice-Senior General Soe Win says budget is

He continued that the budget was

systematically verified for boosting State economy

allotted on time for rehabilitation in reme-
dying loss and damage caused by cyclonic
storm Mocha which hit Rakhine on 14 May
2023, adding service personnel dutifully
serving their assignments of State duties
and socioeconomic life of the people
were allowed to enjoy the additional allow-
ance starting from October 2023 for easing Salient points in speech of Vice-Senior General Soe Win at meeting to 5.31 per cent.
their daily difficulties. Chairman of the Union and Region
on submitting additional budget of the Union for the 2023-24 FY
The Vice-Senior General unveiled that or State Budget Scrutiny Committee SAC
the Union Budget Law for the 2023-24 fi- Member Lt-Gen Nyo Saw made clarifica-
mService personnel dutifully serving their assignments of State duties were allowed
nancial year was approved on 31 March tions on advance scrutiny of the additional
2023 and such a law is under implemen- to enjoy the additional allowance starting from October 2023 for easing their daily budgets for the 2023-24 financial year for
tation. difficulties. the Union and region/state.
He underscored that Union-level de- mBudgets demanded by departments and organizations have been scrutinized at Commission Secretary Union Minis-
partments and organizations may have different levels. ter U Win Shein, Union Auditor-General
other possible incomes in the financial Dr Khin Naing Oo and Deputy Minister
mBudget demands were scrutinized for relevant expenses with least requirements.
year in addition to the estimated incomes U Maung Maung Win reported on their
mentioned in the law whereas they can mThe whole country’s GDP was K138,195.703 billion in 2023-24 financial year. respective sectors. Those from Union-level
face more compulsory expenditure in addi- organizations and Union ministries dis-
tion to the expenses mentioned in the law. cussed financial matters.
Hence, the additional budget is scrutinized ditional budgets have to spend the allot- The Vice-Senior General highlighted The meeting was also attended by
at different levels under the Constitution. ted funds after the State Administration that the budgets demanded by depart- Union-level persons, Union ministers,
He pointed out that the departments Council has enacted the Union Additional ments and organizations have been scru- deputy ministers and officials through
and organizations which demand the ad- Budget Law. tinized at different levels and these were videoconferencing. — MNA/TTA

DPM MoTC Union Minister

receives Nepali Ambassador
SAC Member Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister for Transport and
Communications General Mya Tun Oo received Nepali Ambassador Mr
Harishchandra Ghimire in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.
They cordially exchanged views on the operation of direct flights between
the two countries to promote tourism industry.
Deputy Minister for Transport and Communications U Aung Kyaw Tun,
departmental heads and officials attended the meeting. — MNA/MKKS

Nepali Ambassador Mr Harishchandra Ghimire calls on SAC Member Deputy

Prime Minister MoTC Union Minister General Mya Tun Oo yesterday.

ccording to the Minis- e-government system. Chair-
try of Investment and man of Aquarius IT Company,
Foreign Economic Rela- Mr Vladimir Stepanov, clari-
tions, an "Aquarius Day" forum fied accessible and sustainable
jointly held by Myanmar and Russia-Myanmar international
Russia kicked off at MICC II in technological cooperation.
Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. At the forum, the officials
The forum aims to enhance of Aquarius Company, Astra
Myanmar-Russia's digital trans- Group of Company and RSC
formations, digital economy, Progress Company, affiliated
e-government system, cooper- departments of the Ministry of
ation in the cybersecurity and Transport and Communications
information sector, and under- and Russian IT companies dis-
standing of Aquarius IT Com- cussed digitalization, server and
pany's products. data storage, wireless commu-
Speaking at the forum's nication systems, ecosystem
opening ceremony, State Ad- solutions and RSC "progress"
ministration Council Member and other IT related matters.
Deputy Prime Minister Union The forum was attended
Minister General Mya Tun Oo The Aquarius Day forum underway yesterday in Nay Pyi Taw, attended by Deputy Premier Union Minister by SAC Member Deputy Prime
said that Myanmar and Russia General Mya Tun Oo. Minister Union Minister for

Myanmar-Russia "Aquarius Day"

currently cooperate in various Transport and Communications
sectors and bolster information General Mya Tun Oo, Deputy
and communication technolo- Prime Minister Union Minister
gy. The country will also try to
support the digitalization and
development of the e-govern-
forum kicks off for Defence Admiral Tin Aung
San, SAC Member Lt-Gen Nyo
Saw, Deputy Prime Minister
ment system. The Ministry of the forum will bring a lot of ben- system development and activ- the enhancement of bilateral Union Minister for Planning
Transport and Communications efits to support the country's ities to increase investments in friendships, technical coopera- and Finance U Win Shein, oth-
drafted the Myanmar E-Gov- digitalization programmes. Myanmar's technological sector. tion, and technology exchang- er relevant ministers, deputy
ernance Master Plan 2030. Union Minister Dr Kan Zaw At the same time, the Russian es with Russian IT companies ministers, the Russian Ambas-
Moreover, Myanmar is moving discussed local and regional Ambassador to Myanmar, Mr including Aquarius to support sador to Myanmar, IT experts
towards digital government, and cooperation for e-government Iskander Azizov, talked about Myanmar's digitalization and and invitees. — ASH/KTZH

Denial: False information about 2 monks,

Counter-argument to false information civilians injured in Tatmadaw's attack
False reports circulate in Taungtha: Allegations of forced recruitment FALSE information that two monks and two civilians
and ransom of young man were injured at Anphalay village in Kayin State's
Kawkareik township due to Tatmadaw artillery fire
FAKE news was distributed on the Township, and the security forces saying that he was not ransomed has been spread on social media pages, according
social media page of Myaylat Athan conducted security checks at noon with money. Therefore, when the to a statement issued by the State Administration
Media that an 18-year-old youth was on 28 November, according to an ad- terrorist insurgents are carrying Council on 30 November.
arrested by security forces while ministrative official from Mandalay out acts of attack and destruction, A malicious media posted on social media that
crossing in front of the Taungtha Region. According to the inspection the malicious media is continuously four artillery shells exploded inside a monastery
Township General Administration findings, he was drinking too much broadcasting incitement and false located at Anphalay village at around 5:30 pm on 27
Office at around 1 pm on 28 No- alcohol, was unable to answer ques- information, and they are spreading November, destroying a monastery building and a
vember. He was ransomed with tions, and did not have a citizenship fake news to the people to create water tank tower and injuring two monks, the state-
money because he was forced to scrutiny card. One bundle of clothes a false impression on the security ment said.
join the military. A suspicious man and K1,000 of cash were found forces who are protecting the lives The statement described that, according to mil-
was walking in front of the general with him. Later, the young man's of the people and the state. — MNA/ itary sources, Tatmadaw did not use heavy weapons
administration office of Taungtha mother arrived and took him back, KZL around the village, but terrorists have made planned
attacks on non-military targets – towns, villages,
schools and religious buildings. Besides, news that
Official statements quash false social media claims on electricity, Tatmadaw had twice bombed a school and hospital
property theft located at Ywashayma village in Taze township of
Sagaing Region is also false, said the statement. But
INTENTIONALLY published false news on social serving duties around Pazunmyaung village, ter- PDF terrorists attacked Taze in YeU district on 28-29
media claims that the Tatmadaw is removing power rorists fired indiscriminately near the village three November, and combined security forces launched
cables from the electric power lines in Pazunmyaung months ago, damaging and cutting off some parts a brave and effective counterattack, causing heavy
Village, located in Nyaunglebin Township, Bago of the power transmission lines. Consequently, the casualties on terrorists, who retreated in array. There
Region, and selling them, resulting in a lack of elec- village has been without electricity for three months. was no fighting in Taze's villages on 30 November,
tricity in the village. Misformation also alleges that In reality, terrorists are engaging in destructive which is false information, according to the statement
Tatmadaw has taken cattle and furniture from the acts such as explosions, sabotage, and arson, target- quoting a security official serving in Taze.
villagers. ing essential infrastructures, including the electricity Malicious media that intend to disturb the coun-
However, administrative officials of Bago sector, and forcibly taking public properties. Malicious try have spread such false information intending to
Region assert that the villagers of Pazunmyaung news outlets publish stories to defame the Tatmadaw conceal PDFs' terror acts and misleading cooperation
are continuing their daily routines as usual, and the and the police force, who serve their rightful duties between Tatmadaw and residents, said the statement.
news, as mentioned above, is mere misinformation. in maintaining tranquillity, security, and the rule of It added that residents have also requested security
According to a member of the security forces law in towns and villages. — MNA/TMT forces to eradicate PDF terrorists. — Thit Taw/ZS

2023 Inter-State/Region Sepak Takraw Championship
THE final match and awarding The tourney was held with
ceremony of the 2023 Inter-State/ the aim of helping the athletes
Region Sepak Takraw Champion- gain friendship, keep the spirit of
ship was held at Wunna Theikdi patriotism alive and sharp, raise
Gymnasium in Nay Pyi Taw yes- the standard of Myanmar’s Sepak
terday morning. Takraw, and bring forth a new
State Administration Coun- generation of athletes to repre-
cil members enjoyed the final sent the country. A total of 262
matches between the Mon State athletes from 12 women’s teams
team and the Rakhine State team and 14 men’s teams competed
in the women’s regu event, while in the championship, which was
the Nay Pyi Taw Council team conducted from 22 to 30 Novem-
faced the Sagaing Region team ber. — MNA/KZL
for the men’s regu event. Mon
Championship trophies seen
State team crowned the women’s
being presented to the Mon State
championship title while Sagaing
Women’s Team and the Sagaing
secured the men’s championship
Region Men’s Team respectively.

Myanmar delegation attends 2023 Youth & Literary Arts Festival

Shanghai Cooperation Organization to kick-start for
Traditional Medicine Forum 76th Independence Day
TO promote the development Festival date is approaching,
province, gave a welcoming and empowerment of young and he urged everyone to
speech, and then the member people, the Youth and Literary discuss agendas. He point-
countries participated in the Arts Festival will be held from ed out that an entrainment
discussion. 20 to 22 December at Wunna programme will be included
In the Union minister’s Theikdi Gymnasium B in Nay during the event, featuring 13
speech, he discussed the issues Pyi Taw to commemorate the exhibition booths of respective
of promoting cooperation in the 76th Independence Day. ministries starting from 12 De-
development of the tradition- The festival organizing cember.
al medicine academic sector committee held a coordination Nay Pyi Taw Council Mem-
among the member countries, meeting at the Ministry of In- ber U Myint Soe also remarked
exchange of mutual experienc- formation Assembly Hall in Nay the coordination had been done
es, topics related to improving Pyi Taw yesterday morning. to sell traditional ethnic foods
the quality of traditional med- During the meeting, Depu- at reasonable prices to the fes-
Union Minister Dr Thet Khaing Win participates in the 2023 SCO
icines and supervision of pro- ty Minister U Ye Tint said that tival visitors, followed by other
Traditional Medicine Forum in China.
duction processes discussed the Youth and Literary Arts discussions. — MNA/KZL
THE Myanmar delegation led tion Organization member in a friendly and open manner.
by Union Minister of Health, countries attended the forum Afterwards, the Myan-
Dr Thet Khaing Win attended pre-meeting on 28 November mar delegation led by the
the traditional medicine forum evening along with Ye Jianchu, Union minister attended the
of the Shanghai Cooperation Governor of Jiangxi Province, traditional medicine forum
Organization at Nanchang, Shanghai Cooperation Organi- commemorative dinner of the
Jiangxi Province in People’s zation, ministers from partner Shanghai Cooperation Organ-
Republic of China 2023, held organizations and the deputy ization hosted by the governor
on 29 and 30 November. Lead- ministers. of Jiangxi Province. — MNA/ The coordination meeting of the organizing committee on Youth and
ers from Shanghai Coopera- First, the governor of the TS Literary Arts Festival in progress yesterday.


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Korea GES firm
explores electricity
Myanmar Ambassador to S Korea receives
production 2023 Best Ambassador Award
from Hteinbin,
Daweichaung The award, presented as part of the
landfills Korea Consumer Brand Grand Prize
Awards, was bestowed in recognition
REPRESENTATIVES from of Ambassador U Thant Sin’s active in-
Korea GES Global Energy Solu- volvement in the diplomatic sector, con-
tion Company met the Yangon sistent support to the Korea Consumer
Mayor to discuss the generation Global Council, and efforts to enhance
of electricity from the Hteinbin cultural collaboration between the two
and Daweichaung landfills, the nations.
remaining landfills in the Yangon The ceremony took place at the Ko-
Region on 29 November, rea Press Centre on 29 November. In
The project aims to produce his acceptance speech, Ambassador U
electricity from the purified gases Thant Sin expressed his commitment to
collected through the combus- strengthening the friendship and collab-
tion of the mentioned landfills. orative activities between Myanmar and
Dr Won Seunghyun and officials Korea, emphasizing continued cooper-
from GES Global Energy Solution ation with the Polytechnic University
Company deliberated on various and the Korea Consumer Global Council
aspects, including the status of in diplomatic, business, and cultural
electric power production from Myanmar Ambassador to the Republic of Korea U Thant Sin poses for the group documentary realms.
photo at the Korea Consumer Brand Awards Ceremony 2023.
Hteinbin and Daweichaung Ambassador U Thant Sin received
landfills, the project’s timeline, THE Ministry of Foreign Affairs has has been honoured with the 2023 Best the Best Ambassador Award for the sec-
the three-step process, and the announced that U Thant Sin, Myanmar Ambassador Award by the Korea Con- ond time following his recognition in
techniques for electricity genera- Ambassador to the Republic of Korea, sumer Global Council. 2021. — ASH/TRKM
tion based on the feasibility study
conducted in collaboration with
the Department of Urban Con-
servation and Sanitation.
The discussions also covered
2023 Myanmar Academy Awards applications now
the anticipated amount of electric
power generated, laboratory re- open for receptionists
sults of waste from the landfills,
possibilities of reducing the size THOSE aspiring to become the re- tall, while males must fall within
of the landfills, and profit-sharing ceptionists at the Academy Awards the height range of five feet and
arrangements from the project. ceremony can submit their appli- six inches to six feet. Additionally,
— TWA/TRKM cations to the Myanmar Motion applicants must be healthy, pos-
Pictures Organization starting sess good character, and have a
from 1 December. Applicants for well-proportioned body.
the receptionists position must be Application forms will be avail-
between sixteen and twenty-five able for pickup starting 1 Decem-
years old by 31 December 2023 and ber at the Myanmar Motion Pic-
unmarried. tures Organization, No 16, Wingaba
Female applicants must be Road. The deadline for submitting
between five feet and two inch- applications is the evening of 15 Receptionists at the events of the 2019, 2020 and 2022
Hteinbin landfill. es and five feet and eight inches December. — TWA/TKO Myanmar Academy Awards.

MoSWRR issues nearly 40,000 PWD

registration cards within three years
It is necessary to create employment opportunities and income sources for
people with disabilities (PWDs) rather than financial assistance.
ACCORDING to the Ministry cess of disabilities in another especially those who are gradu-
of Social Welfare, Relief, and ten townships in Nay Pyi Taw, ates or skilled in trades, rather
Resettlement, PWD registra- Yangon, and Mandalay to pro- than providing financial assis-
tion cards have been issued to vide financial assistance. tance.
39,268 disabled persons from The associations of disa- According to the statistics
2021 to November 2023. bled persons remarked that it released by the associations of
Measures are also being is necessary to create employ- disabled persons, there are 2.3
taken to carry out the regis- ment opportunities and sources million PWDs in Myanmar. —
A very competitive and high-performance sport contested by the PWDs. tration and classification pro- of income for disabled persons, TWA/ TMT


Domestic pulses market prepares Myanmar striving for onion

for decline amid lower FOB prices exports to Philippines
through G-to-G pact
MYANMAR has been exerting vember 2023. It will import an
efforts with the officials con- adequate volume of onions to
cerned to export onion to the avoid a shortage of onions dur-
Philippines under the govern- ing Christmas and to control the
ment-to-government agree- potential price rise. The onion
ment, according to Myanmar’s price was up by 10-20 pesos per
commercial attaché in Manila, kilogramme, yet the remaining
the Philippines. stocks have been distributed to
A trial shipment will be the market. Subsequently, they
initially undertaken to assess will import onions adequately
the onion’s quality to reach a sooner rather than later.
G-to-G agreement. Myanmar The onions fetch 140-180 pe-
Onion, Garlic and Kitchen Crops sos in the Philippines. The price
Producers and Exporters Asso- will likely decline with an influx
ciation and Myanmar Rice Fed- of imports in the coming weeks.
eration are connected with the The Philippines imports
Philippines International Trade onions from China, India, Aus-
Corporation (PITC) and Bureau tralia, South Korea, the Neth-
of Plant and Industry under the erlands and New Zealand.
A close-up view of Myanmar’s pulses and beans in the market. Philippines Department of Agri- There are 168 authorized on-
culture to implement this. ion-importing companies in the
The Philippines is likely to country. Onions export to the
WITH the FOB prices moving of black gram (FAQ/RC) and while green grams are shipped import 21,000 tonnes of onions in Philippines through the G-to-G
down, black gram and pigeon K4.075 million per tonne of to China and some European December, the Bureau of Plant pact is the only accessible way
peas prices have fallen. pigeon pea (red gram) on 1 countries. and Industry notified on 27 No- for now. — NN/EM
The FOB prices stood at November. The price levels Myanmar exported more
US$1,090-1,370 tonnes for black showed a sustained decrease than 1 million tonnes of pulses,
gram (FAQ/RC) and $1,350- of K2.78 per tonne of black gram with an estimated value of over
1,370 per tonne for pigeon pea and K3.25 per tonne of pigeon $865 million, to foreign trade
on 1 November and plunged to pea on 29 November. partners over the past seven
$980-1,000 tonnes for black gram The prices were down by and a half months of the cur-
(FAQ/RC) and $1,190-1,210 per K114,000 per tonne of black rent 2023-2024 financial year
tonne for pigeon pea on 29 No- gram FAQ and K825,000 per beginning 1 April, as stated in
vember. tonne of pigeon pea within one the Ministry of Commerce’s
The figures indicated a month in the domestic market. statistics. Myanmar’s pulses
sharp drop of $110 per tonne of Black gram, green gram, exports bagged US$1.47 billion
black gram and $160 per tonne and pigeon peas top the list of from over 1.9 million tonnes in
of pigeon pea. pulses exported. Among them, the previous FY 2022-2023, the
The prices touched a high black gram and pigeon peas Ministry of Commerce’s statis- A shopper sorts onions to purchase them at the market in Yangon.
of K2.894 million per tonne are primarily exported to India, tics indicated. — NN/EM

Kampaiti border experiences surge in exports: Tissue-

culture bananas, black sesame, and rubber in abundance
ACCORDING to the Ministry of iron sheets, iron pipes, artifi- es along the Kampaiti-Waing-
Commerce, Myanmar primarily cial grass, apples, tangerines, maw-Myitkyina trade channel,
shipped tissue-culture banan- ceramic tiles and consumer and trucks are regularly seen
as, black sesame and rubber to goods. Imports of 180 tonnes of flowing in and out of the Kam-
neighbouring China through the capital goods worth $0.356 mil- paiti border post.
Kampaiti border. lion, 759 tonnes of intermediate The Kampaiti border aims
Between 1 and 21 Novem- goods worth $0.708 million and to achieve a trade target of $4.5
ber, the Kampaiti border wit- 389 tonnes of consumer goods million in November, comprising
nessed exports of 7,992 tonnes worth $0.418 million were regis- exports worth $3 million and im-
of tissue-culture bananas worth tered then. ports worth $1.5 million. About
US$2.767 million, 50 tonnes of There is no freight forward- $4.386 million worth of trade
black sesame worth $0.078 mil- er service running in the Kam- was conducted at the Kampaiti
lion and 34 tonnes of natural rub- paiti border. Companies trans- border as of 21 November, ac-
ber worth $0.046 million. port with their trucks. There are counting for 97.466 per cent of
Myanmar mostly brought Lorries laden with export cargoes seen on the Sino-Myanmar border. no landslides or road blockag- the trade target. — NN/EM

Take security Exploring the Surprising Link Between

“The illness led to a new word A growing problem purpose. They wanted to make nabis because it’s illegal. This is
- ‘scromiting’ - to describe si- Though still rare, the prev- the familiar medicinal plant sound part of the reason cannabis has so
multaneous screaming and
measures based on
alence of CHS has soared in the like a foreign threat. They also many nicknames. In North Amer-
vomiting.” past decade. For example, one racialized the plant by changing its ica, some of the slang terms for

D Cannabis Overconsumption and

OCTORS are reporting study found that the rate of emer- name — they gave it a new identity Cannabis include:

unity for the future

a rise in people coming gency room admissions in Ontario, by associating it with immigrants Weed
into emergency rooms Canada, increased 13-fold from and people of colour. Pot

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

with stomach pain and unrelent- January 2014 to June 2021. Anslinger was successful in Grass
ing vomiting. They compulsively CHS shows up unpredicta- his mission to portray cannabis Herb
take hot showers. Anti-nausea bly, which makes it even trickier use as disgraceful and shameful. Mary Jane

HE importance of security in the daily lives of individuals medication offers little relief. The to spot. Decades-long marijuana This shameful legacy, known as Ganja
cannot be overstated, as it encompasses a broad spectrum unexpected culprit is Cannabis - users can develop CHS late in life, stigma, still persists today. Trees
that directly influences the well-being of societies. Security, overconsumption can lead to what while some young people are com-
By Min Zan Marijuana and the war on Broccoli
or the lack thereof, plays a pivotal role in forging the rule of law, is known as cannabinoid hyperem- ing down with the condition after a drugs Other slang terms may not
peace, and stability within communities. esis syndrome (CHS). few years of heavy smoking. Anslinger was also the first be good to use because they have
Societies that lack security expose themselves to a range of “Many patients with CHS Mounting research suggests person to use the term “war on complicated histories or negative
threats, including intimidation, bullying, atrocities, abductions, have violent hurling when they one reason for the increase in drugs.” This was a controversial meanings:
kidnapping, illegal detentions, hostilities, and attacks, leading to arrive at the emergency depart- cases may be greater access to movement that President Rich- Dope (also used as a slang
a multitude of dangers. In such scenarios, the society’s failure ment,” says SamTorbati at Ce- marijuana, from vapes to edibles. ard Nixon later supported. Nixon term for more dangerous
to protect its citizens triggers a domino effect that spreads to dars-Sinai Medical Center in Los In Colorado, there was a 29 and his administration used harsh drugs)
neighbouring communities, resulting in widespread collapse and Angeles. per cent increase in vomiting-re- drug laws to target people of col- Reefer (used in 1930s prop-
disarray. They often show up weak and lated emergency room visits in the our as well as those who disagreed aganda)
Consequently, adopting a proactive approach is imperative dehydrated and sometimes lose five years following the legalization with the Vietnam War. Like all slang, the word mar-
for implementing security measures both internally and exter- consciousness, he says. of the drug for recreational use. By the 1990s, studies showed ijuana may also discount people’s
nally. Authorities must engage Cannabis is commonly asso- A similar pattern has played that the war on drugs was mainly meaningful and complex experi-
in widespread psychological ciated with relieving nausea - so out in Alberta, Canada. After mari- a war on Cannabis. From 1990 to ences with the plant. Some con-
Unity emerges as the dissemination of knowledge, much so that chemotherapy pa- juana was legalized in the province 2002, 82 per cent of drug-related ar- sider it to be a sacred medicine or
linchpin for effective enlightening individuals and tients are often prescribed med- in 2018, the rate of CHS-related rests were for Cannabis offences. spiritual tool that should be spoken
groups about the critical ications containing THC (Tet- emergency room visits went from And the vast majority (88%) were of with respect.
security measures. importance of maintaining rahydrocannabinol that is found 15 per 100,000 people to 21 per for cannabis possession. In conclusion, the rise in
A collective, unified security. A comprehensive in Cannabis), the psychoactive 100,000. In 2020, it jumped to 32 The war on drugs has had cases of cannabinoid hyperem-
effort to prioritize understanding of security compound in the plant. But in hu- visits per 100,000 people across devastating effects, mostly for esis syndrome (CHS) serves as
values can pave the way for mans and some other mammals, all age groups. For those aged 16 people of colour. Black and Latino a stark reminder of the complex
security serves as successful societies. high doses of THC can have the to 24, the rate climbed to 600 per people are arrested far more often relationship between Cannabis
the most potent A global examination of opposite effect. 100,000 individuals. for cannabis possession despite overconsumption and unexpected
scenarios reveals that many CHS is a relatively newly de- One reason that CHS is more A cannabis farm in Petrolia, Calif., on 3 August 2022. the fact that rates of cannabis use health consequences. The emer-
response to the countries grapple with daily fined condition, first described in common among young adults may
are similar across all races. As a gence of the term “scromiting”
concerns and worries challenges while attempting a handful of cases in Australia in be because they consume the most result, the US has more people in highlights the severity of the con-
of the populace. Such to restore security for their the early 2000s. There is no blood marijuana. Another factor may be and vomiting,” says Torbati. to refer to products or types of chemical tetrahydrocannabinol 1930s. Anslinger, who remained prison for drugs than any other dition, characterized by simulta-
citizens. Nations that neglect test or scan to determine whether potency. Cannabis available today Long-term, heavy cannabis Cannabis that make you feel high. (THC). THC is well-known for its in office for 30 years, was powerful country, many because of mari- neous screaming and vomiting.
endeavours empower security measures are inevita- someone has the condition, so doc- contains more than ten times as use “can change how our brains But this term has also been used ability to make people feel “high.” and outspoken against Cannabis juana. CHS, though relatively rare, has
societies to triumph bly headed for ruin, as history tors instead look for a combination much THC, on average, as it did regulate nausea and vomiting”, as a tool for racial discrimination. But it’s also responsible for some — which he chose to call mari- Why is Cannabis the preferred seen a significant increase in
over challenges. has demonstrated, with nu- of symptoms, including unrelent- in the 1970s. Doctors can manage says Marieka DeVuono at West- You may think the words Can- of cannabis’ potential medical ben- juana. He used propaganda films term to use? prevalence over the past decade,
merous countries succumbing ing nausea, bouts of vomiting, and some symptoms with medication ern University in Canada. “While nabis and marijuana mean the efits, like pain relief. and movie theatres (a brand-new The word-cannabis is the potentially linked to greater mar-
A comprehensive to the miseries of destruction. stomach pain. The intensity of this and intravenous fluids, but the only much more research is needed to same thing. However, they have In popular culture, the word technology at the time) to spread proper scientific term for the plant. ijuana accessibility and higher
understanding of In the current context, illness has led to the informal ad- “cure” is cutting out Cannabis and understand the link, it seems like- significant cultural, legal, and sci- marijuana generally refers to disinformation about Cannabis. It also doesn’t have historical bag- THC potency. The syndrome’s
Myanmar stands at a cru- vent of a new word - “scromiting” waiting for symptoms to subside, ly that endocannabinoid system entific differences. Marijuana has types of Cannabis that contain In 1937, the word marihua- gage associated with racism and unpredictable onset, ranging from
the value of security
cial juncture, necessitating - describing episodes where people which may take months. impairment is underlying CHS.” a complicated history, so many THC. Most people in the US un- na (or marijuana) became legally the war on drugs. Because of this, long-term users to relatively new
among the populace the prioritization of national are simultaneously vomiting and Rewiring the brain Marijuana users can lower people now prefer Cannabis. derstand this term to mean a plant fixed with the passage of the Mar- experts are advocating that states consumers, poses challenges in
guarantees a future security restoration. Every screaming in pain. “The cause of Some find temporary relief their chance of developing CHS Here’s a bit of background that gets you high. Most laws, state ihuana Tax Act. This federal law should replace the word marijuana diagnosis. As research delves into
individual must be vigilant this syndrome is unknown,” says from creams containing capsaicin, by taking the drug less often and and reasons to choose these words regulations, and history books use defined the plant using the term in their laws and regulations with the underlying mechanisms, the
free from imminent about personal security and Linda Parker at the University of the active ingredient in chilli pep- reaching for less-potent products. carefully. the word marijuana when refer- marijuana and made it essentially the word cannabis. only known “cure” remains the
dangers. contribute to society’s collec- Guelph in Canada, but it seems to pers, applied to the arms and belly. There is some evidence that us- What’s the difference between ring to high-THC Cannabis. To find illegal in all 50 states. The Ameri- However, some Latino com- cessation of Cannabis use. This in-
tive security. The impenetra- be limited to long-term and high- Experts think this warming ing products with cannabidiol Cannabis and marijuana? out why, we need to take a step can Medical Association opposed munities are reclaiming the word triguing connection between Can-
bility of a society with robust dose users - so people won’t come sensation, similar to the effect of (CBD)- the non-intoxicating part In Botany (the science of back in time. the Tax Act. They stated that the marijuana. That’s because it’s only nabis and CHS underscores the
security ensures that its citizens are shielded from the adverse down with this condition after a taking a hot shower, activates a of the plant - could help prevent plants), the term Cannabis is used What’s the history of the term bill was an “obvious” effort to re- associated with racism and other need for careful consideration of
impacts of potential dangers. Collaboration becomes imperative, as single toke. CHS has a series of receptor in the stomach that can THC-induced nausea. What is to refer to a family of plants called marijuana? brand Cannabis and stop people negative things in the US — not in marijuana use, taking into account
individuals must unite to implement foolproof security measures, escalating phases, which can last calm nausea and vomiting. more, I would like to share some Cannabis sativa. These plants pro- By the 1850s, Cannabis was a from using it. Mexico or other Latin American not only its potential benefits but
preventing the occurrence of societal ruins. days to years. A loss of appetite Experts don’t know the exact knowledge about Cannabis and duce unique chemicals known as very popular medicine in the US. Today, the word marijuana countries. Some Cannabis activ- also the evolving understanding of
Unity emerges as the linchpin for effective security measures. builds to the “hyperemetic phase”, mechanisms behind why Cannabis marijuana in order to understand cannabinoids. You could find it over the counter still appears in most laws and ists also suggest that we shouldn’t associated health risks. Further-
A collective, unified effort to prioritize security serves as the most which includes persistent, painful can trigger this illness, but they more for my esteemed readers. Some types of cannabis in drugstores across the country. rules about Cannabis due to the completely erase the use of the more, a deeper appreciation of
potent response to the concerns and worries of the populace. vomiting. This is usually when peo- agree that THC is to blame. The Key takeaways: plants mainly produce cannabidiol The word Cannabis even appeared legal precedent set by the Tax Act. term marijuana. They believe that the historical and cultural context
Such endeavours empower societies to triumph over challenges. ple begin compulsively bathing in compound binds to receptors in Cannabis and marijuana are (CBD). CBD is the active ingredi- in the US Pharmacopeia, a trusted Why is the term marijuana doing so could erase the important surrounding the terms “Cannabis”
A comprehensive understanding of the value of security among hot water, which may offer tempo- the endocannabinoid system, both terms used to refer to the ent in Epidiolex, an FDA-approved reference book for pharmacists. problematic or controversial? history behind it and allow people and “marijuana” encourages a nu-
the populace guarantees a future free from imminent dangers. rary relief by diverting blood flow which regulates sleep, appetite, Cannabis sativa plant. epilepsy medication. These plants In the early 1900s, the Mex- Henry Anslinger was well- to ignore or forget how it’s been anced discourse that acknowledg-
The term ‘security’ holds paramount significance in shaping from the abdomen to the skin or mood, and more. “We currently Cannabis is the scientific term are often referred to as hemp. Peo- ican-Spanish word “marihuana” known for his racist beliefs and used to target certain racial and es the complexities of this widely
the destiny of societies. By implementing proactive security possibly by activating a part of the believe that CHS may result from for a large family of plants. Only ple tend to use CBD products for first appeared in American Eng- remarks. They were documented ethnic groups. used plant.
measures based on unity, societies can fortify themselves against brain called the hypothalamus, chronic overstimulation of endo- some of these plants produce the things like anxiety, stress relief, or lish. Because of Henry Anslinger in many of his public speeches. What about other slang terms
threats and challenges, ensuring a future characterized by peace, which is involved in both temper- cannabinoid receptors in the body, mind-altering compound tetrahy- nerve pain. (the first director of the Federal Anslinger and other cannabis for Cannabis? Reference: New Scientist
stability, and prosperity. ature regulation and appetite, leading to derangements in the drocannabinol (THC). Other types of cannabis plants Bureau of Narcotics), the use of opponents chose the word mari- People often feel a need to be 11 Nov 2023
among other things. body’s intrinsic control of nausea Marijuana is generally used produce more of the mind-altering this word spread throughout the juana (rather than Cannabis) on careful when talking about Can-

Western-backed Media Allegedly Instigating China and
Myanmar in Shan State (North) Conflicts By Myo Khine

INFORMATION Team Lead- gate conflicts will not be militaris- ance was rooted in the wish to and the drug lord and followers Whatever party takes office, it
er of the State Administration tic; they will not be organizations have a new political system. As disappeared. And BCP contin- will be a leader. They use USIP
Council and Deputy Minister for like robbers, and they are in unity, it is connected with societies, ued the opium business. In this for military affairs and military
Information Maj-Gen Zaw Min with attempts to fuel the conflicts. some diversity can be seen. The regard, the BCP ordered subor- propaganda. If they find genuine
Tun said it is necessary to notice It can be seen that they vividly malicious Western media stat- dinate ethnic people to do such facts, they never release them
the organizations and West bloc- interfere in Myanmar’s internal ed it was impossible that those an opium business. When those to the public. They submit the
backed media instigating China affairs. Moreover, they show hints military leaders would not be ethnic people escaped from the report on genuine data to gov-
and Myanmar in northeast con- for more possibilities. It shows aggressive. BCP’s control, they also did so. ernment agencies. They never
flicts of Shan State. that the organizations related to “In Sagaing, a group of PDF They can earn income from opi- mention any data for all, but My-
“We can see the organi- the Western bloc will interfere terrorists had detained a woman um businesses. So, they estab- anmar always posts their data
zations, especially West bloc- more in Myanmar’s internal af- for many months and severally lished armed groups to protect on Facebook pages. I mean, they
backed media, are attempting fairs. So, I would like to note that raped her. When news of such their business. Due to managing release two types. The first one
to instigate occurrences of mis- the ground situations are very a case notoriously spread, they armed groups, they can do more is to submit the true reports to
understanding between China different from their predictions. admitted to taking action against illegal businesses. They bought their government. They have
and Myanmar on conflicts in the Everybody can see it. Disunity offenders, but they did not do so. arms and ammunition and ex- a government parliament and
northeastern part of Shan State happens in the armed groups, And such a group escaped from tended their armed group to do many federal agencies. So, it is
in various ways and means. As they indicate. In the Sagaing Re- the case. Moreover, individuals so. It is like a vicious circle. I do a manual that they have to sub-
such, everybody needs to take gion, these armed groups attack can practically observe the cases want to note everybody knows mit the legal information to the
care of these attempts.” each other. NUG and CRPH de- of unlawfully abducting and kill- that the West bloc and allies turn government. But, when they is-
He noted that Western me- clared that they do not accept ing people and setting fire to the a blind eye to the history and dis- sue any press releases for the
dia are widely spreading their some armed groups. They com- villages where people with differ- tinct shreds of evidence deeply public, these never contain any
propaganda based on research mitted killing and robbing the ent attitudes lived. Moreover, the concerning the conflicts they important facts and data. It is
papers, leading to a worsening of people several times. Turning a original business of MNDAA ter- fuelled. So, I would like to urge their policy. In policy, they do not
the current Myanmar affairs is- blind eye to unlawful acts, they rorists is opium trafficking. There our people and all neighbouring have to mention true data to the
sued by the USIP (United States showed their assessments.” is a lot of distinct evidence in his- countries to notice their steps public. It is the State policy. But,
Institute of Peace) backed up by As Western countries and tory. The history shows where a carefully,” he explained. when the report is translated into
the US government. allies are deeply involved in the Kokang lady who was notorious Reportedly, the paper com- Myanmar, readers can see the
The Information Team Lead- current conflicts, the people of as a drug lord worldwide came piler mentioned that a democra- wrongs as the truths. As such,
er continued, “Primarily, their Myanmar and neighbouring out and what she descended cy activist research team inter- individuals need to know what
reviews and analyses lead to countries need to take care of from. At that time, the Kokang viewed the youths from seven USIP is. If they think misinforma-
worsening the current situation their conspiracies, said Maj-Gen lady drug lord herself arranged states and four regions who tion as true information, it will be
of Myanmar. The important re- Zaw Min Tun. opium aid from the CIA of the joined the democratic activities. toxic,” said a political columnist.
view is that the organizations and The research of USIP men- US. Later, the Burma Commu- “USIP supports the federal
individuals holding arms to insti- tioned that most current resist- nist Party-BCP influenced there, parliament and the government. Translated/TTA

Myanmar participates in Forum on Aligning BRI with

ASEAN Connectivity Master Plan
MYANMAR delegation led by connectivity through improved ing together in enhancing ASE-
Union Minister for Hotels and physical, institutional and peo- AN-China transports, technology
Tourism Dr Thet Thet Khine ple-to-people links. and digital project 2023.
attended a forum on “Enhanc- She highlighted the five stra- Additionally, Myanmar am-
ing Connectivity and Sharing tegic areas prioritized for MPAC bassador to Laos briefed all on
Prosperity: Achievements and 2025: sustainable infrastructure, the opportunities and challenges
Prospects of Aligning BRI with digital innovation, seamless logis- to be encountered in the future,
Master Plan on ASEAN Connec- tics, regulatory excellence, and and the deputy director-general
tivity (MPAC) 2025” hosted by the people mobility. for the Ministry of Investment
ASEAN-China Centre in Vienti- She mentioned ongoing in- and Foreign Economic Relations
ane of Lao People’s Democratic frastructure projects, such as the reported on Myanmar’s invest-
Republic from 26 to 29 November. Myanmar-Laos power intercon- ment-related issues.
On 26 November, the Myan- nection projects, which further On 28 November, the Myan-
mar delegation visited the des- exemplify the commitment to mar delegates visited well-known
Union Minister Dr Thet Thet Khine poses for the documentary group
tinations of Vientiane, including picture at the event in Laos on 26-29 November. connectivity. places in Luang Prabang. The
the Vientiane development zone Then, the deputy foreign delegation arrived back in My-
and joined the welcome dinner. minister explained the imple- anmar at noon on 29 November.
On 27 November, Deputy People’s Political Consultative Economic Community addressed mentation of 15 initiatives under The forum aims to support
Prime Minister and Minister Conference, Union Minister Dr the opening ceremony. five strategic areas of MPAC 2025, the balance between the MPAC
of Foreign Affairs of Laos, Vice Thet Thet Khine, and the ACC In her opening speech, the showing 73.42 per cent progress 2025 and BRI and promote region-
Chairperson of the Nation- Secretary-General and Deputy Union minister emphasized the according to data of August 2023, al connectivity in the post-COV-
al Committee of the Chinese Secretary-General of ASEAN benefits of enhancing ASEAN saying Myanmar will keep work- ID-19 period. — MNA/KTZH


Philippines exceeds foreign tourist arrival target for 2023

The Philippines surpassed its 2023 target with
4,822,530 foreign tourist arrivals, generating 404
billion pesos ($7.296 billion) as of 27 November,
according to Tourism Secretary Christina Garcia-

THE Philippines has exceeded arrivals, accounting for 26.37

its target of 4.8 million foreign per cent of the total, followed
tourist arrivals for 2023, Tour- by the United States (16.53 per
ism Secretary Christina Gar- cent), Japan (5.66 per cent), and
cia-Frasco said Thursday. China (5.02 per cent), Frasco
As of November 27, Frasco said.
said the Southeast Asian coun- Frasco said the tourism
try has welcomed 4,822,530 industry “is the second-high-
international visitor arrivals, est driver of economic growth”,
raking in 404 billion pesos (7.296 as the industry has employed
billion US dollars). Frasco said around 5.35 million Filipinos.
91.88 per cent of the total arriv- As a key economic driver in
als were foreign visitors, while the Philippines, tourism contrib-
8.12 per cent were returning uted 6.2 per cent of the country’s
overseas Filipinos. gross domestic product in 2022,
South Korea remains the with at least 2.65 million inbound Tourists are seen at a resort in Batangas Province, the Philippines, on 18 November 2021. PHOTO:ROUELLE
country’s top source of foreign foreign visitors. — Xinhua UMALI /XINHUA/FILE

Dolly Parton’s crossover rock Newborn babies can perceive

the beat in music, study shows
album tops charts
ACCORDING to new research, remember and process music,’
Dolly Parton’s latest album, “Rockstar,” is her 49th studio newborn babies can detect
beats in music. The research,
said author Henkjan Honing,
professor of Music Cognition
album and is well-received across genres. conducted by a team of sci- at the UvA.
entists from the University of ‘But, in 2009, we found clear
and Taylor Swift. It’s Parton’s Amsterdam and the HUN-REN indications that babies of just a
highest career rank on the Research Centre for Natural few days old have the ability to
chart, and her third foray into Sciences (TTK) in Hungary, hear a regular pulse in music —
the top ten. demonstrates that this ability the beat — a characteristic that
The idea for her 30-track to recognize a beat is not sim- is considered essential for mak-
rock album was born after Par- ply due to newborns’ statistical ing and appreciating music.’
ton was nominated for induc- learning ability, but that beat Because the previous re-
tion into the Rock and Roll Hall perception is a separate cogni- search from Honing and his col-
of Fame in 2022, an honour she tive mechanism that is already leagues had so far remained
tried to decline because she active at birth. The findings unreplicated and they still had
didn’t feel rock enough — but were published in the scholar- many questions, the UvA and
to which she eventually acqui- ly journal Cognition. ‘There is TTK joined forces once again -
esced, entering the ceremony still a lot we don’t know about this time using a new paradigm.
wearing a leather body-con how newborn babies perceive, — ANI
outfit dripping in chains.
Onstage she declared her
intention to record “Rockstar,”
which includes a number of
Dolly Parton, shown here at the 37th Annual Rock and Roll Hall of
features from rock artists in-
Fame Induction Ceremony in 2022. PHOTO: AFP
cluding Sting, John Fogerty,
Stevie Nicks and Joan Jett.
THE United States may be riv- debuted atop both Billboard’s Elton John, Melissa
en by division, but most Ameri- top country and top rock and Etheridge and Debbie Harry
cans of all political persuasions alternative albums charts, a along with Paul McCartney
can agree on Dolly Parton — cross-genre crowd-pleaser and Ringo Starr also appear
including the 77-year-old’s lat- that includes both original mu- on the record.
est album that’s topping charts sic and covers of rock classics. It’s Parton’s first top coun-
across the genres. Parton’s latest opened in try album since 2020, when she
“Rockstar” is the country the third slot of the all-genre released “A Holly Dolly Christ- The ability to recognize beats in music is not solely attributed to newborns’
icon’s 49th studio album, and Billboard 200, behind Drake mas.” — AFP statistical learning but is a separate cognitive function. PHOTO: ANI


SUV sales ‘offset’ carmakers’ electric gains, Greenpeace says

A sharp rise in sales of gas-guz-
zling sport utility vehicles by the
The environmental advocacy group calls for the auto industry ahead with SUV manufactur-
ing, pushing the planet further
world’s three largest carmakers to halt the trend, highlighting the increased carbon footprint not toward climate disaster,” said
has offset any climate gains from only from SUV tailpipe emissions but also from the manufacturing Erin Choi, a Greenpeace activist
the companies’ transition to elec- focused on the East Asia region.
tric vehicles, Greenpeace said process, which involves greater steel consumption. The Greenpeace report said
Wednesday. that SUVs emit approximately
The fleets of SUVs pro- 12 per cent more carbon dioxide
duced by Toyota, Volkswagen, than sedans — but global sales of
and Hyundai-Kia have all posted SUVs have “more than doubled”
sales increases of more than 150 over the past decade.
per cent over the past decade, Volkswagen SUV sales have
meaning the companies are soared by 270.5 per cent over the
moving “in the opposite direc- last 10 years, while Toyota SUV
tion” of global efforts to curb CO2 sales have risen by 158.1 per cent
emissions, the environmental and Hyundai-Kia sales by 152.4
advocacy group said in a new per cent, the group said.
report. Sales of SUVs for the South
Released a day before the Korean automaker, which has
United Nations COP28 climate pledged to use only renewable
summit is set to open in Dubai, electricity by 2045, account for
the analysis dovetails with sep- more than 52 per cent of total
arate research published earlier sales, Greenpeace added.
this month by the Global Fuel Greater CO2 emissions from
Economy Initiative expert al- SUVs stem not just from the tail-
liance, which found the trend pipe exhaust of those on the road
toward bigger SUVs was pre- but also from the “industry-wide
venting motor sector emissions carbon footprint by increased
reductions. steel consumption” due to man-
“The world’s biggest auto- Environmental report shows growth of over 150 per cent in SUV sales offsets climate progress for Toyota, ufacturing bigger and heavier
makers are charging full speed Volkswagen, and Hyundai. PHOTO: GREENPEACE vehicles, the report said. — AFP

OECD trims global UAE to pump CO2 into rock as

growth forecast, warns of carbon capture debate rages
conflict risk
The process involves dissolving CO2 in seawater and injecting it
underground to mineralize over months. This technology is part
of efforts to reduce planet-heating emissions while still relying
on fossil fuels, sparking controversy.

HIGH in remote mountains in

the oil-rich United Arab Emir-
ates, a new plant will soon take
atmospheric CO2 and pump it
into rock — part of controversial
attempts to target planet-heat-
ing emissions without abandon-
Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on 15 ing fossil fuels.
November 2023 in New York City. PHOTO: SPENCER PLATT/AFP Using novel technology
developed by Omani start-up
THE world economy is likely cent, down from the 3.0 per cent 44.01, the solar-powered plant
headed for a soft landing next it forecast in September. will suck carbon dioxide from
year, the OECD said Wednes- The grouping of developed the air, dissolve it in seawater The ADNOC carbon capture facility in Fujairah in the UAE. PHOTO:
day as it pared back its growth industrialised countries said it and inject it deep underground, KARIM SAHIB / AFP
forecast, but warned the Isra- sees global growth slowing to 2.7 where it will mineralise over a
el-Hamas conflict could throw per cent next year, unchanged period of months. The new site The first CO2 injection is this volume of rocks here in the
a spanner in the works. from its previous forecast, which on the Gulf of Oman is funded by expected during COP28 which UAE has the potential to store
In its latest economic out- the OECD noted would be the state oil giant ADNOC, whose starts on Thursday in nearby gigatons of CO2,” ADNOC’s
look, the Organization for Eco- lowest annual rate since the CEO Sultan Al Jaber is presi- Dubai, and where the debate chief technology officer Sophie
nomic Co-operation and Devel- global financial crisis, aside from dent of the UN’s COP28 climate over hydrocarbons will be a key Hildebrand told AFP during a
opment trimmed its forecast for the first year of the Covid-19 pan- talks and chairman of Masdar, battle between campaigners tour of the facility this week.
global growth this year to 2.9 per demic. — AFP a renewable energies company. and the oil lobby. “We believe — AFP


Honda to invest $3.4 bln on electric Musk’s latest gamble:

two-wheelers this decade Tesla Cybertruck set
for debut
The world’s largest two-wheeler manufacturer plans to
introduce 30 new electric models by 2030, with a 50% FOUR years after star- gish demand for electric
tling the car world with de- vehicles. Tesla itself has
reduction in the current cost of electric motorcycles. signs for the Cybertruck, undertaken numerous
Elon Musk is set Thurs- price cuts, even as its
day to mark the arrival of share price has stayed
JAPANESE auto giant tion of its motorcycles, Tesla’s iconoclastic take lofty.
Honda said it plans to in- Honda is investing 100 on the American pickup. “This is an important
vest 500 billion yen ($3.4 billion yen over the five- Musk has scheduled launch for Musk and the
billion) in production of year period from 2021 to an event at Tesla’s Aus- Tesla brand,” said Wed-
electric motorcycles and 2025, and will invest an tin headquarters to mark bush Securities analyst
mopeds this decade. additional 400 billion yen the first deliveries to cus- Daniel Ives in an email
The firm, the over the five-year period tomers of the Cybertruck, to AFP. The omnipres-
world’s biggest makers from 2026 to 2030,” Hon- whose design to some has ent Musk has faced even
of two-wheelers, also da said in a statement on evoked a futuristic, some- more scrutiny than usual
said it plans to launch Wednesday. times dystopian future following criticism that
30 new electric models It also hiked its glob- akin to “Blade Runner” the billionaire entrepre-
by 2030 and to reduce al annual sales target for or “Mad Max”. neur and his social me-
“For the electrification of its motorcycles, Honda is
the current cost of elec- 2030 to four million units, The belated debut dia platform X, formerly
investing 100 billion yen over the five-year period from
2021 to 2025, and will invest an additional 400 billion yen tric motorcycles by 50 up from its previous goal comes as other automak- Twitter, have promoted a
over the five-year period from 2026 to 2030,” Honda said. per cent. of 3.5 million announced ers have delayed capital growing wave of anti-Sem-
PHOTO: HONDA “For the electrifica- last year. — AFP investments due to slug- itism. — AFP

UK’s RMT union members accept pay deal to CLAIMS DAY NOTICE
end long-running rail strikes M.V IAL 001 VOY.NO. (W166)

Consignees of cargo carried on M.V IAL 001 VOY.

NO. (W166) are hereby notified that the vessel will be
THE RMT rail union on ers, has yet to come to weekend. resolving industrial dis- arriving on 1-12-2023 and cargo will be discharged into
Thursday said its mem- an agreement. Transport minister putes on the railway”. the premises of AWPT where it will lie at the consignee’s
bers have voted in favour A new series of roll- Mark Harper called the He also urged Aslef risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and
of a pay deal to end more ing strikes across the agreement “welcome to “follow the RMT’s lead conditions of the Port of Yangon.
than a year of walkouts country are scheduled news for passengers and and give their members Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
on the UK’s strike- to go ahead from this a significant step towards a say”.
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
plagued rail network. The RMT agreement from the Vessel.
General Secretary includes a backdated No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
Mick Lynch said mem- 2022 pay rise for staff and the Claims Day.
bers had spoken “in huge job security guarantees. Phone No: 2301185
Shipping Agency Department
numbers”, and that the The union has been
Myanma Port Authority
final deal justified the in dispute with 14 train Agent For:
long-running industrial operating companies
action. over salary and work- M/S INTER ASIA LINES
While the Rail, Mar- ing conditions such as
itime and Transport overtime.
(RMT), which repre- Repeated strikes by
sents various types of rail rail staff have caused
workers, has accepted The repeated stikes by rail staff have been mirrored across widespread cancellation
a deal, the Aslef union, the public and private sectors in Britain. PHOTO: AFP/ of services and misery
which represents driv- FILE for travellers. — AFP

Ikea net profit surges in 2023 as sales rise

SWEDISH furniture gi- Ingka’s net prof- Ingka called it a Operating profit was
ant Ikea saw a five-fold it was 1.5 billion euros “good performance”, de- stable, while Ingka’s
increase in net profit for ($1.64 billion) for the spite the fact that “eco- sales rose by 5.4 per cent
its full-year 2023 which year, up from 300 mil- nomic instability, geopo- to 44.3 billion euros.
ended in August, boost- lion euros in 2022 when litical volatility, and the Ingka accounts for
ed by rising sales, Ingka earnings were hit by its continued after-effects more than 90 per cent
Group which owns most pullout from the Russian of the pandemic made of Ikea’s sales, which to-
Ikea franchises said market over the war in for challenging moments talled 47.6 billion euros in
Wednesday. Ukraine. in 2023.” 2023. — AFP

Russia’s Lavrov arrives in North Macedonia Former US
Secretary of State
for OSCE Foreign Minister’s Meeting Henry Kissinger
Spokeswoman Zakharova stated Lavrov’s participation in bilateral and OSCE meet- dies at 100
ings at the summit. She also highlighted Moscow’s concerns about Western at- FORMER US Secretary of State Hen-
tempts to hinder Russia’s council involvement. ry Kissinger died on Wednesday at
home in Connecticut at the age of
100, Kissinger Associates, Inc said
RUSSIAN Foreign Minister in a statement. As Secretary of State
Sergey Lavrov has arrived under presidents Nixon and Ford, Dr
in North Macedonia’s capi- Kissinger “played central roles in the
tal, Skopje, to participate in opening to China, negotiating the
the 30th Ministerial Council of end of the Yom Kippur War in the
the Organization for Security Middle East, and helping to bring
and Co-operation in Europe America’s role in the Viet Nam War
(OSCE), scheduled to be held to a close,” said the statement. Dr
from Thursday-Friday, a Sput- Kissinger has written 21 books on
nik correspondent reported. national security matters, it said.
Russian Foreign Ministry “Considered one of America’s great
spokeswoman Maria Zakharova statesmen, Dr Kissinger was regular-
said Lavrov is expected to hold ly consulted by American presidents
a number of bilateral meetings of both political parties and scores
on the sidelines of the summit of foreign leaders after he finished
along with participation in the government service in 1977.”
OSCE multilateral meetings. Fifty-two years ago when Chi-
At the same time, Zakharova na and the United States were at a
said Moscow was recording crucial inflection point, Chairman
OSCE foreign ministers and other officials are gathering in Skopje, North Macedonia, Thursday and Friday.
attempts by some countries of PHOTO: SCANPIX/SAUL LOEB/AFP Mao Zedong, Premier Zhou Enlai,
the West to interfere with Rus- President Richard Nixon and Dr.
sia’s normal participation in the ation in Ukraine on 24 February ber in the Polish city of Lodz it believed it was necessary to Kissinger, made the right decision
council. 2022. when Poland, as a then-chair- “absolutely isolate” Russia in for China-US cooperation and
It is Lavrov’s first visit to Lavrov did not participate ing country of the OSCE, did the international arena amid its launched the process of normal-
Europe since the beginning of in a meeting of the OSCE Min- not allow Lavrov to take part military operation in Ukraine. izing the China-US relationship.
Russia’s special military oper- isterial Council last Decem- in the meeting as Warsaw said — SPUTNIK — Xinhua

Kenya speaker gives lawmakers Hamas announces

a dressing down on attire extension of
humanitarian pause
THE speaker of Kenya’s par- tailored formal suits but the According to the Speaker’s
liament has cracked down on
what he described as inap-
Kaunda outfit is now frequently
his garment of choice — and he
Rules, “a proper dress for men
means a coat, collar, tie, long-
with Israel on Thursday
propriate attire worn by MPs, wore them during the visit by sleeved shirt, long trousers,
even banning traditional Afri- King Charles III that wrapped socks and shoes or service PALESTINIAN movement Ha- of releasing the hostages and
can dress and safari-style suits up earlier this month. uniform”. — AFP mas announced on Thursday subject to the terms of the
favoured by President William the extension of the humani- framework, the operational
Ruto. tarian pause in the Gaza Strip pause will continue,” the IDF
Moses Wentang’ula told with Israel. said on Telegram.
lawmakers on Tuesday they “A n a g r e e m e n t w a s On Monday, Qatar an-
must abide by the assembly’s reached to extend the truce for nounced that an agreement had
sartorial rules, lashing out at the seventh day — Thursday,” been reached between Israel
“emerging fashion trends that Hamas said in a statement. and Hamas on a two-day exten-
now threaten the established The Israel Defence Forc- sion of the humanitarian truce
parliamentary dress code”. es (IDF) announced early on in the Gaza Strip on the same
He said the so-called Kau- Thursday that the humani- terms as the previous one.
nda suit made popular by late tarian pause with Palestinian Last week, Qatar mediat-
Zambian president Kenneth movement Hamas, which was ed a deal between Israel and
Kaunda, a safari-style outfit about to expire, will continue Hamas on a four-day truce and
sometimes with a collarless in light of efforts to continue the exchange of some of the
jacket, was prohibited, along the release of hostages in the prisoners and hostages, as well
with “traditional and cultural Kenyan President William Ruto wears a safari-style suit as he bade Gaza Strip. as the delivery of humanitari-
attire”. farewell to King Charles III and his wife Queen Camilla earlier this month. “In light of the mediators’ an aid into the Gaza Strip. —
Ruto often wears sharply PHOTO: POOL/AFP/FILE efforts to continue the process SPUTNIK

Man Utd on brink of Champions League OBITUARY

exit, Arsenal and PSV into last 16 Special Condolence Message

Teacher Maureen Lal (age 86 years)
one back with a free-kick, M.E.H.S. (SHS 1 Dagon)
only for Scott McTominay Teacher Maureen Lal not only taught us English
to restore the visitors’ but was also our class teacher at Methodist English High
two-goal advantage early School. So, there was a more closer relationship between
in the second half. her and the students. She attended the annual MEOSA
Yet Galatasaray were Reunions and she even requested for a gathering with
her students. She contributed and supported to all welfare
again given hope when
activities a concerning her old students. On 24th Nov 2023
another Ziyech free-kick
we heard the sorrowful news of the passing away of our
was fumbled into the net dear teacher. We share our deepest sympathy with the
by United goalkeeper An- bereaved family for the demise and pray for her soul to
dre Onana, and the hosts rest in heavenly peace.
equalized thanks to a bril-
M.E.H.S.’ 68 Batch
liant 71st-minute strike by Old Students
Kerem Akturkoglu.
United have now con-
ceded 14 goals in five Eu-
ropean matches and this

Galatasaray and Manchester United played out a thrilling 3-3 draw that leaves the English
result, combined with FC
Copenhagen’s 0-0 draw
QR codes, shut metros:
side on the verge of going out of the Champions League. PHOTO: AFP
away to already-qualified
Bayern Munich, leaves
Police outline Paris
are facing elimination
cured qualification for the
last 16. Three-time Euro-
their hands.
Erik ten Hag’s side
the Premier League side
bottom of Group A with
Olympics security
from the Champions pean champions United appeared in control when one game remaining.
League in the group stage needed a win in Turkiye, Alejandro Garnacho’s In order to go through Laurent Nunez stated that residents
after squandering a two- against opponents who early opener was followed they must now beat Bay- near Olympic venues must apply for
goal lead to draw 3-3 with beat them at Old Traf- by a stunning strike by ern at home next month
Galatasaray in Istanbul on ford last month, in order Bruno Fernandes on 18 and hope Copenhagen a QR code to bypass police barriers.
Wednesday, while Arsenal to keep qualification for minutes. and Galatasaray draw.
and PSV Eindhoven se- the knockout rounds in Hakim Ziyech pulled — AFP

Schoolgirl leads women’s Australian

Open as Davis sets men’s pace
A 16-year-old amateur player Patrick Rodgers. Golf Club is the main ven- third in the men’s tour-
schoolgirl stole the show The mixed Austral- ue across all four days, nament on seven-under.
and a share of the lead ian Open involves men with the nearby Lakes “I know this place Some politicians are unhappy with tight security at the
at the Australian Open and women teeing off in Golf Club co-hosting play well, so I felt like I had Paris Olympics. PHOTO: AFP
on Thursday, while in the alternating groups on the for the first two rounds. plenty of good memories
men’s event Cameron same courses. Australian Hayden in the bank to go out there THE Paris police chief has or even houseboat.
Davis was a stroke ahead The Jack Nick- Hopewell and Scotland’s and play the course with,” outlined drastic security “People entering a
after a flawless nine-un- laus-designed Australian Connor Syme were tied said 2017 winner Davis of measures for next year’s perimeter must be able to
der-par 63. the Lakes Golf Club. summer Olympics, spark- provide a valid reason for
Australian teenager Australia’s Min Woo ing an outcry from politi- being there,” Nunez said.
Rachel Lee was a shock Lee, who won the Austral- cians Wednesday who said He said motorized
joint leader, upstaging ian PGA Championship they were an attack on civic traffic would be severely
major winners Shin Ji-yai, in Brisbane last week, freedoms. restricted for the duration
Minjee Lee and Hannah continued his stellar form Laurent Nunez told Le of the Games.
Green. with a bogey-free 67 as he Parisien newspaper in an Special rules will ap-
The qualifier fired chases a fourth DP World interview for Wednesday’s ply during the opening
a six-under-par 67 to ac- Tour title. issue that residents living ceremony on 26 July, when
company South Korea’s “I felt like I left a cou- near Olympic venues would high-security, or “red”,
Jenny Shin at the top of ple out there at the end, need to apply for a QR code perimeters will be “very
the leaderboard. but bogey-free, solid,” said allowing them to pass po- large”, Nunez said. “The
Former champion Lee, who has reached a lice barriers. only people getting through
Davis sunk seven bird- career high 38 in the world People living in the re- will be people with a valid
ies and an eagle in front rankings. stricted areas would also reason, in other words peo-
of big crowds at the DP Japan’s Rikuya Ho- have to register any visitors ple going to their hotel, or
World Tour event in Syd- shino, who came second who might want to watch their home, or people with
ney to put the Australian Cameron Davis shot a nine-under-par 63 to lead the in Brisbane, carded 68. the action from their bal- a ticket for the ceremony,”
one clear of US PGA Tour Australian Open. PHOTO: AFP — AFP cony, window or rooftops, he said.— AFP

Former US Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger dies
at 100

Trebling renewable energy by

2030 ‘ambitious but doable’
To achieve global carbon neutrality by mid-century, credible plans
Thailand’s former prime minister Prayut Chan- emphasize a substantial increase in renewable energies like wind, solar,
hydroelectric, and biomass.
ex-PM Prayut
appointed privy
council member
THAILAND’S former prime minister
Prayut Chan-o-Cha has been appointed to
the Privy Council, a small body of advisors
to the powerful King Maha Vajiralongkorn,
the Royal Gazette announced Wednesday.
The former general, a long-running
fixture in Thai politics, took power in a
2014 coup but lost the 2023 election after
heading up the United Thai Nation (UTN)
“Using the power of the Kingdom of
Thailand’s Constitution…, the King has
appointed Prayut Chan-o-cha as a mem-
ber of the Privy Council, effectively from
now,” the gazette said late Wednesday.
The notice added that the king had Transmission lines climb above the hills of Bangui Bay to deliver electricity generated by windmills in Bangui Bay, Ilocos Norte,
decided to “appoint more members of the
privy council.”

Prayut’s UTN — which he joined OST United Arab Emirates Why trebling renewable energy? has helped push renewables back to cen-
to lead only weeks before the elections wants nearly 200 nations attend- In September, the G20 –- accounting tre stage. “We were too busy worrying
— failed to gain traction with voters in ing the COP28 climate summit for 80 per cent of global greenhouse gas about hydrogen and carbon capture,” he
May’s national polls, coming in a distant starting Thursday to commit to trebling emissions -– broke new ground in endors- told AFP. “Those technologies are going
fifth place behind opposition parties Move installed renewable energy capacity ing the goal of trebling renewable energy to help solve the problem, but they are
Forward and Pheu Thai. worldwide by 2030, a goal experts say is capacity by the end of the decade. not going to be the driving force behind
He announced his resignation from “ambitious but achievable”. The club of major economies re- the solution.”
politics in July, but urged party members If the UN forum sets that target in mained silent, however, on the need to All credible pathways for achieving
to protect “the institutions of nation, re- stone, it could become a key marker of reduce fossil fuel use, which will also be global carbon neutrality by mid-century
ligion, and monarchy” — a reference to COP28’s success, especially if coupled on the table during the two-week meeting depend on massively scaling up wind,
the previously untouchable three pillars with a pledge to drawn down fossil fuel in Dubai. For Dave Jones, an expert with solar, hydroelectric and other renewable
of Thai society. — AFP use. think tank Ember, the G20’s statement energies, such as biomass. — AFP


Singapore mulls artificial islands for coastal defence

SINGAPORE has said it is considering will start in 2024 and take five years to for homes, parks and industry, Lee said. next 100 years.
building artificial islands off its east coast finish, National Development Minister Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong Singapore’s land-use planning agen-
to protect low-lying areas against rising sea Desmond Lee said Tuesday. warned in 2019 that rising sea levels cy, the Urban Redevelopment Authority
levels caused by climate change. Land reclaimed for the project could posed a “grave threat” to Singapore, and (URA), has asked for public feedback on the
Engineering and environmental im- span 800 hectares (1,980 acres), giving the coastal defences could cost around Sg$100 project, which could take several decades
pact studies for the “Long Island” project densely populated city-state more space billion ($75 billion) or more over the to develop. — AFP

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