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% Richard Boeri Decal's CV. % (c) 2002 Matthew Boedicker <> (original author) http://mb oedick.

org % (c) 2003-2007 David J. Grant <> http://www.davidgrant.c a % (c) 2008 Nathaniel Johnston <> http://www.natha % (c) 2011 Richard Decal <> al % credit to Todd C. Miller <> todd for the grey boxes % %This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Shar e Alike 2.5 License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommon or send a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard St reet, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. \documentclass[letterpaper,11pt]{article} \usepackage[empty]{geometry} \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} \usepackage[svgnames]{xcolor} %\newlength{\outerbordwidth} \raggedbottom %\raggedright \usepackage{framed} \usepackage{tocloft} \usepackage{multicol} % for the multiple column'd list \definecolor{mygrey}{gray}{0.95} %----------------------------------------------------------%Margin setup \setlength{\evensidemargin}{-0.25in} \setlength{\headheight}{0in} \setlength{\headsep}{0in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-0.25in} \setlength{\paperheight}{11in} \setlength{\paperwidth}{8.5in} \setlength{\tabcolsep}{0in} \setlength{\textheight}{9.5in} \setlength{\textwidth}{7in} \setlength{\topmargin}{-0.3in} \setlength{\topskip}{0in} %\setlength{\voffset}{0.1in} \setlength{\parindent}{0in} \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt} \usepackage{setspace} \setstretch{0.9} \halfspacing \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} \cfoot{\bfseries \thepage} % except the center \rfoot{Decal CV} \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt} %-----------------------------------------------------------

%Custom commands \newcommand{\resheading}[1]{{\vspace*{.05in} \colorbox{mygrey}{\begin{minipage}{ \textwidth}{\textsf{ \textbf{#1 \vphantom{p\^{E}}}}}\end{minipage}}} } \newcommand{\ressubheading}[4]{ \textbf{#1} \hfill #2\\ \textit{#3} \hfill \textit{#4}\\} \renewcommand*\descriptionlabel[1]{\hspace\labelsep\normalfont #1}%unbold de scription env %----------------------------------------------------------\begin{document} \begin{tabular*}{7in}{l@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r} \textbf{\Large Richard Boeri Decal} & \textbf{Oct 17, 2011} \\ Molecular Biologist & \\ 6390 Blvd.\ of Champions, North Lauderdale, FL 33068 & decal \\ \end{tabular*} \\ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \resheading{Education} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ressubheading{New College of Florida}{Sarasota, FL}{B.A., Chemistry/Biology (Honors)}{Aug. 2007 - May 2011} Thesis: ``Ebbs and Glows: Quantifying Small RNA Concentrations in \textit{C. elegans}''\\ \ressubheading{Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College}{Jupiter, FL}{\textnormal{Ea rly admission in lieu of a high school senior year}}{Sep. 2006 - May 2007} %Cullinary School %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \resheading{Academic Projects} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ressubheading{Honors Thesis and Baccalaureate Defense}{Sarasota, FL}{New Co llege of Florida}{Aug. 2010 - May 2011} A capstone research project conducted in Dr.\ Katherine Walstrom's lab. My thesis proposes a model for RNA Helicase A function in endogenous \emph{C. elega ns} RNAi pathways. My baccalaureate exam was administered by a committee of facu lty and consisted of a thesis defense followed by a comprehensive oral exam cove ring all courses I took at New College.\\ \ressubheading{Tutorials}{Sarasota, FL}{New College of Florida}{Aug. 2007 May 2011} I created classes using New College's tutorial system, in which students are able to design courses in collaboration with faculty. Highlights: ``Wikipedia: Community, Technology, Society", ``Quantitative RT-PCR", ``Arduino Programming", ``Invasive Species", and ``Organic Synthesis".\\ \ressubheading{Genomics Outreach for Minorities Project (NSF-REU)}{Seattle, WA}{University of Washington}{May 2010 - Aug. 2010} A 12-week project conducted in Dr.\ Leo Pallanck's lab. I established a meth

od to grow, stain, and image primary dopaminergic neural culture from \textit{Dr osophila} embryos. I tested a hypothesis that Parkin and PINK1, proteins involve d in Parkinson's disease, are recruited to depolarized mitochondria in dopaminer gic neurons.\\ \ressubheading{Summer Undergraduate Research Program (NSF-REU)}{Pittsburgh, PA}{Carnegie Mellon University}{May 2009 - Aug. 2009} A 10-week project conducted in Dr.\ Brooke McCartney's lab. I determined tha t APC2, a protein with probable roles in colon cancer tumorogenesis, did not int eract with $\beta$-catenin of the Wnt destruction complex. I determined that a c onserved APC2 N-terminal domain was not essential for its proper localization.\\ \ressubheading{Independent Study Project}{Sarasota, FL}{New College of Flori da}{Jan. 2009} A 4-week project conducted under the direction of Dr.\ Necmettin Yildirim. U sing MATLAB, we modelled biological and chemical systems, particularly oscillati ng kinetic systems such as the Brusselator.\\ % I presented my work in a seminar entitled, ``Modelling the Dynamics of Life".\\ \ressubheading{Organic Lab Research Tutorial}{Sarasota, FL}{New College of F lorida}{Sep. 2008 - Nov. 2009} A continuation of New College graduate Dan Kaplan's thesis research conducte d in Dr.\ Paul Scudder's lab. I partially synthesized precursors to a novel high -valent iron-stabilizing macrocycle based on the active site of cytochrome P450. \\% My work was summarized in a paper entitled, ``Towards Synthesis of a Cytochr ome P450 Mimic".\\ \ressubheading{Independent Study Project}{Sarasota, FL}{New College of Flori da}{Jan. 2008} A 4-week project under the sponsorship of Dr.\ Elzie McCord. I reviewed chro matographic theory and learned how to operate gas and high-pressure liquid chrom atographs. I researched and isolated triclosan, a ubiquitous bactericide and sus pect carcinogen.\\ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \resheading{Publications} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\textbf{Academic} Decal RB. ``Ebbs and Glows: Quantifying Small RNA Concentrations in \tex tit{C. elegans}". Honors thesis, New College of Florida. May 2011. 108 pages.\\ \textit{(in preparation)} Decal RB, Marazzi M. ``Wikipedia: Technology, So ciety". New College Academic Journal.\\ %\textbf{Selected Blog Entries} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \resheading{Presentations} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %(Accepted and Forthcoming) Decal RB, Burman JB, Pallanck L. ``Is Parkin Recruited to Damaged Mitochondr ia in Dopaminergic Neurons?" Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Amer icans in Science. Anaheim, CA. September 2010. Poster.\\ Decal RB, McCartney BM. ``APC2 Does Not Interact with in the $\beta$-Catenin Destruction Complex". Annual Sigma Xi Conference. The Woodlands, TX. November 2 009. Poster.\\

Decal RB, McCartney BM. ``APC2 Does Not Interact with in the $\beta$-Catenin Destruction Complex". Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minorities. Pho enix, AZ. November 2009. Poster.\\ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \resheading{Teaching} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ressubheading{Upward Bound}{Seattle, WA}{University of Washington}{July 201 0} Outreach program to educate high school students with low socioeconomic stat us. I presented a lecture on genetics and Parkinson's disease and performed hand s-on demonstrations.\\ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \resheading{Awards, Grants \& Honors} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ressubheading{Florida ``First Generation" Scholar {\normalfont(two-time rec ipient)}}{}{New College of Florida}{Aug. 2009 - May 2011} Scholarship for minority students who are the first of their family to pursu e higher education.\\ \ressubheading{Florida ``Bright Futures" Scholar}{}{New College of Florida}{ Aug. 2007 - May 2011} State merit-based scholarship based on high school performance. Full tuition . \\ \ressubheading{Four Winds Silver Scholar}{}{New College of Florida}{Aug. 200 7 - May 2011}\ Merit-based scholarship.\\ \ressubheading{Student Recognition Award {\normalfont(two-time recipient)} }{} {New College of Florida} {Apr. 2011}\ \ressubheading{Student Research Grant}{}{Dubois-Felsmann Research Endowment} {Nov. 2010}\ Grant for honors thesis research. \$400.\\ \ressubheading{Student Travel Grant}{}{Dubois-Felsmann Research Endowment}{S ep. 2009}\ Grant to present my REU research. \$400.\\ \ressubheading{ABRCMS Travel Award}{}{American Society for Microbiology}{Aug . 2009}\ Grant to present my REU research. \$800.\\ \ressubheading{Honors Scholarship}{}{Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College}{Sep. 2006 - May 2007}\ Merit-based scholarship.\\ \ressubheading{AP Scholar Award}{}{J.P. Taravella High}{Apr. 2006}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \resheading{Skills} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\textbf{Biology}\vspace*{-15pt} \begin{multicols}{2} \begin{itemize} \item Standard biochemical and molecular biology assays \item \textit{C. elegans}, \textit{D. melanogaster}, \textit{E. coli}, a nd primary neural culture systems \item UV-Vis, FT-IR, NMR, and mass spectroscopy \item Protein, RNA, DNA, and organelle purification \item Tissue fixation, immunohistochemistry, and LR White embedding \item Exclusion, ion exchange, affinity, gas, thin-layer, and high-press ure liquid chromatography \item Confocal, fluorescence, light, and phase contrast microscopy \item PCR, RT-qPCR, shotgun and Sanger sequencing, and BLAST \item Marine field collecting \item Organic synthesis \end{itemize} \end{multicols} \textbf{Computer} \begin{description}\setlength{\itemsep}{0mm} \item[Operating Systems] - Proficient: MS Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, Linux, and Android. \item[Software] - Proficient: office suites, image manipulation and anal ysis software, and other common productivity packages. Novice: PyMol. \item[Programming] - Fluent: Bash and \LaTeX. Novice: Python, MySQL, Num Py, MATLAB, and Arduino.% sequence alignment. \end{description} \textbf{Other} \begin{description}\setlength{\itemsep}{0mm} \item[Personal] - Well-rounded and dedicated. Fluent in English and Span ish.%professional cullinary training. \item[Patents] - \textit{(in progress)} Patent Agent \end{description} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \resheading{Activism} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \textbf{2006--Present} I am passionate about the open source philosophy and free culture. I contribute to Wikipedia Commons, Linux, and BOINC.\\ \textbf{2008} Full-time volunteer for Common Ground Relief, a non-profit org anization dedicated to provide relief to the Lower Ninth Ward, a neighbourhood i n New Orleans devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Helped reclaim wetlands, establis hed a community garden, and helped construct a house for the ``NOLA100" Americor ps project.\\ \textbf{2006--2007} Part-time volunteer for North Ridge Medical Center in Oa kland Park, FL. Transported patients, manned the front desk, routed calls, and other assistance. \\ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \resheading{Interests} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \textbf{Academic:} Bioengineering, molecular biology, neuroscience.\\ \textbf{Personal:} Cooking, juggling, travelling, piano, LEDs, Arduino progr amming, P2P, scuba diving.

\end{document} % FUTURE SECTIONS//GRAVEYARD %Trainees %Editorial Responsibilities %Patents %%-------Coursework %\section{Relevant Coursework} %\vspace{-20pt} %space fix %\begin{multicols}{2} %\begin{my_itemize} %\item Biochemistry I \& II with Lab %\item Genetics with Lab %%\item Classical Genetics Techniques Laboratory %% \item Fundamentals of Applied Genetics %\item Cell Biology with Lab %\item Organic Chemistry I \& II with Labs %\item Inorganic \& Bioinorganic Chemistry %\item Thermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems %\& Lab %\item Organismic Biology %\item Ordinary Differential Equations %\item Calculus with Theory % \& ODE %\end{my_itemize} %\end{multicols} %\vspace{-12pt}%space fix

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