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1. On August 12th, the Trump Administration issued crucial changes to the Endangered Species
Act, which — if implemented next month — will affect both people and wildlife. Critics of the new
measures, announced by the Fish and Wildlife Service, say the changes weaken protections for many
species, and potentially open up huge areas of land for oil development, even as carbon dioxide
emissions continue to heat the planet.
26. The new changes are criticized by the Fish and Wildlife Service in that they _________.

[A] will weaken the government’s authority

[B] will run counter to conservation policies

[C] may pose potential threat to the wildlife

[D] may affect lands reserved for oil development

2. The Endangered Species Act was created in 1973 under President Nixon with bipartisan
support to help conserve wildlife at risk of extinction because of human activity. Since then, it’s been
credited with preventing the eradication of 99 percent of the 1,650 species it has guarded. The latest
changes to the law place many species’ survival at risk, conservationists contend. “The law is
extremely successful and has helped in the recovery of species like the bald eagle over the last 40
years. And so we should allow it to work instead of crippling it,” Kirin Kennedy, deputy legislative
director for public lands and wildlife protection at Sierra Club, told The Verge.
27. The original purpose for passing the Endangered Species Act is to _________.

[A] enhance wildlife conservation

[B] review appeals for animal protection

[C] win support of the public

[D] gain credits for the government

28. The word “crippling” (Para. 2) is closest in meaning to __________.

[A] overcoming

[B] maintaining

[C] weakening

[D] mocking
3. The changes make it harder to argue that climate change poses a risk to a species’ survival,
which is particularly alarming given a recent United Nations report that found that up to a million
species face extinction thanks to human activity including burning fossil fuels. Another change
weakens protections for species listed as threatened — the step below endangered — in the future.
Currently, all threatened species have most of the same protections as endangered species under the
law. But soon, protections for each threatened species listed in the future could instead be assessed
on a case-by-case basis.
29. The report issued by the United Nations is cited to show that _________.

[A] the impact of climate change on species is limited

[B] human activity has caused harm to a great number of species

[C] the threatened species should be labelled as endangered species

[D] protection of the threatened species should be assessed individually

4. But there are also ramifications for humans and the planet if the Endangered Species Act is
weakened. By making it easier to kick species off the list of officially endangered and threatened
wildlife, land that was once off limits is likely to become fair game for digging up more fossil fuels
that contribute to pollution and climate change.

30. It can be inferred from the last Paragraph that revision of the Endangered Species Act would

lead to _________.

[A] easy identification of the threatened species

[B] exploration of the unlimited fossil fuels

[C] serious consequences faced by the mankind

[D] alternative ways to preserve the planet

1. 8 月 12 日,特朗普政府发布了对《濒危物种法》的关键修改,该法案如果下个月实施,
2.《濒危物种法》于 1973 年由尼克松总统在两党支持下制定,旨在帮助保护因人类活动而
面临灭绝风险的野生动物。从那时起,它被认为阻止了 1650 种物种中 99%的物种被根除。环
物保护的副立法主任 Kirin Kennedy 告诉 The Verge:“这项法律非常成功,在过去 40 年里帮助
份报告发现,由于包括燃烧化石燃料在内的人类活动,多达 100 万个物种面临灭绝,这一点尤

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