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Scuola di Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Elettrica



Relatore Prof. Ing. Brenna Morris

Correlatore Ing. Cambiè Fabio

Tesi di Laurea Magistrale di:

Ervis Sheqi
Matricola: 777038

Anno Accademico 2014-2015


Table of Contents
1   ABSTRACT   9  




4.1   INTRODUCTION   17  
4.3   HISTORY  OF  HIGHT  SPEED   19  
4.5   EUROPE   24  
4.5.1   FRANCE   26  
4.5.2   GERMANY   26  
4.5.3   ITALY   27  
4.5.4   SPAIN   28  
4.5.5   UNITED  KINGDOM   29  
4.5.6   TURKEY   30  
4.6   AMERICA   31  
4.6.1   USA   31  
4.7   ASIA   32  
4.7.1   CHINA   32  
4.7.2   JAPAN   33  
4.7.3   TAIWAN   34  
4.7.4   SOUT  KOREA   34  
4.7.5   RUSSIA   34  


5.2.1   POWER  SUPPLY  WITH  SINGLE  PHASE  AC  1X25  KV  –  50  HZ   38  
5.2.2   POWER  SYPPLY  WITH  TWO  PHASE  AC  2X25  KV  –  50  HZ   40  
5.3   HIGHT  SPEED  TRAIN   41  
5.4   ETR500   42  
5.4.1   AC  OPERATING   44  
5.4.2   DC  OPERATING   44  
5.5   FOUR  QUADRANT  CONVERTER  (4Q)   46  

6   CHAPTER  3  :  AC  2X25KV  –  50  HZ  RAILWAY  SYSTEM   48  

6.1   INTRODUCTION   48  
6.3   PRIMARY  SUPPLY   50  
6.5   AUXILIARY  POSTS   54  

Ervis Sheqi  
6.5.2   ELECTRIC  BORDER  POINT  (POC)   57  

7   CHAPTER  4:  ANALYSIS  OF  2X25  KV  –  50  HZ  SYSTEM   65  

7.1   INTRODUCTION   65  
7.4   COLCLUSION   81  

8.1   INTRODUCTION   82  
8.2   PRIMARY  SUPPLY   82  
8.5   THE  LINE  MODEL   90  
8.5.1   SERIES  IMPEDANCE   91  
8.5.2   SHUNT  ADMITTANCE   94  
8.7   TRAIN  MODEL   99  


9.1   INTRODUCTION   101  
9.3   SSE  SUBSYSTEM   105  
9.4   PPD  SUBSYSTEM   107  
9.5.1   RESISTANCE  MATRIX   110  
9.5.2   REACTANCE  MATRIX   111  
9.5.3   TRAIN  MODEL   113  
9.7   FAULT  ANALYSIS   119  
9.7.1   CONTACT  LINE  AND  THE  RAILS   119  
9.7.2   FEEDER  AND  THE  RAILS   119  
9.7.3   TRANSIENT  ANALYSIS   120  

10   CONCLUSIONS   122  

11   ANNEX  A   123  

12   BIBLIOGRAPHY   127  

Ervis Sheqi  

Table of Figures
FIGURE  6-­‐2:  PRIMARY  SUPPLY.   50  
FIGURE  6-­‐4:  ELECTRIC  DIAGRAM  OF  ESS  FOR  2X25  KV  -­‐  50  HZ  SYSTEM.   52  
FIGURE  6-­‐7:  DPTP  IN  HALFWAY  OF  TWO  ESS.   56  
FIGURE  6-­‐11:  THE  FILTER  UNIT.   59  
KV  SYSTEM.   68  
POSITION.   79  
POSITION.   80  

Ervis Sheqi  
FIGURE  8-­‐12:  GEOMETRY  OF  THE  LINE.   91  

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Table of Tables
TABLE  9-­‐1:  GEOMETRY  OF  THE  LINE  MODEL.   109  

Ervis Sheqi  

Table of Graphics
RAILS.   107  

Ervis Sheqi  

1 Abstract

This thesis presents a detailed model of the AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz High Speed/High

Capacity railway lines in order to make an electromagnetic and static analysis of the
electric system. Also a short-circuit analysis has been made for better understanding of
the system. The analysis of the real currents distribution between the 2x25 kV – 50 Hz
system branches is presented, overcoming the circuital simplification adopted in the
traditional studies that have now been documented in the literature. The study is validated
through simulation and in-field measurements.

Ervis Sheqi  

2 Introduction in Italian
Da poco in Italia sono entrate in esercizio le nuove linee ad alta velocità/alta capacità che
sia nella parte di potenza sia nella parte di segnalamento rappresentano una novità nei
sistemi ferroviari intaliani. Per questo esse sono tuttora oggetto di un continuo
monitoraggio per comprendere a fondo il funzionamento e verificare le soluzioni
tecnologiche adottate.
L’oggetto della presente tesi è l’analisi dei sistemi elettrici per l’alta velocità ferroviaria,
per fornire uno strumento di studio e di approfondimento delle problematiche ad essi
La tesi è principalmente divisa in sei parti in cui si inizia da una storia della nascita della
prima locomotiva elettrica per poi proseguire con una descrizione dei diversi sistemi di
elettrificazione ferroviari di cui in questa tesi si è concentrati di piu sul nuovo sistema
2x25 kV – 50 Hz a frequenza industriale. Di particolare interesse risulta anche l’analisi
ficica e matematica del reale funzionamento del sistema di alimentazione a fronte delle
semplificazioni circuitali. A seguire di un intero modelo del sistema 2x25 kV – 50 Hz in
grado di simulare l’intero sistema nel suo complesso, tenendo in considerazione la
variabilità dei dati e dei fattori in gioco. I sistemi di trazione elettrica presentano
peculiarità proprie che rendono il sistema meno prevedibile di quanto accada in altri
ambiti applicativi. In particolare il movimento nello spazio e nel tempo dei rotabili in
linea, insieme con la variazione della potenza da essi assorbita. Nel proseguire della tesi
vengono presentati i modelli di tutti i singoli componenti del sistema costituito dagli
impianti fissi e dal materiale rotabile. Al fine di valutare l’effetto globale del sistema i
singoli componenti vengono collegati fra loro per comporre il sistema completo delle
linea di trazione elettrica. A supporto dell’attivita di simulaizone è stato utilizzato il
software SimPowerSystems. Tale software è un pacchetto del software commerciale
Matlab&Simulink. SimPowerSystems usa interfaccia grafica di simulink.
Matlab&Simulink sono marchi registrati di The MathWorks. Tale software è ben noto e
diffuso nell’ambito dell’analisi dinamica dei sistemi elettrici di potenza, mentre Matlab è
ben noto nell’ambito scientifico e ingegneristico per il calcolo numerico. Lo sviluppo del
modello è stato condotto utilizzando la licenza accademica per i studenti del Politecnico
di Milano ed è stato utilizzato la release B del 2014 (R2014B).
La validazione del modello e la conseguente correttezza dei risultati ottenuti dalle
numerose simulazioni condotte è stata verificata grazie alal disponibilità di rilievi
sperimentali condotti sulle linee già in esercizio nelle rete ferroviaria italiana.

Nel primo capitolo di questa tesi viene descritto in detaglio la storia del sistema di
elettrificazione ferroviaria. L’elettrificazione delle ferrovie risale al 1835 quando T.
Davenport fabbrico un modello di una macchina elettrica allimentato da celle
fotovoltaiche e lo mise in mostra publblica. Nel 1881 Siemens Halske costrui la prima
ferrovia elettrica al mondo a Lichterfelde. L’alimentazione elettrica è preferito nelle
ferrovie con molte gallerie lunghe o metropolitane perché lefficienza energetica è
superiore rispetto all’alimentazione a vapore o diesel dei locomotori e inoltre non
comporta la combustione a bordo. L’elevata forza di trazione rende anche il
funzionamento elettrico adatto per le linee che attraversano zone collinari e montuose. Di
conseguenza, il funzionamento del treno con alimentazione elettrica ha fatto notevoli
progressi. È iniziato prima con sistemi di alimentazione a corrente continua in grado di
Ervis Sheqi  
guidare un motore a corrente continua direttamente e che offriva un alta forza di trazione
e un facile controllo della velocità. Per questo motivo un sistema di alimentazione a 3 kV
in corrente continua è ampiamente usato in molti paesi, l’Italia compreso.
L’altro sistema di alimentazione a corrente alternata, con origini in Europa, utilizza un
motore monofase. Le frequenze sepciali sono 25 Hz e 16 2/3 Hz sono stati introdotti in
Austria, Germania, e altri paesi per ridurre al minimo i guasti delle rettificazione. Con i
progressi nella tecnologia dell’elettronica di potenza aprì la strada per i sistemi di
alimentazione a corrente alternata con frequenze commerciali, in Francia e altrove. Il
sistema 25 kV AC è ampiamente utilizzato in tutto il mondo, mentre in Giappone si basa
su un sistema di 25 kV per “Shinkansen” e un sistma di alimentazione di 20 kV in AC per
le ferrovie convenzionali.

Nel secondo capitolo di questa tesi vengono introdote i diversi tipi di alimentazione della
rete ferroviaria concentrandoci specialmente sull’Europa. In genere come
precedentemente scritto il tipo di corrente viene utilizzato per distiguere tra i vari tipi di
fornitura di energia elettrica per la trazione elettrica. Globalmente, più della metà di tutti i
sistemi di trazione elettrica ancora utilizza la corrente continua. La bassa tensione
utilizzata è uno svantaggio per la trazione continua perché richiede alte correnti per
trasmettere la forza di trazione necessaria. All’inizio del 20° secolo, sono stati fatti dei
sforzi per combinare il vantaggio di trazione del motore elettrico in corrente alternata. A
causa dello stato di sviluppo tecnico a quel tempo diversi problemi sono emmersi. In quei
momenti questi problemi non potevano essere risolti. In Germania, sforzi di sviluppo
hanno portato a un sistma di alimentazione monofase in corrente alternata con una
frequenza di 16 2/3 Hz, dove l’energia elettrica monofase veniva generata e distribuita in
una stazione farroviaria separata. Questo tipo di alimentazioe è stato adottato anche da
Austria, Svizzera, Norvegia e Svezia e ha dimostrato di essere particolarmente potente ed
efficace anche per l’alimentazione elettrica di alta velocità/alta capacità. Nel 2000 le
ferrovie Austriache, Tedesche e Svizzere cambiarono la loro frequenza nominale da 16
2/3 Hz a 16,7 Hz. Da allora, le norme pertinent, quali EN 50163 e EN 50188 hanno usato
quest’ultimo valore come frequenza nominale.
Le prime esperienze con unìalimentazione in corrente alternata a frequenza industriale di
50 Hz e stato introdota in Germania a partire dal 1940.
A seguito degli enormi progressi compiuti dopo, nel campo dell’elettronica di potenza, il
sistema in corrente alternata 25 kV – 50 Hz è il tipo preferito nei paesi d’Europa e del
mondo. Tale sistema si utilizza ora per l’elettrificazione delle nuove linee di trazione alta
velocità/alta capacità e riqualificazione delle linee esistenti, dove il sistema in corrente
continua è stato utilizzato in precedenza, come la Spagna e l’Italia.
I sistemi più utilizzati per l’elettrificazione ferroviaria sono:
• Corrente continua con tensione nominale di 0,6 kV, 0,75 kV, 1,5 kV and 3 kV;
• Corrente alternata con tensione nominale di 15 kV at 16,7 Hz;
• Corrente alternata 1x25 kV – 50 Hz o 2x25 kV – 50 Hz.

Sotto mostriamo la distribuzione in Europa dei diversi sistemi sopre citati:

Ervis Sheqi  

3%   7%  

DC  1,5  kV  System  
DC  3  kV  System  
34%   AC  15  kV  16,7  Hz  System  
AC  25  kV  50  Hz  System  
AC  50  kV  50  Hz  System  


Nel terzo capitolo di questa tesi viene descritto la linea Alta Velocità/Alta Capacità a
2x25 kV – 50 Hz. Tali sistemi sono caratterizzati dall’elevata richiesta di potenza che il
sistema deve fornire ai trani dediti a questo servizio. Al fine di rispondere a tale richiesta,
compatibilmente con le esigenze della captazione e la minimizzazione delle perdite
resistive, è necessario un valore sufficientemente elevato di tensione che implica, a parità
di potenza, un valore contenuto di corrente.
Considerando le diverse caratteristiche tecniche ed economiche, È stato scelto per le
nuove linea alta capacità l'uso della corrente alternata monofase che consente il
raggiungimento di alcuni obiettivi fondamentali della trazione elettrica:
• La possibilità di elevare il livello di tensione delle linee di contatto,
riducendo quindi i valori delle correnti da contattare, E
contemporaneamente di assicurare i valori più opportuni per
l'alimentazione degli azionamenti e dei convertitori di bordo attraverso il
semplice utilizzo dei trasformatori;
• La possibilità di mantenere unifilare la linea di contatto;
• Il collegamento diretto alla rete industriale;
• L'aumento della potenza specifica della linea.

L'esigenza di poter ulteriormente sfruttare l'economia della trasmissione a tensione

elevata, senza dover introdurre un livello di tensione eccessivo sulle linee di contatto, ha
condotto allo studio e allo sviluppo del sistema 2x25 kV che, utilizzando un sistema con
tre livelli di tensione (linea di contatto, binario e l'alimentatore cosiddetto negativo)
consente di trasmettere la potenza a 50 kV e di renderla disponibile ai treni alla tensione
di 25 kV.
Tale sistema ha già trovato larga applicazione nei sistemi ferroviari esistenti al di fuori del
territorio italiano, ma presenta una novità applicativa per l’Italia, dove ha necessitato di
specifici adeguamenti tecnici per renderlo compatibile con sistemi esistenti, oltre che per
l'impiego delle ultime tecnologie disponibili.
Ervis Sheqi  
Di seguito in questo capitolo vengono descritte le principali caratteristiche tecniche di tale
soluzione, con particolare attenzione al caso della realizzazione italiana, la più recente nel
panorama europeo.
Difatti, I sistemi di alimentazione di linea Alta Velocità richiedono potenze specifiche
elevate E ciò comporta la necessità di attingere l'energia da reti molto potenti ad alta
tensione. Di conseguenza siano costi elevati non soltanto per l'intero reparto AT delle
sottostazioni, ma anche e soprattutto per le linee primarie. Il costo di queste ultime, ai
livelli di tensione usualmente impiegati nella rete industriale, incide pesantemente sul
costo totale dell'impianti, per qui si cerca di minimizzare lo sviluppo. La scelta del
sistema 2x25 kV a frequenza industriale presenta il vantaggio di poter collegare le
sottostazioni (che sono di semplice trasformazione) direttamente alla rete di trasmissione
nazionale (RTN) e di aumentare il loro distanziamento.

Nel quarto capitolo viene descritta un analisi del funzionamento ideale e reale del sistema
2x25 kV – 50 Hz. In questo capitolo si riporta lo studio dei flussi di potenza nel sistema.
Tale studio prevede la verifica del reale ripartizione delle correnti fra i vari rami del
sistema 2x25 kV, sia nelel sezioni libere che in quelle occupate dai treni, a partire dal
funzionamento del sistema 2x25 kV ideale e da quello 25 kV semplice. Viene presentato
il principio di funzionamento teorico del sistema 2x25 kV riportato nell’attuale letteratura
scientifica. Nel seguito si approfondisce tale studio, al fine di giungere ad una
rappresentazione fisica e matamcatica del reale funzionamento del sistema. La
ripartizione delle correnti ottenuta dall’analisi teorica è stata altresì confermata dalle
simulazioni condotte sull’intero sistema, validate dalle misure in campo.

Nel quinto capitolo viene condotta una modellizzazione utilizzando SimPowerSystems

dell’intero sistema. Con questo programma si possono eseguire simulazioni sia in regime
permanente che in regime transitorio per i calcoli delle grandezze elettriche.
SimPowerSystems utilizza le librerie di Matlab e Simulink per l’integrazione delle
equazioni differenziali. SimPowerSystems è un software che permete a scienziati e
ingegneri di modelizzare in maniera facile e impiegando meno tempo per simulare i
sistemi elettrici. SimPowerSystems fa uso dell’interfaccia grafica di Simulink che
permette di costruire il sistema tramite il trascinamento dei blocchi presenti nelle diverse
librarie del software. Cio olte alla modellizzazione veloce del sistema permette anche di
interagire con il circuito per un analisi più dettagliata del sistema. Questo è possibile
perché i componenti della libreria SimPowerSystem sono costruiti dai blocchi di Simulink
che a sua volta fa uso del motore di calcolo numerico di Matlab. Per questo motivo si può
interagire tra questi tre sistemi per avere un analisi completa del sistema.
Nonostante i modelli siano stati ralizzati per questo programma, le considerazioni che
verrano svolte nella trattazione seguente sono di validità generale e non precludono quindi
la possibilità di estendere il lavoro anche ad altri programmi di simulazione con
caratteristiche analoghe al prescelto.

Una volta terminati e validati i singoli sottositemi si pocede nell’ultimo capitolo con
l’integrazione degli stessi e alla simulazione dell’intero sistema. La simulazione in questo
caso è stata svolta considerando il sistema nelle normali condizioni di esercizio. Ed inoltre
sono state svolte delle simulazioni considrando diverse tipologie di guasto, tra cui il
guasto della linea di contatto e il binario, feeder binario. Nel seguito vengono riportate
alcune delle grandezze che si possono analizzare da tali simulazioni, scegliendo quelle più
significative ai fini della valutazione delle interazioni fra i diversi sottosistemi. Verranno

Ervis Sheqi  
deunque presentate la tensione al pantografo, la corrente assoribita dal treno e la corrente
sulla linea di contatto e sul feeder.

Ervis Sheqi  

3 Introduction
In Italy, recently entered into operation of the new high speed lines to be in the power of
both the signaling represent a novelty in the italian railway systems. For this reason they
are still subject to ongoing monitoring to fully understand the operation and verify the
technological solutions adopeted.
The object of this thesis is the analysis of electrical systems for high speed railway, to
provide a tool for the study and exploration of the issues to them connected.

In the first chapter of the thesis is presented a short history of the railway system. From
the first model of the electric car to the lateast electric traction systems. Electric operation
is often preferred on railways with many long tunnels or on underground railways because
the energy efficiency is higher than steam or diesel locomotives and does not involve
onboard combustion. The high tractive force also makes electric operation suitable for
lines running through hilly regions. As a consequence, electric train operation made
remarkable progress.

In the second and in the third chapter is presented the features of the new Italian high
speed lines: the system of alternating current power supply 2x25 kV – 50 Hz system,
already developed and in use in other countries, the application presents some news
related to a review of circuit diagrams and arrangement in infrastructure and technology.
Since the Italian lines are the most recent construction on Europe, they are the subject of
study and experimentation of technological innovations in the electrotecnical and
electronics industry and are now accredited as a reference for those wishing to undertake
the construction of new systems for high-speed railways.

Of particular interest is chapter 4; in this chapter was done a development of physical and
mathematical analysis of the actual operation of the power system taking into
considerations the circuit semplifications which are based on documented studies in the
nationally and internationally literature. This study includes an assessment of current
distribution between the various branches of the system 2x25 kV, both in the free sections
and in those occupied by the trains, starting from the operation of the 2x25 kV ideal

In chapter 5 was developed o model able to simulate the entire system as a whole, taking
into account the variability of the data. In fact, the case of traction has its own
peculiarities that make it much less predictable than what happens in other areas of
application. First must be taken of the extension of the considered systmes and, in
paricular, the movement in space and time of the rolling stock in line, together with the
variation of the power absorbed by them.
The chapter 5 presents the models of all the individual components of the system consists
of the fixed installations and rolling stock. Fixed installations include power plant in
alternating current system of 2x25 kV line of high speed.
The model was developed with SimPowerSystems, a toolboxes of Simulink and Matlab
software. Matlab and Simulink are registered tradmarks of The MathWorks, Inc.
SimPowerSystems sofware work together with Simulink software to model electrical,
mechanical, and control systems. This software is well-known and widely used in the
Ervis Sheqi  
analysis of the dynamics of power systems and is a international simulation tool, while
Matlab is widely used in scientific field for numerical computation.

In the last chapter was presented some simulation of the model. The validation of the
model and the accuracy of the results obtained from several simulations carried out has
been verified through availability of experimental measurements carried out on the lines
already in operation in the Italian railway network.

Ervis Sheqi  
World railway electrification systems   CHAPTER 1

4 Chapter 1: World railway electrification


4.1 Introduction
The history of electric railways dates back to 1835 when T. Davenport fabricated a model
electric car powered by voltaic cells and put it on public exhibition. The first practical
electric cars debuted in 1879 when a 150 Vdc, 2,2 kW, bipolar motor pulled three
passenger cars at a maximum speed of 12 km/h at the Trades Exhibition in Berlin. In
1881, Siemens Halske built the world’s first electric railway in Lichterfelde marking the
first passenger electric railway.
Electric operation is often preferred on railways with many long tunnels or on
underground railways because the energy efficiency is higher than steam or diesel
locomotives and does not involve onboard combustion. The high tractive force also makes
electric operation suitable for lines running through hilly regions. As a consequence,
electric train operation made remarkable progress. It started first with direct-current
feeding systems capable of driving a DC motor directly and offering high tractive force
and easy speed control.
Although a 3 kVdc feeding system is widely used in many other countries.
The other alternating-current feeding system originated in Europe using a single-phase,
commutator-type motor. Special low frequencies such as 25 Hz and 16 2/3 Hz were
introduced in Austria, Germany, and other countries to minimize rectification failures.
Later advances in silicon commutator technology paved the way for AC feeding systems
using commercial frequencies in France and elsewhere. The 25-kV system is used widely
around the world while Japan relies on a 25 kV system for “Shinkansen” and a 20-kV ac
feeding system for ‘conventional’ railways.
The three-phase, alternating-current feeding system is used with induction motors in
Europe for railways with steep mountain grades, while a 600 V system, featuring speed
control by a power converter, is used in Japan for new urban transit systems.

4.2 General definitions of Hight Speed

We have deliberately used the word “definition” in the plural because there is no single
standard definition of high speed rail (nor even a standard usage of the term: sometimes it
is called “high speed” and sometimes “very high speed”). The definitions vary according
to the criteria used since high speed rail corresponds to a complex reality.
First of all there is the European Union definition, given in Directive 96/48; this is a fairly
broad definition which encompasses a large number of systems under the banner of high
But it is also necessary to take into account those railways which are making laudable
efforts to provide high speed despite a basis of old infrastructure and technology which is
far removed from that employed by the railways of western Europe.
At all events, high speed is a combination of all the elements which constitute the
“system”: infrastructure (new lines designed for speeds above 250 km/h and upgraded

Ervis Sheqi  
World railway electrification systems   CHAPTER 1
lines for speeds up to 200 or even 220 km/h, some worked with tilting trains, some not),
rolling stock and operating conditions. In view of the fact that many high speed trains are
also compatible with the conventional network, the term “high speed traffic” is also
frequently understood to signify the movements of this type of train on conventional lines
but at speeds lower than those permitted on the new high speed infrastructure.
Consequently, on some lines which are claimed to be high speed lines it is very difficult
to specify a threshold when, in certain very densely populated regions, the speed is
restricted to 110 km/h in order to avoid noise nuisance, or where, as in special tunnel
sections or on long bridges, the speed is limited to 160 or 180 km/h for obvious reasons
associated with capacity or safety. Finally, in many countries where the performance of
the conventional railway is not very high, the introduction of some trains capable of
operating at 160 km/h and offering a significant level of quality - often as a first step
towards a future genuinely high speed service - may already be considered as high speed.

4.2.1 The  high  speed  definition  of  European  Union  

1. Infrastructure
a. The infrastructure of the trans-European High Speed system shall be
that on the trans-European transport network identified in Article 129C
of the Treaty:
ü those built specially for High Speed travel,
ü those specially upgraded for High Speed travel. They may include
connecting lines, in particular junctions of new lines upgraded for
High Speed with town centre stations located on them, on which
speeds must take account of local conditions.
b. High Speed lines shall comprise:
ü Specially built High Speed lines equipped for speeds generally
equal to or greater than 250 km/h,
ü Specially upgraded High Speed lines equipped for speeds of the
order of 200 km/h,
ü Specially upgraded High Speed lines which have special features
as a result of topographical, relief or town-planning constraints, on
which the speed must be adapted to each case.
2. Rolling stock
a. The High Speed advanced-technology trains shall be designed in such
a way as to guarantee safe, uninterrupted travel:
ü at a speed of at least 250 km/h on lines specially built for High
Speed, while enabling speeds of over 300 km/h to be reached in
appropriate circumstances,
ü at a speed of the order of 200 km/h on existing lines which have
been or are specially upgraded,
ü at the highest possible speed on other lines.
3. Compatibility of infrastructure and rolling stock
a. High Speed train services presuppose excellent compatibility between
the characteristics of the infrastructure and those of the rolling stock.
Performance levels, safety, quality of service and cost depend upon
that compatibility.

Ervis Sheqi  
World railway electrification systems   CHAPTER 1
4.2.2 The  high  speed  definition  in  Japan  

High speed lines are called “Shinkansen” (Shinkansen originally meant ‘new trunk line’
in Japanese).
The official definition of “Shinkansen” is “a main line on which a train is able to run at
over 200 km/h along almost all the route”. The Shinkansen network is a complex high
speed railway transportation system with specific technical standards (i.e. dedicated high
speed track without level crossings, standard track gauge and a special loading gauge).
The Shinkansen train or Japanese HSRS, is a special class of RS that forms just one part
of the overall Shinkansen transportation system.

4.2.3 The  high  speed  definition  in  USA  

(“Vision for HIGH-SPEED RAIL in America“, Department of Transportation)

ü HSR – Express. Frequent, express service between major population centers 320–
970 km apart, with few intermediate stops. Top speeds of at least 240 km/h on
completely grade-separated, dedicated rights-of way (with the possible exception
of some shared track in terminal areas). Intended to relieve air and highway
capacity constraints.
ü HSR – Regional. Relatively frequent service between major and moderate
population centers 160–800 km apart, with some intermediate stops. Top speeds of
180–240 km/h, grade-separated, with some dedicated and some shared track
(using positive train control technology). Intended to relieve highway and, to some
extent, air capacity constraints.

Whichever point of view is taken from anywhere in the world, HSRS means a type of RS
which has the following common features:
- operates on systems specially designed for high speed (dedicated line or upgraded
conventional line)
- is capable of running at over 200 km/h

4.3 History of Hight Speed

High-speed rail development began in Germany in 1899 when the Prussian state railway
joined with ten electrical and engineering firms and electrified 72 kilometres of military
owned railway between Marienfelde and Zossen. The line used three-phase current at 10
kV and 45 Hz.
The Van der Zypen & Charlier company of Deutz, Cologne built two railcars, one fitted
with electrical equipment from Siemens-Halske, the second with equipment from
Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft (AEG), that were tested on the Marienfelde–Zossen
line during 1902 and 1903.
On 23 October 1903, the S&H-equipped railcar achieved a speed of 206.7 km/h and on 27
October the AEG-equipped railcar achieved 210.2 km/h.
These trains demonstrated the feasibility of electric high-speed rail however regularly
scheduled electric high-speed rail travel was still more than 30 years away.
On May 15, 1933, the Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft company introduced the diesel-
powered "Fliegender Hamburger" in regular service between Hamburg and Berlin (286
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km), thereby establishing the fastest regular service in the world, with a regular top speed
of 160 km/h. This train was a streamlined multi-powered unit, albeit diesel, and used
Jakobs bogies some 47 years before the advent of the TGV.
Following the success of the Hamburg line, the steam-powered Henschel-Wegmann Train
was developed and introduced in June 1936 for service from Berlin to Dresden, with a
regular top speed of 160 km/h.
Further development allowed the usage of these "Fliegenden Züge" (flying trains) on a
rail network across Germany. The "Diesel-Schnelltriebwagen-Netz" had been in the
planning since 1934 but it never reached its envisaged size.
And in August 1939, shortly before the breakout of the war, all high-speed service

On 26 May 1934, one year after "Fliegender Hamburger" introduction, the Burlington
Railroad's set an average speed record on long distance with their new streamlined train,
the Zephyr, at 124 km/h with peaks at 185 km/h. The Zephyr was made of stainless steel,
and like the “Fliegender Hamburger”, was diesel powered, articulated with Jacobs
bogies, and could reach 160 km/h as commercial speed.
The new service was inaugurated at the end of year, 11 November 1934, between Kansas
City and Lincoln, but at lower speed than the record, with an average speed of 74 km/h.
In 1935, Milwaukee Road company introduced the Morning Hiawatha service, hauled at
160 km/h by steam locomotives. These were the last high-speed trains to use steam
power. In 1936, the Twin Cities Zephyr entered service, from Chicago to Minneapolis,
with an average speed of 101 km/h.

The German high-speed service was followed in Italy in 1938 with an electric-multiple-
unit ETR 200, designed for 200 km/h, between Bologna and Naples. It too reached 160
km/h in commercial service, and achieved a world mean speed record of 203 km/h near
Milan in 1938.
In Great Britain in the same year, the streamlined steam locomotive Mallard achieved the
official world speed record for steam locomotives at 202.58 km/h. The external
combustion engines and boilers on steam locomotives were large, heavy and time
consuming to maintain, and the days of steam for high speed were numbered.

In 1945, a Spanish engineer, Alejandro Goicoechea, developed a streamlined articulated

train able to run on existing tracks at higher speeds than contemporary passenger trains.
This was achieved by providing the locomotive and cars with a unique axle system that
used one axle set per car end, connected by a Y-bar coupler. Amongst other advantages,
the centre of mass was only half as high as usual. This system became famous under the
name of TALGO (Tren Articulado Ligero Goicoechea Oriol), and for half a century was
the main Spanish provider of high-speed trains.

In the early 1950s, the French National Railway started to receive their new powerful CC
7100 electric locomotives, and began to study and evaluate running at very high speeds.
In 1954, the CC 7121 hauling a full train achieved a record 243 km/h during a test on
standard track. The next year, two specially tuned electric locomotives, the CC 7107 and
the prototype BB 9001, broke previous speed records, reaching respectively 320 km/h and
331 km/h, again on standard track. For the first time, 300 km/h was surpassed, allowing
the idea of regular very high-speed services to be developed.
New engineering studies began for this purpose. Especially, during the 1955 records, very
dangerous hunting oscillation, the swaying of the bogies which at high speed leads to

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dynamic instability and potential derailment, was discovered, which led to the use of yaw
dampers to solve this problem, enabling safe running speeds above 300 km/h today.
Important research was also made about "current harnessing" at high-speed by the
pantographs, that was solved 20 years later by the Zébulon TGV's prototype.

With some 45 million people living in the densely populated Tokyo – Osaka corridor,
congestion on road and rail became a serious problem after World War II, and the
Japanese government began thinking seriously about a new high-speed rail service.
Japan in the 1950s was a populous, resource-limited nation that for security reasons did
not want to import petroleum, but needed a way to transport its millions of people in and
between cities.
Japanese National Railways (JNR) engineers then began to study the development of a
high-speed regular mass transit service. In 1955, they were present at the Lille's
Electrotechnology Congress in France, and during a 6-month visit, the head engineer of
JNR accompanied the deputy director Marcel Tessier at the DETE (SNCF Electric
traction study department). JNR engineers returned to Japan with a number of ideas and
technologies they would use on their future trains, including alternating current for rail
traction, and international standard gauge.

In 1957, the engineers at the private Odakyu Electric Railway in Greater Tokyo area
launched the Odakyu 3000 series SE EMU. This EMU set a world record for narrow
gauge trains at 145 km/h, giving the Odakyu engineers confidence they could safely and
reliably build even faster trains at standard gauge. The original Japanese railways
generally used narrow gauge, but the increased stability offered by widening the rails to
standard gauge would make very high-speed rail much simpler, and thus standard gauge
was adopted for high-speed service.

The new service, named Shinkansen would run on new, 25% wider standard gauge,
continuously welded rails between Tokyo and Osaka using new rolling stock, designed
for 250 km/h. However, the World Bank, whilst supporting the project, considered the
design of the equipment as unproven for that speed, and set the maximum speed to 210
After initial feasibility tests, the plan was fast-tracked and construction of the first section
of the line started on 20 April 1959. In 1963, on the new track, test runs hit a top speed of
256 km/h. Five years after the beginning of the construction work, in October 1964, just
in time for the Olympic Games, the first modern high-speed rail, the Tōkaidō Shinkansen,
was opened between the two cities.
The first Shinkansen trains, the 0 Series Shinkansen, built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries
(often called “Bullet Trains”) outclassed the earlier fast trains in commercial service.
They ran the 515 km distance in 3 hours 10 minutes, reaching a top speed of 210 km/h
and sustaining an average speed of 162.8 km/h with stops at Nagoya and Kyoto.

But the speed was only a part of the Shinkansen revolution: the Shinkansen offered high-
speed rail travel to the masses. The first “Bullet trains” had 12 cars and later versions had
up to 16.
After three years, more than 100 million passengers had used the trains, and the milestone
of the first one billion passengers was reached in 1976. In 1972, the line was extended a
further 161 km, and further construction has resulted in the network expanding to 2.664
km as at March 2013, with a further 779 km of extensions currently under construction
and due to open in stages between March 2015 and 2035 (see Table 4-2). The cumulative

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patronage on the entire system since 1964 is over 10 billion, the equivalent of
approximately 150% of the world's population, without a single train passenger fatality.
Since their introduction, Japan's Shinkansen systems have been under relentless
development, not only increasing line speeds. Dozens of models have been produced,
addressing diverse issues such as tunnel boom noise, vibration, aerodynamic drag, lines
with lower throughput (“Mini shinkansen”), earthquake and typhoon safety, braking
distance, problems due to snow, and energy consumption (newer models consume half the
initial ones despite greater speeds)

4.4 Revival in Europe and North America

In Europe, high-speed rail began during the International Transport Fair in Munich in
June 1965, when Dr Öpfering, the director of Deutsche Bundesbahn (German Federal
Railways), performed 347 demonstrations at 200 km/h between Munich and Augsburg by
DB Class 103 hauled trains. The same year the Aérotrain, a French hovercraft monorail
train prototype, reached 200 km/h within days of operation.
After the success of the Japanese Shinkansen in 1964, at 210 km/h, the German
demonstrations up to 200 km/h in 1965, and the proof-of-concept jet-powered Aérotrain,
SNCF still ran its fastest trains at only 160 km/h.

In 1966, French Infrastructure Minister Edgar Pisani consulted engineers and gave the
French National Railways twelve months to raise speeds to 200 km/h. The classic line
Paris–Toulouse was chosen, and fitted, to support 200 km/h rather than 140 km/h. Some
improvements were set, notably the signals system, development of on board "in-cab"
signalling system, and curve revision.
The next year, in May 1967, a regular service at 200 km/h was inaugurated by the TEE Le
Capitole between Paris and Toulouse, with specially adapted SNCF Class BB 9200
locomotives hauling classic UIC cars, and a full red livery.
At the same time, the Aérotrain prototype 02 reached 345 km/h on a half-scale
experimental track. In 1969, it achieved 422 km/h on the same track. On 5 March 1974,
the full-scale commercial prototype Aérotrain I80HV, jet powered, reached 430 km/h.

In the United States, immediately following the creation of Japan's first high-speed
Shinkansen, U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson as part of his Great Society Infrastructure
building initiatives asked the U.S. Congress to devise a way to increase speeds on
American railroads. The congress delivered the High Speed Ground Transportation Act of
1965 which passed with overwhelming bi-partisan support and helped to create regular
Metroliner service between New York City and Washington, D.C.. The new service was
inaugurated in 1969, at speeds reaching 200 km/h and averaging 145 km/h along the
route, faster than even Acela Express trains operated between the cities of New York and
Washington in 2012.

Great Britain followed Japan, France and U.S. in 1976 with the introduction by British
Rail of a new high-speed service, able to reach 200 km/h, hauled by the "InterCity 125"
diesel-electric train sets, under the brand name of High Speed Train (HST). It was the
fastest diesel-powered train in regular service in the world, and it outclassed its 161 km/h
forerunners, in speed and acceleration.
Like the Shinkansen, and future TGV, the train was built as a reversible multi-car set,
having driving power-cars at both ends, and a fixed formation of passenger cars between

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them. Journey times were reduced, sometimes by an hour on the East Coast Main Line,
and passenger numbers soared.
The next year, in 1977, Germany finally introduced a new service at 200 km/h, on the
Munich-Augsburg line. That same year, Italy inaugurated the first European High-Speed
line, the Direttissima between Roma and Florence, designed for 250 km/h, but used by FS
E444 hauled train at 200 km/h. This year also saw the abandonment for political reasons
of the Aérotrain project, in favour of the TGV.

Following the 1955 records, two divisions of the SNCF began to study high-speed
services. In 1964, the DETMT (petrol-engine traction studies department of SNCF)
planned the use of gas turbines : a diesel-powered railcar is modified with a gas-turbine,
and is called TGV (Turbotrain Grande Vitesse). It reached 230 km/h in 1967, and served
as a basis for the future Turbotrain and the real TGV. In the same time, the new “SNCF
Research Department”, created in 1966, was studying some projects, especially a project
code-named “C03”: “Railways possibilities on new infrastructure (tracks)”.

In 1969, the “C03 project” was transferred to the public administration while a contract
with Alsthom is ratified for the building of two gas-turbine high-speed train prototypes,
that will be named TGV 001. The prototype consisted of an undividable set of 5 cars and 2
power-cars at both end, each power-car powered by two gas-turbine engine. The notable
particularity of the set is the use of Jakobs bogies, shared by two cars, that reduce drag
and increase safety.
The next year, in 1970, the DETMT's Turbotrain, gas-turbine powered multiple-elements,
designed for 200 km/h but used at 160 km/h began operations on Paris-Cherbourg line. It
allowed to experiment future TGV services, especially regular high rate schedules, shuttle
services, etc.

In 1971, the “C03 project”, now known as “TGV Sud-Est”, was validated by the
government, against the Bertin's Aérotrain. Until this date, there was a rivalry between the
French Land Settlement Commission (DATAR), supporting the Aérotrain, and the SNCF
and its ministry, supporting conventional rail. The “C03 project” included a new High-
Speed line between Paris and Lyon, with new multi-engined trains running at 260 km/h.
At that time, the classic Paris-Lyon line was already congested and a new line was
required; this busy corridor, not too short (where car is preferred) nor too long (where
planes are better), was the best choice for the new service.

The 1973 oil shock substantially increases oil prices. In the continuity of the De Gaulle
“energy self-sufficiency” and nuclear-energy policy, a ministry decision switched the
future TGV from now costly gas-turbine to full electric energy in 1974. An electric railcar
named Zébulon was developed for testing at very high speeds, reaching a speed of 306
km/h. It was used to develop pantographs capable of withstanding speeds of over 300

After intensive tests with the gas-turbine TGV 001 prototype, and the electric Zébulon, in
1977, the SNCF placed an order to the group Alsthom-Francorail-MTE for 87 TGV Sud-
Est trainsets. They used the TGV 001 concept, with a permanently coupled set of eight
cars, sharing Jakobs bogies, and hauled by two electric power-cars, one at each end.
In 1981, the first section of the new Paris-Lyon High-Speed line was inaugurated, with a
260 km/h top speed (then 270 km/h soon after). With a far greater top speed, a new
dedicated high-speed line, and a complete compatibility with existing old lines, the TGV

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offered the ability to join every city in the country, using alternatively standard and high-
speed line, in a shorter time than ever. After the introduction of the TGV on some routes,
air traffic on these routes decreased, or even disappeared. At the same time, the TGV
made history with its multiple, highly publicized speed records: in 1981 with a record at
380 km/h, in 1990 at 515 km/h, and then in 2007 at 574 km/h.

4.5 Europe
High-speed rail is emerging in Europe as an increasingly popular and efficient means of
transport. The first high-speed rail lines in Europe, built in the 1980s and 1990s, improved
travel times on intra-national corridors. Since then, several countries have built extensive
high-speed networks, and there are now several cross-border high-speed rail links.
Railway operators frequently run international services, and tracks are continuously being
built and upgraded to international standards on the emerging European high-speed rail
network. In 2007, a consortium of European railway operators, Railteam, emerged to co-
ordinate and boost cross-border high-speed rail travel. Developing a Trans-European
High-Speed Rail Network is a stated goal of the European Union, and most cross-border
railway lines receive EU funding. Several countries (France, Spain, Italy, Germany,
Austria, Sweden, Belgium, The Netherlands, Russia and the United Kingdom) are
connected to a cross-border high-speed railway network. More are expected to be
connected in the coming years as Europe invests heavily in tunnels, bridges and other
infrastructure and development projects across the continent, many of which are under
construction now. In Figure 4-1 the map of the high speed railway system is represented
and in Table 4-1 the distance.

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Table 4-1: High Speed Railway distance in Europe.

In operation Planned Long – term Total
Countries construction
[km] [km] planning [km] [km]
France 2036 757 50 2357 5200
Spain 2515 1308 0 1702 5525
Italy 923 125 0 221 1269
Germany 1352 466 0 324 2142
Austria 48 201 0 0 249
Sweden 0 0 0 750 750
Belgiun 209 0 0 0 209
120 0 0 0 120
Russia 0 0 3150 0 3150
113 0 0 543 656
Turkey 688 469 1210 548 2915
Total [km] 8004 3326 4410 6445 22185

Figure 4-1: Map of high speed railways system in Europe. .(updated November 2013)

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4.5.1 France  

Figure 4-2: France railway distribution map.(updated November 2013)

Market segmentation has principally focused on the business travel market. The French
original focus on business travelers is reflected by the early design of the TGV trains.
Pleasure travel was a secondary market; now many of the French extensions connect with
vacation beaches on the Atlantic and Mediterranean, as well as major amusement parks
and also the ski resorts in France and Switzerland. Friday evenings are the peak time for
TGVs (train à grande vitesse). The system lowered prices on long distance travel to
compete more effectively with air services, and as a result some cities within an hour of
Paris by TGV have become commuter communities, increasing the market while
restructuring land use. On the Paris – Lyon service, the number of passengers grew
sufficiently to justify the introduction of double-decker coaches. Later high-speed rail
lines, such as the LGV Atlantique, the LGV Est, and most high-speed lines in France, were
designed as feeder routes branching into conventional rail lines, serving a larger number
of medium-sized cities.

4.5.2 Germany  

Germany's first high-speed lines ran north-south, for historical reasons, and later
developed east-west after German unification.

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Figure 4-3: Germany railway distribution map.(updated November 2013)

4.5.3 Italy  

During the 1920s and '30s, Italy was one of the first countries to develop the technology
for high-speed rail. The country constructed the Direttissime railways connecting major
cities on dedicated electrified high-speed track (although not as high-speed as would
nowadays be called high-speed rail) and developed the fast ETR 200 train – set. After the
Second World War and the fall of the fascist regime, interest in high-speed rail dwindled,
with the successive governments considering it too costly and developing the tilting
Pendolino, to run at medium-high speed (up to 250 km/h) on conventional lines, instead.
The only exception was the Direttissima between Florence and Rome, but it was not
conceived to be part of a high-speed line on large scale.
A true dedicated high-speed rail network was developed during the 80s and the 1990s,
and in 2010 923 km (see Table 4-1) of high-speed rail were fully operational. Frecciarossa
services are operated with ETR 500 non-tilting trains at 25kVac, 50 Hz power. The
operational speed of the service is of 300 km/h. ETR1000 trainsets are currently under
construction and were developed by the consortium formed by Ansaldo – Breda and
Bombardier. Based on the Bombardier Zefiro trainset, it will operate up to 360 km/h on
the existing high-speed rail system.
Over 100 million passengers used the Frecciarossa from the service introduction and the
first months of 2012. Italian high-speed services are recording profits, encouraging
Trenitalia to plan major investments weasel words and to cede a large part of local and
regional services to other operators (like Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori and Trenord) and
focusing efforts on high-speed and long-distance services (also through the medium-speed
Frecciargento, Frecciabianca and InterCity services, which run on conventional lines).

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Figure 4-4: Italy railway distribution map.(updated November 2013).

4.5.4 Spain  

Spain has built an extensive high-speed rail network, 2.515 km (see Table 4-1), the largest
in Europe. It uses standard gauge in opposite to the Iberian gauge used in the most of the
national railway network, meaning that the high-speed railways are separated and has
almost only high-speed trains, no local trains and no freight. This network is from 2013
connected to the French network, with direct trains Paris-Barcelona.

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Figure 4-5: Spain railway distribution map.(updated November 2013).

4.5.5 United  kingdom  

The UK's fastest high-speed line (HS-1) connects London St Pancras with Brussels and
Paris through the Channel Tunnel. It is the only high-speed line in Britain with an
operating speed of more than 125 mph.
The Great Western Main Line, South Wales Main Line, West Coast Main Line, Midland
Main Line, Cross Country Route and East Coast Main Line all have maximum speed
limits of 201,2 km/h on all or part of the line. Attempts to increase speeds to 225 km/h on
both the West Coast Main Line and East Coast Main Line have failed because the trains
on those lines do not have cab signaling, which is a legal requirement in the UK for trains
to be permitted to operate at speeds greater than 201 km/h due to the impracticality of
observing lineside signals at such speeds.

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Figure 4-6: United Kingdom railway distribution map.(updated November 2013).

4.5.6 Turkey  

The Turkish State Railways started building high-speed rail lines in 2003. The first
section of the line, between Ankara and Eskişehir, was inaugurated on March 13, 2009. It
is a part (232 km) of the 533 km Istanbul to Ankara high-speed rail line. A subsidiary of
Turkish State Railways, Yüksek Hızlı Tren is the sole commercial operator of high-speed
trains in Turkey.
The construction of three separate high-speed lines from Ankara to Istanbul, Konya and
Sivas, as well as taking an Ankara–İzmir line to the launch stage (624 km planned for
2015 at speed of 250 km/h), form part of the Turkish Ministry of Transport's strategic
aims and targets. Turkey plans to construct a network of high-speed lines in the early part
of the 21st century, targeting a 1.210 km (see Table 4-1) network of high-speed lines by
2013 and a 548 km of long term – planning network by the year 2023.

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Figure 4-7: Turkey railway distribution map.(updated November 2013).

4.6 America
4.6.1 USA  

The United States has domestic definitions for high-speed rail varying between

• The United States Code defines high-speed rail as services “reasonably expected
to reach sustained speeds of more than 201 km/h”
• The Federal Railroad Administration uses a definition of top speeds at 177 km/h
and above.
• The Congressional Research Service uses the term “higher speed rail” for speeds
up to 241 km/h and “very high speed rail” for the rail on dedicated tracks with
speeds over 241 km/h.

As of 2013, the North East Corridor (Acela Express) is the only high – speed rail line in
operation with 362 km and an operated speed of 240 km/h in the United States linking
Boston, New York City, and Washington, D.C. The California High-Speed Rail project is
planned to have its first operating segment between Fresno and Bakersfield in 2021 with
483 km of line and with an operated speed of 300 km/h. Other two very high – speed
railway segment are expected to be in service after 2025. One that link Sacramento/San
Francisco with Fresno 147 km of railway line that will operate at a speed of 300 km/h.
And the second one is Badersfield – Los Angeles with 147 km of railway line at a speed
of 300 km/h

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Figure 4-8: USA railway distribution map.(updated November 2013).

4.7 Asia
Refers to the high-speed rail systems of China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan and
Russia which together are 15.123 km of operatin railway line. However, unlike in Europe,
and despite lots of talk from China, none of the systems are interconnected and there lacks
international high speed rail services.

Table 4-2: Speed Railway distance in Asia.

In operation Under Planned Long term Total

[km]   construction [km]   [km]   planning [km]   [km]
China   11702 7573 0   3777 23052
Japan   2664 779 0 179 3622
Taiwan   345 9 0 0 354
412 247 49 0 708
Russia   0 0 3150 0 3150
Total [km] 15123 8608 3199 3956 30886

4.7.1 China  

China has the largest network of high-speed railways in the world and in 2014 it
encompassed 11.702 km of high-speed rail. According to Railway Gazette, the trains
between Shijiazhuang and Zhengzhou East have the fastest average operating speed in the
world at 283.7 km/h as of August 2013. For more information see Figure 4-9 and Table 4-

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Figure 4-9: China railway distribution map.(updated November 2013).

4.7.2 Japan  

In Japan, intra-city rail daily usage is the highest, with cumulative ridership of 6 billion
passengers (as of 2003). For more information see Figure 4-10 and Table 4-2

Figure 4-10: Japan railway distribution map.(updated November 2013).

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4.7.3 Taiwan  

Taiwan High Speed Rail is a high-speed rail

line that runs approximately 345 km along the
west coast of Taiwan, from the national capital
Taipei to the southern city of Kaohsiung. The
construction was managed by private company
Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation at a total
cost of the project was US$ 18 billion and this
company operates the line. The system is
based primarily on Japan's Shinkansen
Figure 4-11: Taiwan railway distribution
map.(updated November 2013).

4.7.4 Sout  Korea  

Since its opening in 2004, KTX has

transferred over 360 million passengers
until April 2013, accounting to one South
Korean using it seven times. For any
transportation involving travel above 412
km, the KTX secured a market share of
57% over other modes of transport, which
is by far the largest.

Figure 4-12: South Korea railway distribution

map.(updated November 2013).

4.7.5 Russia  

Other target areas include freight lines, such as the Trans-Siberian Railway in Russia,
which would allow 3 day Far East to Europe service for freight, potentially fitting in
between the months by ship and hours by air. Other three section of high speed line with
an operated speed of 300 km/h are planned that will connect Moscow – St. Petersburg
(650 km), Moscow – Soci (1700 km) and Moscow – Kaza (800 km).

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Figure 4-13: Russia railway distribution map.(updated November 2013).

Ervis Sheqi  
Electrified railway supply systems   CHAPTER 2

5 Chapter 2: Electrified railway supply


5.1 Types of power supply systems

The type of current in generally used to distinguish between the various types of electrical
energy supply for electric traction. Originally, direct current was used for electric rail
transport. The reason for this was the extremely favourable, hyperbolic traction/speed
curve of the series commutator motors used as drives in railway application.
Globaly, over half of all electric traction systems still use direct current. The low voltage
used is a disadvantage of existing DC traction sytem as it necessitates high currents to
transmit the required traction power.
At the beginning of the 20th century, efforts were made to combine the traction advantage
of the series motor with the transforming capability of alternating current.
At that time, the objective was a single – phase AC series motor as a drive, which was to
be fed with single – phase AC at the frequency of the public grids, 50 Hz in Europe.
Because the state of technical development at that time several problems arose, including:
• The heavy commutator wear of the 50 Hz single – phase series motor by a
frequency – proportional induced voltage in the single brush winding;
• The high and frequency – proportional, inductive interference in cables running in
parallel to the electric traction system;
• The unacceptably high values of voltage asymmetri in the 50 Hz three – phase
network supply caused by the traction power single – phase supply.
These problems could not be solved satisfactionary at that time.
In Germany, development efforts led to single – phase AC supply with a frequency of
50/3 Hz (= 16 2/3 Hz), were the electrical energy is generated and distribute as a single –
phase in a seperate railway high – voltage network. This power supply was also adopted
by Austria, Switzerland, Norway and Swede and has proven to be particularly powerful
and effective including for the electrical power supply of high – speed and high – capacity
traffic. In 2000 Austrian, German and Swiss railways changed their nominal – frequency
from 16 2/3 Hz to 16,7 Hz. Since then, the relevant standards such as EN 50163 and EN
50188 have used the latter value as nominal frequency.
Initial experience with an AC 50 Hz traction power supply was gained in Germany
starting in 1940.
As a result of the enormous progress made since, in the field of power electronics, AC 25
kV 50 Hz traction power is the type of electricity current prefered in countries now
starting to electrify their railways or constructing new high – speed lines, where DC
power supply has been used previously, like Italy and Spain.

The most common traction power systems are:

• Direct Current with nominal voltage of 0,6 kV, 0,75 kV, 1,5 kV and 3 kV;
• Alternating Current with nominal voltage of 15 kV at 16,7 Hz;
• Alternating Current 1x25 kV at 50 Hz or 2x25 kV at 50 Hz.

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Electrified railway supply systems   CHAPTER 2
Table 5-1 show some important characteristics of traction power supply system in several
European countries.

Table 5-1: Characteristics of traction power supply systems in Europe.

Country Type of power supply Stagger Pantograph width
[mm] [mm]
High-speed lines DC 3 kV or AC 25 kV 50 Hz 300 1450 or 1600
Conventional lines DC 3 kV 300 1600 or 1950
High-speed lines AC 25kV 50 Hz 200 1450 or 1600
Conventional lines DC 1,5 kV 200 1600 or 1950
High-speed lines AC 15kV 16,7 Hz 300 1450 or 1600
Conventional lines AC 15kV 16,7 Hz 400 1600 or 1950
Conventional lines AC 15kV 16,7 Hz 400 1600 or 1950
Conventional lines AC 25kV 50 Hz 275 1600 or 1950
High-speed lines AC 25kV 50 Hz 300 1450 or 1600
Conventional lines DC 3 kV 200 1600 or 1950
High-speed lines AC 25kV 50 Hz 200 1450 or 1600
Conventional lines DC 1,5 kV 350 1600 or 1950
Conventional lines AC 25kV 50 Hz 200 1600 or 1950
High-speed lines AC 25kV 50 Hz 200 1450 or 1600
Conventional lines DC 3 kV 350 1600 or 1950
Great Britain
High-speed lines AC 25kV 50 Hz 200 1450 or 1600
Conventional lines DC 0,75 kV or AC 25kV 50 Hz 230 1600 or 1950

In Europe the distribution is as follows:

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3%   7%  

DC  1,5  kV  System  
DC  3  kV  System  
34%   AC  15  kV  16,7  Hz  System  
AC  25  kV  50  Hz  System  
AC  50  kV  50  Hz  System  


5.2 Alternating Current traction networks at 50 Hz

In this thesis we will focus on the alternating current traction that is the most common
traction power systems. We will describ two different mode in AC networks. The first one
in a single-phase AC 50 Hz (called 1x25 kV – 50Hz) and the second with two phase AC
50 Hz (called 2x25 kV – 50 Hz).

5.2.1 Power  supply  with  single  phase  AC  1x25  kV  –  50  Hz  

The electircal energy required for the operation of AC 50 Hz single-phase traction

networks is obtained from one phase of the public three-phase network supply at 50 Hz.
This single-phase loading of the three-phase network causes imbalance in the voltage and
current of the three-phase network. The current imbalance has only a minor effect on the
generators, whereas the voltage imbalance has serious effects on the consumers. The
voltage imbalance uu is the ratio between the inverse voltage Ui ande direct voltage Ud
and is inversely proportional to the short-circuit power Sk of the three-phase network. For
example if the traction power Se to be drawn from one phase of the three-phase network is
known, then the voltage imbalance in the three-phase network at the point of supply is
given with sufficient accuracy by:

𝑈! 𝑆!
𝑢! = 𝑈! = 𝑆!

With short-circuit power verying between 700 MVA and 3.000 MVA in the 110 kV three-
phase network and powers of the traction power substation up to 40 MVA, lower values
of voltage imbalance are to be expected. Voltage imbalance leads to a reduction in the
life of three-phase asynchronous motors running on three-phase current. To minimise the

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ufavourable effects of voltage imbalance, permissible limits of uu are specified. According
to EN 60034-1, three-phase motors may only be operated in a power supply system where
the voltage imbalance may not exceed 1 % continously or 1,5 % for only a few minutes.
To comply with these stringent requirements, it is necessary to limit or compensate the
In prectice, the single-phase power is usually connected in a cyclically changed manner
with the three-phase network, as can be seen in Figure 5-1 b). However, this type of
feeding leads to a compromise in the single-phase network with regard to optimum
operation , which would be the case for the connection shown in Figure 5-1 a). Phase
separations are ncessary to allow feeding the contact line from one side only. At phase
separations, the applied voltage have a phase shift of 120°. The votlage difference at the
phase separation is 3 ∙ 25  𝑘𝑉 ≈ 43,3  𝑘𝑉. Higher voltage drops result in the overhead
line network. These create unfavourable conditions for electrically regenerating traction
units. Feeding as show in Figure 1.8 b) is preferred by SNFC, who have approximately
8237 km of traction line electified with AC 1x25 kV – 50 Hz. This type of feeding is also
used on the Madrid-Seville High-Speed Line. On this line, the transformers of the
individual substations are arranged with a 60° connection in such a way that the voltage
differences at the phase separations correspond with the nominal voltage of 25 kV.
In Russia, where over 21 500 km of track is electrified with 1x25 kV – 50 Hz, transformer
connection are used, to partially correct for asymmetry (see Figure 5-1 c) and d)).
However phase separations are also necessary and they can be installed in the vicinity of
the substations. The parallel operation which can be implemented as shown in Figure 5-
1d) yields high
compensating currents
under certain conditions.

Figure 5-1: Alternatives of

connecting 50 Hz single-phase
traction power substations to
the three-phase network.

a) Connection without
compensation for
b) Cyclically changed
connection, thereby
indirect compensation of
the imbalance.
c) 120° connection for
direct compensation of the
d) Cyclically changed
connection of substations
operating in parallel with
direct compensation by
120° swithching.

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5.2.2 Power  sypply  with  two  phase  AC  2x25  kV  –  50  Hz  

To improve transmission propeties, the 2x25 kV system is used for high performance
traffic in France, Japan and Russia on 1x25 kV – 50 Hz railways. This type of feeding is
characterised by additional auto-transformers and a return line ata a potential of -25 kV,
often designated as a negative feeder. For this reason, twin-pole switchgear is required in
the overhead line network. The basic design of this type of feeding can be seen in Figure
The line is supplied by a transformer with a centre tap. The centre tap is connected to the
rails. The voltage between the negative feeder and the rails and between the overhead
contact line and the rails are both 25 kV. The potential difference between the overhead
contact line and the negative feeder is up to 50 kV.
The power is transmitted between the substation and the auto-transformer preceding the
section on which the traction uniti s collecting electric power from the contact line as in a
twin-pole 50 kV line. The lower currents involved with this transmission of power result
in lower voltage drops in the overhead contact line network. In the section between the
substation and auto-transformers, the current flowing in the rails i slow dje to the almost
180° phase shift in the equally oarge currents int the overhead contact line and the
negative feeder. The interference with adjacent line is therefore low.
In the section between two auto-transformers, the traction units are fed frem both ends,
the rails serving as return conductors in the customary manner. The interference with
adjacent lines is therefore also lower than in single-ended feeding without auto-

5.2.3 Advantages   and   disadvantages   of   power   supply   with   1x25   kV   and  

2x25  kV  

It is straightforward to install and to operate single-phase AC systems. The installation

allong the railway line consists of the contact line and the return circuit. The overhead line
protection to be intalled in the substations is specified in the design of the system. The
high portion of the return current between 40 and 100% flowing through the tracks and
through earth can create unwanted interferences. They may cause electromagnetic
disturbances in cables in the vicinity of the line if no corrective measure were taken. As a
consequence, the cable need to be protected by cable sheaths. Hte maximun line length to
be supplied single-ended from a substation is limited to approximately 25 km to comply
with the tolerable voltage drops. Since low currents folw through tracks and earth for two
phase-phase AC supply, in those line sections between the autotransformers which are
momentarily not traversed by trains, the elctromagnetic interference will be much lower
than in the case of single-phase supply. Therefore, higher currents and power ca be
transmitted which increase the capacity and performance of the lines.
The voltage drop is lower for the same power enabling up to 50 km long supply sections.
However, the enhanced performance costs more. Autotranformers are placed 10 to 12 km
apart. An additiona 25 kV feeder line is required between the auto-transformer stations
and the substations. The substations need to be designed for two phases instead of one.
Also the protection of the contact line is more cost-effective because of the double-phase
design. The selection of a single-phase or twin-phase system depends on technical and
economic aspects. Where the load is relatively low and interference does not impose
contraints 1x15 kV or 1x25 kV AC system is preferred. Otherwise 2x25 kV is the
adequate option. Both options should be compared economically as well.
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5.3 Hight Speed Train

Engines and auxiliary services of modern traction vehicles are powered by electronic
converters systems based on microprocessor control. This architecture provides great
advantages compared to traditional traction sistems in terms of efficiency, reduction in
weight and volume, reliability and maintainability. The versatility of electronic converters
has also made possible the realization of economic multi-voltage traction trains, which
can be used to overcome the borders post to the integration of the European rail system
represented by the diversity of railway power systems present in Europe.
At the same time, however, with the emergence of these new technologies, manifested an
increasing number of problems, mostly due to incomplete functional compatibility and
performance of new traction vehicles with the other subsystems.
This is largely caused by the fact that the new traction vehicles may not be considered a
simple passive loads that absorb energy from the line: themselves return energy to the
power supply system with spectral content ranging from low frequencies (in order of Hz)
linked to interaction with mechanical part, to hundreds Hz of frequency, due to the
control algorithms, up to higher frequencies, characteristics of power semiconductor
switches. This leads to trigger a very complex interaction phenomena and each converter
can simultaneously act as both a noise generator, both as a victim.
In AC systems, the simultaneous presence of several electronic traction equipment with
different characteristics may require a stability test for electrical system.
Because the converters, by their nature, change the shape of currents and voltages, and
generate harmonics and interarmoniche which disturb the power circuit. Then are required
some verifications due to the fact that in the rails flow a low current of signaling and
block system together with the traction current.

The development of a European system for high speed/high capacity involves an intensive
international traffic of trains for passengers, which therefore must be able to circulate
without constraints on networks that have different power systems, which is also present
in Italy characterized by historical continuous current lines and AV/AC alternating
Achivements relating to the rolling stock differ in Europe, not only because of the
different construction traditions of the various countries, but also as a result of different
socio-economic situations and environmental issues to which we must adapt.
The Italian high-speed material is mainly constituted by ETR500 which is equipped with
two locomotives E404 multi-voltage feed, 3kVcc and 25 kVac. The performance of this
train are aligned with other European achievements, with a continuous output power of
8,8 MW with a speed range from 90 to 300 km/h and with a high level of comfort. Below
will be briefly described, by way of example, the traction and its operation of the

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5.4 ETR500
As described in chapter 1 Freccarossa services are operated with the ETR500 trains with
an operational speed of 300 km/h and a new train is under construction which is
developed by the consortium formed by Ansaldo – Breda and Bombardier.
About ETR500 the locomotive is equipped with two pantographs, one for 3kVcc railway
systems and one for 25 kV – 50 Hz railway systems connected in parallel; being both
isolated at the voltage of 25 kV can be used in emergency conditions, for both power
A voltage sensor automatically enables closing of the 25 kVac switch or the DC high
speed circuit breaker at 3kVcc according to the power system in use, thus avoiding the
possibility of mishandling by the on-board staff. In addition, the train is equipped with a
high voltage line at 25 kVac passing through all tow to allow the feeding of two
locomotives with a single pantograph socketed. The locomotives are automatically
configures to run under 3 kVcc or under 25 kV – 50 Hz as follows. After lifting one of
two pantographs, the system recognizes, through a special sensor, the catenary voltage. If
it is recognized the presence of DC voltage and confirmed with the catenary from on-
board staff, closing command line switch has setting in DC and the closure of DC high
speed circuit breaker (IR). Where is detected the alternating voltage, the circuit-breaker
closing command line has the AC drive configuration and close the main switch to 25 kV.
When closing the line switch, regardless of the configuration assumed by locomotive, the
first stage of the converters start automatically and, subsequently, those of the auxiliary
services and the charger. The configuration change is implemented through appropriate
The conversion system is in two stages, the first of which can function as chopper with
DC power or as a "four quadrant" converter with single-phase power (25 kV-50 Hz),
while the second consists of a three-phase inverter that powers the three-phase
asynchronous traction motors. The design adopted enables semiconductor modules
making up the first stage of converting constructively equal and interchangeable with
those of the second stage. The tractor drives are configurable by means of switches for
direct or alternating carrente; in fact, the early stages are differentiable conversion
downstream of the DC high speed switch, in case of operation at 3 kVcc (Figure 5-2) or
the main transformer secondary, in the case of 25 kV – 50 Hz supply (Figure 5-3).

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Figure 5-2: 3 kVcc configuration drive for ETR500.

Figure 5-3: 25 kVac configuration drive for ETR500.

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The first stage of conversion generates an intermediate system with a continuous voltage
of 2400 V constant (DC link), while an inverter that powers the two traction motors of the
locomotive, generates a voltage output with a variable module and frequency to control
the speed and torque of asynchronous traction motors. The electric braking is achieved by
two braking chopper and rheostats connected to each of the two intermediate circuits 2,4
The traction circuit is optimized by integrating in main transformer inductances chopper
for the first stage and the filter inductors tuned to 100 Hz. Filter capacitors were
dimensioned in order to reduce to a minimum the volume and weight. Always to reduce
considerably the dimensions and weights, the elctronic switch elements used are thyristors

5.4.1 AC  operating  

Each locomotive has two banks, each of one rapresent a “four quadrant” (4Q) converter,
those two converter feed in parallel the intermediate circuit whose rated voltage is 2,4 kV.
The switching frequency of each converter is 500 Hz; Therefore the resulting frequency
upstream of four converters of the locomotive, suitably offset, as seen from the line is
2000 Hz. Four quadrants converters are driven in such a way that the power taken from
the contact line is virtually only active power, keeping the power factor, for a wide range
of use, very close to the unit. A more in-depth study about the mode of operation of the
converter is shown in the next paragraph. It is anticipated that the combined effect of
absorbed current that you want to keep with sinusoidal voltage single-phase converter
power, causes the current intermediate circuit side present a double-frequency component
compared to the network, which is filtered by the given branch at 100 Hz placed in
parallel with the capacitor intermediate circuit filtering.
4Q converters requires the intermediate circuit voltage is always higher than the
instantaneous value of the secondary voltage of the transformer; for this reason the 4Q
can be seen as a step-up chopper reversible, whose modulation varies over time with an
sine law to maintain a constant DC voltage intermediate circuit. To achieve this you need
a particular program for the power-on sequence of the individual branches.

5.4.2 DC  operating  

The four modules constitute the first stage of conversion are linked to intermediate
circuits using appropriate inductances built into the case of the main transformer for
configuring a step-down chopper bi-phase reversible.
The operating frequency of each chopper is 325 Hz and, with symmetrical operation, a
reaction rate of 1300 Hz seen by the line side and 650 Hz seen by the intermediate circuit
The electric braking can be recovered, by exploiting the inherent reversibility of
converters or with rheostats modulated braking by chopper with GTO related to
intermediate circuits of traction converters; these chopper consist of a module similar to
previous constructively.

The main transformer is a single-phase type and suitable for installation on the chassis
between the two carriages. Is contained in an aluminium tank, immersed in coolant along
with other electromechanical components such as chopper inductors, inductors line filter

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and tuned filter. Two pumps provide oil circulation and two heat exchangers for forced
air, placed in the upper part of the locomotive.
The chopper at 600 V for auisiliari power systems are made with constructive forms
similar to those of the drives and are integrated in the same cabinets, using the same
cooling system. The feeding of the chopper does not include decoupling inductance and is
derived, in a 3 kV configuratin, directly from the line filters of the main converters, while
in the 25 kV configuration are connected to the intermediate stage at 2,4 kV. The chopper
output inductors are integrated in cabinets of drives and water cooled.
Power of auxiliary motor is supplied by three IGBT inverters connected according to the
principle shown in Figure 5-4.

Figure 5-4: Auxiliary of the vehicles derived by the three IGBT inverters.

The three inverters, with a power of 135 kVA, feeds three three-phase busbars with a
voltage of 450 V and a frequency of 60 Hz, from which are derived the load. The busbars
can be commuted, in case of emergency, to the other inverters. So, each inverter is
designed for the continuous supply of at least two busbars. From 600 Vcc train line is also
derived the power of the battery charger. The battery charger is composed essentially of
an IGBT inverter at high frequency, a transformer with reduced size and mass and a diode
bridge rectifier. It has three output power terminals: one connected to the positive of the
battery and loads , one at the negative of the battery and the third at the negative of the
loads and the mass of the locomotive.
The traction control system has a MVB (Multifunction Vehicle Bus) bus, which allows
the interrogation of different microcontroller units, specifically the traction drives of the
two locomotors, two vehicle logic in redundancy between them, vehicle diagnostics and
decentralised units, such as the management of the control of electromechanical devices
and transducers.

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This architecture, coupled with the arrangement of the control unit in the same converter
cabinets, achieves a remarkable simplification of the wiring of the vehicle in addition to a
better noise interference.

5.5 Four quadrant converter (4Q)

In the preveus section we discussed about the “four quadrant converter” (4Q), and bellow
we will show what they are and how they work. As we see from Figure 5-2 and 5-3 the
input stage of the AC – DC conversion consist of the 4Q converters.
The 4Q converter is a bidirectional converter with adjustment for forced switching pulse
and can be considered structurally similar to a single phase voltage source inverter with a
H-bridge structure. The principle scheme of the converter is reported in Figure 5-5.

Figure 5-5: Principle scheme of a four-quadrant converter.

The force switching allows to adopt for the current network, the values of voltage higher
than those typical of the use of a natural switching converters, achieving the goal of
increasing the power transmitted maintaining the trasmission losses equal; this voltage
obviously has a maximum limit imposed by the presence of the switches and by the
capacitive middle circuit C between the terminals AK.
Furthermore, the high switching frequency of switches introduce the problem of harmonic
filtering at the alternating current side to only high frequency noise. The system, of which
shows the principle diagram in Figure 5-3 is basically constituted by the secondary of the
transformer, from 4 switches (T1÷T4), GTO or IGBT, and 4 freewheeling diodes (D1÷D4)
connected in anti-parallel, so that the current can circulate in both senses. Each pair of
opposed switches cyclically connects the two input terminals to the positive or the
negative pole of the DC link. Each terminal can therefore assume two values of the
potential, for which the converter operates at two levels. In the DC link is placed an
intermediate circuit capacitance C with the aim of maintaining a constant voltage.

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The system first has the task of absorbing from the contact line, with voltage e1 and
frequency f1, a current having the fundamental harmonic component i1 in phase with e1
and with low harmonic content, so that the conditions are fulfilled:
• Power factor closed to 1 cosφ1 = 1;
• form factor λ≈1 .

In the second place has to absorb from the line a power with a mean value P1, pulsing at
the frequency 2f1, and provide to the intermediate circuit DC link a continues power Pd to
the traction motors and auxiliary services.
There are many mathematical models of the 4Q converters in the scientific literature but
in this thesis we will focus on the study of the short-circuit currents and the model of the
train for the purpose of this work will be a current generator.

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway system   CHAPTER 3

6 Chapter 3 : AC 2x25kV – 50 Hz railway


6.1 Introduction
High speed railway systems are primarily characterized by the high demand for power
that the system must provide to trains dedicated to this service. In order to fulfil this
request, you need a sufficiently high voltage value that implies restrained current value.
Considering the different technical and economic characteristics, for the new high speed
railway systems was chosen a single-phase alternating current able to achieve of some
key objectives of electric traction:
• The possibility to raise the level of overhead contact line voltage, thus reducing
the values of currents, and at the same time to ensure suitable values to feed drives
and on-board converters through the use of transformers;
• The possibility to keep the overhead contact line single-wire;
• Direct connection to the industrial grid;
• Increase the specific power of the line.

The 2x25 kV feeding system in considerd an optimal solution for high speed railways.
The system use three voltage levels (contact line “catenary”, rail and the negative power
supply “feeder”) that allows you to transmit the power at 50 kV and make it available to
the trains at 25 kV.
This system has already wide application in existing railway systems over the world, but
presents a new application for Italy, where the country has necessitated specific technical
adaptations to make it compatible with existing systems, as well as for the use of the latest
technologies available.
Below are described the main features of this solution, with particular attention to the case
of Italian high-speed/high-capacity (HS/HC) railway lines.
The choice of 2 × 25 kV at industrial frequency has the advantage of being able to
connect substations directly to the national transmission grid, the reduction in the number
of the substations, increase the distance between the substations as well as a greater
efficiency due to the use of higher transmission voltage (50 kV supply between catenary
and feeder) with lower currents and lower voltage locomotive traction equipment (25 kV
rail-catenary voltage).

6.2 Configuration of the power system

The power system provides for the transport, the transformation and distribution of the
electricity from delivery points in high voltage up to moving loads (train) and stationary
loads (peripheral posts PPF).
The architecture of power system is conditioning basically by having to limit the
imbalances caused in the high voltage network by withdrawal of energy in single-phase,
typical of electric traction system 2×25 kV – 50 Hz, and by the need to give maximum

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continuity of operation to electrical substations (ESS). Disadvantage of single-phase at
frequency of 50 Hz derived directly from industrial grid is in fact that of the introduction
of imbalances in national network (RTN) due to the drawing power of single-phase high
especially when compared to the powers involved in the early industrial electrification
systems. These imbalances can be very harmful to generators, motors and other three-fase
loads due to the asymmetry of the phase voltage resulting.
We consider the asymmetry coefficient:
𝐾 =   ! 𝑈
defined as the ratio between the negative sequence components of the concatenate voltage
Ui and the positive component Ud; it can be expressed with sufficient accuracy by the
imbalance coefficient:
𝐾 =   ! 𝑃
where Pcc is the short circuit power of the three-fase network in the sampling point fo the
single-fase power Pm request.
The coefficient K, in percent, represents the maximum percentage within which are
contained scraps of individual voltages compare to their average value. The presence of
three-fase industrial motors determines the need to have a value of K les than 1% in
continuous operation and 1,5% for a few minutes.
To adress this problem, reducing the equivalent single-fase load Pm from the three-fase
network and using identical transformers, the connection diagram of the 2x25 kV
substation system presents the use of single-fase transformers linked to V diagram, Figure
6-1, alternating the connection on various phases.

Figure 6-1: V diagram connection of the transformers.

Since the ESS are connected to different phases of the three-phase network, the necessity
is, as we will see, to divide the railway line in section not supplied with voltage in phase
with each other. This section will therefor have to be separated by disconectors. Since the
line feed of the substation, the bars and the HV equipment are three-phase, the entire line
of power train is divided into sectors of length L/2 (with L distance between two
substation) separated by neutral sections. The secondary voltage U2 and U3 are mutualy

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway system   CHAPTER 3
out of fase by 120°. The equivalent single-phase load Pm approximately corresponds at
higher powers P2 or P3.
To optimize the distribution of the traction load on the three phases RS-ST-TR of the
primary network, the transformer connections are estabilished so that in the areas of line
voltages are racing in accordance with the sequence of order three with a difference of
potential across of each neutral section equal to ∆𝑈 = 3  𝑈 (as shown in Figure 6-1), or
according to the sequence of six order with a lower difference of potential ∆𝑈 =  𝑈.

6.3 Primary supply

Power is supply through primary lines at 132 kV (150 kV), which connect the electrical
substation of the national grid (RTN in Italy) with elctrical substation (ESS) of the
Traction Power Supply through transformers 380/132 kV (400/150 kV). The Figure 6-2
below show the configuration.

Figure 6-2: Primary supply.

In order to support the current imbalances described obbove, the HV substation of the
RTN grid must have a short-circuit power sufficiently high at the point of connection with
the HS sistem.
The section upsteam and downsteam the substation should be disconnected with a neutral
section due to the different phases of the supply voltage and the difference of potential at
the terminals is:
∆𝑈 =   3  𝑈 = 42,5  𝑘𝑉

The system in able to guarantee the continuity of a power supply fo the ESS in case of out
of service of a station in the RTN grid or in case of failure to a power line.

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Inside the substation of the RTN grid are the autotransformers 380/132 kV with a power
of 250 MVA tha feed themselves power lines able to carry a power of 200 MVA.
Considering a real case of the Italian HS line, the new line from Turin to Novara was built
on the track of a FS (Ferrovie dello Stato) primary line existing, transforming the line
from simple to double three-phase and has been connected to the station of HV RTN grid
fo Rondissone, characterized by a high short-circuit power since many converge to the
same line at a very high voltage.
For the HS lines have been used stainless galvanaized supports that have a reduced
environmental impact. An example is shown in Figure 6-3 in comparison with a
traditional support.

Figure 6-3: a) Stainless galvanaized support. b) Traditional support.

This type of support (type a in Figure 6-3), having the distance between the phases lower
than the traditional, has a lower reactance resulting in incresed capacity of transmission
and the elctromagnetic impact is significantly lower.
In the case of new lines of HS line will therefore seek to resort the use of supports with
reduced environmental impact for the overhead line in order to ensure environmental
protection and high reliability, for the benefit of:
• Lower visual impact;
• A band of interlocking reduced;
• A limited land occupation;
• Small foundations;
• Minor damage and disturbance to the environment during construction;
• Reduced electric and magnetic fields.

Power lines have the same electrical characteristics of those unified by the national
tarnsmission grid; shown in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1: Electrical characteristics of primary power lines.

Rated Voltage [kV] 132

Maximum voltage of the system [kV] 145
Frequency [Hz] 50
Maximum current (rms) [A] 800
Current density [A/mm2] 1,36

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6.4 Electrical substations (ESS)

Substation located at the ends of the line are connected by a power line at 132 kV (150
kV) to the substation nearby national transmission network at 380 kV (400 kV), through
the dedicated autotransformers 380/132 kV (400/150 kV). Al the substation located along
the railway line are connected to each other with the same power line at 132 kV (150 kV)
in “in and out”. This configuration has the advantage that each substation is supply from
the both side and to transfer the load imbalance to a node with a short-circuit power
relatively high. The double interconnection to the transmission grid allows to have a high
level of continuity.
The ESS of HS Railway have an installed capacity of 120 MVA, divided into two units of
transformation with a power of 60 MVA each, shown in Figure 6-4, and are placed
between them at a distance of about 50 km.

Figure 6-4: Electric diagram of ESS for 2x25 kV - 50 Hz system.

The two transformers are connected with the HV primary supply according to the V
diagram connection with phase rotation in successive substations. This configuration
mode allows that the transfer of power takes place on copies of different phases every 25
km, in order to compensate the load imbalance on the primaty supply network.
For the HS/HC lines, considering the high speed velocity and intensity of traffic, the
specific power, understood as the ratio between the total power installed in substations
and the length of the line of expertise, alleged on the order of 1-2 MW/km, compared to
much lower value for historical lines. For example, in the 3 kV network in Italy, the
Ervis Sheqi  
AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway system   CHAPTER 3
specific power is in the range of 0.3-0.4 MW/km the main lines and increasses to 0.5-0.7
MW/km only in pass sections. On these occasions you do obviously rely on overloaded
suportted by the converters groups of substations, normaly is 100% for 2 hours and the
133-200% for 5 minutes. Only in the "Direttissima" Rome-Florence is reached a specific
power of approximately 0.8 MW/km for a speed of 250 km/h.
With specific reference to the case of Italian HS/HC lines, basic specification issued by
the FS (Ferrovie dello Stato) determines that the line "must be able to support the traffic
of trains with a power of 12 MW set at a speed of 300 km/h spaced 5 minutes without any
limit but with margin of potentiality". The performance prediction of traffic descends in
two directions of the trains ETR500 at the maximum composition with a maximum
absorption at the pantograph of 12 MW, spaced 5 minutes: this corresponds to a specific
power rating, altogether on two tracks, over 1 MW/km, assuming loads with a power
factor of 0.95. In order to realize the margin of potentiality of 100%, thus achieving the
maximum potential of more than 2 MW/km, with the operation of a single transformer as
reserve for the other, the size of these transformers in the ESS is 60 MVA. The
configuration of a SSE system is such that for maintenance or out of services of a
transform group we can intervene without disconnecting the ESS. In this case,
transformers have the possibility of overload of 50% for 15 minutes or 100% for 5
minutes. Each busbar of high voltage line adopted switches and selectors and the high
voltage busbar is sectioned in the middle with motorized disconectors that allows you to
keep in service one of two groups in case of failure of the busbar or equipment connected
to the busbar. In series to the disconnector is provided a second manual disconnector
which has the purpose of allowing interventions on motorized disconector above always
keeping in operation a transform group of 60 MVA. Is not provided the operation of two
parallel transformer, because you would have a high level of short-circuit, in particular
towards the breaking capacity of the switches in board circuit. A rough estimate indicates
a short circuit current on the order of 20 kA and requires attention in the choice of
substation circuit breaker, whose intervention is particularly critical in the case of short-
circuits away due to high line impedance.
The transformation ratio is 132/55 kV whith low-voltage winding divided into two
sections of 27.5 kV each. The transformers are equipped with on-load tap changer with
voltage adjustment +4×1.25% and -12×1.25% primary side to control the voltage in high
voltage side.
For the 25 kV system, the limit values at the pantograph allowed for the primary supply of
the contact line by CEI and IEC standards are:

• Maximum rated voltage 27,5 kV (+10%), 29 kV for 5 minutes;

• Minimum rated voltage 19 kV (-24%), 17,5 kV for 10 minutes;
• Range of frequency of 1 Hz (±2%).

In order to allow the train to provide maximum performance, the power system supply is
designed so that, except for very limited sections, the pantographs is present a voltage
exceeding 22 kV.
The center tap of the transformer is connected to the track and the ground grid, the +25
kV feeds the contact line, while the -25 kV is connected to negative line called “feeder”.
From the secondary busbar below of the substation, in the case of bouble track line, four
power supplies posts are derived, each of which has a bipolar switch and two bipolar
disconnectors, one of which motorized and remote controlled. The switch also performs
the function of protection of the line from short circuits, while the disconnector ensures
the lackof voltage in cose of manutention on overhead line or in ESS. The protection

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway system   CHAPTER 3
equipment that intervene on the switchies of the uprights power supplies are of the type of
impedance with a rectangular characteristics trip able to ensure the intervention even with
parallel lines extending through to the neighboring station below. Two of the four power
supplies, feed the two even line while the other two feed thte odd ones, for a total of four
contact line and four feeder.
To the ESS sink are connected the conductors of the ground circuit.
So in the ESS are included:
• High voltage busbar fo 132 kV;
• 132/2x25 kV transformers of 60 MVA;
• Medium voltage busbar ±25 kV;
• Auxiliary services transformers;
• Feeders of 25 kV;
• Parallel busbar feeders for even/odd lines of 25 kV.

6.5 Auxiliary posts

As previously described, in normal operation is expected to change the pair of power
supply phases both between the two groups of a ESS either between corresponding groups
feeding each track of line between two ESS. Therefore the overhead contact line should
be selected either in correspondence of the ESS either in the middle of the section of
about 50 km.
In order to move the disconnections is better to share the load in case of abnormal
conditions such as partial or total out of service of one ESS, disconnections are also made
in the middle of each half-section of about 25 km and kept normally shorted.
General power supply design is shown in Figure 6-5.


S.S.E P.P. P.P P.P. S.S.E

. .
Autotrasf. Autotrasf. Autotrasf. Autotrasf. Autotrasf. Autotrasf.
. SEZ.

IP01 IP02 IP04 IP03 IP01 IP02 IP04 IP03

SP01 SP02 SP04 SP03 IP01 IP02 IP01 IP02 IP01 IP02 SP01 SP02 SP04 SP03
IP04 IP03 IP04 IP03 IP04 IP03

SP01 SP02 SP04 SP03 SP01 SP02 SP04 SP03 SP01 SP02 SP04 SP03


Figure 6-5: General power supply diagram.

Along the line are the "Auxiliary Stations”, classified in:

1. Simple or Double Parallel Transformation Post(SPTP or DPTP) in Figure 6-5),
which has the function to realize the parallel between the power supply of the odd
and even track and the exchange of power between the contact line and feeder;
2. Catenary Origin Point (POC), which has the goal to maintain the mechanical and
electrical separation between two sections supplied by the two different systems,
such as the 2x25 kV – 50 Hz AC system and the 3 kV DC system;

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway system   CHAPTER 3
3. Under – Section Point (PSS) and Under – Section and Protection Point (PSSP),
which has the goal to maintain the electrical separation between two different
electrical areas, supplied with the same phase voltage.

SPTP, POC and PSS threfore involve, with different ways, the electrical separation, as
well as mechanical, of the conductors (Contact Line, Feeder, Rails) concerning
themselves. The neutral point of DPTP or ESS and the POC, are symmetric along the
contact line, or rather have the same structure on the even track as well as on the odd,
while the PSS are often located on only one of the two tracks.

6.5.1 Single  or  Double  Parallel  Transformation  Post  (SPTP  or  DPTP)  

Between two consecuteve ESS are three parallel post (even/odd track) and
autotransformers (PP), distant typically 10-15 km. Simple Parallel Transformation Post
(SPTP) or Double Parallel Transformation Post DPTP), has the function to realize the
parallel between power supply of the odd and even track, both for the contact line as well
as for the feeder and are equipped with two auto-transformers of 15 MVA, with a ratio of
50/25 kV.
The DPTP is constituted by two identical modules, one for each side of the sectioning.
The auto-transformer is connected as show in Figure 6-6.




I01 FUSA I02

S01 S02

F1N - 25kV
L1N +25kV

L2N +25kV
F2N - 25kV
Figure 6-6: DPTP and auto-transformer connection.

From the feeder of each module is derived a single phase transformer with a ratio of
25/0,4 kV for the ausiliary systems. The SPTP has only one of the two identical module
of the DPTP.
The “central” DPTP, namely that placed halfway between two ESS, is energized in
normal condition with the neutral point opened, as the two trunks of the line are fed from
their ESS, so with different phase voltage (Figure 6-7). In this case the system has the

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway system   CHAPTER 3
configuration of a “parallel post and sectioning of different phase” and are in operation
the one to the “left” that the “right” hand of the neutral point. Furthermore, in case of the
train passing in one of the two tracks, the auto-transformer dedicated to that section
allows reclosing of the current coming from the ESS of the tack within its jurisdiction.

autotrasf autotrasf
15 MVA 15 MVA

S010 S020

I01 I02 I03 I04

S01 S02 S03 S04

- 25kV

- 25kV
Figure 6-7: DPTP in halfway of two ESS.

The DPTP closer to the ESS is energized normally with the neutral point closed, as it has
to establish the continuity, that is transmit the power supply from the track closer to the
ESS and directly fed by this, that is not derectly feded from any ESS. In general is
operating only one of two auto-transformers, which, by the parallel post, supply both even
and odd track, while the second auto-transformer has only the reserve function.

The sectioning in the Figure 6-8 are made with double air space and short intermediate
unpowered trunk, “buffer section”. The train has to engage the “buffer section” without
absorbing current in order to avoid acring between the powered line and “buffer section”.
The swotched off drive and the main board switch will be controlled and/or automatically
controlled via “BOE” arranged in suitable position on the track, so as to ensure maximum
safety for carrying out of the maneuver and at the same time to minimize the switch-off
time of the motors. The two disconnectors can be short-circuited, the first by a bipolar
switch (on-load opereting), the second by a single disconnector. The sectioning of the
feeder is unique located at the first air space met by the train in legal sense (left), and
realized through mooring isolators.

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway system   CHAPTER 3

S1 I1 S11

- 25kV
- 25kV

S22 I2 S2
50 m
Figure 6-8: Sectioning post at a bouble track line.

6.5.2 Electric  Border  Point  (POC)  

The POC has the goal to maintain the machanic and elctric separtion between two
different systems such as the 2x25 kV – 50 HZ AC system lines and the 3 kV DC lines.
The POC can therefore be:
• in the border between a 25 kV AC line and a 3 kV DC line;
• in the interconnection lines.

Figure 6-9: Electric Border Point

The POC is essentially constituted by:

the isolating transformer unit (TS);
the filter unit;
the protection devices.

Ervis Sheqi  
AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway system   CHAPTER 3
In Figure 6-9 it is also possible to note the mean distance between the POC isolated
connection and respectively the TS unit and the filter unit, equal to 800-1000 m. This
distance comes out beside functional technical characteristics, form considerations
regarding the presence of long trains along the line that have to be contained in the neutral
zone. In this way a whole train is inside the way between the two isolated connections 1
and 2 tha have a total distance of about 2 km. The trains have to run for inertia in the way
between the two different supply systems with the pantograph down.

The isolatin transformer unit (TS)

The isoltaing transformer (TS) uniti s the 25 kV side of the Catenary Origin Point. The
transformer was studied to supply with a voltage equal to 25 kV AC a part of line (about 1
km long) electrically independent from the rest of the 25 kV AC system thank to an
isolated connection (Connection 1 in Figure 6-9). This connection realize two electrically
independent sections of the rails. The primary and secondary sizes of the transformer are
connected to the contact line and to the rails. The connection with the 25 kV contact line
is realized though line devices, such as disconnectors (SL), the circuit breader (IL) and
the current transformer (TA), as depicted in Figure 6-8.

Figure 6-10: The isolating transformer unit (TS).

This system solution lets to limit the dispersion of the AC traction currents only when the
train run on the interconnection rail (about 1 km) supplied at 25 kV AC from the isolating
transformer. Moreover it lets to limit also the DC currents on the AC supply system.

The filter unit

The line filter FL is constituted by device connected to the contact line at 3 kV DC. The
rail filter (FR) is constituted by devices that realize the electric continuity of the rail. The
reactance of the filter uniti s studied to be inserted both on the contact line and on the rail
of the 3 kV DC railway line in order to reduce the current in the neutral zone. The
nominal inductance is equal to 3,5 mH and it is sized for a short circuit current up to 30
kA for 0,2 seconds. The capacitance presents a nominal value equal to 2895 µF, with a
variability range of the capcity equal to ±12,5% and regulation steps of ±0,5%. The
nominal voltage is 900 V and the nominal current 110 A. Finally, the by-pass fuse has to
be installed in parallel to the rail filter disposals and presents an inrush voltage equal to

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway system   CHAPTER 3
150 V ±20%. The admitted DC current is bigger than 30 kA for 100 ms and bigger than 1
kA for 60 s, while the admitted AC current is bigger tha 2 kA for 60s.

Figure 6-11: The filter unit.

The protection devices

The protection devices are connected between the contact line and the rails in
correspondence of the border line. These disposals are controlled by dedicated systems
constituted essentially by a voltage transformer at 25 kV side and a voltage divider at 3
kV side, connected as depicted in Figure 6-12.

Figure 6-12: The protection devices.

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway system   CHAPTER 3
6.5.3 Under   –   Section   Point   (PSS)/Under   –   Section   and   Protection   Point  

Both PSS and PSSP rialise the elctrical separation of two sections of different electric
areas and powered with the same phase voltage, Figure 6-13. In this case missing the
neutral point and the place is reduced to the overlap of the two powered line at issues.
The PSS is used whenever necessary to electrically separate a section of full-line form a
Sevice Place, without having moreover the need to prevent any contact between the two
powered lines via the pantograph to the passage of the train.
The PSS is equipped with a remote-controlled bipolar disconnector which electrically
connects between them the two sections of the contact line and the two of the feeder. This
disconnector is normally kept closed to ensure electrical continuity between the two lines.

A 25 kV M 25 kV B


Figure 6-13: Supply sistem for o double track railway line.

The PSSP, which from the point of view of the mechanical arrangement is equal to PSS,
is used as a protection of the line and is equipped with a switch and a bipolar or unipolar
disconnector (in series) according to the case (PSSP of an POC protection, located on the
AC line or on the interconnection point).

6.6 Overhead contact line

The electrical point of view, the 2x25 contact line is composed of several adjacent trunks,
designed to be fed with different phases, separated by DPTP or by ESS. This separation
created, as previously described, through neutral sections at DPTP and ESS, constructed
so that the creeping of the pantograph to its passage not put in short circuit two different
phase of the supply.
The wires for each track are 7, precisely:
1. Contact wire: in copper with a section of 120 mm2 and voltage of 25 kV;
2. Messenger wire: in copper with a section of 150 mm2 and voltage fo 25 kV;
3. Feeder: aluminium-steel material with a section 307 mm2 and voltage -25 kV;
4. Ground wire made of aluminium alloy with a section 147,1 mm2;
5. Pole earthing wire made in copper or aluminium with a section 95 mm2;
6. External rail UNI 60 standard;
7. Internal rail UNI 60 standard.

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway system   CHAPTER 3
The conductors are supported by LS poles positioned at intervals of length around 50-60
km in staight line. On the same LS poles are located the contact wire, messenger wire,
feeder, and ground wire (in italian called “trefolo”). The geometries involved in the
construction of various types of railway line are grouped into four general classes, called
“section type”. The four section type are rappresented in Table 6-2

Table 6-2: Geometry of railway line. Type 1: Tranch Section; Type 2: Overpass Section; Type 3: Natural Gallery
Section; Type 4: Artificial Tannel Section.

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Tape 4

Conductors X Y X Y X Y X Y
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
Feeder 1 1 -6,60 8,00 -5,00 8,00 -1,45 7,50 -5,55 6,45
Feeder 2 1' 6,60 8,00 5,00 8,00 1,45 7,50 5,55 6,45
Ground wire 1 2 -6,10 5,50 -6,10 5,50 -0,20 8,00 -6,90 6,48
Ground wire 2 2' 6,10 5,50 6,10 5,50 0,20 8,00 6,90 6,48
Messenger wire 1 3 -2,50 6,55 -2,50 6,55 -2,50 6,55 -2,50 6,55
Messenger wire 2 3' 2,50 6,55 2,50 6,55 2,50 6,55 2,50 6,55
Contact wire 1 4 -2,50 5,30 -2,50 5,30 -2,50 5,30 -2,50 5,30
Contact wire 2 4' 2,50 5,30 2,50 5,30 2,50 5,30 2,50 5,30
Rail 1-1 5 -3,22 0,00 -3,22 0,00 -3,22 0,00 -3,22 0,00
Rail 2-2 5' 3,22 0,00 3,22 0,00 3,22 0,00 3,22 0,00
Rail1-2 6 -1,78 0,00 -1,78 0,00 -1,78 0,00 -1,78 0,00
Rail 2-1 6' 1,78 0,00 1,78 0,00 1,78 0,00 1,78 0,00
Pole earth wire 1 7 -4,75 -0,60 -5,10 -0,40 -5,16 0,05 -6,60 0,15
Pole earth wire 2 7' 4,75 -0,60 5,10 -0,40 5,16 0,05 6,60 0,15

Each section type has a particular geometric arrangement of conductors due to different
spaces available, with particularly regard to the feeder and the ground wire. In Figure 6-
14 is depicted the geometry for a
general section type for an overhead
contact line.
the contact wire is generally a solid
copper conductor and is shaped to be
supported longthwise by hangers. The
hight of the contact wire from the rail
plane is constant for all the track.
The feeder, between two
autotransformers (or between an
autotransformer and ESS) and in the
moment which in those section pass a
train, contributes in the return current,
while contributing mainly the return on
section not occupied by the train. For
the feeder is used a steel-aluminium
conductor. As depicted in Figure 6-14
the feeder is located at the top of LS
Figure 6-14:Geometry of overhead contact line. poles and supported by shelf hangin

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway system   CHAPTER 3
isolator facing outwards. In other section type the feeder had different location.
The values allowed for the feeding of the contact line remain the same as classical single-
phase with voltage of 25 kV at 50 Hz (wiht a maximum rated voltage of 27,5 kV,
minimun rated voltage of 19 kV and a renge of frequency of ±1 Hz).
The earth circuit is composed by two pole earthing wires, two ground wires and two rails.
The pole earthing wire is copper conductor and are arranged parallel to the track to a
certain depth in the soil near the base of the supports and connected to them. Since the rail
are not isoltated from the soil, the pole earthing wire, one for each of the two rails, allows
to increase the natural leakage conductance of the rails toward the ground, in order to
decrease the return/ground potential and thus avoid the risk of excessive contact voltages
both in normal operation and in case of failure. On pole earthing wire are connected all
the poles and the metal masses of equipment along the line in order to protect operators
against indirect contact. The earthing wire also reduces the impedance of the poles in
rispect to the ground, important safeguards for the protection against overvoltages of
atmospheric origin.
The ground wire are twisted aluminium conductor and are located on the same supported
LS poles of the overhead contact line. This conductor has a triple function. First is used as
a return conductor for the auxiliary services along the line, because, its position next to
the active line conductors, attracts a large portion of the return current, reducing what is
lost in the ground and consequent decrease of interference. Secondly is a gound wire to
protect against the risk of voltage on the poles, because it creates a direct connection of
the poles to the rails, whereby, in the event of failure of one of the isolators, you have a
shorted circuit resulting in immediate trip of the protections. Finally the atmospheric
protection function, as it operates an effective protection against overvoltages of
atmospheric origin.
The rails are made of steel of type UNI 60. All the poles of each track are linded together
by the ground wire, which every 1500 m is connected to the rail, through inductive
connections, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the signalling system.
Parallel connections are planned between the even conductor and the odd conductor to the
end and in the middle of each section of 1500 m. The inductive connections are equipped
with two terminals that are connected one to each rail, and a central tap connected to the
ground, as shown in Figure 6-15.


Figure 6-15: Inductive connections.

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They are design to act as a low-pass filter. In fact offer low impedance to the traction
current at 50 Hz and cut off the signalling currents in audiofrequency. There are two types
of inductive connections:
• “barrier”: allow you to balance the traction return currents between the rails and
connect the rails to the ground system;
• Return of traction current (for ESS and DPTP). Used to connect the center tap of
the transformers and autotransformers to the rails.
Constructively are made of two half-windings on a ferromagnetic core with airgap to
avoid saturation, and keep a linear characteristic even with high currents.

6.7 Auxiliary services supply and line loads

The two single-phase lines at rated voltage 25 kV constituted by the feeder represent the
primary source of power for auxiliary services and line loads.
In substations, from each end of the conductor busbar "feeder" is derived a single-phase
transformer 25/0,24 kV and a power of 50 kVA to feed auxiliary services of ESS. Each
transformer is protected by a fuse with remote signal and a manual disconnector.
Auxiliary services are powered by one of the two transformers. The low voltage side is a
switch that automatically transfers the load to the second transformer in case of failure of
the first, giving warning to the central remote control center.
The feeder is the power supply for all utilities along the line. In particular, the whole
section has been divided into subsection (full line and service places) in which were
placed individual transformation posts on poles (Figure 6-16).

+25 kV L.d.C

+25 kV L.d.C



Figure 6-16: Transformation post on poles along the line.

Are powered by this source lighting systems, power systems, emergency systems,
signalling systems, heating of switches, base stations of GSM-r and data acquisition unit
for the diagnostic of the line. The feeder supply therefore makes energy available
anywhere along the line, but introduces possible issues related to the quality of the energy
supplied, because the feeder can easily be subject to disturbance present on the line
essentially caused by trains.

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway system   CHAPTER 3
Howerev, since this power supply interesting essential utilities, it is clear the need, for
safety reasons, to minimise the period of out of service in case of anomalies on the main
power line. In order to ensure continuity of supply of the essential utilities is necessary to
provide an essential source of backup power, for a reserve power source, as well as buffer
batteries for essential loads, as shown in Figure 6-17.


Figure 6-17: Supply of the normal utilities and emergence utilities.

Each area concerned (Peripheral Fixed Post PFP) Fabricated Auxiliary Services (FAS),
Electrically Heated Switches (HS) presents the loads that can be divided into normal,
privileged users and essential. Normal users such as non-emergency lighting and drivers
power, the auxiliaries, the monitoring data acquisition unit (DAU) and the heating of
switches. Privileged users is such as Conditioning (CDZ), while they are essential utilities
Signalling Systems (SS), Telecommunications (TLC), Electric Traction (ET), Security
Lights, Plant Fire, Auxiliaries, Automation and Maintenance & Diagnostics (M&D).
In Figure 6-18 shows as an example
the single-wire electrical diagram of
a Peripheral Fixed Post (PFP).
As can be seen from Figure 6-18, the
continuity of power is therefore
guaranteed by two UPS and one GE.

Figure 6-18: Electrical unifilar shceme fo the PFP.

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Analysis of AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz system   CHAPTER 4

7 Chapter 4: Analysis of 2x25 kV – 50 Hz


7.1 Introduction
The new italian high – speed/high – capacity (HS/HC) railway lines adopt, as a suppling
technical solution, the 2x25 kV – 50 Hz AC power supply system. All over the world,
new high – speed railway lines are under construction or planning as seen in chapter 1. In
this scenario, the new Italian lines are considered to be an important reference for the
constructors of new systems for the HS railway.
Consequentrly, it is very important to analyze and deeply understand the real functioning
of the 2x25 kV supply system. This study includes the analysis of the currents distribution
between the 2x25 kV system branches, both in the free sections and in those occupied by
the trains, combining the operation of the ideal 2x25 kV and of the simple 25 kV systems.
The real understanding of the functioning is not a physical and mathematical effort, but is
a valid instrument for the better design of future railway lines. In fact, different
constructive solutions, such as the autotransformers short-circuit voltage, can influence
the good functioning of the system and the interference with the signaling system, the
disturbance to the parallel conductors, and the stray currents in the ground, with
consequential problems to the nearby devices.

7.2 System operation description

HS/HC systems are mainly characterized by the high power that they can supply to the
trains running on these lines (2 MW/km). To meet this requirement with the minimum
resistive losses, a suitable high supply voltage is necessary, which entails, for a given
power, a low current value and implies the use of single-phase alternating current.
The need to further take advantage of the high voltage transmission economy, without
using an excessive voltage level on the contact lines, has led to the study and development
of the 2x25 kV system, which, by using a three-level voltage system (contact line, rails
and feeder), allows the transmission of power at 50 kV and makes it available to the trains
at 25 kV.
In the substation ESS, a step down transformer with an earth connected central tap feeds
two lines: the contact line at +25 kV and the feeder line at -25 kV. Along the track, the
50/25 kV autotransformers and the earth connected central taps distribute the current
absorbed by the train set between the feeder and the contact line. They are placed in the
double parallel transformers place (DPTP).
In order to balance the single-phase absorption, each transformer is connected to two
different phase conductors of the three-phase industrial system. Therefore, in normal
services, the power supply phase changes between the two groups of each ESS and
between the corresponding groups feeding the line sections between two adjacent ESSs.
Therefore, the contact line is sectioned in the correspondence of each ESS and every 25
km. To better optimize the sectioning and better distribute the load in the case of

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Analysis of AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz system   CHAPTER 4
anomalous conditions, such as the partial or total out of service condition of an ESS, the
sectionings are also implemented halfway along each 25 km strech.
Figure 7-1 shows the principle diagram with the ideal current distribution, described by
the technical and scientific literature, dealt with only from o theoretical point of view, and
considering many simplifying hypotheses, such as considering null the voltage drops on
the transformers and on all the conductors.

Figure 7-1: Ideal current distribution of the 2x25 kV - 50 Hz power supply system.

Consider, for example, three cells, as reported in Figure 7-1. With the train in the middle
of the third cell, the load is supplied by the two nearby autotransformers. In order to
evaluate the current distribution, the current absorbed by the train is first considered and
assumed equal to 100 A. This current flows back through the rail, dividing itself in two
equal quantities that are equal to 50 A, hypothesizing that the impedance in the two half-
cells is the same. Of course, the currents distribution in the cell occupied by the train
depends from its position. These 50 A are equally distributed by the autotransformers so
that the the train can be bilaterally supplied. In the free cell, the current in the contact line
and in the feeder are equal to half of the current absorbed by the train, while in the rail, it
is null. Therefore, the coming back of the current in this cell does not involve tha rail.
This is a great characteristic of the 2x25 kV system, because in this way, it is possible to
reduce the problem of the interference with the signaling system, the disturbances to the
parallel conductors, the voltage drop, and the stray currents.
However, measurements have demonstrated that in reality, the current in the rail is not
completely null and, therefore, it is interesting to evaluate what the factors are that can
influence the quantity of currents in the rail, compromising the system behavior.

Ervis Sheqi  
Analysis of AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz system   CHAPTER 4

7.3 Mathematic – Physical study of the real system

To calculate the real current distribution, the 2x25-kV system has been forced to be
passive by short-circuiting the input voltage generator and only considering the train
action, modeled as an ideal current generator. Considering the constraints resulting from
the magnetomotive forces balances of the autotransformers and of the transformer as well
as the Kirchhoff laws at the nodes, the current distribution is the one reported in Figure 7-
2, where
𝐼! = 𝐼! + 𝐼!

is the current absorbed by the train, and kT is the transforming factor of the ESS
transformer and is equal for example to 132/27,5.

Figure 7-2: Current distribution in the unloaded system.

It is possible to note that the train current flows to the respective DPTP through the rails,
splitting into the Ia and Ib components unknown before. The curren Ia will split itself apart
in the autotransformer and in the Ic component that flows in the rail in the cell not
occupied by the train. The determination of the Ia , Ib, and Ic components will be given by
the voltage Kirchhoff laws considering the different couplings among the loops.
The possible functioning conditions imposed by the magnetomotive forces balance can be
considered as the superimposition of the 2x25-kV functioning, in which there is the
presence of the autotransformers and the 25-kV functioning, which implies the
autotransformers and the feeder exclusion. In this last case, the train is supplied from the
contact line with return in the rails in all of the sections through a half winding of the ESS
transformer. Consequently, with the 25 kV functioning, the available power is half of the
2x25 kV one.
In order to better understand this phenomenon also from the functional point of view, the
current distribution reported in Figure 7-3 can be then seen as the sum of a component

Ervis Sheqi  
Analysis of AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz system   CHAPTER 4
traceable to the ideal 2x25-kV system operation and of one due to the operation as a
simple 25-kV system.
It is possible to observe that this current distribution respects all of the constraints
introduced before. The train current is the sum of two currents I2x25 given by an ideal
2x25-kV system and I25 by a simple 25-kV system

𝐼! = 𝐼!!!" + 𝐼!"

Figure 7-3: Current distribution for the ideal 2x25 kV system and for the simple 25 kV system.

Consequently, I2x25 will be a part γ of the total train current IT:

𝐼!!!" = 𝛾 ∙ 𝐼!

while the I25 will be the remaining part:

𝐼!" = (1 − 𝛾) ∙ 𝐼!

The I2x25 will split itself in the I1 and I2 components to the two autotransformers. These
components can be seen as part of I2x25 depending on the factor α:

𝐼!!!" = 𝐼! + 𝐼!
𝐼! = 𝛼 ∙ 𝐼!!!" = 𝛼 ∙ 𝛾 ∙ 𝐼!
𝐼! = 1 − 𝛼 ∙ 𝐼!!!" = 1 − 𝛼 ∙ 𝛾 ∙ 𝐼!

The γ coefficient is the operation share as the 2x25-kV system with respect to the total
train power absorption. It is then important that this factor is close to 1, in order to
approach the ideal operation as much as possible, while γ = 0 means only simple 25 kV
(absence of the autotransformer in the DPTP). The α coefficient reflects the distribution
between the two DPTPs, and it is then proportional to the bilateral power supply share of

Ervis Sheqi  
Analysis of AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz system   CHAPTER 4
the 2x25-kV system. Unlike the γ coefficient, which is basically constant, α is strongly
affected by the train position.
Without impairing the general validity of the study, in the following text, the train is
considered to be located in the middle of the second cell. The current distribution
evaluation means the determination of α and γ. Since there are two unknown terms, it is
necessary to find out a system of two equations that, considering the current constraints
introduced before, has to be derived from the loop Kirchhoff laws.

Figure 7-4: Votages in the different considered loops.

Referring to Figure 7-4, the first loop considered (V1, V2, V3 and V4), and the relative
voltage Kirchhoff equation is
𝑉! + 𝑉! + 𝑉! + 𝑉! = 0

Since the system is passive and the transformer is short circuited, the V1 is given by the
voltage drop due to the dispersion reactance XTR between the primary winding and the
secondary half one.

𝐼!!!" 𝛾 ∙ 𝐼! 𝛾
𝑉! = 𝑋!" ∙ + 𝐼!" = 𝑋!" ∙ + 1 − 𝛾 ∙ 𝐼! = 𝑋!" ∙ 1 − ∙ 𝐼!
2 2 2

Regarding the V2 and V4, neglecting for the moment the resistances respect to the
reactance, they can be calculated as the voltage drops on the contact line and rail
reactance XLC1 and XB1 in Section 1, considering the respective line inductance that will be
defined as follows:

𝐼!!!" 𝛾 ∙ 𝐼! 𝛾
𝑉! = 𝑋!"! ∙ + 𝐼!" = 𝑋!"! ∙ + 1 − 𝛾 ∙ 𝐼! = 𝑋!"! ∙ 1 − ∙ 𝐼!
2 2 2

𝑉! = 𝑋!! ∙ 𝐼!" = 𝑋!! ∙ 1 − 𝛾 ∙ 𝐼!

Instead, the V3 cannot be calculated simply as the voltage drop on the dispersion reactance
of the autotransformer, because the other part of the winding is not short circuited.
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Analysis of AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz system   CHAPTER 4
Therefore, it is necessary to determine the voltage at the autotransformer windings. In
Figure 7-5, it is possible to note that the autotransformer can be seen as a transformer
having a transformation ratio equal to -1.

Figure 7-5. Circuit representation of the autotransformer.

So the V3 can be calculated as the algebrical sum between the VATR1 and the voltage drop
on the autotransformer dispersion reactance:

𝑋!"# 𝐼! 𝑋!"# 𝛼 ∙ 𝛾
𝑉! = 𝑉!"#! − ∙ = 𝑉!"#! − ∙ ∙ 𝐼!
2 2 2 2

In order to determine VATR1, it is necessary to find out the V3’ writing of the Kirchhoff law
at the loop between the feeder and rail in Section 1, as indicated in Figure 7-4.

𝑉! − 𝑉!! − 𝑉! − 𝑉! = 0

Instead, from Figure 7-5 the following equation comes out:

𝑋!"# 𝐼! 𝑋!"# 𝛼 ∙ 𝛾
𝑉!"#! = 𝑉!! − ∙ = 𝑉!! − ∙ ∙ 𝐼!
2 2 2 2

Nearby, with the V4 previously defined, the V5 can be calculated as the voltage drop on
the feeder line reactance XF1:

𝐼!!!" 𝛾
𝑉! = 𝑋!! ∙ = 𝑋!! ∙ ∙ 𝐼!
2 2

while the V6, for the same reasons previously described, is given by the voltage drop on
the dispersion reactance between the primary winding and the secondary half one:

𝐼!!!" 𝛾
𝑉! = 𝑋!" ∙ = 𝑋!" ∙ ∙ 𝐼!
2 2

Combining the relations previously reported, the first equation of the system for the α and
γ parameter calculation is obtained:

Ervis Sheqi  
Analysis of AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz system   CHAPTER 4
𝜸 𝜸 𝜶𝜸
𝑿𝑻𝑹 𝟏 − 𝜸 + 𝑿𝑳𝑪𝟏 𝟏 − + 𝟐𝑿𝑩𝟏 𝟏 − 𝜸 − 𝑿𝑭𝟏 − 𝑿𝑨𝑻𝑹 =𝟎
𝟐 𝟐 𝟐

The second equation of the system can be obtained by considering the loop V3, V7, V8,
V9, V10, V11 reported in Figure 7-4, which includes Sections 2 and 3 having different
currents distribution.
It is not possible to write the loop equation of only one section because the voltage on the
generator is not previously known.
The resulting equation is then:

𝑉! − 𝑉! − 𝑉! − 𝑉! + 𝑉!" − 𝑉!! = 0

V3 has been already calculated. V7, V8, V10 and V11, always neglecting the resistances
with respect to the reactances, can be calculated as the voltage drop on the reactance XLC2
and XLC3 of the contact line and on the reactance XB2 and XB3 of the rail of the Sections 2
and 3, considering the respective line inductances.

𝐼! 1 − 𝛼 ∙ 𝛾 ∙ 𝐼! 𝛾∙ 1+𝛼
𝑉! = 𝑋!"! ∙ 𝐼! + = 𝑋!"! ∙ 𝛼 ∙ 𝛾 ∙ 𝐼! + = 𝑋!"! ∙ ∙ 𝐼!
2 2 2
𝐼! 1−𝛼 ∙𝛾
𝑉! = 𝑋!"! ∙ = 𝑋!"! ∙ ∙ 𝐼!
2 2
𝑉!" = 𝑋!! ∙ 𝐼! = 𝑋!! ∙ 1 − 𝛼 ∙ 𝛾 ∙ 𝐼!
𝑉!! = 𝑋!! ∙ 𝐼! + 𝐼!" = 𝑋!! ∙ 𝛼 ∙ 𝛾 ∙ 𝐼! + 1 − 𝛾 ∙ 𝐼! = 𝑋!! ∙ 1 + 𝛼 − 1 ∙ 𝛾 ∙ 𝐼!

Regarding V9, the same considerations for V3 are valid:

𝑋!"# 𝐼! 𝑋!"# 1 − 𝛼 ∙ 𝛾
𝑉! = 𝑉!"#! − ∙ = 𝑉!"#! − ∙ ∙ 𝐼!
2 2 2 2

In order to determine the VATR2, it is necessary to find out V9’ by writing the Kirchhoff
law at the loop between the feeder and the rail in Sections 2 and 3.

𝑉!! = 𝑉!! − 𝑉!" + 𝑉!! − 𝑉!"

Instead the VATR2 will be:

𝑋!"# 𝐼! 𝑋!"# 1 − 𝛼 ∙ 𝛾
𝑉!"#! = 𝑉!! − ∙ = 𝑉!! − ∙ ∙ 𝐼!
2 2 2 2

To complete the loop equation, it is possible to calculate V12 that involves the two
𝐼! 𝐼! 1−𝛼 ∙𝛾
𝑉!" = 𝑋!! ∙ + 𝑋!! ∙ = 𝑋!! + 𝑋!! ∙ ∙ 𝐼!
2 2 2

Combining the relations previously reported, the second equation of system for the α and
γ parameter calculation is obtained:

Ervis Sheqi  
Analysis of AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz system   CHAPTER 4
𝜸 𝟏 − 𝟐𝜶 𝜸 𝟏+𝜶 𝜸 𝟏−𝜶
𝑿𝑨𝑻𝑹 − 𝑿𝑳𝑪𝟐 − 𝑿𝑳𝑪𝟑 − 𝟐𝑿𝑩𝟐 𝟏 + 𝜶 − 𝟏 𝜸
𝟐 𝟐 𝟐
𝜸 𝟏−𝜶 𝜸 𝟏−𝜶
+ 𝟐𝑿𝑩𝟑 𝟏 − 𝜶 𝜸 + 𝑿𝑭𝟐 + 𝑿𝑭𝟑 =𝟎
𝟐 𝟐

Therefore, the final equation system for α and γ is the two equations, as expected, do not
depend on the train current, because the line parameters are a function fo the α and γ
parameters and not of the current IT.

𝜸 𝜸 𝜶𝜸
𝑿𝑻𝑹 𝟏 − 𝜸 + 𝑿𝑳𝑪𝟏 𝟏 − + 𝟐𝑿𝑩𝟏 𝟏 − 𝜸 − 𝑿𝑭𝟏 − 𝑿𝑨𝑻𝑹 =𝟎
𝟐 𝟐 𝟐
𝜸 𝟏 − 𝟐𝜶 𝜸 𝟏+𝜶 𝜸 𝟏−𝜶
𝑿𝑨𝑻𝑹 − 𝑿𝑳𝑪𝟐 − 𝑿𝑳𝑪𝟑 −
𝟐 𝟐 𝟐
𝜸 𝟏−𝜶 𝜸 𝟏−𝜶
𝑿𝑩𝟐 𝟏 + 𝜶 − 𝟏 𝜸 + 𝟐𝑿𝑩𝟑 𝟏 − 𝜶 𝜸 + 𝑿𝑭𝟐 + 𝑿𝑭𝟑 =𝟎
𝟐 𝟐

7.3.1 Line  inductances  calculation  

To solve this equation system, the line inductances of the conductors shall be calculated,
taking the mutual couplings in relation to the actual current distribution into account.
In the most complex systems composed by many wires, it is convenient to use the
expressions of the self-inductance Lii of a wire and the mutual one Lij between this wire
and the generic one j. Using the Neumann field integral, the mutual inductance between
two parallel wires of length l and at a distance D can be expressed as follows:

𝜇! 2𝑙
𝐿!" = ln
2𝜋 𝐷  𝑒
while the self-inductance is:

𝜇! 2𝑙
𝐿!! = ln
2𝜋 𝑘  𝑟!  𝑒

where e is the natural logarithm base, r0 is the wire radius, and k is a factor that considers
the currents distribution inside the wire. In particular, its value is 0,7788 for a uniform
distribution, while it tends to be 1 for a surface distribution.
If the system is solenoidal, the forward currents are, instant by instant, equal to the
backward ones and, therefore, the term 2l/e in the voltage drop calculation between the
terms Lij and can be neglected. In this case, the expressions become:

𝜇! 1
𝐿!! = ln
2𝜋 𝑘  𝑟!
𝜇! 1
𝐿!" = ln
2𝜋 𝐷

From the expressions shown, it is possible to calculate the inductance Li called line
inductance, that is, the value multiplied by the ω angular frequency and by the current
through the conductor, providing the total inductive voltage drop Vi due to all of the
circulating currents.

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Analysis of AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz system   CHAPTER 4

𝑉! = 𝑗𝜔𝐼! 𝐿!! + 𝑗𝜔𝐼!  𝐿!" = 𝑗𝜔𝐼! 𝐿!

That yields
𝐼! 1
𝐿! = 𝐿!! + 𝐿!"  ln              𝑗 = 1 … … 𝑛,      𝑖 ≠ 𝑗
𝐼! 𝐷

Since the 2x25 kV is a single-phase system, the currents flowing inside are always in
phase or in opposite phase. Therefore, it comes out that their ratio is always a real
number, positive or negative, that depends on their distribution, determined from the
previous analysis.
In the following text, the line inductances in the different line sections considering the
currents distribution reported in Fig. 3 are calculated. The real 2x25-kV system
configuration implies the coupling among six wires for each way. However, in this study,
the following simplifying hypothesis are introduced:
• the contact line, composed by the carrying cable and the contact wire, will be
represented as one conductor. However, the introduced error is negligible because
the distance between the two wires is really minor with respect to the other
• the two rails are represented by only one equivalent conductor; the hypothesis is
acceptable for the same reasons as the previous point;
• the ground conductors are neglected because their contribution to the traction
currents return is considered negligible.

The 2x25 kV system geometrical parameters are:

rLC Radius of the contact line equivalent conductor;

rB Radius of the rail equivalent conductor;
rF Radius of the feeder conductor;
kLC Factor of the current districution inside the contact line equivalent conductor;
kB Factor of the current distribution inside the rail equivalent conductor;
kF Factor of the current distribution inside the feeder conductor;
DLCF Distance between the equivalent contact line and the feeder conductors;
DLCB Distance between the equivalent contact line and equivalent rail conductors;
DFB Distance between the feeder and equivalent rail conductors; Section  1  

This section presents the calculation of the line inductance of the different conductors
(contact line, rail, and feeder) considering the three section indicated in Figure 7-4.

Contact line

Ervis Sheqi  
Analysis of AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz system   CHAPTER 4
𝜇! 1 2 ∙ ln 1 − 𝐼!!!" 1
𝐿!"! = ln − ∙ ln
2𝜋 𝑘!" 𝑟!" 𝐼 + 𝐼!!!" 𝐷!"# 𝐼 + 𝐼!!!" 𝐷!"#
!" 2 !" 2
𝜇! 1 2
= ln −
2𝜋 𝑘!" 𝑟!" (1 − 𝛾)𝐼 + 𝛾𝐼!
! 2
1 (1 − 𝛾)𝐼! 1
∙ ln − ∙ ln
𝐷!"# (1 − 𝛾)𝐼 + 𝛾𝐼! 𝐷!"#
! 2
indicating with δ the following quantity:
the final expression of the contact line inductance in the first section can be obtained:

! !!!
𝜇! 𝐷!"# ∙ 𝐷!"#
𝐿!"! = ln
2𝜋 𝑘!" 𝑟!"


𝐼 𝐼!!!"
𝜇! 1 𝐼!" + !!!" 2 1 2 ∙ ln 1
𝐿!! = ln − ∙ ln +
2𝜋 𝑘! 𝑟! 𝐼!" 𝐷!"# 𝐼!" 𝐷!"
𝛾𝐼 𝛾𝐼!
𝜇! 1 (1 − 𝛾)𝐼! + ! 2 1 2 ∙ ln 1
= ln − ∙ ln +
2𝜋 𝑘! 𝑟! (1 − 𝛾)𝐼! 𝐷!"# (1 − 𝛾)𝐼! 𝐷!"
from which the final expression of the rail inductance in the first section can be obtained:
𝜇! 𝐷!"!
𝐿!! = ln
2𝜋 !
𝑘! 𝑟! ∙ 𝐷!"

𝜇! 1 𝐼!" + !!!" 2 1 𝐼!" 1
𝐿!! = ln − ∙ ln + ∙ ln
2𝜋 𝑘! 𝑟! 𝐼!!!" 𝐷!"# 𝐼!!!" 𝐷!"
2 2
𝜇! 1 (1 − 𝛾)𝐼! + ! 2 1 (1 − 𝛾)𝐼! 1
= ln − ∙ ln + ∙ ln
2𝜋 𝑘! 𝑟! 𝛾𝐼! 𝐷!"# 𝛾𝐼! 𝐷!"
2 2
from which the final expression of the feeder line inductance in the first section can be
𝜇! 𝐷!"#!
𝐿!! = ln
2𝜋 (!!!)
𝑘! 𝑟! ∙ 𝐷!"

Ervis Sheqi  
Analysis of AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz system   CHAPTER 4 Section  2  

Contact line

𝜇! 1 2 1 𝐼!" + 𝐼! 1
𝐿!"! = ln − ∙ ln − ∙ ln
2𝜋 𝑘!" 𝑟!" 𝐼 + 𝐼 + 𝐼! 𝐷!"# 𝐼 + 𝐼 + 𝐼! 𝐷!"#
!" ! 2 !" ! 2
(1 − 𝛼)𝛾𝐼!
𝜇! 1 2
= ln −
2𝜋 𝑘!" 𝑟!" (1 − 𝛼)𝛾
𝛼𝛾 + 2 𝐼! + 1 − 𝛾 𝐼!

1 𝛼𝛾𝐼! + (1 − 𝛾)𝐼! 1
∙ ln − ∙ ln
𝐷!"# (1 − 𝛼)𝛾 𝐷!"#
𝛼𝛾 + 2 𝐼! + 1 − 𝛾 𝐼!
indicating with ε the following quantity:
(1 − 𝛼)𝛾
𝛼𝛾 + 1 − 𝛾 1 − 𝛾(1 − 𝛼) 1 − 2𝜀
= =
(1 − 𝛼)𝛾 (1 − 𝛼)𝛾 1−𝜀
𝛼𝛾 + 2 + 1 − 𝛾 1 − 2

the final expression of the contact line inductance in the second section can be obtained:

! (!!!!)
(!!!) (!!!)
𝜇! 𝐷!"# ∙ 𝐷!"#
𝐿!"! = ln
2𝜋 𝑘!" 𝑟!"


𝐼 𝐼!
𝜇! 1 𝐼!" + 𝐼! + ! 2 1 2 ∙ ln 1
𝐿!! = ln − ∙ ln −
2𝜋 𝑘! 𝑟! 𝐼!" + 𝐼! 𝐷!"# 𝐼!" + 𝐼! 𝐷!"

𝜇! 1
= ln
2𝜋 𝑘! 𝑟!

(1 − 𝛼)𝛾 (1 − 𝛼)𝛾𝐼!
𝛼𝛾 + 𝐼! + 1 − 𝛾 𝐼! 1

∙ ln − 2 ∙ ln 1
𝛼𝛾𝐼! + (1 − 𝛾)𝐼! 𝐷!"# 𝛼𝛾𝐼! + (1 − 𝛾)𝐼! 𝐷!"

from which the final expression of the rail inductance in the second section can be
𝜇! 𝐷!"#
𝐿!! = ln !
2𝜋 (!!!!)
𝑘! 𝑟! ∙ 𝐷!"

Ervis Sheqi  
Analysis of AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz system   CHAPTER 4
𝜇! 1 𝐼!" + 𝐼! + 2 ∙ ln 1 + 𝐼!" + 𝐼! ∙ ln 1
𝐿!! = ln −
2𝜋 𝑘! 𝑟! 𝐼! 𝐷!"# 𝐼! 𝐷!"
2 2
𝜇! 1
= ln
2𝜋 𝑘! 𝑟!

(1 − 𝛼)𝛾
𝛼𝛾 +
2 𝐼! + 1 − 𝛾 𝐼! 1 𝛼𝛾𝐼! + (1 − 𝛾)𝐼! 1
− ∙ ln + ∙ ln
(1 − 𝛼)𝛾𝐼! 𝐷!"# (1 − 𝛼)𝛾𝐼! 𝐷!"
2 2
from which the final expression of the feeder line inductance in the second section can be
𝜇! 𝐷!"#
𝐿!! = ln
2𝜋 (!!!!)
𝑘! 𝑟! ∙ 𝐷!" Section  3  

Contact line

𝜇! 1 𝐼! 1 1
𝐿!"! = ln − ∙ ln + 2 ∙ ln
2𝜋 𝑘!" 𝑟!" 𝐼! 𝐷!"# 𝐼! 𝐷!"#
2 2
𝜇! 1 1 1
= ln − 2 ∙ ln + ln
2𝜋 𝑘!" 𝑟!" 𝐷!"# 𝐷!"#

the final expression of the contact line inductance in the third section can be obtained:
𝜇! 𝐷!"#
𝐿!"! = ln
2𝜋 𝑘!" 𝑟!" ∙ 𝐷!"#


𝐼! 𝐼!
𝜇! 1 2 1 1
𝐿!! = ln − ∙ ln − 2 ∙ ln
2𝜋 𝑘! 𝑟! 𝐼! 𝐷!"# 𝐼! 𝐷!"
𝜇! 1 1 1 1 1
ln − ∙ ln − ∙ ln
2𝜋 𝑘! 𝑟! 2 𝐷!"# 2 𝐷!"
from which the final expression of the rail inductance in the third section can be obtained:
! !
𝜇! 𝐷!"# ∙ 𝐷!"!
𝐿!! = ln
2𝜋 𝑘! 𝑟!

𝜇! 1 1 𝐼! 1 𝜇! 1 1 1
𝐿!! = ln + 2 ∙ ln − ∙ ln = ln + ln + 2 ∙ ln
2𝜋 𝑘! 𝑟! 𝐼! 𝐷!"# 𝐼! 𝐷!" 2𝜋 𝑘! 𝑟! 𝐷!"# 𝐷!"
2 2

Ervis Sheqi  
Analysis of AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz system   CHAPTER 4

from which the final expression of the feeder line inductance in the third section can be
𝜇! 𝐷!"
𝐿!! = ln
2𝜋 𝑘! 𝑟! ∙ 𝐷!"#

7.3.2 Evaluation  of  the  current  distribution  

After having calculated all line inductance values, the α and γ coefficient definign the
current distribution can be calculated. Since the equation of the system are non linear,
they have been numerically solved by means of the Matlab software and the following
results have beeb obtained:

𝛾 = 0,9538, 𝛼 = 0,5009

To solve the equation the constructive parameters values of the 2x25 kV line in standard
confguration are shown below:

rLC = 8 mm kLC = 0,87 DLCF = 4,9 m

rB = 110 mm kB = 0,92 DLCB = 5,3 m
rF = 7 mm kF = 0,9 DFB = 9 m

These value of α and γ show that the system does not deviate much from the ideal 2x25
kV operation, charcterized by γ = 1 and α = 0,5.
However, since the analysis carried out is not a pure mathematical effort but it is
important for evaluating the constructive solutions that can influence the good behavior of
the system, different choices are considered.
The first and more influent value that has been taken into account is the autotransformer
short-circuit voltage that considerably affects the currents distribution. In fact, if the short-
circuit impedance increases, the currents tend to distribute according to a traditional 25-
kV diagram, by circulating in the track also of cells not occupied by the train. For this
reason, the short-circuit voltage of the autotransformers used in the equipment subject of
the study is rather low and equal to 1%.
In order to verify what was told before, in Figure 7-6, the results of the simulations
performed on γ and α coefficients varying the ZATR are reported.

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Analysis of AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz system   CHAPTER 4

Figure 7-6: Behavior of coefficient of γ (a) and α (b) with a function of ZATR.

It is possible to note that increasing ZATR, the ideal 2x25 kV functioning is always further.
In particular, assuming, as an example, a short-circuit voltage vsc of the autotransformer
being equal to 10%, the following values are obtained.

𝛾 = 0,9003, 𝛼 = 0,4759

It is important to highlight the decrease of the γ that yields to a greater percentage of a

simple 25-kV system. This condition implies a worst exploitation of the power
components (in particular, the ESS transformers), greater currents in the rails that can
interfere with the signaling system, and greater electromagnetic interference with the
nearby structures.
For completeness of the analysis, other constructive and working configuration changes
have been considered. The dependence of the γ and α parameters by the train movement
(Figure 7-7) and by the feeder position variation (Figure 7-8) has been also evaluated.

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Analysis of AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz system   CHAPTER 4

Figure 7-7: Behavior of the coefficient γ (a) and α (b) as a function of the train position.

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Analysis of AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz system   CHAPTER 4

Figure 7-8: Behavior of the coefficient γ (a) and α (b) as a function of the feeder position.

In fact, the feeder is the only conductor which can assume different positions in relation to
the various territory morphologies.
As first seen, it seems that those variables do not have not a great influence on the two α
and γ parameters. From Figure 7-7(a), it is possible to note that with the incoming of the
train to the end of the cell, the γ parameter tends to the value 1, typical of the ideal
functioning. From Figure 7-7(b), it is possible to note that the α parameter varies between
1 and 0 when moving the train from the beginning to the end of the cell. This condition
was theoretically expected because the train is far away from the middle autotransformers
that, in this case, have negligible influence, considering that the revolving current tends to
flow only through the feeder (α = 0).
Referring to the feeder position, Figure 7-8 shows how this value does not practically
change the current distribution among the various conductors.
The analysis carried out shows that the 2x25-kV–50-Hz system enables efficient
operation also when the system configurations are changed to better fit the morphology of
the territory to be covered. However, the adopted electrical diagram allows the system
operation in the simple 25 kV–50-Hz configuration (γ = 0), increasing the reliability level.

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Analysis of AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz system   CHAPTER 4

7.4 Colclusion
This chapter has presented a deep study of the real functioning of the 2x25-kV power-
supply system. Starting from the ideal and simplified system operation reported in the
actual technical literature, a more complex model has been considered.
The current distribution has been evaluated in order to verify the real current quantity
present in the different conductors, that can affect the good working of the system and
causes problems to the signaling system and to the nearby systems.
The study is important for evaluating the constructive solutions that can influence the
good behavior of the system, different choices are considered. This paper underlines, for
example, how important the choice of the autotransformer is; in fact, its short-circuit
voltage considerably affects the current distribution.
The 2x25-kV power-supply system has been chosen for the new high-speed/high-capacity
Italian railway lines, but it will be always more used worldwide. In fact, many delegations
from all over the world have appreciated the Italian realization, and then a deep
understanding of system function is necessary for better planning and design of future

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway model with SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 5

8 Chapter 5 : AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway

model with SimPowerSystems

8.1 Introduction
The 2x25 kV- 50 Hz high – speed line are of considerable complexity, given the number
of elements involve, as could be inferred from the description given in Chapter 3. In order
to model the best such lines and make teh equvalent model as realistic as possible, then
we need to consider all the main features, such as the different morphologies of the
territory characterizing sections, the presence of numerous technological places along the
line as well as the charachteristics of the electrical substation and several conductors
interacting. Given the complexity of the structure and the elements constitute the system,
it was necessary to introduce approximations in order to highlight only the elements of the
system of interest and for the purpose of the present thesis. In the following paragraphs
we will focus on all the elements that make up the circuit, showing the magnitudes and
approximations useful for the purpose of the implementation.
For the simulation we will use a MathWork software called SimPowerSystems. These
software is a physical modeling library that work together with Simulink softeare to
model electrical, mechanical, and controll systems. So SimPowerSystems software
operate in the Simulik environmenta. SimPowerSystems allows to rapidly and easily build
models that simulate power system and your analysis of the circuit can include its
interactions with other disiplines line mechanica, thermal and control. Since Simulink
uses the Matlab® computation engine, we can use Matlab toolboxes for the analysis as we
will see in this text.

8.2 Primary supply

The transformer substation ESS is present in single-phase and is fed by a three-phase
primary supply with a voltage of 132 kV. Since, as described in Chapter 3, it is necessary
to limit the imbalances caused on the high voltage grid by withdrawal of energy in single-
phase, there is provied a cyclic variation of the phases feeding the transformer. In order to
simply the model for the primary supply we will use “Three-phase source Block”, shown
in Figure 8-1 of SimPowerSystems that implement a balanced three-phase voltage source
with an internal R-L impedance. The three voltage sources are connected in Y with a
neutral connection that can be internaly grounded or made accessible. As shown in Figure
8-2 we can specify the source internal resistance and inductance either direcly by entering
R and L values or indirectly by specifying the source inductive short-circuit level and X/R
Figure 8-1: Three-phase source block of SimPowerSystems.

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway model with SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 5

Figure 8-2: Parameter mask of three phase soure block.

Table 8-1: Parameter of primary supply system.

Description Variable name Value

Phase – phase rms voltage (V) Rete.Vn sqrt(2)*132e3
Phase angle of phase A (degrees) - 0
Frequency (Hz) Rete.f 50
Internal connection - Yg
Source resisteance (Ohm) Rete.Rd 1,05
Source inductance (H) Rete.Ld 10,43/(2π50)
Base voltage (Vrms ph-ph) Rete.Vn sqrt(2)*132e3

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway model with SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 5
In Table 8-1 are shown the value of the parameter for the primary supply system1. The
phase-to-phase voltage is the root mean square (rms) internal phase-to-phase voltage in
volts and the phase angle equal to 0 generate a positive sequence. Thus, phase B and
phase C internal voltages are lagging phase A respectively by 120 degrees and 240
degrees. The source frequency in hertz (Hz) is equal to 50 Hz. The Yg internal connection
indicate that the three voltage sources are connected in Y to an internally grounded
neutral. The source resistance and inductance are available only if Specify impedance
using short-circuit level is not selected.

From the Primary supply is also consider an overhead line

modeled by a “Three-Phase PI Section Line” block shown in
Figure 8-3 that implement a balanced three-phase transmission
line section with lumped parameters. The line parameters R, L,
and C (Figure 8-4) are specified as positive and zero sequence
parameters that take into account the inductive and capacitive
Figure 8-3: Three-phase PI couplings between the three phase conductor, as well as the
Section Line block. ground parameters.

Figure 8-4: Parameter mask of Three-phase PI Section Line block.

The data used for this model were taken from a recent project for the new 2x25 kV – 50
Hz Italian HS/HC Railway System. For more informaton see Annex A.
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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway model with SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 5
Table 8-2: Parameter of Three-phase PI Section Line block.

Description Variable name Value

Frequency used for rlc specification (Hz) Rete.f 50
Positive- and zero-sequence resistances [OHL.Rd, OHL.Ro] [0,51 3,72]
Positive- and zero-sequence inductances [OHL.Ld, OHL.Lo] [3,07 16,86]
(H/km) /(2π50)
Positive- and zero-sequence capacitances [OHL.Cd, OHL.Co] [12,74e-9
(F/km) 12,74e-9]
Line length (km) OHL.L 7,8

In Table 8-2 are shown the value used for the Overhead Line model1.

8.3 Electrical Substation (ESS)

In the ESS there are two single-phase ONAN transformers installed outside. Each one has
three windings types: one primary with an underload tap charger and two secondary with
two terminals at ±27,5 kV and the common central terminal connected to the rails (0 kV)
through inductive connections. The arrangement of the windings is constructed according
to the two column reported in Figure 8-5 in which each column is wrapped in a low
voltage winding, a high voltage and a regulation half-winding.

Figure 8-5: ESS transformer and two coiled columns scheme.

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway model with SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 5
The full data of the transformer with its nameplate is shown in Table 8-3 below:

Table 8-3: Nameplate of the ESS transformer.

Charateristic Windings
Nominal power [MVA] 60 30 30
Nominal voltage [kV] 132 27,5 27,5
Nominal current [A] 455 1091 1091
No load current at Un [%] 0,6 1,2 1,2
No load current at 1,1Un [%] 1,2 2,4 0,4
No load losses at Un [kW] 37
No load losses at 1,1Un [kW] 54
Short-circuit voltage [%] 10% 10% 10%
Short-circuit losses [kW] 144 72 72
Maximum voltage Um [kV] 145 72,5 72,5

The ESS transformer is modeled with “Linear Transformer”

configured in three-winding linear transformer as shown in
Figure 8-6.
The linear transformer block model consists of three coupled
windings wound on the same core.
The model takes into account the winding resistances (R1 R2
R3) and the leakage inductances (L1, L2, L3), as well as the
magnetizing characterisitcs of the core, which is modeled by a
Figure 8-6: Linea linear (Rm, Lm) branch. In Figure 8-7 is shown the equivalent
Transformer block in three-
winding configuration. cirucuit of a three-winding linear transformer.

Figure 8-7: Equivalent circuit of a three-winding linear transformer.

The block allows you to specify the resistence and inductance of the windings in per unit
(p.u). the values are based on the transformer rated power An, in VA, nominal frequency
fn, in Hz, and nominal voltage Vn, in Vrms, of the corresponding winding. For each
winding, the per unit resistance and inductance are define as:

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway model with SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 5
𝑅(!") =

𝐿(!") =
The base impedance, base resistance, base reactance, and base inductance used for each
winding are:
𝑉! !
𝑍!"#$ = 𝑅!"#$ = 𝑋!"#$ =  

𝐿!"#$ =

For the magnetization resistance Rm and inductance Lm, the pu values are based on the
transformer rated power and on the nominal voltage of winding 1.
Using the nameplate of the ESS transformer in Table 8-3 the default parameters of
winding 1 specifed in the dialog box section give the following bases:

𝑉! ! 132 ∙ 10! !
𝑍!"#$ = 𝑅!"#$ = 𝑋!"#$ =   =   = 290,4  Ω  
𝐴! 60 ∙ 10!
𝑋!"#$ 290,4
𝐿!"#$ = = = 0,9244  𝐻
2𝜋𝑓! 2𝜋 ∙ 50

The short-circuit voltege in pu is equal with the impedance in pu of the transformer, and
the short-circuit losses in pu is equal to the resistance of the transformers. So refering to
the winding 1 we have:
𝑍!" = 𝑣!! = 0,1  𝑝𝑢

𝑃!! 144 ∙ 10!

𝑅!" = = = 0,0024  𝑝𝑢
𝐴! 60 ∙ 10!

and from which we can find the reactance of the transformer refering to the winding 1:

𝑋!" = 𝑍!"! ! − 𝑅!"! ! =   0,1! − 0,0024! = 0,0999  𝑝𝑢

So in this simulation we will concentrate che impedance of the transformer in winding 1.

In the Figure 8-8 is shown the Parameter mask of the transformer:

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway model with SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 5

Figure 8-8. Parameter mask of the three-winding linear transformer.

The magnetizing impedance is usually negleted and arbitrary large values are entered. The
value entered in parameter mask are shown in Table 8-4

Table 8-4: Parameter of the three-winding linear transformer.

Description Variable name Value

Nominal power and frequency [VA, Hz] [SSE.An_trafo Rete.f] [60e6, 50]
Winding 1 parameters [V1(Vrms) R1(pu) [SSE.Vn, SEE.Rtr1 [132e3
L1(pu)] SSE.Xtr1] 0,0024
Winding 2 parameters [V2(Vrms) R2(pu) [SSE.Vn2, SEE.Rtr2 [27.5e3,0,0]
L2(pu)] SSE.Xtr2]
Winding 3 parameters [V3(Vrms) R3(pu) [SSE.Vn2, SEE.Rtr2 [27.5e3,0,0]
L3(pu)] SSE.Xtr2]
Magnetization resistance and inductance [SSE.Rm, SSE.Lm] [500, 500]
[Rm(pu) Lm(pu)]

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway model with SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 5

8.4 The autotransformer model

The autotransformers necessary to transform the energy coming from the 50 kV system,
constituted by the contact line and the feeder, to the traction system at 25 kV (cantact line
and rails) present two terminals at ±27,5 kV and a centralo ne connected to the rails. The
arrangement of the two 1:1 windings ins reported in Figure 8-9. They do not have any
regulation windings.

Figure 8-9: Autotransformer and two coiled columns scheme.

The SimPowerSystem has not an autotransformer model, so for the autotransformer

model is used a two-winding transformer model connected as an autotransformer. The
configuration is shown in Figure 8-10:

Figure 8-10: Autotransformer configuration from a two-winding linear transformer.

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway model with SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 5
Table 8-5: Parameter of the autotransformer.

Description Variable name Value

Nominal power and frequency [VA, Hz] [PPD.An Rete.f] [15e6, 50]
Winding 1 parameters [V1(Vrms) R1(pu) [SSE.Vn2, PPD.Ratr [27.5e3,
L1(pu)] PPD.Xatr] 0.0011,
Winding 2 parameters [V2(Vrms) R2(pu) [SSE.Vn2, PPD.Ratr [27.5e3,0,0]
L2(pu)] PPD.Xatr]
Magnetization resistance and inductance [PPD.Rm, PPD.Lm] [500, 500]
[Rm(pu) Lm(pu)]

The block is the same used for the ESS tranformer but in this case the “Three-windings
transformer” shown in Figure 8-6 is not selected and the value entered in the parameter
block are shown in Table 8-5.

8.5 The line model

The traction system is constituted by the contact line, feeder rails and all the grounding
wires connected to system. The parameters R, L, C of the overhead transmission lines are
equally distributed allong the line, and they often vary with teh frequency. We will
implement a routines that will be able to calculate these parameters and will give detailed
values of the line parameters and evaluate both stationary problems at the net frequency
considering also teh coupling effects and the trasient behavior.
Transmission and distribution lines consist of an arbitrary spatial arrangement of one or
more conductors. Information about these conductors is transformed into parameters
required for power system analysis as follows:
• the fondamental data consists of a description of each conductor and how the
conductors are arranged on their support structures;
• conductor and spacing information is converted into an impedance matrix
representing the self and mutual impedances of the complete configuration;
We will examine techniques for transforming conductor parameters and configuration
data into imedance and capacitance matrices.

To simulate the line in these thesis we will use the “Distributed Parameter Line” block,
see Figure 8-11, that implement N-phase distributed parameter transmission line model
with lumped losses.

Figure 8-11: Distributed Parameter Line block of SimPowerSystem.

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway model with SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 5
The model is based on the Bergeron’s traveling wave method used by the Electromagnetic
Transient Program (EMTP). In the block documenti s explained more in detail how this
block works. And to compute the calculation need 6 inputs that are:

• Number or phases [N];

• Frequency used for rlc specification (Hz);
• Resistance per unit length (Ω/km) [NxN matrix];
• Inductance per unit length (H/km) [NxN matrix];
• Capacitance per unit length (F/km) [NxN matrix];
• Line length (km)

So first of all we need to calculate the R, L, C parameter of the line per unit length.

8.5.1 Series  impedance  

The series impedance of an overhed trasmission line is primarily a function of frequency,

conductor resistance, conductor geometry, line geometry, and earth conductivity. In the
fundamental work of the subject, Carson developed equations for the self impedance of a
conductor with earth return and the mutual impedance of two conductors with common
earth return.

Figure 8-12: Geometry of the line.

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway model with SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 5
The two equation introduced by Carson for the self and mutual impedance are:

𝜇! 𝑆!! 𝜇
𝑍! = 𝑗𝜔 ln + 𝑗𝜔 𝐽!  (Ω)
2𝜋 𝑟 𝜋
𝜇! 𝑆!" 𝜇
𝑍! = 𝑗𝜔 ln + 𝑗𝜔 𝐽!  (Ω)
2𝜋 𝐷!" 𝜋
𝑒 !!!! !
𝐽! = 𝑃! + 𝑗𝑄! = cos 𝜆𝑑 𝑑𝜆
! 𝜆+ 𝜆! + 𝑗𝜔 𝜌

𝑒 !!(!! !!! )!
𝐽! = 𝑃! + 𝑗𝑄! = cos 𝜆𝑑 𝑑𝜆
! 𝜆+ 𝜆! + 𝑗𝜔 𝜌

ω Complex frequency in radiants per second (2πf)

µ Magnetic permeability of the material
ρ Resistivity of the ground in Ω m
r Radius of the conductor in meter
hi, hj Height of the conductors i and j
d Horizontal separation of the conductor i and j in meter

The solution of the equation above requires numerical methods that are computationally
invensive and, hence, semplification are needed. The Carson’s closed-form approximation
to these integrals leads to the following equations:

𝜋 𝑘!" 𝑘!" ! 2 𝑘!" !

𝑃!" = − cos 𝜃!" +  cos 2𝜃!" ∙ 0.6728 + log 𝑘!" + 16  𝜃!" ∙ sin 2𝜃!"
8 3 2 16
1 2 𝑘!"
𝑄!" = −0.0386 + ∙ log + cos 𝜃!"
2 𝑘!" 3 2

So the Pij and Qij in the above equation are defined by Carson as an infinite series
expressed in terms of two parameter, coll them kij and θij. The form of P and Q are the
same for the self and mutual impedance. However, the value of k and θ differ. For the self
impedance are:
2  𝑓
𝑘!! = 4𝜋ℎ!   𝜌
𝜃!! = 0

and for the mutual imedance are:

Ervis Sheqi  
AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway model with SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 5

2  𝑓
𝑘!" = 2𝜋𝑆!"   𝜌
𝜃!! = sin!!

Collecting term we obtained:

𝑍!! = 𝑅!! + 𝑋!! = 𝑅! + 4𝜔𝑃!! 𝐺 + 𝑗2𝜔𝐺(𝑋! + ln + 2𝑄!! )

𝑍!" = 𝑅!" + 𝑋!" = 4𝜔𝑃!" 𝐺 + 𝑗2𝜔𝐺(ln + 2𝑄!" )

𝐺 =   ! 4𝜋 = 1 ∙ 10!!  𝐻/𝑘𝑚 to obtain the impedance in Ω/km;
Ri is the resistance of conductor i in Ω/km;

The Xi is the internal reactance with perfectly conducting ground, that can be calculated as
a part of the internal impedance, expressed as follow:
𝑋! = ln
considering that for the nonmagnetic conductors the internal impedance is a small
component of the total reactance, its exact determination is not really influential.
Sometimes the transmission lines are composed of more than one conductor per phase.
This is called bundling because a phase is composed of a bundle of cunductors. Usually
the distances between the conductors of a bundle are much smaller that the distance
between the centers of the phases. GMR is the geometric mean radius. For a circular and
not magnetic conductor the GMR is equal to 𝑒 !!/! . If the cunductor is magnetic the GMR
is equal to:

𝐺𝑀𝑅 = 𝑒 !!! /!

where µr i the relative permeability of the conductor.

Substituting the Xi in the equation above we abtain a complet formula for the series
impedance of the line

𝒁𝒊𝒊 = 𝑹𝒊𝒊 + 𝑿𝒊𝒊 = 𝑹𝒊 + 𝟒𝝎𝑷𝒊𝒊 𝑮 + 𝒋𝟐𝝎𝑮(𝐥𝐧 + 𝟐𝑸𝒊𝒊 )

𝒁𝒊𝒋 = 𝑹𝒊𝒋 + 𝑿𝒊𝒋 = 𝟒𝝎𝑷𝒊𝒋 𝑮 + 𝒋𝟐𝝎𝑮(𝐥𝐧 + 𝟐𝑸𝒊𝒋 )

With the use of Matlab we have implemented a function that calculate the series
impedance as described above. In this stydy, considering the complexity of the system
and the numerous wires, the traction line has been implemented through a distributed
parameter model, which can be considered quite accurate. In fact, the resitance and the

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway model with SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 5
inductance can ve estimated fairly constant until 1 kHz. Since the focus of this paperi s on
lower frequencies, the semplification introduce can be considered acceptable. Moreover,
in order to not intrduce excessive approximations, the traction line has been divided into
many multipoles. In each multipoles, all the mutual interactions among the 14 wires
constituting the system have been considered.

8.5.2 Shunt  admittance  

The capacitance of an overhead transmission line is primarily a function of conductor

geometry and line geometry. Assuming tha a group of n conductors carrying linear charge
densities q1, q2, …, qn are located above the ground plane, the voltage of conductor i to
ground is :

1 𝐷!! 𝐷! 𝐷!"
𝑉! = 𝑞! ln + ⋯ + 𝑞! ln + ⋯ + 𝑞! ln  
2𝜋𝜀 𝑑!! 𝑑! 𝑑!"

qi is the charge of conductor i in c/m.

di is the radius fo conductor i.
Dii is the disctance between conductor i and its image.
dij is the distance between conductor i and conductor j.
Dij is the distance between conductor i and the image of conductor j.
ε is the permittivity of the medium.

So given a group on n conductor carrying linear charge densities that are located above
the ground plane, equations of the same form as the equation above can be constructed for
all conductors in the group. Expressing the complete set of n potential equations in matrix
notation yields:

𝑽 = 𝑷  𝑸

V is the voltage vector.

Q is the charge vector.
P is the potential coefficient matrix.

The elements of the potential matrix expressed in F-1 m are defined as follows:

1 𝐷!
𝑝!! = ln
2𝜋𝜀 𝑑!
1 𝐷!"
𝑝!" = ln
2𝜋𝜀 𝑑!"

Recall that the permittivity of ta medium is often expressed as

𝜀 = 𝜀! 𝜀!


Ervis Sheqi  
AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway model with SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 5

ε0 is the permittivity of free space (8,8541853 10-12 f/m)

εr is the relative permittivity of the medium ( 1 for air)

In matrix notation, the capacitance of the configuration is

𝑸 = 𝑪  𝑽 =   𝑷!𝟏  𝑽
by inspection it is apparent that

𝑪 =   𝑷!𝟏
The matrix C is sometimes knwon as the capacitance coefficients (or Maxwell‘s
coefficients) of the line.
If the charge density along the transmission line is sinusoidal rather than linear, the phasor
equation is:

𝒋𝝎𝑸 = 𝒋𝝎𝑪  𝑽

Recalling that the current phasor associated with a sinusoidal variation in charge is
expressed as:

𝑰 = 𝒋𝝎𝑸 =   𝒀𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒏𝒕 𝑽

Therefore, the cahrging admittance (which is pure susceprance) must be

𝒀𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒏𝒕 = 𝒋𝝎𝑪

We have implemented a function in Matlab that calculate the capacitance parameters of a

conductor configuration. The steps of the computational procedure are:
• Compute the configuration’s potential matrix P;
• Compute its capacitance matrix C by inverting P.
• Multiply the capacitance matrix C by the scalar jω to obtain the shunt admittance
matrix Yshunt

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway model with SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 5

8.6 Conductor rappresentation

The description of the line needs some valuation of the parameter used for the conductor
that constitute the sistem.
In the Table 8-6 below are shown some parameter for a tipycal Italian High Speed
Railway line.

Table 8-6: Parameter of the conductor used in overhead contact line.

Conductor Diameter Section Material Resistivity Resistance at

(mm) (mm2) (Ω mm2/km) 20°C (Ω/km)

Feeder 1 22,80 310 All-Steel 33,79 0,1090

Ground wire 2 15,75 150 All-alloy 33,80 0,2253
Messenger wire 3 14,00 120 Copper 18,77 0,1564
Contact wire 4 14,00 150 Copper 18,55 0,1237
Rails 5 9,88 7679 Steel 235,00 0,0306
Pole earthing wire 6 12,60 95 Copper 18,15 0,1910

The conductor are normally made by a braided wire, not only by a solid cylindrical body.
For this reason, in the resistance calculation, the chord coefficient has been introduced.
This coefficient can vary between 1,03 and 1,05, increasing the equivalent resitance with
the reduction of the net section. Since the frequency considered here is not high, it is
possible to consider the current density quite constant.
Furthermore the resistance per unit length of wires and conductors is calculated by:

𝑅 𝜌∙𝐿 𝜌
𝑅!! =   = =

ρ specific resistivity in Ωm
L length in meter of kilometer
A cross section in mm2

The resistivity ρ of the conductor material is a function of the temperature. Up to 200°C,

the following applies:

𝜌 𝑇 = 𝜌!"°! ∙ [1 + 𝛼! 𝑇 − 20 ]

where T is the conductor temperature in °C and αR the temperature coefficient of

resistivity. Contact  wire  

The contact line is generally a solid copper wire, and it is shaped in order to be
longitudinally held by the messenfer wire through the droppers. The temperature
coefficient of resistivity for the contact line is around 3,93 10-3 K-1.
Ervis Sheqi  
AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway model with SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 5 Feeder  wire  

The wire used as a feeder is constituted by a 264,6 mm2 alluminum section reinforeced
with 43,1 mm2 steel one, for a total section of 307,7 mm2 as shown in Figure 8-13(a).

Figure 8-13: Feeder wire constitution (a) and model of the feeder wire (b).

Since the steel resistivity is larger than the aluminum one, most of the total current will
flow in the aluminum section, considering also the skin effect. Therefore, the feeder has
been modeled as an empty wire with a 3,7 mm internal radius and a 9,9 mm one, as
reported in Figure 8-13 (b) Rails    

Considering the rails, from an electrical point of view they are one of the most important
elements of the system, because they are the interface both between the traction and
signaling systems and traction and ground systems. For this reason it is impostant to know
the inductance value and also its behavior as a function of the frequency and the current.
Moreover, the return current quantity in the rails and in the ground depends on their
longitudinal parameters. Considering that the rails are constituted by a magnetic material
such as iron, it is necessary to take into account the skin effect at 50 Hz as well and the
relative permeability variation as a function of the current. All the railway vehicles use as
current return path the iron rails employed for their support and guidance. In the 2x25 kV
system this is true only in the section occupied by the train, while in the other sections the
return current flows through the feeder conductor. The rail used for the traction lines
considered are the UNI 60 with a linear mass of 60.34 kg/m. The cross section is reported
in Figure 8-14(a).

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway model with SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 5

Figure 8-14: Traversal section of the rail (a) and FEM analysis for the current distribution calculation.

Since with the Carson Theory we are not able to represent wires other than circular ones,
the equivalent radius of the cylindrical wire has been considered as shown in Table 8-6.
The equivalent radius can be calculated starting from the effective resistance and internal
inductance. The internal inductance is the ratio between the magnetic flux inside the rail
and the flowing current. Both the resistance and the internal inductance depend from the
real current distribution inside the conductor. Regarding the current distribution and the
skin effect in the rails, there are several studies in the international literature. For example
we have reported in Figure 8-14(b) a FEM analysis. The value obtaind form this analysis
for the resistance and the inductance at 50 Hz can be considered acceptable if compared
with the ones reported in literature; they are R = 0,116 Ω/km and L = 0,359 mH/km

Ervis Sheqi  
AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway model with SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 5 Earth  return  path  

Although the differing types of soil show a great variety of resistivities, the resistance of
earth to DC current is zero due to the huge cross section involved. However, in case af
AC currents, the earth possesses a resistance. The resistance per unit length of the earth
return path RE’ is a function of the frequency of the power supply.
𝜋 𝜋
𝑅!! =   𝜇! 𝜇! 𝑓 = 𝜇! 𝑓
4 4

where the space megnetic µ0 = 4π 10-7 H/m and the relative permeability µr of the soil
may be assumed as unity. Inserting µ0 from equation leads to:

𝑅!! =   10!! ∙ 𝜋 ! ∙ 𝑓

therefore the resistance per unit length is calculated to be 49,9 mΩ/km for 50 Hz.

8.7 Train model

The train represents the load in the railway electrification model. Usually the power
requirement of the train is determined for a specific speed, acceleration, and position of
the traina s explained in chapter 2. Also the type of motor and drive on the train is usually
considered also. Having a fixed power at a certain node of nodes, renders the problem
nonlinear. Usuallly there are two methods for the model of the train. The first one is by
admittance model: a load is repressented by an admitance

𝑌! =

and the voltage VT is the voltage between the catenary and the rail and is calculated.
The second model is by a current injection: a load is represented by a current source

𝐼! =
and the voltage VT is the voltage between the catenary and the rail at the location of the
train. In this thesis the first method is considered.
We will use the “Series RLC load” bolck of the SimPowerSystems that implements a
linear load as a serie combination of RLC elements. At the specified frequency, the load
exhibits a constant impedance. The active and reactive (for our scope only active)
absorbed by the load are propotional to the square of the applied voltage. Only elements
associated with no zero powers are displeyed in the block icon. In Figure 8-15 is shown
the dialog box and parameters of the block.

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AC 2x25 kV – 50 Hz railway model with SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 5

Figure 8-15: Dialoge box and parameters of “Series RLC Load” block.

Ervis Sheqi  
System simulation and validation using SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 6

9 Chapter 6: System simulation and

validation using SimPowerSystems

9.1 Introduction
Once completed and validated the individual subsystems we will proceed in the last
chapter with their integration and simulation of the entire system. The simulation in this
case was carried out considering the system under normal operating conditions. And also
in case of different fault types, including the failure of the contact line and the rail, the
feeder and the rail. The following are some of the variables that can be analyzed by these
simulations, choosing the most relevant for the evaluation of interactions between the
different subsystems. It will be presented the pantograph voltage, the current absorbed by
the train and the current on the contact line and the feeder and in different section of the

The model of the complete system is shown in Figure 9-1.

In the complete model we can identifies the various individual subsystems that we
previously modeled. Note the presence of the white block at the top left of the Figure 9-1
“Continuous”. This block is called “powergui” and is a particular block of
SimPowerSystems toolbox and must be always present in the model in order to allow the
starting of calculation routine otherwise appear an error of program execution. With this
block you can choose the type of system analysis that you want to take. There are three
• “Continuous” : Time domain analysis of the system;
• “Discrete”: Discrete time domain analysis by choosing the sampling frequency;
• “Phasore”: Phasor domain analysis by choosing the frequency of the system;

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System simulation and validation using SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 6

Figure 9-1: Complete model of the system.

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System simulation and validation using SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 6

9.2 External grid subsystem

The external grid is a subsystem as described in Chapter 5. Under the mask of this
subsystem we have:

Figure 9-2: External grid subsystem model.

The Pimary supply and the Overhead Line 7,8 km are described in Chapter 5. The data
used in these block are shown in Annex A. The output of the system are the two phases
(Fase 4 and Fase 8) which go to the primary winding of the electrical substation
transformer. Note the two blocks called “Misure Chiari Terna” and “Misure ingresso
SSE”. These two blocks have the same configuration and intended to measure the currents
and the voltage of the system, an example of the configuration is shown in Figure 9-3.

Figure 9-3: Measure subsystem model.

And now we will show the current and voltege in output Fase 4 and Fase 8.

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System simulation and validation using SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 6

Graphic 9-1: Output current of the external grid subsystem.

Graphic 9-2: Output voltage of external grid subsystem.

As we see we have a 89,31 A of phase current and a phase-phase voltage of 130,6 kV

these are the input stage of ESS.

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System simulation and validation using SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 6

9.3 SSE subsystem

As described in Chapter 5 te linear transformer appears closest to the substation
transformer. It has three winding, a primary winding and two secondary windings. The
two secondary windings can be connected at one end to form the center tap. Care should
be taken when creating the center tap by connecting the low voltage end of one winding
to the high voltage end of the other. The connected SimPowerSystems transformer to
simulate the ESS is shown in Figure 9-4

Figure 9-4: SimPowerSystems linear transformer connected to simulate a ESS.

The parameter entered in “SSE” (Figure 9-4) are described in Annex A. We have also
consider an earth resistance of 2 Ω to connect the rail into the ground.

Assuming the train in the middle of Section 3 (PPD Caravaggio – PPD Cassano) as shown
in Figure 9-1 we obtain the following current distribution shown in Graphic 9-3.

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System simulation and validation using SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 6

Graphic 9-3: Current distribution in the ESS.

In Chapter 4 we made an analysis of current distribution and we introduced the two

coefficient γ and α. The current of the train is around 421 A.
The γ coefficient is the operation share as the 2x25-kV system with respect to the total
train power absorption. It is then important that this factor is close to 1, in order to
approach the ideal operation as much as possible, in this case we have γ=0,86 The α
coefficient reflects the distribution between the two DPTPs, and it is then proportional to
the bilateral power supply share of the 2x25-kV system. Unlike the γ coefficient, which is
basically constant, α is strongly affected by the train position in this case we have α=0,67.

The votage of the contact line and of the feeder with respect of the rail is shown in
Graphic 9-4.

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System simulation and validation using SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 6

Graphic 9-4: Voltage of the contact line and of the feeder with respect of the rails.

9.4 PPD subsystem

The SimPowerSystem has not an autotransformer model, so for the autotransformer
model is used a two-winding transformer model connected as an autotransformer. The
configuration is shown in Figure 9-5 :

Figure 9-5: SimPowerSystem two-winding transformer connected as an autotransformer.

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System simulation and validation using SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 6
The parameter entered are described in Annex A. We have also consider an earth
resistance of 5 Ω to connect the rail into the ground.
Assuming the train in the middle of Section 3 (PPD Caravaggio – PPD Cassano) as shown
in Figure 9-1 we obtain the following current distribution into the PPD shown in Graphic

Graphic 9-5: Current distribution into the PPD Caravaggio.

Graphic 9-6: Current distribution into the PPD Cassano.

As we see in Graphic 9-5 and 9-6 the rail current is the sum of the contact line and the
feeder current.

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System simulation and validation using SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 6

9.5 Line model substation

In chapter 5 we described the line model for the system and described the Carsono theory
for the series impedance calculation. For greater accuracy, each wire is modeled
separately as explained earlier and no bundling of conductors was performed. The self
and mutual inductances have been calculated as presented in chapter 5. We have also
computed the capacitance matrix that is neglected because of the small value around 22
nF. For this reason to model the line in SimPowerSystems, the mutual imductance
elementi s used as shown in Figure 9-6.

Figure 9-6: The line model created using the mutual impedance element in SimPowerSystems.

Using the data reported in Table 8-6 and for the geometry shown in Table 9-1 below:

Table 9-1: Geometry of the line model.

Conductor X (m) Y (m)

Feeder 1 (F1) 1 -6,60 8,00
Feeder 2 (F2) 1' 6,60 8,00
Trefolo 1 (T1) 2 -6,10 5,50
Trefolo 2 (T2) 2' 6,10 5,50
Messenger 1 (M1) 3 -2,50 6,55
Messenger 2 (M2) 3' 2,50 6,55
Contact 1 (C1) 4 -2,50 5,30
Contact 2 (C2) 4' 2,50 5,30
Rail 1-1 (R1-1) 5 -3,22 0,00
Rail 2-2 (R2-2) 5' 3,22 0,00
Rail 1-2 (R1-2) 6 -1,78 0,00
Rail 2-1 (R2-1) 6' 1,78 0,00
Earth 1 (E1) 7 -4,75 -0,60
Earth 2 (E2) 7' 4,75 -0,60

Ervis Sheqi  
System simulation and validation using SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 6
We obtained the series impedance of the line model.

9.5.1 Resistance  matrix  

The 14x14 resistance matrix in Ω/km is reported in Table 9-2:

Table 9-2: Resistance matrix in Ω/km of the line model.

F1 M1 C1 B1-1 B1-2 T1 E1
F1 0,1578 0,0489 0,0489 0,0491 0,0491 0,0489 0,0491
M1 0,0489 0,2053 0,0490 0,0491 0,0491 0,0489 0,0491
C1 0,0489 0,0490 0,1727 0,0492 0,0492 0,0490 0,0492
B1-1 0,0491 0,0491 0,0492 0,0799 0,0493 0,0492 0,0493
B1-2 0,0491 0,0491 0,0492 0,0493 0,0799 0,0492 0,0493
T1 0,0489 0,0489 0,0490 0,0492 0,0492 0,2743 0,0492
E1 0,0491 0,0491 0,0492 0,0493 0,0493 0,0492 0,2403
E2 0,0491 0,0491 0,0491 0,0493 0,0493 0,0491 0,0493
T2 0,0493 0,0493 0,0493 0,0492 0,0492 0,0493 0,0491
B2-1 0,0491 0,0491 0,0492 0,0493 0,0493 0,0492 0,0493
B2-2 0,0491 0,0491 0,0492 0,0493 0,0493 0,0492 0,0493
C2 0,0493 0,0493 0,0493 0,0492 0,0492 0,0493 0,0491
M2 0,0493 0,0493 0,0493 0,0491 0,0491 0,0493 0,0491
F2 0,0493 0,0493 0,0493 0,0491 0,0491 0,0493 0,0491

E2 T2 B2-1 B2-2 C2 M2 F2
F1 0,0491 0,0493 0,0491 0,0491 0,0493 0,0493 0,0493
M1 0,0491 0,0493 0,0491 0,0491 0,0493 0,0493 0,0493
C1 0,0491 0,0493 0,0492 0,0492 0,0493 0,0493 0,0493
B1-1 0,0493 0,0492 0,0493 0,0493 0,0492 0,0491 0,0491
B1-2 0,0493 0,0492 0,0493 0,0493 0,0492 0,0491 0,0491
T1 0,0491 0,0493 0,0492 0,0492 0,0493 0,0493 0,0493
E1 0,0493 0,0491 0,0493 0,0493 0,0491 0,0491 0,0491
E2 0,2403 0,0492 0,0493 0,0493 0,0492 0,0491 0,0491
T2 0,0492 0,2743 0,0492 0,0492 0,0490 0,0489 0,0489
B2-1 0,0493 0,0492 0,0799 0,0493 0,0492 0,0491 0,0491
B2-2 0,0493 0,0492 0,0493 0,0799 0,0492 0,0491 0,0491
C2 0,0492 0,0490 0,0492 0,0492 0,1727 0,0490 0,0489
M2 0,0491 0,0489 0,0491 0,0491 0,0490 0,2053 0,0489
F2 0,0491 0,0489 0,0491 0,0491 0,0489 0,0489 0,1578

Ervis Sheqi  
System simulation and validation using SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 6
9.5.2 Reactance  matrix  

The 14x14 reactance matrix in Ω/km is reported in Table 9-3:

Table 9-3: Reactance matrix in Ω/km of the line model

F1 M1 C1 B1-1 B1-2 T1 E1
F1 0,7615 0,3722 0,3646 0,3289 0,3243 0,4058 0,3277
M1 0,3722 0,7920 0,4505 0,3463 0,3463 0,3815 0,3377
C1 0,3646 0,4505 0,7919 0,3595 0,3595 0,3839 0,3485
B1-1 0,3289 0,3463 0,3595 0,6530 0,4412 0,3500 0,4322
B1-2 0,3243 0,3463 0,3595 0,4412 0,6530 0,3424 0,3943
T1 0,4058 0,3815 0,3839 0,3500 0,3424 0,7845 0,3491
E1 0,3277 0,3377 0,3485 0,4322 0,3943 0,3491 0,7982
E2 0,3006 0,3237 0,3288 0,3336 0,3460 0,3087 0,3222
T2 0,2807 0,2948 0,2992 0,3145 0,3219 0,2882 0,3087
B2-1 0,3103 0,3347 0,3434 0,3630 0,3843 0,3219 0,3460
B2-2 0,3047 0,3282 0,3350 0,3471 0,3630 0,3145 0,3336
C2 0,2895 0,3037 0,3095 0,3350 0,3434 0,2992 0,3288
M2 0,2855 0,2982 0,3037 0,3282 0,3347 0,2948 0,3237
F2 0,2736 0,2855 0,2895 0,3047 0,3103 0,2807 0,3006

E2 T2 B2-1 B2-2 C2 M2 F2
F1 0,3006 0,2807 0,3103 0,3047 0,2895 0,2855 0,2736
M1 0,3237 0,2948 0,3347 0,3282 0,3037 0,2982 0,2855
C1 0,3288 0,2992 0,3434 0,3350 0,3095 0,3037 0,2895
B1-1 0,3336 0,3145 0,3630 0,3471 0,3350 0,3282 0,3047
B1-2 0,3460 0,3219 0,3843 0,3630 0,3434 0,3347 0,3103
T1 0,3087 0,2882 0,3219 0,3145 0,2992 0,2948 0,2807
E1 0,3222 0,3087 0,3460 0,3336 0,3288 0,3237 0,3006
E2 0,7982 0,3491 0,3943 0,4322 0,3485 0,3377 0,3277
T2 0,3491 0,7845 0,3424 0,3500 0,3839 0,3815 0,4058
B2-1 0,3943 0,3424 0,6530 0,4412 0,3595 0,3463 0,3243
B2-2 0,4322 0,3500 0,4412 0,6530 0,3595 0,3463 0,3289
C2 0,3485 0,3839 0,3595 0,3595 0,7919 0,4505 0,3646
M2 0,3377 0,3815 0,3463 0,3463 0,4505 0,7920 0,3722
F2 0,3277 0,4058 0,3243 0,3289 0,3646 0,3722 0,7615

And at last we can abtained the inductance matrix from the reactance matrix dividing by
2πf = 2π 50. The inductance matrix in mH /km is reported in Table 9-4.

Ervis Sheqi  
System simulation and validation using SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 6
Table 9-4: Inductance matrix in mH/km of the line model

F1 M1 C1 B1-1 B1-2 T1 E1
F1 2,4238 1,1849 1,1605 1,0469 1,0322 1,2916 1,0432
M1 1,1849 2,5211 1,4339 1,1024 1,1024 1,2142 1,0751
C1 1,1605 1,4339 2,5208 1,1443 1,1443 1,2219 1,1092
B1-1 1,0469 1,1024 1,1443 2,0787 1,4044 1,1141 1,3757
B1-2 1,0322 1,1024 1,1443 1,4044 2,0787 1,0900 1,2549
T1 1,2916 1,2142 1,2219 1,1141 1,0900 2,4971 1,1114
E1 1,0432 1,0751 1,1092 1,3757 1,2549 1,1114 2,5408
E2 0,9569 1,0304 1,0466 1,0617 1,1014 0,9825 1,0254
T2 0,8936 0,9384 0,9523 1,0011 1,0247 0,9175 0,9825
B2-1 0,9876 1,0655 1,0930 1,1553 1,2232 1,0247 1,1014
B2-2 0,9699 1,0445 1,0662 1,1047 1,1553 1,0011 1,0617
C2 0,9216 0,9666 0,9850 1,0662 1,0930 0,9523 1,0466
M2 0,9089 0,9492 0,9666 1,0445 1,0655 0,9384 1,0304
F2 0,8708 0,9089 0,9216 0,9699 0,9876 0,8936 0,9569

E2 T2 B2-1 B2-2 C2 M2 F2
F1 0,9569 0,8936 0,9876 0,9699 0,9216 0,9089 0,8708
M1 1,0304 0,9384 1,0655 1,0445 0,9666 0,9492 0,9089
C1 1,0466 0,9523 1,0930 1,0662 0,9850 0,9666 0,9216
B1-1 1,0617 1,0011 1,1553 1,1047 1,0662 1,0445 0,9699
B1-2 1,1014 1,0247 1,2232 1,1553 1,0930 1,0655 0,9876
T1 0,9825 0,9175 1,0247 1,0011 0,9523 0,9384 0,8936
E1 1,0254 0,9825 1,1014 1,0617 1,0466 1,0304 0,9569
E2 2,5408 1,1114 1,2549 1,3757 1,1092 1,0751 1,0432
T2 1,1114 2,4971 1,0900 1,1141 1,2219 1,2142 1,2916
B2-1 1,2549 1,0900 2,0787 1,4044 1,1443 1,1024 1,0322
B2-2 1,3757 1,1141 1,4044 2,0787 1,1443 1,1024 1,0469
C2 1,1092 1,2219 1,1443 1,1443 2,5208 1,4339 1,1605
M2 1,0751 1,2142 1,1024 1,1024 1,4339 2,5211 1,1849
F2 1,0432 1,2916 1,0322 1,0469 1,1605 1,1849 2,4238

Each section in Figure 9-1 is into 6 block of generalized mutual inductance. The
generalized mutual inductance implement a multi windings mutual inductance with
mutual coupling defined by an inductance and resistance matrix. The block prameters of
mutual inductance is shown in Figure 9-7:

Ervis Sheqi  
System simulation and validation using SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 6

Figure 9-7: Generalized mutual inductance block parameters.

Where the R_matrix and L_matrix are respectively the resistance and the inductance
matrix reported in Table 9-2 and Table 9-4. Moltipling by the length of the section give
the total resistance and inductance matrix of the section. The length in divided by 6
because each section in dividen in 6 blocks.

9.5.3 Train  model  

We will use the “Series RLC load” bolck of the SimPowerSystems that implements a
linear load as a serie combination of RLC elements. At the specified frequency, the load
exhibits a constant impedance. The active and reactive (for our scope only active)
absorbed by the load are propotional to the square of the applied voltage. Only elements
associated with no zero powers are displeyed in the block icon. In Figure 8-15 is shown
the dialog box and parameters of the block. And in Figure 9-8 is shown Tain subsystem
used for simulation:

Ervis Sheqi  
System simulation and validation using SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 6

Figure 9-8: Train subsystem used in simulation.

The data of the train used is a nominal voltage of 25 kV and a nominal active power of
9,8 MW (8,8 MW for the two locomotives and 1MW for the auxiliary service).
Assuming the train in the middle of Section 3 (PPD Caravaggio – PPD Cassano) as shown
in Figure 9-1 we obtain the following current reported in Graphic 9-7:

Graphic 9-7: Currente absorbed by the train.

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System simulation and validation using SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 6
And the voltage at the pantograph reported in Graphic 9-8:

Graphic 9-8: Votage at the pantograph.

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System simulation and validation using SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 6

9.6 Simulation result of current distribution

Let suppose the train at the middle of the third section as shown in Figure 9-1 and see the
current distribution in the different measuring points the we have created. With a power of
9,8 MW for the train we have obtained the following results from the simulation.

We have done a Phasor simulation for speed acceleration of the simulation, choosing
from the “powergui” block the “Phasor” mode and insert a frequency of 50 Hz. We can
start with measurement in the section 3 where we have the presence of the train.

Figure 9-9: Section 3 with the train in the middle.

Graphic 9-9: Currente distribution on the left and on the right side of the train

We have a train current of 421 A and in Graphic 9-9 have shown respectively the result of
the left (Graphic 9-9 (a)) and the right (Graphic 9-9 (b)) side of the train. With a current of
the train of 421 A in the rails we have 241,4 A on the left side that is around 58% and
179,6 A on the righ side that is around 42%. And from the contact line comes 271,5 A
from the left side of the train that is around 65% and 149,5 A from the right side of the
train that is around 35%.
On the right side we have the PPD Cassano and the result of the simulation is shown in
Graphic 9-6 on paragraph 9.4 PPD subsystem where the current of 179,6 A that comes
from the rail is divided into the feeder and the contact line; 89,8 A (50% of 179,6 A) goes
in the feeder and 89,8 A (the other 50% of 179,6 A) goes in the contact line.

Ervis Sheqi  
System simulation and validation using SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 6

On the left side we have:

Figure 9-10: Zoom from Section 2 to Section 3 and PPD Carabaggio.


ILdC = 88,07 A
IBinario = 178,3 A
IFeeder = 89,13 A

Graphic 9-10: Currente distribution in PPD Caravaggio.

As we can see the Kirchhoff’s Low is respected. From the section 3 in the rails we have a
current of 241,4 A where 178,3 A goes into the PPD Caravaggio and 63,28 goes in the
rails of section 2 and into the PPD the 178,3 A are diveded into 50% in contact line and
50% in the feeder.
We missed the last part of the model that is:

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System simulation and validation using SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 6

Figure 9-11: Zoom from Section 1 to Section 2 and PPD Calcio.


ILdC = 0,98 A
IBinario = 3,18 A
IFeeder = 2,29 A

Graphic 9-11: Currente distribution in PPD Calcio.

As we can see in the free section the current that flows in the PPD is really small. Almost
all the current flows into section line 1 and goes into the ESS.

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System simulation and validation using SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 6

9.7 Fault analysis

Below we try to make an analysis of the different faults that can accur during operation.

9.7.1 Contact  line  and  the  rails  

We will start considering a fault between the contact line and the rails. And considering
all the parallel post excluded. For this type of analysis is better to do a phasor simulation
choosing from the “powergui” block the “Phasor” mode and insert a frequency of 50 Hz.

Graphic 9-12: Fault results between the contact line and the rails.

We have considering a fault resistance of 0,01 Ω we achieve a maximum short circuit

current of 1477 A, the resective rms value is 1044 A. From in-field tests was obtained a
current of 1071 A. The error is around 2,5 %.

9.7.2 Feeder  and  the  rails  

We will start considering a fault between the contact line and the rails. And considering
all the parallel post excluded. For this type of analysis is better to do a phasor simulation
choosing from the “powergui” block the “Phasor” mode and insert a frequency of 50 Hz.

Ervis Sheqi  
System simulation and validation using SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 6

Graphic 9-13: Fault results between the feeder and the rails.

We have considering a fault resistance of 0,01 Ω we achieve a maximum short circuit

current of 1118 A, the resective rms value is 790 A. From in-field tests was obtained a
current of 710 A. The error is around 8,9 %.

9.7.3 Transient  analysis  

If we consider in a normal operation and a train in the middle of the third section with a
power of 9,8 MW and a fault occur in the ESS we obtain the followind wave of the short
circuit current.

Graphic 9-14: ESS current in normal operation and fault (occur at 0,1s) between the feeder and the rails

Ervis Sheqi  
System simulation and validation using SimPowerSystems CHAPTER 6
From the Graphic 9-14 we obtained a peak value of the current for the contact line of 3,9
kA, a peak value of the current for the feeder of 2,87 kA and a peak value of the current
for the rails of 1 kA.
Excluding the PPD section we obtained:

Graphic 9-15: ESS current in normal operation and fault (occur at 0,1s) between the feeder and the rails with
PPD excluded

As we can see when the fault occur at 0,1 s we have a peak value of 1727 A and a steady
state value of 1146,5 A which is almost equal to the value in paragraph 9.7.2.

As we can see you can do several simulations and taking into account different types of
faults. and for each type of fault can perform a phasor simulation if you need to speed up
in simulation time or a transient simulation if you need to see all the current and voltage
transient wave.

Ervis Sheqi  

10 Conclusions
The work done for this study shows that SimPowerSystems can be used to simulate
complex systems. Entering the large number of mutual inductances to model the line is
tedious an prone to error. In this work each line section is modeled separately becausethe
sections are of different lengths. If this work is to be done again, a section of say, 250
meters, is modeled, and then as many fo this primitive section as needed are cascaded to
create a model of a line of any length multiple of 250 meters.
Having gained experience with SimPowerSystems, it is realized that transient analysis
(fault studies) can be performed using SimPowerSystems. Therefore, the model of a
snapshot of the system can be used with little modifications to perform the more complex
fault analysis and more detailed modeling of the system.
Voltage variations with distance on the different conductors can not be obtained
efficiently using the discrete model used. Although variation of voltage with distance is
desired, the critical points can be easily identified and the voltage at those points obtained.
In conclusion, using SimPowerSystems toolbox to solve the load flow problem has been
successful, and certainly save time compared with solving the problem using equation
modeling. Once the model is built, modifications can be easily implemented; this is very
useful feature especially in design projects.

Ervis Sheqi  

11 Annex A
All the data used in simulation is inserted into a Matlab script called file_dati.m reported
in this Annex.

%% Script con i dati fondamentali del sistema

%% Dati del generatore equivalente della rete in AT
Rete.f = 50; % 50 Hz frequenza nominale
Rete.Vn = 132e3/sqrt(2); % 132 kV tensine nominale
Rete.Icc3 = 8e3; % 8kA corrente di trifase
Rete.Icc1 = 8e3; % 8kA corrente di monofase
Rete.Rd = 1.05; % 1,05 Ohm resistenza diretta rete esterna
Rete.Xd = 10.43; % 10,43 Ohm reattanza diretta rete esterna
Rete.Ro = 1.03; % 1,03 Ohm resistenza omopolare rete esterna
Rete.Xo = 10.32; % 10,32 Ohm reattanza omopolare rete esterna
% Valori calcolati
Rete.Acc = sqrt(3)*Rete.Vn*Rete.Icc3; % potenza di
Rete.ratio = Rete.Xo/Rete.Ro; % rapporto

%% Parametri SSE della sottostazione

SSE.An_trafo = 60e6; % 30 MVA potenza trafo SSE per ogni secondario
SSE.Vn2 = 27.5e3; % 27,5 kV tensione nominale secondario trafo
SSE.Xtr = 0.100/(2*pi*Rete.f); % X trafo di SSE in p.u. (Vcc = 10%)
SSE.Rtr = 0.0024; % R trafo di SSE in p.u.
SSE.R_GND = 2; % Resistenza di terra della SSE di 2 Ohm

%% Parametri della Posti di Parallelo - Autotrasformatori

PPD.An = 15e6; % 15 MVA potenza autotrasformatore PPD
PPD.Xatr = 0.01/(2*pi*Rete.f); % X autotrasformatore di PPD in p.u.
(Vcc = 1%)
PPD.Ratr = 0.0011; % R autotrasformatore di PPD in p.u.
PPD.R_GND = 5; % Resistenza di terra di PPD di 5 Ohm

%% Variazione della resistenza con la temperatura

rhoT = @(x,y) x*(1+(3.93e-3)*(y-20));

%% Dati di linea in AT tra Chiari TERNA e Chiari RFI

OHL.L = 7.8; % 7,8 km di linea aerea

OHL.Rd = 0.51; % 0,51 Ohm resistenza diretta linea AT.
OHL.Xd = 3.07; % 3,07 Ohm reattanza diretta linea AT.
OHL.Ro = 3.72; % 3,72 Ohm resistenza omopolare linea AT.
OHL.Xo = 16.86; % 16,86 Ohm reattanza omopolare linea AT.
OHL.Cd = 12.74e-9; % 12,74 nF capacit‡ diretta linea AT.
OHL.Co = 12.74e-9; % 12,74 nF capacit‡ omopolare linea AT.
OHL.Ip = 688; % 688 A portata permanente linea AT.
OHL.tou = 14.2; % 14,2 min costante di tempo linea AT.

%% Conduttanza dei binari

% Conduttanze di dispersore per linea in rilevato
% * Conduttanza chilometrica di un binario (2 rataie in parallelo)
Linea.G_2Rail = 0.001; % S/km 2 rotaie in parallelo
% * Conduttanza chilometrica di una rotaia

Ervis Sheqi  
Linea.G_Rail = Linea.G_2Rail/2; % S/km una rotaia
% * Conduttanza chilometrica di due binari (4 rataie in parallelo)
Linea.G_4Rail = 2*Linea.G_2Rail; % S/km 4 rataie in parallelo
% * Resistenza del binario singolo
Linea.R_Rail = 1/Linea.G_4Rail;

%% Dati di linea a 14 conduttori

% Conduttori che compongono la linea
% * Feeder
Feeder.X = 6.60; % m
Feeder.Y = 8.00; % m
Feeder.r = 11.4; % mm
Feeder.A = 310; % mmq
Feeder.Materiale = 'All-Acciaio'; % Materiale
Feeder.rho = 33.79; % Ohm.mmq/km
Feeder.Rint = Feeder.rho/Feeder.A; % Ohm/km

% * Trefolo
Trefolo.X = 6.10; % m
Trefolo.Y = 5.50; % m
Trefolo.r = 7.88; % mm
Trefolo.A = 150; % mmq
Trefolo.Materiale = 'Lega-All'; % Materiale
Trefolo.rho = 33.80; % Ohm.mmq/km
Trefolo.Rint = Trefolo.rho/Trefolo.A;% Ohm/km

% * Fune portante
Portante.X = 2.50; % m
Portante.Y = 6.55; % m
Portante.r = 7.00; % mm
Portante.A = 120; % mmq
Portante.Materiale = 'Rame'; % Materiale
Portante.rho20 = 18.77; % Ohm.mmq/km
Portante.Rint = 0.1564; % Ohm/km
% % Calcoliamo la resistivit‡ a 40∞C della fune portante
% Portante.rho40 = rhoT(Portante.rho20,40);
% % Calcoliamola resistenza interna della portante a 40∞C
% Portante.Rint = Portante.rho40/Portante.A;

% * Contatto
Contatto.X = 2.50; % m
Contatto.Y = 5.30; % m
Contatto.r = 7.00; % mm
Contatto.A = 150; % mmq
Contatto.Materiale = 'Rame'; % Materiale
Contatto.rho20 = 18.55; % Ohm.mmq/km
Contatto.Rint = 0.1237; % Ohm/km
% % Calcoliamo la resistivit‡ a 40∞C del filo di contatto
% Contatto.rho40 = rhoT(Contatto.rho20,40);
% % Calcoliamola resistenza interna del filo di contatto a 40∞C
% Contatto.Rint = Contatto.rho40/Contatto.A;

% * Binario
Binario.X_e = 3.22; % m
Binario.Y_e = 0.05; % m
Binario.X_i = 1.78; % m
Binario.Y_i = 0.05; % m
Binario.r = 49.44; % mm
Binario.A = 7679; % mmq
Binario.Materiale = 'Acciaio'; % Materiale
Binario.rho = 235; % Ohm.mmq/km

Ervis Sheqi  
Binario.Rint = 0.0306; % Ohm/km

% * Dispersore
Dispersore.X = 4.75; % m
Dispersore.Y = -0.6; % m
Dispersore.r = 6.3; % mm
Dispersore.A = 95; % mmq
Dispersore.Materiale = 'Rame'; % Materiale
Dispersore.rho = 18.15; % Ohm.mmq/km
Dispersore.Rint = 0.191; % Ohm/km
% % Calcoliamo la resistivit‡ a 40∞C del dispersore
% Dispersore.rho40 = rhoT(Dispersore.rho,40);
% % Calcoliamola resistenza interna del dispersore a 40∞C
% Dispersore.Ri40 = Dispersore.rho40/Dispersore.A;

% Geometria della linea di contatto

% * Distanze orizontali della linea X[m]
Linea.X = [-Feeder.X;
% * Distanze verticale della linea Y[m]
Linea.Y = [-Feeder.Y;

% Vettore raggi dei conduttori [mm] (vedere meglio)

Linea.GMR = exp(-1/4); % Raggio geometrico medio
Linea.r = [Feeder.r*Linea.GMR;

Ervis Sheqi  

% Vettore resistenze chilometriche conduttori [Ohm/km]

Linea.Rint = [Feeder.Rint;

% Lunghezza tratti di linea

Linea.L1 = 13.53; % 13,53 SSE Chiari (63+048) - PPD Calcio (50+577)
Linea.L2 = 9.56; % 9,56 PPD Calcio (50+577) - PPD Caravaggio
Linea.L3 = 10.2; % 10,2 PPD Caravaggio (41+000) - PPS Cassano

%% Dati del treno

Treno.Vn = 25e3; % [V] tensione nominale del treno.
Treno.Pn = 9.8e6; % [W] potenza nominale del treno.

%% Calcolo dei parametri della linea

% Dati di ingresso
% * Resistivit‡ del terreno in Ohm.m
rho_terreno = 300;


parametri_linea(rho_terreno,Linea.X,Linea.Y,Linea.r,Linea.Rint); is a Matlab function

that implement the Carson’s Theory, described in chapter 5, for the calculation of the
RLC matrix

Ervis Sheqi  

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Ervis Sheqi  

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