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Name: Diana Tobar

Teacher: David Cabezas

Fase: XB

Are today's children not like before?

It is very difficult to make this statement because times have changed too much,
technology, parents' limited time and insecurity have made children unable to enjoy
open spaces as much and share with the neighborhood children, they left the toys
traditional, by tablets, computers and video games, all the information is easily
accessible and parental supervision is very little. Today's parents are more open and
do not reprimand with harsh punishments as before, which has made them lose the
authority of parents in front of minors and for their part, children defend their
criteria and intervene in any way in conversations, participation in classes is older,
shyness has been left aside, and they can express what they feel and think.

In the past, going out to play in the street and not coming back until late was part of
childhood, this perhaps allowed us to be more sociable and with a more important
and prioritized family life. Parental authority and respect for elders was one of the
principles taught in every home, which made children more obedient and respectful.
The exercise was part of all the games which allowed that there is not much obesity
in minors.

We cannot say if the children of the past were better or worse, because time and the
world economy have made it necessary for couples to work longer and parents to
spend less time with their children, technology has made learning more and more
accelerated, and parents in their eagerness to provide them with a better quality of
life fill them with activities, often without leaving spaces in which to enjoy their

There are many options to improve child development such as encouraging outdoor
games by distancing both them and their parents from technology, creating clear
communication, limiting the time they spend on television, the computer and video
games, accompanying them in the development of their school tasks, respect the
individuality and the opinions of the children.

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