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Book Report- written assignment- Hadar Shalel.

I chose assignment a- a diary page by one of the characters.

I chose to wright write about chapter 2 – After after Edward met Bella for the
first time and ran away to Denali, Alaska where Tanya and her sister Are living.
But in Tanya’s POV:
(All mine except the dialogs in “” which belongs to Stephenie Meyer-Midnight
Sun page 26)
January 20 2005
Dear Diary, you wontwill never guess what just happened! Edward came back
for me!! Well... not really for me but he did camecome back! Although I think
he is going back to Forks soon. And I know it is my fault. I always make him
unconfutable with my comments. So it want happened like thisat:
I heard footsteps but something about them sounded familiar... Edward! I
knew by heart the way his foots feet hit the ground. No human could hear
them, but of course vamps could. But something was off… his foots were not
light and quick as usual. They sounded heavier. “Oh, I knew he would come
back to me!” I thought to myself, hoping he didn’t hear that. As I approached
him, I thought at him “Canon ball” and crashed to the snow next to him. He
didn’t make a move to clean himself up, which was out of character for him.
That’s when I looked into his eyes. They were black and unfocused. He looked
almost hunted. I wondered if it was about a girl… I started to worry and
apologized for the not funny joke, but what worried me the most was that
Edward was never unfocused. He was always in alert in case Kate or I would
jump him or something. “well Well I guess you didn’t come back for me,” I said
out load. “I’m sorry,” he said. Always the gentlemen. “No matter what is it… or
who is it… that hunts you. You’ll face it head on. You’re the type.” And that was
about it. He told me that he felt terrible for toying with my feelings but he
never really hurt me. I hope though that maybe one day someone will think of
me the way Edward thought about the girl. Whoever she is.

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