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Hi my name is nguyen huyen my, i am a member of my beloved 12a9.

And today i will tell you about my

dream job and what skills do i need to achieve that dream, according to my opinion ofcouse. So let’s get

From a very young age, i’ve always wanted to be a psychologist. I’ve seen so many people struggled with
mental issues such as depression, anxiety, challenging behaviour and other mental illnessess. I felt really
bad for them and i truthfully wanted to something to help them overcome it. Also, i’m really interest in
how people think and behave, and how their minds work too, eventhough that sounds a little bit weird.
So here i am, trying my best to graduate to one of the top schools of the country. I not only have to
study hard but also have to improve some skills in order to be a decent psychologist. “what skills?”, you
may ask.

First thing first is the ability to relate to and empathise with people, which means i have to constantly
put myself in other people’s shoes to be able to understand how they feel so as acknowledge their
situations so i can give them some valuable advices. After all, psychology is about understanding human
behavior and what can predispose humans to act in a specific manner. This skill is also important in
portraying one’s feelings and how to practically apply observations that are seen.

Secondly, i have to have an excellent communication skills. There are diverse communication skills, but
psychologists need to communicate effectively to their patients with clarity to ensure understanding and
make them feel comfortable.I know that communication is important in any field but in psychology, it is
paramount and is the hallmark of what a psychologist does.

Last but not least is patient. Psychologists may work with patients for significant amounts of time as they
try to resolve issues. One of their responsibilities is to track patients' progress toward specific goals.
Patients dealing with mental issues may also behave differently, so it's important for psychologists to
show patience and understanding of their needs.

To be honest, i have none of the skills that i have mentioned above, and those skills are not even close
to enough, but i really want to become a psychologist. It’s my ever dream. I know it’s not gonna be easy
but i’m trying my best to improve myself every single day. and i think that is also some kind of
achievements of my own.

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