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God is the highest being in the universe and the one who governs all things.

God is eternal and infinite,

and has always existed. God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent. God has always existed as
a single entity with no beginning or end.

God created humanity as a special creation from himself. Humans are made in the image of God and are
given free will to choose between good and evil. They are also capable of choosing to become gods
themselves by following God's example and becoming more like him through good deeds.

God has showed his love for humanity by sending Jesus Christ to die for our sins so that we can be
forgiven for them, thereby gaining salvation from our sins and receiving eternal life with him after death.
If we do not accept this gift from him then we will be separated from him forever in hell where there is
no hope of rescue or redemption whatsoever; however if we choose to accept it then he will grant us
eternal life with him as well as all other righteous people who have died before us without ever having
an opportunity to repent or change their ways so they might also be saved from hell once they die too!

I believe that this explanation of God's intentions towards us fits perfectly with all of the historical facts

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