Ghostwriter 1

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Look at this poster. What is “Ghostwriter”about?

Watch the trailer and check if your predictions were right

Task 1:
What are their names?
1_______________ 2________________ 3_______________ 4______________

Who are they?

Match the name and the description:

Ruben Close to Ruben’s grandparents because

she doesn’t have any of her own.
Chevon The jock who is just trying to stay
eligible to play.
Curtis A bright girl who strives to exist outside
her brother’s shadow.
Donna The newcomer.
Task 2:
Match the phrases with the translation:
1.Watch out! a) Оставь меня в покое.
2. Make friends b) Не хочу хвастаться
3. It's not my fault! c) К чему ты клонишь? Что ты
хочешь этим сказать?
4. It doesn't work that way. d) Берегись!
5. What's your point? e) Так не пойдет/ Все не так просто.
6. Leave me alone. f) Заводить друзей.
7. Not to brag g) Я не виноват.

Task 3:
Answer the questions:
1) Why did Ruben have lunch in the
2) What doesn't Ruben like about his
new life?
3) What happened at the school
4) Who appeared at school?
5) Why was Curtis off the basketball
6) What was wrong with the book?
7) What did the children see at the
school assembly hall?
Task 4:
School rules

- No skateboarding in the hall.

- Oh. I wasn't using it.
- No eating in the hall. We have a
- It's ok, I like eating alone.
- You can eat alone in the cafeteria with
everyone else.

Project work:
Create your school rules

Task 5:
Chevon: Who's hungry for dessert?
Watch a video and write a recipe
Task 6:
Project work: My favourite book
Grandpa: “From now on, you're on a strict diet of beach reading.”
Write a list of books you want to read

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