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Mã đề 104
Câu 1. Stress:
A. charming B. cosy C. tiny D. remote
Câu 2. Some of the old homes in our town are well kept, but others are_____________.
A. beautiful B. dilapidated C. contemporary D. impressive
Câu 3. Nobody knows exactly how many young people in _____UK are homeless, but the figure may be
as high as 75,000.
A. a B. x C. the D. an
Câu 4. "Whenever that professor says something I don't like, I have to bite my _________"
A. lips B. eyes C. mouth D. tongue
Câu 5. Pronunciation:
A. thatched B. terraced C. detached D. restored
Câu 6. Pronunciation:
A. bodies B. shoulders C. antibiotics D. painkillers
Câu 7. Peter: “I like your attractive new haircut.” Lily: “_____”
A. Well, it's about time someone noticed.
B. I think I look better than everyone else now.
C. You know, it took a lot of courage to try this new style.
D. I really appreciate your kind words.
Câu 8. Pronunciation:
A. studio B. housing C. estate D. guest
Câu 9. Stress:
A. mansion B. villa C. estate D. cottage
Câu 10. When the ground is frozen, walking on it for extended periods of time can cause__________.
A. dehydrated B. frostbite C. oxygen D. high altitude
Câu 11. There are some very ___________ buildings in the town – they become tourist attractions.
A. impressive B. cramped C. dilapidated D. spacious
Câu 12. It can be difficult to sleep with light on because light reduces the amount of melatonin in your
A. pressure B. waste C. decrease D. increase
Câu 13. They have to pay _____ a lot of equipment.
A. for B. on C. against D. to
Câu 14. Sharon always sticks her …………….into everyone else’s business.
A. head B. nose C. lips D. mouth
Câu 15. Error: She would rather (A) her friends are (B) more (C) outgoing (D).
Câu 16. What is _______________ film you’ve ever seen?
A. best B. better C. good D. the best
Câu 17. Mark: "You did a great job on the presentation!" John: "_____"
A. It doesn't matter. B. I know, right? I'm awesome!
C. No, I didn't. It was terrible. D. Thanks! I worked hard on it.
Câu 18. Pronunciation:
A. amount B. bungalow C. karate D. medal
Câu 19. The deep oceans contain some of _______________ of all living creatures.
A. stranger B. the strangest C. strangest D. more strange
Câu 20. Pronunciation:
A. problem B. elbow C. eyebrow D. climber
Câu 21. The company is making a large profit, but in the meantime they're __________ a lot of damage
to the environment.
A. making B. taking C. bringing D. doing
Câu 22. Customer: "Can I pay with a credit card?" Cashier: “_____”
A. You need to make the payment before we can proceed.
B. Really?! Remember to bring the credit card with you next time.
C. Sure, we accept all major credit cards. B. I'm sorry, we only accept cash payments.
Câu 23. She had a cosy little apartment in Boston.
A. lazy B. uncomfortable C. warm D. dirty

Mã đề 104 Trang 1
Câu 24. Can’t you think of any _____ ideas?
A. the best B. much good C. least D. better
Câu 25. Stress:
A. balcony B. patio C. bungalow D. extension
Câu 26. Pronunciation:
A. antibiotic B. nosebleed C. doctor D. biology
Câu 27. Tom: “Could you lend me your pen for a moment?” Susan: “_____”
A. Sorry, you’re asking the wrong person.
B. Sure, here you go.
C. Not a chance, it's my favourite pen.
D. Can you use someone else's pen?
Câu 28. Pronunciation:
A. rather B. thorough C. northern D. weather
Câu 29. He lived for six months in a cold and uncomfortably small attic room.
A. cosy B. cramped C. lively D. remote
Câu 30. Excessive caffeine consumption can have a physical effect _____ sleep patterns.
A. at B. during C. in D. on
Câu 31. Stress:
A. digest B. affect C. suffer D. survive
Câu 32. Pronunciation:
A. ocean B. spacious C. spectacular D. crucial
Câu 33. The quake destroyed mud buildings in many ____________villages.
A. remote B. modern C. tiny D. spacious
Câu 34. Error: I’m having (A) a (B) fever right now. I could not (C) go (D) to school tomorrow.
Câu 35. If we didn't ________ any measures to protect whales, they would disappear forever.
A. give B. do C. take D. make
Câu 36. This is ______________ painting in the gallery.
A. the more beautiful B. as beautiful as
C. the less beautiful D. the most beautiful
Câu 37. Pronunciation:
A. opinion B. propose C. sculptor D. solution
Câu 38. The country is _______________ than the city.
A. more peaceful B. most peaceful C. as peaceful D. peacefuller
Câu 39. Stress:
A. human B. body C. disease D. treatment
Câu 40. Error: We can (A) meet up (B) more (C) often if we lived nearer (D) to each other
Câu 41. Some animals, like lizards and worms, have _____ amazing ability to grow new body parts if
they lose them.
A. x B. a C. the D. an
Câu 42. Error: The technology of bio-printing is (A) very expensive and the cost might not (B) coming
(C) down for a while (D).
Câu 43. The _____________ outside my bedroom is dangerous. Don’t stand on it.
A. conservatory B. balcony C. gate D. hall
Câu 44. He was beginning to get very annoyed with me about my carelessness.
A. afraid B. anxious C. calm D. surprised
Câu 45. The back fence is in very bad condition.
A. tiny B. dilapidated C. popular D. charming
Câu 46. We’ve just moved to _____ new flat nearer the centre of town.
A. the B. a C. x D. an
Câu 47. Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I guess I really put my _____ in my mouth.
A. knee B. hand C. foot D. elbow
Câu 48. Kevin can’t write because he’s sprained his____________.
A. tissue B. wrist C. scalp D. eyelid
Câu 49. I see people who have opportunities I don’t have, and I get_______________.
A. amused B. envious C. suspicious D. satisfied

Mã đề 104 Trang 2
Câu 50. Foreign students who are ________ a decision about which school to attend may not know
exactly where the choices are located.
A. taking B. making C. having D. doing
Câu 51. Peter: “You've done a really good job.” Lily: “_____”
A. I'm proud of you. B. It's going to be alright.
C. How nice of you to say so. D. You really deserve it.
Câu 52. Jane is not _______________ her brother.
A. intelligent as B. so intelligent as
C. the most intelligent D. more intelligent as
Câu 53. Error: You had better (A) to ask (B) before (C) you borrow (D) that bike.
Câu 54. The film paints a depressing picture of life in contemporary Britain.
A. cosy B. modern C. impressive D. peaceful
Câu 55. Stress:
A. substantial B. impressive C. wonderful D. artistic
Câu 56. ____________ junk food you eat, ___________ weight you can lose.
A. the less / the more B. the little / the much
C. the littler / the more D. the littlest / the most
Câu 57. Error: If Mary is (A) late for (B) school next week, her teacher would (C) tell (D) her off.
Câu 58. Error: My mum won’t (A) buy (B) me a new phone if I lost (C) this one (D).
Câu 59. Stress:
A. suspicion B. contentment C. happiness D. depression
Câu 60. The lab is ____________ from the bus stop than the library.
A. farer B. further C. furthest D. far
Câu 61. Vietnam becomes _______________ to foreign tourists.
A. the more attractive B. more and more attractive
C. most and most attractive D. much and more attractive
Câu 62. I have to give _____ my hobbies for my new interests.
A. in B. forward C. up D. into
Câu 63. _____ depression makes your whole body feel less active, whereas _____ happiness affects your
whole body in a positive way.
A. An/the B. a/a C. The/the D. x/x
Câu 64. Pronunciation:
A. polar B. lifespan C. organ D. performance
Câu 65. She has ____________ books than I do.
A. the least B. fewer C. the fewest D. less
Câu 66. The plant was used in traditional_____________ for the treatment of stomach problems.
A. painkiller B. medicine C. bandage D. X-ray
Câu 67. Pronunciation:
A. worms B. animals C. limbs D. scientists
Câu 68. In a modern family the husband is expected to join hands with his wife to ________ the
household chores.
A. do B. run C. take D. make
Câu 69. Pronunciation:
A. located B. worshipped C. dilapidated D. recommended
Câu 70. Jane: "Wow, you look amazing in that dress!" Lisa: "_____"
A. It's not a big deal.
B. Really? I don't think so.
C. I'm fabulous!
D. I really appreciate your kind words.
Câu 71. I am sure your sister will lend you a sympathetic ________ when you explain the situation to
A. arm B. finger C. eye D. ear
Câu 72. The breathtaking sunrise _____ the waves painted the sky with hues of orange and pink.
A. around B. over C. in D. at
Câu 73. The ____________ we start, the _____________ we will be back.

Mã đề 104 Trang 3
A. more early / more soon B. earlier / sooner
C. more early / most soon D. earliest / sooner
Câu 74. The mansion costs very much, so we can’t afford to buy it.
A. cheap B. modern C. expensive D. remote
Câu 75. Error: If she is (A) older, she would (B) find (C) her own (D) flat.
Câu 76. The noise in Rome is ______________ than in Florence.
A. much worse B. much as bad C. much badder D. worse much
Câu 77. Stress:
A. dehydrated B. dimensional C. inflexible D. sustainable
Câu 78. Tom: “Do you mind if I open the window?” Susan: “_____”
A. It’s beyond my wildest dream.
B. Yes, I do. Why would you want to do that?
C. No problem, go ahead.
D. Absolutely great!
Câu 79. Peter: “I'm having trouble understanding this maths problem. Can you help me?” Lily: “_____”
A. Are you being serious?
B. You should ask the teacher for assistance.
C. Of course, I'd be happy to help.
D. Maths is too difficult for me.
Câu 80. The villa is surrounded by spacious gardens.
A. quiet B. large C. small D. nearby

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