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Republic of the Philippines


Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-0662 loc. 107 Email Address:

Name: Gliza N. Almonte Date: Sept. 22, 2023

BSEd IV – Mathematics

Activity No. 1
On Sex and Gender

Sex Characteristics Perceived and Actual

 Has testes  Men is the head of the family.
 Has penis  Men is the supporter and
protector of his own family.
 Produce sperm cells
 Men are expected to be strong,
 More masculine
aggressive and bold.
 Men perceived as a great leader
and moneymaker who provides
for his family.

Vision: An advanced and adaptive university pursuing quality education, lifelong gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive research-based
community programs and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025.
Mission: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension and production that magnifies WISDOM in leadership through Total Quality
Management System responsive to the challenges of the 21st century education.
Educating People, Enriching Lives and Expanding Opportunities with WISDOM!
Republic of the Philippines
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-0662 loc. 107 Email Address:

Sex Characteristics Perceived and Actual

 Have ovaries  Women are responsible to
 Produce egg cells. breastfeed her/his daughter/son.
 Women are the one who carry
 Have menstruation
their baby for 9 months because
 Growing of breasts women has ovaries.
 Have vagina  Women can only one to give
 Women are expected to dress in
typically feminine ways.
 Women perceived as home
mother (before) but today she
can be a provider for her family.
 Women is also a supportive,
protector in the family.


1. For the left boxes, write / enumerate the biological characteristics of a man and woman.

2. For the right boxes, write / enumerate the perceived (what is expected) and actual (what is the
reality) roles performed or played by the man and woman.

3. What were your primary considerations in determining the perceived and actual roles of a man
and woman?
 My primary considerations in determining the perceived and actual roles of a man and woman
is on what biological aspect they have, what I observed in our society and also what other
believes on what we should see in men and women that imprinted on their mind for a long
period of time.

Vision: An advanced and adaptive university pursuing quality education, lifelong gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive research-based
community programs and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025.
Mission: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension and production that magnifies WISDOM in leadership through Total Quality
Management System responsive to the challenges of the 21st century education.
Educating People, Enriching Lives and Expanding Opportunities with WISDOM!

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