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HEBXXX10.1177/1090198116660310Health Education & BehaviorStrekalova

Health Education & Behavior

Health Risk Information Engagement 1­–8

© 2016 Society for Public
Health Education
and Amplification on Social Media: Reprints and permissions:

News About an Emerging Pandemic DOI: 10.1177/1090198116660310

on Facebook

Yulia A. Strekalova, MS, MBA1

Emerging pandemics call for unique health communication and education strategies in which public health agencies need to
satisfy the public’s information needs about possible risks while preventing risk exaggeration and dramatization. As a route
to providing a framework for understanding public information behaviors in response to an emerging pandemic, this study
examined the characteristics of communicative behaviors of social media audiences in response to Ebola outbreak news.
Grounded in the social amplification of risks framework, this study adds to an understanding of information behaviors of
online audiences by showing empirical differences in audience engagement with online health information. The data were
collected from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Facebook channel. The final data set included 809
CDC posts and 35,916 audience comments. The analysis identified the differences in audience information behaviors in
response to an emerging pandemic, Ebola, and health promotion posts. While the CDC had fewer posts on Ebola than
health promotion topics, the former received more attention from active page users. Furthermore, audience members
who actively engaged with Ebola news had a small overlap with those who engaged with non-Ebola information during the
same period. Overall, this study demonstrated that information behavior and audience engagement is topic dependent.
Furthermore, audiences who commented on news about an emerging pandemic were homogenous and varied in their
degree of information amplification.

information behavior, information engagement, social amplification of communication, social media listening, risk

Communication during emerging pandemics presents a infectious disease that has broken out in a particular area
unique public health education challenge. On the one hand, threatens to spread across a larger region, introduce uncer-
health consumers need to be informed about an impeding tainty about objective risks and next best actions. The com-
health threat. On the other, public reaction to the news about munication of facts is likely to be perceived as insufficient
a spreading infectious disease is likely to lead to increased (Kass-Hout & Alhinnawi, 2013; Locatelli, LaVela, Hogan,
anxiety and amplification of risk perceptions (Chew & Kerr, & Weaver, 2012), and health consumers are likely to
Eysenbach, 2010; Kim & Liu, 2012; Ratzan & Moritsugu, seek social cues to formulate their risk perceptions
2014). Therefore, information about the risks of emerging (Alaszewski, 2005) turning to established, trusted sources
pandemics should neither be downplayed nor exaggerated for information, like public health departments and govern-
but, rather, carefully guided. mental health agencies (Holmes, 2008; Love, Arnesen, &
Health risk communication occurs in diverse situations. Phillips, 2014). Prior research has evaluated the role of health
They can be of high objective and low perceived risks (e.g.,
obesity), low objective and high perceived risks (e.g., vacci- 1
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
nation), or high objective and perceived risks (e.g., natural
disaster; Sandman, 1993). This typology encompasses a Corresponding Author:
Yulia A. Strekalova, Division of Graduate Studies, College of Journalism
wide range of risk communication and health education situ- and Communications, University of Florida, POB 118400, Gainesville, FL
ations. However, emerging pandemics, like severe acute 32610, USA.
respiratory syndrome, H1N1 influenza, or Ebola, when an Email

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2 Health Education & Behavior 

risk communication strategies employed by message senders commenting, information consumers increase the relevance
(Berry, Wharf-Higgins, & Naylor, 2007; Cairns, de Andrade, of the topic for other members of their social networks, thus
& MacDonald, 2013; Lee & Basnyat, 2012; Prati, Pietrantoni, acting as dissemination agents for the original message and
& Zani, 2011). Extending this line of research, the present amplifying message effects.
study focuses on the role of audiences in the process of dis-
semination of health risk information and examines informa-
Health Information and Audience Engagement
tion behavior characteristics that contribute to information
amplification. Specifically, this study, guided by the social Collectively, social media are a powerful communication
amplification of risks framework (SARF; Kasperson et al., channel that can be used to disseminate information to large
1988), analyzed consumer information behaviors in the situ- audiences (Ho, 2014). In general, social media can be defined
ation of an emerging pandemic, Ebola, on a social media as an environment that facilitates the creation and exchange
channel, a Facebook page maintained by the U.S. Centers for of user-generated content (Rains, Brunner, & Oman, 2014).
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A growing body of research shows that communication
through social media is a welcome trend among health con-
sumers (Clayman, Manganello, Viswanath, Hesse, & Arora,
Literature Review 2010; Fisher & Clayton, 2012; Thackeray, Crookston, &
West, 2013) and a practice widely adopted by public health
Social Amplification of Health Risk Information organizations (Kim & Liu, 2012).
The SARF identifies four information mechanisms that con- Social media both carry distinct benefits and present
tribute to the amplification of risk perceptions: volume of unique challenges for health communication and education.
information about a particular risk, ambiguity of information Specifically, they provide a platform for quick information
and apparent disagreement among experts, dramatization of dissemination about public health risks but may cause unin-
facts and possible consequences, and symbolic connotations tended consequences when audiences actively share their
communicated in the process of information sharing interpretations of information and contribute to the amplifi-
(Kasperson et al., 1988). Specific to the communication cation of risk perceptions (Merchant, Elmer, & Lurie, 2011).
about an emerging pandemic, a recent study has shown that These challenges may be especially dire for government
covering H1N1 influenza, mass media attention translated to organizations (Larson & Heymann, 2010). Yet the potential
an increased coverage of H1N1, and the dramatization of of social media as a dissemination channel has been recog-
news occurred through increased sharing of threat over pre- nized by public health agencies (Thackeray, Neiger, Smith,
cautionary news (Klemm, Das, & Hartmann, 2016). Another & Wagenen, 2012), and while most U.S. state–level public
study has looked at the news about Ebola and shown that the health agencies have small Facebook audiences (Thackeray
ambiguity of communicated signals, which resulted in posi- et al., 2012), the CDC page had 573,530 followers as of
tive appraisal of information and trust in governmental March 31, 2016 (Facebook, 2016).
actions as well as negative appraisal and concerns about the Social media listening can aid in the understanding of the
spread of Ebola, present challenges for the dissemination of mechanisms of information amplification, and Facebook
information about emerging pandemics (Johnson, 2016). feeds represent the evidence of information behavior for
SARF also identifies audiences as communication sta- those who choose to communicate actively and play a role in
tions that contribute to information amplification (Pidgeon, information amplification. To examine the differences in
Kasperson, & Slovic, 2003). Amplification refers to the pro- social media information behaviors in response to posts
cess during which audience members disseminate health risk about an emerging pandemic and general health promotion
information through their social networks, thus increasing topics, this study asked the following research questions:
information reach and engaging others (Pidgeon et al., 2003).
Consequently, the tenets of the SARF allow explaining infor- Research Question 1: What are the differences in infor-
mation behavior on social media. Seeking and passively con- mation engagement and amplification in response to an
suming information can be viewed as the first step to the emerging pandemic, Ebola, and health promotion posts?
engagement with an issue (Napoli, 2011). However, in the Research Question 2: What are the characteristics of
context of health information dissemination, laypersons may information behavior exhibited by the CDC Facebook
not be able or willing to analyze fully the risk information page audiences in response to Ebola posts?
that they encounter (McComas, 2006) and rely on shortcuts
to assess the level of risk (Fischhoff & Kadvany, 2011). Method
Information consumers who express interest in a particular
news, for example, by liking a post on Facebook, create An institutional review board approval was obtained to
social cues that signal the value of information to others ensure that data collection and analysis were compliant with
(Gittelman et al., 2015; Sun, Rau, & Ma, 2014). By actively ethical standards for behavioral research.

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Strekalova 3

Table 1. Data Set Characteristics Including Number and Percentage of Posts, Comments, Comment Likes, and Unique Users.

Topic Posts, n (%) Comments, n (%) Comment, likes, n (%) Users, n (%)
Health promotion 652 (80.59) 12,771 (35.75) 30,933 (33.97) 3,211 (25.58)
Ebola 157 (19.41) 22,948 (64.25) 60,116 (66.03) 8,406 (64.35)
Both topics 1,445 (11.06)
Total 809 35,719 91,049 13,062

Situational Context 2012), a random sample of 50 health promotion posts was

reviewed to establish the reliability of automated coding. All
In December 2013, a 2-year-old boy in Guinea died of an reviewed posts were not related to Ebola or other emerging
unknown disease. Soon after, his mother, sister, and grand- pandemics and no manual changes were necessary.
mother died. Only in March 2014, almost 4 months later, the The final data set included 652 (80.59%) posts on health
spread of a deadly fever was recognized, and it took almost promotion and 157 posts about Ebola. Table 1 shows addi-
10 months to identify the boy as Patient Zero in what has tional information about associated comments and active
become the largest Ebola virus outbreak ever recorded (Baize users.
et al., 2014; Gostin, Lucey, & Phelan, 2014). Although the A Facebook-assigned unique user ID was selected as the
cases of Ebola were primarily contained to West Africa, the unit of analysis. Average number of likes per comment was
outbreak attracted significant attention from the U.S. public operationalized as the measure of information amplifica-
(Love et al., 2014). Attention to Ebola increased with the tion, and total comments per user was operationalized as the
withdrawal of several U.S. missionary medical workers in measure of information engagement. Table 2 provides infor-
August 2014 and skyrocketed after the first domestic case of mation about other information behavior variables used in
Ebola diagnosis in September 2014 (Upadhyay, Sittig, & this study.
Singh, 2014). As the information coverage of Ebola
increased, the public’s anxiety and fear related to it rose as
well (Chan, 2014). Addressing the public’s need for informa- Analytic Procedures
tion, the CDC provided regular updates and news releases A t test was run to answer Research Question 1 and compare
regarding Ebola while continuing to cover health promotion mean differences in audience behavior for emerging pan-
topics. demic and health promotion posts. Next, a cluster analysis
was performed to answer Research Question 2 and identify
Data Source audience segments of active CDC Facebook users who fol-
lowed Ebola coverage. Earlier studies provided methodolog-
The data were collected from the CDC Facebook channel ical suggestions for the identification of the number of
through a Microsoft Excel add-on, Power Query, which clusters (Matthes & Kohring, 2008; Miller, Andsager, &
allows downloading posts, comments, share counts, and lim- Riechert, 1998; Strekalova, 2014). The hierarchical agglom-
ited user metadata. Data collection occurred in late November erative analysis with squared Euclidean distance method was
2014, and all posts from March 25, 2014 (the date of the first used to assess dissimilarity and distance among cluster items
World Health Organization report concerning Ebola in West and identify the optimal number of clusters for the character-
Africa), to October 31, 2014 (end of data collection), were istics of user information behaviors.1 Using the elbow rule to
included in the analysis. A delay between the last post date examine at which point the addition of a cluster resulted in a
and the data collection date allowed capturing comments to lesser addition to variance explained, three groups were
the later CDC posts. identified as the optimal number of clusters. Next, a two-step
In total, 836 posts and 35,973 comments to the original cluster analysis was performed to assign the users to groups
posts were downloaded from the CDC Facebook page. Using and confirmed that three clusters was the optimal number for
text search formulae, the posts were categorized into two a good model fit (average silhouette = 0.7). Once users were
groups, emerging pandemic (Ebola) and health promotion. assigned to cluster groups, an analysis of variance was con-
Presence of the word “Ebola” was used to identify the posts ducted to determine differences across base variables.
for the former category. A word frequency analysis also
showed that words “outbreak” (N = 67), “epidemic” (N =
15), and “pandemic” (N = 1) were mentioned in 83 posts, of
which 27 related to a Salmonella outbreak. These 27 posts Research Question 1 aimed to identify the differences in
and associated comments were excluded from the analysis to information engagement and communication amplification
minimize data contamination. Additionally, following meth- of the CDC Facebook posts with an emerging pandemic,
odological guidelines for content analysis (Krippendorff, Ebola, and health promotion information. An independent

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4 Health Education & Behavior 

Table 2. Operationalization of Variables.

Variable label Variable coding description

User ID Facebook-assigned unique user ID. This field was used as a unit of analysis.
Post ID Facebook-assigned post ID was recoded and used to calculate the number of unique posts and
comments per post ID.
Post day Facebook-assigned original post date was recoded. March 25, 2014, was assigned a code of Day 1 with
all subsequent days labeled sequentially in numerical order.
Ebola coverage All collected posts were coded as 0 if no word “Ebola” was found by a text search formula, or 1 if the
word “Ebola” appeared in the post. A random sample of 50 posts coded as non-Ebola was reviewed
to ensure the quality of automated coding. All reviewed posts were not related to Ebola and no
manual changes were necessary.
Total comments The total number of Ebola and non-Ebola comments to the CDC Facebook page was calculated for
each unique user based on the Ebola coverage variable.
Comment lag Facebook-provided time-stamps for posts and comments, rounded to the fill hour, were used to
calculate the lag time between a post and a comment. The average lag time in hours was calculated for
each unique user and used on the data analysis.
Earliest comment day The earliest day of a comment, using March 25 as Day 1
Latest comment day The latest (most recent) day of a comment, using March 25 as Day 1 and October 31, 2014, as Day 221
Comment length LEN() formula in Excel was used to calculate total comment length, which included spaces and all
user-provided special characters and emoticons. The average comment length was calculated for each
unique user and used on the data analysis.
Comment likes Average number of likes per user comment was calculated to assess communication amplification
contributed by CDC audience members.

Note. CDC = Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Table 3. Values of Information Behavior Variables for Ebola and Non-Ebola Comments on the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention Facebook Page.

Variables M SD Min value Max value t (df)

Total comments Non-Ebola 2.73 12.80 1 471 3.41 (13,032)
Ebola 2.33 14.17 1 1,159
Comment lag Non-Ebola 27.90 141.38 0 3,074 23.24 (13,032)*
Ebola 43.30 200.52 0 2,177
Comment length Non-Ebola 154.32 252.11 1 5,425 0.43 (13,032)
Ebola 157.39 227.26 1 5,479
Comment likes Non-Ebola 2.13 3.39 0 38 98.76 (13,032)*
Ebola 2.75 3.57 0 42
First comment day Non-Ebola 123.54 74.65 1 221 5,2060.32 (13,032)*
Ebola 187.10 32.56 134 221
Last comment day Non-Ebola 134.71 72.59 1 221 4,333.41 (13,032)*
Ebola 192.07 31.52 134 221
Ebola 2.75 3.57 0 42

*p < .01.

sample t test showed that comments to Ebola posts were (M = 2.11, SD = 3.37) posts, t(1) = 103.94, p < .01. Table 3
more concentrated around the time the U.S. citizen was diag- shows the data for the analyzed variables.
nosed as infected with the virus (min day M = 187.10, SD = Research Question 2 aimed to identify the characteris-
74.72; max day M = 192.07, SD = 31.52). Response time for tics of active CDC Facebook audiences who responded to
Ebola posts was longer (M = 43.30, SD = 200.52). Although Ebola news. The analysis identified three distinct groups
the difference in total number of comments was not signifi- among those who commented to Ebola posts based on four
cant with slightly fewer Ebola (M = 2.33, SD = 14.17) than continuous variables: average response lag time, average
health promotion (M = 2.78, SD = 12.79) posts per user, t(1) response text length, total comment count, and average
= 3.38, p = .07, there were more average likes for comments likes per comment. The groups were labeled as Contributors
on Ebola (M = 2.75, SD = 3.57) than health promotion (N = 7,867, 79.9%), Promoters (N = 1,736, 17.6%), and

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Table 4. Means and (Standard Deviations) for the Cluster Groups Based on the Information Behavior Variables.

Cluster groups

Variables Contributors, M (SD) Promoters, M (SD) Champions, M (SD)

Total comment count 1.96 (2.96) 1.87 (2.41) 17.23 (86.39)
Comment lag 16.94 (31.62) 14.15 (28.08) 1,084 (671.74)
Comment length 102.61 (86.89) 353.78 (254.98) 520.76 (929.15)
Comment likes 1.60 (1.60) 7.89 (5.06) 2.95 (4.45)

Number of submitted comments (%) 15,424 (67.21%) 3,251 (14.16%) 4,273 (18.62%)
Number of Facebook users 7,867 (79.9%) 1,736 (17.6%) 248 (2.5%)
commenting on Ebola posts (%)

Champions (N = 248, 2.5%). Table 4 provides full descrip- pandemic health information topic, the Ebola outbreak.
tive statistics for the base cluster variables for each group. In Grounded in SARF, this study adds to an understanding of
essence, a relatively quick response time (M = 16.94 hours), information behavior of online audiences by showing differ-
shortest comment length (M = 102.61 characters), and low- ences between an emerging pandemic and health promotion
est number of likes (M = 1.60 likes) characterized the infor- posts and identifying characteristics of active audiences.
mation behavior exhibited by Contributors. Although While the CDC had fewer Facebook posts about Ebola,
Contributors were the predominant group representing these posts received more attention and comments from
almost 80% of those who commented about the CDC active page users. Also, audience information behavior was
Facebook posts, the low number of comments that users in different in response to this amplified topic, posts about
this group submitted (M = 1.96) made the relative propor- Ebola received more likes, and comment lag was greater.
tion of the comments from this group (67.21%) smaller The latter finding suggests that social media users were com-
compared with its size. The second group, Promoters, was menting on more immediate health promotion posts but were
characterized by the quickest response time (M = 14.15 actively searching for previously published Ebola posts.
hours), midpoint comment length (M = 353.78 characters), Furthermore, audiences engaged with Ebola information, for
and highest average number of likes (M = 7.89). The last, the most part, did not overlap with those who commented on
smallest group is Champions. This group was defined by the health promotion posts. If selective and focused attention to
longest comment lag time (M = 1,084 hours, or 45 days), the information provided by a communication channel is
largest comment length (M = 520.76 characters), and rela- viewed as a component of an active engagement (Napoli,
tively low comment likes count (M = 2.95). 2011), this finding signals that online audiences make con-
A follow-up analysis of variances was performed to assess scious decisions to engage with particular health informa-
if the four cluster variables and minimum and maximum post tion. Further studies could collect feedback from social
date variables were significantly different among the groups. media users to empirically assess this interpretation.
Levine’s test of homogeneity of variances indicated unequal Next, this study looked for the characteristics of informa-
variances for six variables. Variable transformation was not tion behavior of active users who commented on Ebola posts.
successful, and a Kruskal–Wallis test was conducted to eval- The users were clustered into three groups based on the com-
uate differences among the clusters. The test showed signifi- monalities in their information behavior. The largest group,
cant differences for the total number of comments, χ2(2, N = Contributors, posted shortest comments and received fewer
9,851) = 231.49, p < .05, first comment day, χ2(2, N = 9,851) likes, which also means this group’s members contributed
= 270.14, p < .01, last comment day, χ2(2, N = 9,851) = the least to information amplification. The second group,
214.63, p < .01, average response time lag, χ2(2, N = 9,851) Promoters, posted midlength comments, received the most
= 550.86, p < .01, average text length, χ2(2, N = 9,851) = likes per comment, and their comment lag was the shortest.
2071.64, p < .01, and average comment likes, χ2(2, N = This finding implies that those who actively monitor and
9,851) = 3103.57, p < .01. All pairwise comparisons showed provide more substantive comments are most likely to con-
significant variances except no differences were found tribute to information amplification. Finally, the last, small-
between Contributors and Promoters for the number of com- est group was labeled Champions. Although this group
ments and the average response time. included about 2.5% of active users, it was responsible for
almost one fifth of comments. These topic champions wrote
the longest comments. Also, the lag time between original
Discussion posts and comments was the longest for this group suggest-
This study looked at the information behavior of social media ing the highest level of engagement with the information.
audiences in a situation of amplified attention to an emergent The sizeable number of likes that this group gained positions

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6 Health Education & Behavior 

its members as important stakeholders for topics that have therefore, provides empirical evidence to SARF’s assumption
longer term implications. Further research could investigate about social amplification stations applied to social media
if this group could become a partner for community-based environment. Health promotion communication is a broad
and peer-to-peer education, policy debates, and information area of research and practice, and future studies could use
dissemination efforts. social amplification as a framework for the analysis of dis-
This study makes a number of theoretical and practical semination activities related various health domains. This
contributions, but it also has limitations. First, the data study also found that the shortest comment lag was associated
included one source of information. Additional sources can with more comment likes from other users. In other words,
provide a more comprehensive data set and a base for com- social amplification of recent information is likely to have a
parison and additional generalizations. Also, the inclusion of larger ripple effect compared with past information.
unstructured text in the analysis was limited. To keep the Third, earlier research on the link between information
study focused, only the coding for Ebola as a post topic was needs and information evaluation showed that the increase in
included, but an additional analysis of text data, sentiment, people’s perceptions of risk, fear, and anxiety may lead to a
and message framing can evaluate audience reactions and higher need for information (Huurne & Gutteling, 2008).
provide insights into the effectiveness of communication SARF also posits that information users may selectively
strategies used by public health organizations. Finally, limited attend to the information distributed by their social circles.
availability of user metadata collected through Power Query This study showed that more users exhibited active informa-
(demographics, organizational affiliations, and sharing activi- tion engagement in response to Ebola posts. Therefore, situ-
ties per user) precluded the examination of additional factors ations of high-affect information perceptions will increase
that could explain information amplification behaviors. the number of social media users actively engaging with
information through active commenting and passive liking
and further amplifying communication on the topic.
Theoretical Implications
Although the framework was developed almost two decades
Practical Implications
before the introduction of social media as an information-
sharing channel, this study contributed to the growing body Communication during emerging pandemics presents out-
of literature that showed that SARF provides a robust reach and education opportunities for public health agencies.
grounding for the analysis of audience engagement and com- The twofold nature of online communication presents a chal-
munication amplification behaviors online (Chew & lenge for public health organizations. On the one hand, these
Eysenbach, 2010; Klemm et al., 2016; You & Ju, 2015). organizations need to raise awareness about particular topics
Social media have been identified as versatile communica- of public interest and importance. In the case of Ebola, they
tion channels that combine the features of a rich information may need to caution travelers or encourage donations for dis-
source that affords interactive communication and feedback. ease prevention efforts. At the same time, by posting more
Earlier studies of social media and discussions about the information about an emerging pandemic, these organiza-
measurement of the information flow identified several tions may create a false sense of anxiety, which will amplify
important areas where measurement is necessary and effec- harm perceptions. The communication efforts could have
tive: volume of communication, engagement and feedback two competing goals, to reassure people and to alert them at
from the audience, and the role of the audience as secondary the same time. However, to be effective, health communica-
sources of information. SARF identifies audiences as possi- tion messages should also account for possible differences in
ble amplification stations, and changes in information behav- the audiences and target the information. Previous research
ior on social media can serve as indicators of information looked at the role of demographic factors that could serve as
amplification. The results of this exploratory study allow the base for communication targeting. However, information
formulating some operationalization and propositions related behavior factors can provide additional, psychographic
to the audience information behavior. information to explain how audiences engage with and use
First, a comment lag can be used as an indicator of audi- information.
ence attention to and involvement with an issue. Specifically, Findings of this study have several practical implications.
this behavior suggests that online information consumers First, information posted on social media channels has a
search for the past posts and exercise information value judg- long-term, retrospective effect, but the majority of audience
ment when commenting. Subsequently, active audience responds to most immediate posts. For topics of high impor-
members, serving as social amplification stations, are likely tance, public health and health education organizations could
to search for relevant information rather than screen readily plan reposting core messages to increase audience informa-
available and most recent information. tion exposure. Second, audience behaviors vary depending
Second, the larger number of likes relevant to health pro- on an information topic. Therefore, targeted message and
motion posts suggests that commenters indeed serve as ampli- communication strategies could increase the effectiveness of
fication stations for select information topics. This finding, social media communication efforts. For example, messages

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