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UID: SF0122013







1. Introduction

An important figure in India's fight for independence from British colonial authority
was the well-known revolutionary and independence activist Subhas Chandra Bose.
Bose was born in Cuttack, Odisha, India, in 1897 into a middle-class family. From an
early age, he showed remarkable intellectual aptitude and leadership abilities. He did
exceptionally well in school, graduating from Presidency College in Kolkata with a
first-class philosophy degree. Bose left for England to study for the coveted Indian
Civil Service (ICS) test, motivated by a strong sense of patriotism and a burning
desire to free his country from foreign rule. But he was forced to leave the ICS and
devote his life to the cause of India's liberation because of his strong sense of justice
and steadfast commitment to the country's independence.
Bose committed himself into the Indian independence cause after returning to India in
1921. He became a prominent leader of the Indian National Congress (INC) after
joining and pushed for drastic measures to free India. He gained enormous fame and
respect as a result of his ferocious speeches and fervent advocacy, which connected
with the general public. Unlike many of his INC colleagues, Bose never wavered in
his confidence in the necessity of military action to overturn British rule and in the
importance of self-reliance. By merely negotiating with the British government, he
thought India could never truly gain freedom. He favoured a more aggressive strategy
instead, stressing the necessity of organising and preparing Native Americans to fight
for their independence.
Indian troops and civilians united in their desire to fight for their country's
independence organised the Indian National Army (INA) under Bose's leadership in
1940. In Southeast Asia, the INA fought alongside Japanese forces against the British,
led by Bose. Millions of Indians were encouraged to resist and show patriotism by
Bose's leadership and the bravery of the INA.
Even after the INA was ultimately defeated, generations of Indians are still motivated
by Bose's legacy. He has become a legendary character in Indian history because of
his unwavering dedication to the country's liberation, his bravery and tenacity, and his
unwavering faith in the effectiveness of armed resistance. He is regarded as a

thinker, a daring leader, and a true patriot who devoted his life to the advancement of
India's independence.

1.1Literature Review

 Subhash Chander Bose: True Nationalist and Great Socio-Political Thinker by

Sanjeev Gandhi

This book helped me a lot giving an insight in the life of Subash Chandra Bose and
what turned him into the true nationalist and what a great thinker he actually turned
into in his attempt to grant India its Independence.

 Rhetoric of Subhash Chandra Bose: Creation and Criticism by Abnish Singh


This literary work offers a comprehensive examination of Bose's speeches and the
strategic use of rhetoric in his communication. The author emphasises Bose's
remarkable verbal cleverness, which is both commendable and meticulously nurtured.
The author also showcases Bose's mastery of language, originality of thought, and
depth of emotion in tackling the significant challenges faced by India prior to gaining

1.2Aims and Objective

This assignment shall attempt to assess the life of the great Indian nationalist
Subhash Chandra Bose.
1. To note Subhash Chandra Bose’s radical approach to Indian Independence.
2. To highlight the leadership skills of Bose and effect of INA on the India’s

3. To enumerate Bose’s legacy and mystery surrounding his disappearance.

1.3Scope and Limitations

The project will be limited to providing a peek into the life of India’s freedom fighter,
Subhash Chandra Bose.

1.4 Research Questions

1. What was Bose’s approach towards independence?

2. What lead to the formation of INA?
3. Why were Bose’s as presumed final days, mysterious?

1.5Research Methodology

1. Approach to Research: In this project doctrinal research was involved. Doctrinal

Research is a type of research in which secondary sources are used and materials are
collected from libraries, archives, etc. Books, journals, articles, web sources were
used while making this project.
2. Types of Research: Explanatory type of research was used in this project, because
the project topic was not relatively new and unheard of.
3. Sources of Data collection: Secondary source of data collection was used which
involves in collection of data from books, articles, websites, etc. No surveys or case
studies were conducted.

1. Bose's radical approach to Indian independence

India's fight for independence from British colonial authority saw the rise of a notable
personality known by the endearing nickname Netaji, which means "respected leader"
in Hindi. This person was Subhas Chandra Bose. His unconventional strategy for
attaining liberation, in opposition to Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolent approaches,
distinguished him from his peers and continues to provoke discussion among political
analysts and historians.

 The discontent with the Indian National Congress' moderate approach

Bose, who was born in Cuttack, Odisha, in 1897, exhibited exceptional

academic prowess and a fervent dedication to the cause of nationalism. In
1921, he became a member of the Indian National Congress (INC) due to his
attraction to its principles of self-governance and independence for India.
Nevertheless, as he accumulated expertise within the INC, his disillusionment
grew as he saw its moderate strategy to be ineffectual in attaining genuine
emancipation from British domination.

Bose contended that the British would not surrender their authority unless
faced with a more assertive confrontation. He promoted a more aggressive
strategy, highlighting the importance of mobilising and instructing Indians to
combat for their autonomy. His confidence in armed conflict was firmly
grounded in his idea that the British could only be overcome via the use of
military force.

 Establishment of the Indian National Army (INA)

In 1940, Bose's dissatisfaction with the Indian National Congress' moderate

attitude made him break away from inc. He discarded his membership in the

party and departed from India, journeying to Germany and Japan in pursuit of
backing for his concept of armed opposition.

Subhas Chandra Bose beside soldiers of the Indian National Army (INA)
Launches in a separate window

The website amritmahotsav.nic.in features images of Subhas Chandra Bose

alongside soldiers from the Indian National Army (INA).

Bose established the Indian National Army (INA) in 1942 with the support of
Japan. The INA, comprised of Indian military personnel, PRISONERS OF
WARS and citizens, underwent training and received necessary resources to
actively engage in combat with Japanese forces, with the objective of
opposing the British in Southeast Asia. Bose held the belief that through their
collaboration with the Japanese, the INA could acquire significant military
expertise and showcase the resolute determination and power of the Indian
populace in their pursuit of freedom.

The military battles conducted by the INA, although they did not eventually
achieve India's independence, functioned as a potent symbol of defiance and
instilled inspiration in millions of Indians throughout the nation. The
leadership of Bose and the sacrifices made by the INA fostered a strong sense
of self-confidence among Indians and sparked a fervent spirit of patriotism,
ultimately resulting in India's emancipation from British dominion.

Bose's radical approach left a lasting legacy. Bose's unconventional approach

to India's independence, albeit contentious, had a significant influence on the
trajectory of the liberation movement. His advocacy for armed resistance
posed a threat to the non-violent strategies of the INC and compelled the
British to address the escalating militancy within the Indian independence

The legacy of Bose is intricate and subject to dispute. The associations he
formed with Nazi Germany and Japan have prompted inquiries on his political
discernment and the degree to which he was willing to sacrifice his ideals in
the desire of autonomy. Nevertheless, his resolute dedication to India's
liberation, his bravery and resolve, and his steadfast faith in the efficacy of
armed rebellion

have established him as a revered character in India's historical narrative. He

is commemorated as a courageous commander, an innovative philosopher, and
a genuine nationalist who devoted his life to the pursuit of India's autonomy.

Bose's unconventional methodology, although not widely embraced, serves as

a reminder that the journey towards liberation is frequently beset with
obstacles and arduous decisions. The enduring impact of his legacy serves as
a catalyst for successive cohorts of Indians, compelling them to critically
examine prevailing norms and confront the existing hierarchy in their quest for
fairness and parity.

2. Bose's leadership and the INA's impact on the Indian independence

Subhas Chandra Bose played a crucial role in India's fight for freedom from British
colonial domination. His steadfast dedication to self-sufficiency, his conviction in
the use of force, and his compelling leadership had a profound impact on moulding
the trajectory of the independence struggle.

 Bose's Leadership: A Vision of Militant Opposition

Bose's leadership style was defined by his steadfast conviction in the use of
armed resistance as the means to achieve India's liberty. Bose, dissatisfied
with the INC's moderate approach, which he considered inadequate in
attaining genuine independence, called for a more aggressive policy. He had
the belief that the British could only be vanquished through a definitive
military encounter.

Bose's leadership was characterised by his capacity to inspire and encourage.

He was a visionary who also garnered geopolitical relations while asking for
help from Germany and Japan. He showed true diplomacy needed to free

His promoted oratory, resolute resolve, and astute acumen garnered a devoted
cohort, especially among the younger generation and those who espoused his

radical principles. He imbued them with a strong sense of self-confidence
and patriotism, enabling them to engage in armed resistance against the
colonial authority.

 Origin and Influence of the Indian National Army (INA)

The Indian National Army (INA), established by Bose in 1942, epitomised his
unconventional attitude towards achieving India's freedom. The INA,
consisting of Indian military personnel and civilians, underwent training and
were provided with necessary resources to actively engage in combat with
Japanese forces, with the shared objective of opposing the British in Southeast

Bose's leadership of the INA metamorphosed it into a strong entity,

notwithstanding the multitude of hurdles and failures it encountered. He
exhibited remarkable strategic acumen, effectively coordinating and
commanding the INA in numerous combat operations. The INA's triumphs,
albeit limited, served as a source of inspiration for millions of Indians and
conveyed a compelling message to the British authorities, showcasing the
resolute resolve and potency of the Indian populace in their pursuit of

 The Indian National Army's Influence on the Indian Independence Movement

The Indian National Army (INA) had a significant and diverse influence on
the Indian independence movement. Ina functioned as a symbol of defiance,
questioning the British portrayal of Indian docility and showcasing the
determination of Indians to strive for their independence. The military
accomplishments of the INA, while not eventually leading to India's
independence, bolstered the morale of Indians and fostered a sense of self-
confidence within them.

The impact of the INA stretched beyond the confines of the battlefield. It had
a pivotal role in uniting Indians irrespective of religion, caste, and

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geographical differences. The INA's slogan, "Delhi Chalo" (March to Delhi),
resonated with the Indian population and served as a unifying call for the drive
for independence.

 The Legacy of Bose: An Icon that is Both Controversial and Enduring

The legacy of Subhas Chandra Bose is characterised by its complexity and the
ongoing disputes around it. His affiliations with Nazi Germany and Japan
have prompted inquiries on his political discernment and the degree to which
he was willing to sacrifice his ideals in the goal of autonomy. Nevertheless,
his resolute dedication to India's liberation, his bravery and resolve, and his

steadfast faith in the efficacy of armed rebellion have established him as a

revered character in India's historical narrative.

Bose's unconventional methodology, although not widely embraced, serves as

a reminder that the journey towards liberation is frequently beset with
obstacles and arduous decisions. The enduring impact of his legacy serves as
a catalyst for successive cohorts of Indians, inciting them to scrutinise
prevailing norms and confront the entrenched hierarchy in their search for
fairness and parity.

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3. Bose's legacy and the mystery surrounding his disappearance

Bose is a divisive and mysterious character in Indian history. While certain

individuals hold him in high regard as a national hero, others raise doubts about his
affiliations with Nazi Germany and Japan. The abrupt vanishing of the individual in
1945 has generated a multitude of hypotheses and conjectures on his destiny, further
contributing to the enigma surrounding his existence and heritage. Despite the
ongoing debate and unresolved inquiries, Bose's resolute determination, steadfast
dedication to India's independence, and his involvement in rallying Indians against
British governance persistently serve as a source of inspiration and fascination for
successive generations.

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Netaji is regarded as a beloved and legendary character in Indian history due to his
resolute dedication to India's independence and his compelling leadership of the
Indian National Army (INA). Nevertheless, his life and the impact he left behind are
also characterised by an ongoing enigma when he vanished in 1945. Despite
extensive investigations and several theories, the precise details surrounding his fate
remain veiled in secrecy.

 Bose's Early Life and Political Activism

Bose was born in Cuttack, Odisha, India, in 1897. From an early age, he
shown exceptional academic ability and a strong sense of patriotism. He
obtained a first-class degree in philosophy from Presidency College, Kolkata,
and began engaging in political activities by joining the Indian National
Congress (INC) in 1921.

Bose rapidly ascended the hierarchy of the INC, assuming the position of its
president in 1938. Because his revolutionary strategy for attaining India's
independence, which including promoting armed rebellion, contradicted the
primarily nonviolent position of the INC. As a result of this ideological
disagreement, he resigned from the INC in 1939 and established the Forward
Bloc, a political group that advocated for his aggressive ideology.

 Establishment of the Indian National Army and Military Campaigns

Bose, disenchanted with the INC's ineffectiveness un attaining independence

through peaceful methods, sought assistance from foreign nations. He visited
Germany in 1940 and Japan in 1942. In 1942, Bose collaborated with the
Japanese to form the Indian National Army (INA), a militant group consisting
of Indian military personnel and civilians.

The primary objective of the INA was to emancipate India from British
colonial control through active collaboration with Japanese forces in Southeast
Asia. = the INA's military endeavours were full of obstacles, however it did

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not stop it from marching and served as a source of inspiration for millions of
Indians and conveyed a compelling message to the British rulers.

 Unexplained Vanishing and Unresolved Inquiries

In August 1945, Bose went on a Japanese aircraft in Taiwan as he withdrew

from the oncoming Allied forces. Nevertheless, the aircraft vanished while
on its way to Japan, and some say it got crashed but either way and the destiny
of Bose continues to be a topic of fervent conjecture and discussion. However,
other alternate hypotheses have surfaced, positing that Bose maybe fabricated
his demise and eluded to the Soviet Union, China, or conceivably the United

 Legacy and lasting importance

Although there is controversy regarding his disappearance, Subhas Chandra

Bose's influence is forever imprinted in Indian history. Bose's legacy is
intricate and diverse, frequently subject to dispute due to his affiliations with
Nazi Germany and Japan during World War II. Nevertheless, his steadfast
conviction in the use of armed rebellion and his unshakable commitment to
securing India's independence have solidified his status as a cherished figure
of national heroism.

The individual's steadfast dedication to the liberation of India, his compelling

ability to lead, and his contribution to the establishment of the INA serve as a
lasting source of inspiration for successive generations of Indians.

The enigma surrounding his vanishing adds a captivating aspect to Bose's

existence and further elevates his legendary standing. Although the precise
details of his destiny may never be conclusively ascertained, his impact
continues to provoke fervent arguments and disputes, guaranteeing that his
name stays closely associated with the quest for liberty and the fight for

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Subhash Chandra Bose unlike many of his contemporaries in the Indian National
Congress who advocated for non-violent resistance, Bose believed that armed struggle
was necessary to achieve true independence from British rule. He formed the Indian
National Army (INA), a revolutionary force that fought alongside the Japanese forces
against the British in Southeast Asia. Bose's radical approach, while controversial,
inspired millions of Indians and ignited a fire of patriotism and resistance across the

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Subhas Chandra Bose's leadership and the Indian National Army's impact on the
Indian independence movement were transformative. Bose's unwavering commitment
to armed resistance, his charismatic leadership, and the INA's military campaigns
challenged the British narrative of Indian passivity and instilled in Indians a sense of
self-belief and national pride. The INA's legacy continues to inspire generations of
Indians, reminding them of the power of resistance and the unwavering pursuit of

Subhas Chandra Bose's life was a compelling narrative of political activism, military
leadership, and an enduring quest for India's independence. His legacy, while filled
with mystery, remains deeply ingrained in Indian history, serving as a reminder of the
sacrifices made and the unwavering spirit of those who fought for India's liberation.
His story continues to inspire generations, reminding them of the power of resilience,
the importance of standing up for one's beliefs, and the unwavering pursuit of


 Gandhi, Sanjeev. (2021). Subhash Chander Bose: True Nationalist and Great
Socio-Political Thinker.
 Chauhan, Abnish. (2017). Rhetoric of Subhash Chandra Bose: Creation and
Critisicm. 16. 249-259.
 Rakesh, D & Bijalwan, Ram & Chamolli, Ammit. (2021). PJAEE, 17 (9)

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AMIT CHAMOLI. Scopus. 17. 8525-8530.

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